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Re: Re: Understanding and Accommodating MCS

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p.s....also have people tried in addition,

chelating heavy metals, even if not the cause,

certainly an additional burden on body. I know I

have developed 'some' chemical sensitivity as the

day I went out of Bigg's -after smelling some

strong plastic smell and then putrid smell- and

vomited, and also have noted that either things

are smellier (perhaps not a word?) than I

remember them or I have developed a heightened

sense of smell. Anyway two things could have

brought this on, one or the other or both

together. In the same year, I dry sanded with

electric sander paint that turned out to be

leaded and inhaled alot of lead paint dust which

is more toxic thing to do than eat it I found

out. Second thing was doctor gave me a Rx drug

that had the rare side affect in me of

suppressing my immune system. Symptoms I

disregarded since doctor did also and so took it

for almost a year before I realized it was making

me sick. So I think mold that I was living

around for a long time finally made me sick due

to the suppression of my immune system via

medicine and I became very sensitive to mold and

sick, and also the heavy lead exposure. Anyway,

if you can't totally detox from mycotoxins, go

after the other things that intoxicate you. (I

don't recommend trying to detox from more than

one thing at a time though as I think this is too

hard on liver and kidneys.) Different toxins

require different agents to detox. Like NAC

detoxes your system from certain substances such

as Tylenol. Since detoxing can be tricky, the

advise of a doctor is probably wanted if you can

find a good doctor who knows what he is doing. I

learned not to just pick something up at health

food store and start to take it. I did that with

ALA and really got into trouble with too high a

dose, with indications of liver trouble. I've

learned it's trickier to safely detox than I

realized. This is an area that doing a lot of

reading up on is has a huge impact on results as

detoxing improperly can end up just stirring up

toxins and redepositing them someplace more

dangerous than where they were before, picking

them up out of bone tissue where they aren't

giving you much trouble and redistributing them

into brain tissue for example. Also I've read

not to use a chelating agent that picks up

mercury if you have ANY mercury containing

amalgams because it will pick it up out of

amalgams where it isn't doing much damage and

could end up depositing into brain or other soft

organ. I have found that reading up on autism

information sites offer a good source of info on

detoxing from heavy metals. Another example is

ALA crosses the blood brain barrier so you don't

want to chelate with that until you have chelated

as much heavy metal you can with a chelating

agent that DOESN'T cross the bbb so you don't

accidentally drag mercury or lead from somewhere

in body into brain. I don't know if this is

making much sense as I am kind of writing this in

a hurry but just throwing it out there for


--- barb1283 <barb1283@...> wrote:

> Since the liver is the major detox organ, I

> wonder if just detoxing

> liver would resolve MCS. I'm sure there are

> people who

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