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Primal Defense

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I have given Primal Defense for a month (more or less) at a time, several

times over the last few years. I have never seen anything negative from it,

and several times seen positive things at the same time he was on it. To be

honest, I never noticed that it contained chlorella, if it does, and have

been using it since before I knew this was a concern. I did know that it

contained lysine (beneficial for many with herpes, and the base in Serenaid)

and was said to be gfcf.

We are using it again since we were chelating and concerned about possible

opportunistic gut infections or imbalances, and because my son just

completed a five-day course of Keflex for a nasty case of swimmer's ear.


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>Message: 22

> Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 16:06:51 -0700

> From: " Lorilyn Teasdale " <kteasda1@...>

>Subject: Re: Primal Defense

.. " ... To be

>honest, I never noticed that it contained chlorella, if it does, and have

>been using it since before I knew this was a concern. " >

I must have missed this previous discussion - what is the problem with the

chlorella in Primal defense ?- I just checked my bottle and it does have

chlorella in it.




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  • 2 months later...


It is one kind of probiotic. You can get 40% off price from

www.doctorstrust.com. I put my son on it for two month now.



18Sep2001 08:50 AM

Please respond to


Subject: [ ] primal defense

Retain Until: 10/18/2001 Retention Category: G90 - Information and


Caterpillar Confidential: Green


I have never heard of primal defense, what is it, and who sells it?




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We just received our Primal Defense... it's a " HORSE-TABLET " listed as

" caplet " ...you have found capsules?? We immediately asked our local

compounding pharmacy to advise on options as Dr. ofc said that it's NOT

available in capsule form. He suggests a coffee grinder...We may pay him to

grind down and weigh a " caplet " to get an appropriate dosing. My hope would

be that a manufacturer would understand that many of our guys CAN'T-DON'T

swallow meds and many don't eat anything that it could be added to like

Applesauce ...pudding....peanut/nut butters...and leave it in powder

form...or capsule form.

[ ] Primal Defense

Primal Defense is a " natural whole food supplement " it says on the bottle

with a lot of probiotics and other ingredients too long to list. Their

e-mail address is defensecom@..., made by Garden of Life. I've

ordered it through Pathway Labs at 1-800 869-9160, but someone else

posted recently about another website where it is discounted. I've given

up to 1 1/2 capsules a day to my 6 yr. old son. I started with 1/2

capsule and gradually worked up to more. It's pretty powerful stuff as I

think my son had a little bit of a dye off reaction at first from taking

it, so I'd start slow. It's also almost black in color so it's a little

hard to disguise. I put it in cranberry juice for him. It's actually soil

based organisms.




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I crash the caplet of Primal defense and add some water. Then use syrindge

to give my boy. It works really well.


" " <ddaska@...>

21Sep2001 07:43 AM

Please respond to

< >


Subject: RE: [ ] Primal Defense

Retain Until: 10/21/2001 Retention Category: G90 - Information and


Caterpillar Confidential: Green

We just received our Primal Defense... it's a " HORSE-TABLET " listed as

" caplet " ...you have found capsules?? We immediately asked our local

compounding pharmacy to advise on options as Dr. ofc said that it's NOT

available in capsule form. He suggests a coffee grinder...We may pay him


grind down and weigh a " caplet " to get an appropriate dosing. My hope


be that a manufacturer would understand that many of our guys CAN'T-DON'T

swallow meds and many don't eat anything that it could be added to like

Applesauce ...pudding....peanut/nut butters...and leave it in powder

form...or capsule form.

[ ] Primal Defense

Primal Defense is a " natural whole food supplement " it says on the bottle

with a lot of probiotics and other ingredients too long to list. Their

e-mail address is defensecom@..., made by Garden of Life. I've

ordered it through Pathway Labs at 1-800 869-9160, but someone else

posted recently about another website where it is discounted. I've given

up to 1 1/2 capsules a day to my 6 yr. old son. I started with 1/2

capsule and gradually worked up to more. It's pretty powerful stuff as I

think my son had a little bit of a dye off reaction at first from taking

it, so I'd start slow. It's also almost black in color so it's a little

hard to disguise. I put it in cranberry juice for him. It's actually soil

based organisms.




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GREAT! I guess I should inform the Dr. ofc of this...I'm sure many will be

helped to know this. Do you order it directly from Garden of Life? I'll

check for web site. THANKS!

Re: [ ] Primal Defense

If it's Primal Defense by Garden of Life, we order it in capsule form.




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Primal Defense can be ordered through PAthway Labs at 1- 800- 869-9160 or

their website is: defensecom@...



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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 11/6/01 3:18:45 PM EST, ddaska@... writes:

<< We've considered the Primal Defense powder for our son next order...we

wern't told it came in a powder...Wondering how much powder is one tablet?

The " crushing " is time consuming, but dosin is easy...What have you found? >>

I don't know how much powder is in a tablet. The powder comes with a scoop

(which is very close to 1/4 teaspoon). Dosage recommendations of powder for

adults are from 3 to 12 scoops per day, children under 12 one scoop per day.

I mix it into plum sauce, which is dark in color, as is the Primal Defense.

My son takes it with no problem in the plum sauce, but refused it in lighter

colored foods which changed color.

Don't know if this means anything yet, but after 5 days on Primal Defense, my

son told my husband and I how much he loves our cats. This was a total and

complete shocker to my husband, since until now, he's really not liked our

cats at all, and, while not outwardly aggressive towards them, would screat

at them if they came near him or his toys. We'd never heard him say anything

nice about them before, ever! (My husband suggested I up the dose of Primal


Good luck,


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  • 6 months later...
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I can give you my son's experience on Primal Defense. He was on it for six

weeks, three scoops per day. He gradually during that time became more

stimmy, spacy, hyperactive and his pupils began to be very dilated. I now

suspect that the chlorella in Primal Defense was the culprit, as it likely

moved mercury around his little body without removing it from his body.

It took several weeks for him to get back to his normal after stopping the

Primal Defense, and now, five months later, his pupils still are not

completely normal.

I did some research online about Primal Defense and found that many people

had very good responses while on it; others, like my son, had very bad

responses. Maybe it depends on what type of heavy metal toxicity you have? I

don't know, just guessing.

So be very careful,


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  • 3 months later...

My son was on Primal Defense for six weeks. During that time, he gradually

seemed to get worse. At first, of course, I attributed it to die-off, but

after six weeks he was hyperactive, irritable, aggressive and his pupils had

dilated. I had made no other changes during these six weeks, so truly do

think my son's problems were due to the Primal Defense. I looked up lots of

old posts about it on lots of message boards, and found there were many

others who's children had done poorly on it. Of course, there were also many

who's children did really well on it. Primal Defense contains chlorella,

which in my son's case may have been moving mercury around in his body. You

said you'd been chelating for 18 months, so I'm not sure if it makes sense

that chlorella was the culprit in your son's case. I'm not even sure

chlorella was what caused my son's problems, but I do know that after

stopping the Primal Defense, in two weeks he was back to where he was

beforehand, except for his pupils, which have truthfully never been the same


Just our experience,


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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 2/5/2003 9:21:09 AM Central Standard Time,

susanwald@... writes:

> Has anyone used Primal Defense as their probiotic?

My son did horribly on it. It contains chlorella, which is possibly the

culprit if one has mercury toxicity. When my son did so badly on it, I did a

lot of searches on it, and from what I found, it seemed roughly half of the

peeople on it did great, the other did horribly.


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Try it but watch very closely for adverse signs. Not just behavioural

signs but things like dilalted pupils. If you get worried, stop.

About 50 per cent of people do well on this, often very well. The

other half suffer. I even read a posting in which one family member

did well and the other did poorly, so be careful.

> Has anyone used Primal Defense as their probiotic? I am using it

and feel great, I think its wonderful. I have more energy and my

memory is getting better! Is it a good one for our kids? On the

bottle it says children can be dosed with one tablet a day.





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> Try it but watch very closely for adverse signs. Not just


> signs but things like dilalted pupils. If you get worried, stop.


> Steve, what is the concern with dilated pupils? Logan got this

when he started paxil but then it finally quit. I am not using

primal defense but noticed it again today after lunch and the

enzymes. His pupils get very large. kelly

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Dena,

the bottle of Primal Defence says " This product contains no dairy

products, gluten or GMO " . My son took Fungal Defence, a product of

the same Garden of Life as PD, and I also bought PD for him. We

never used it though, because he is allergic to brewer's yeast, and

both FD and PD contain Saccharomyces Boulardii, a close relative or

even a variety of those. While taking FD my son developed a strong

rash, I thought it was because of Saccharomyces Boulardii in FD, and

stopped it and never gave PD either. If you want, I could sell our

bottle of PD to you for half price, it is unopened. The only thing,

I kept it on my counter and not in the refrigerator, but it doesn't

say " refrigerate " , and it says it's good till 12/2005.


> I think it was on this board that I saw someone talking about this

> product. Is this GF/CF? I am trying to find something that my


> can take. He has no good growth in his gut and the two products


> DAN! doctor suggested have rice maltodextrin in them (Ultra


> DF and Ultra Bifidus DF). The ones I have been using are not

> working and I need something stronger. Thanks for all the help.

> Dena

> Mother of Hayden (2.9 yo-asd)

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The container states that it is gluten and casein free.

Primal Defense

> I think it was on this board that I saw someone talking about this

> product. Is this GF/CF? I am trying to find something that my son

> can take. He has no good growth in his gut and the two products his

> DAN! doctor suggested have rice maltodextrin in them (Ultra Dophilus

> DF and Ultra Bifidus DF). The ones I have been using are not

> working and I need something stronger. Thanks for all the help.

> Dena

> Mother of Hayden (2.9 yo-asd)







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  • 2 weeks later...
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My son uses 1 scoop Primal Defense/day (age 4, 40lbs). He's been using this

for about 4 months. Doing great and will continue.



> I just started my 8yr old autistic son on Primal Defense - 1/8 cap per day.


> How much do we work up to - the full cap or more? What changes should I be

> seeing IF it is working? He seems to have big problems with bacteria & I

> have

> taken a break from chelating to see if I can get it under control...how

> long

> should this take?

> Thanks,

> Michele


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How has it been helping with gut issues that come up during chelation? We're

having lots of trouble there...

Thanks again,


In a message dated 5/15/03 11:29:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Jacquiec1@... writes:

<< M:

My son uses 1 scoop Primal Defense/day (age 4, 40lbs). He's been using this

for about 4 months. Doing great and will continue.

Jacq >>

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In a message dated 5/16/03 10:46:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

danaatty@... writes:

<< Second, I recently discovered that adding zinc again helps with the

messy bms. You can try that if you want.


How much zinc in total?



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>> He seems to have big problems with bacteria & I have

> taken a break from chelating to see if I can get it under

control...how long

> should this take?

Two ideas which you are free to ignore LOL

First, chelation tends to aggravate yeast. Sometimes when I can't get

the bacteria under control, I start another round, and this helps.

Second, I recently discovered that adding zinc again helps with the

messy bms. You can try that if you want.

Good luck.


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> In a message dated 5/16/03 10:46:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> danaatty@y... writes:


> << Second, I recently discovered that adding zinc again helps with


> messy bms. You can try that if you want.


> >>

> How much zinc in total?

I tried zinc on the advice of a member of my local group whose child

had never had a formed bm, despite diet and enzymes and other things,

until she started him on zinc. I started with 25 mg for my #2, no

specific reason for that amount, it was just what I started with.

That seemed to help for two days, altho not entirely. So the third

day I increased it to 50 mg, which made him constipated LOLOLOL, he

has never been constipated in his entire life! So now we are back to

25, will probably experiment with something between 25-50.


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Our son weighs 62lbs/ age almost 7- now but for a about 1 1/2 years we have

given him a scoop with each meals/ supplements.(of course we worked up to this)

On his last CDSA interpretation, it was the first time he had several items in

normal ranges. Our Dr. said he seems to be digesting fine according to the test

but still not absorbing well.

Jacquiec1@... wrote:M:

My son uses 1 scoop Primal Defense/day (age 4, 40lbs). He's been using this

for about 4 months. Doing great and will continue.



> I just started my 8yr old autistic son on Primal Defense - 1/8 cap per day.


> How much do we work up to - the full cap or more? What changes should I be

> seeing IF it is working? He seems to have big problems with bacteria & I

> have

> taken a break from chelating to see if I can get it under control...how

> long

> should this take?

> Thanks,

> Michele


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


The bottle states no refrigertaioon required.

Hope this helps


> Does anyone know if this primal defense product needs to be

refrigerated? My

> doctor refrigerates it and the health food store does not. I

didn't buy it at

> the health food store since I wasn't sure of the effect of no


> Roni

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