Guest guest Posted August 28, 2005 Report Share Posted August 28, 2005 I ordered Primal Defense once but can't recall for sure, but I gave away to a friend to take. All the things we try to save ourselves and the companies profit bigtime on us...... RC > Hi all, > > I just wanted to let those of you with gut issues in on this: I have > been taking Garden of Life's Primal defense and have had less > diarrehia and a little less fatigue. I have tried other probiotics > with some success but this seems to be helping more. > > Ciao > Elio Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 29, 2005 Report Share Posted August 29, 2005 I've been taking Primal Defense once or twice daily for the past year. Two months ago, I was scoped for Crohn's and was in total remission for the first time in 25 years. My nine year old daughter's GERD (reflux disease) has also cleared up. This stuff is good! I've found the best prices on e-bay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 29, 2005 Report Share Posted August 29, 2005 I may see if my friend still has the Primal Defense and try it again. Seems it made me feel bad or something but I know the kill of of yeast can make us feel bad. Rhonda > I've been taking Primal Defense once or twice daily for the past year. Two > months ago, I was scoped for Crohn's and was in total remission for the first > time in 25 years. My nine year old daughter's GERD (reflux disease) has also > cleared up. This stuff is good! I've found the best prices on e- bay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 2, 2005 Report Share Posted November 2, 2005 That's wild! . . . When I was there last week, it was 30% off max only! . . . I wonder what happened? Rogene --- Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: > Ebay has 180 ct. for $35 " buy it now " + $6 shipping > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 12, 2006 Report Share Posted April 12, 2006 YEs, that's pretty normal. It is probably a sign of die-off of some of the bad organisms as the friendly ones take over, or just a herx reaction. It should pass eventually, but it is a good sign that things are working! Patty > > Hi, > I started taking Primal Defense last Friday. I started with one first > few days then took 2 a day. I have felt really fatigued and have had > a flare in symptoms. Is this normal?? I would appreciate any > advice. > Hugs, MK > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2006 Report Share Posted September 1, 2006 This was posted on the aspergillus board from Carol. Since many of you may be on probiotics and they have been discussed here several times, I thought you may be interested in this. KC From: " gailcarols " <Gailcarols@...> Date: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:48 pm Subject: Primal Defense http://uk./group/AspergillusSupport/message/15655 Hi all: I must be on a roll here. Since there has been mention of Primal Defense and Fungal Defense, I wanted to bring those who have not heard about them before some information that they can think about. Primal Defense is a probiotic and is full of every kind of lactobacillas and lacilus lichenformis, etc. - a very long list. Fungal Defense evidently has all of the above plus yucca juice and garlic juice. There is a lot of discussion on the web as to probiotics and if the products themselves (all products, not just the Garden of Life ones that produce Primal Defense) do not necessarily contain the amounts of probiotics listed on their containers, and also that once the pill goes through the digestive part of your stomach there might not be much left of the actual probiotic left when it hits your gut. Probiotics are supposed to work in your gut to improve the good bacteria. Now some on this site have said that they feel better when taking it, and if it helps your body to digest better the things you eat, then this might be good. However, one of our members has said that Dr. Marinkovich does not think Primal Defense should be taken by anyone with a mold disease. So I thought I would research a little deeper. The probiotics in Primal Defense are made from HSO - or soil organisms. In a Quackbuster article which you can find at warning.html there is information from Jini Patel who wrote " The IBD Remission Diet " which is about irritable bowel disease. In it says that originally he/she (?) recommended that his readers try Primal Defense after they had been completely healed for 3 to 5 months, but that he was retracting that statement after researching why it is not safe to consume bacterial soil organisms like those contained in Primal Defense and numerous other products. " To summarize the research briefly, soil organisms (SO) are spore formers, so they make good competitors of yeast, fungus and other pathogens. This is why so many people taking soil organisms will initially experience very favorable results. However these spores are extremely difficult to kill, surviving sterilants, disinfectants, acceleration forces, heat, pressure, radiation and many antibiotics. Strong antibiotics like Vancomycin can suppress certain spores. Spores are so persistent in the intestines that another round of germination may occur after the drug is stopped. Soil organisms can also adapt loose genetic material and incorporate it into their cellular structure - the ramifications of which are yet unknown. Various soil organisms can also produce harmful peptides, affecting hemoglobin in the blood. It's important to keep in mind that virtually all antibiotic drugs were initially developed from soil organisms and as antibiotics become more potent, they cause more damage to the host, not just in the immediate gut environment, but systematically as well. In the EU the use of soil organisms in animal feed is being stringently controlled and questioned at this time. There are simply too many questions and unknowns to sanction the use of soil organisms for human consumption and one can certainly not qualify them as safe at this time. " This was written in July of 2003. So, after reading the above, you can make your own decisions on what you should do. Take care. Carol at Tahoe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2006 Report Share Posted September 2, 2006 So does this mean that only the brand name of Primal Defense is made from soil organisms and other probiotics are not? In a message dated 9/1/2006 10:34:48 AM Central Standard Time, tigerpaw2c@... writes: This was posted on the aspergillus board from Carol. Since many of you may be on probiotics and they have been discussed here several times, I thought you may be interested in this. KC From: " gailcarols " <Gailcarols@Gai> Date: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:48 pm Subject: Primal Defense _http://uk.groups.http://uk.http://uk.groupshttp://ukhttp://uk.gro_ (http://uk./group/AspergillusSupport/message/15655) Hi all: I must be on a roll here. Since there has been mention of Primal Defense and Fungal Defense, I wanted to bring those who have not heard about them before some information that they can think about. Primal Defense is a probiotic and is full of every kind of lactobacillas and lacilus lichenformis, etc. - a very long list. Fungal Defense evidently has all of the above plus yucca juice and garlic juice. There is a lot of discussion on the web as to probiotics and if the products themselves (all products, not just the Garden of Life ones that produce Primal Defense) do not necessarily contain the amounts of probiotics listed on their containers, and also that once the pill goes through the digestive part of your stomach there might not be much left of the actual probiotic left when it hits your gut. Probiotics are supposed to work in your gut to improve the good bacteria. Now some on this site have said that they feel better when taking it, and if it helps your body to digest better the things you eat, then this might be good. However, one of our members has said that Dr. Marinkovich does not think Primal Defense should be taken by anyone with a mold disease. So I thought I would research a little deeper. The probiotics in Primal Defense are made from HSO - or soil organisms. In a Quackbuster article which you can find at _http://quackfiles.http://quhttp://quhttp://quahttp://quackhttp://quac_ ( warning.html there is information from Jini Patel who wrote " The IBD Remission Diet " which is about irritable bowel disease. In it says that originally he/she (?) recommended that his readers try Primal Defense after they had been completely healed for 3 to 5 months, but that he was retracting that statement after researching why it is not safe to consume bacterial soil organisms like those contained in Primal Defense and numerous other products. " To summarize the research briefly, soil organisms (SO) are spore formers, so they make good competitors of yeast, fungus and other pathogens. This is why so many people taking soil organisms will initially experience very favorable results. However these spores are extremely difficult to kill, surviving sterilants, disinfectants, acceleration forces, heat, pressure, radiation and many antibiotics. Strong antibiotics like Vancomycin can suppress certain spores. Spores are so persistent in the intestines that another round of germination may occur after the drug is stopped. Soil organisms can also adapt loose genetic material and incorporate it into their cellular structure - the ramifications of which are yet unknown. Various soil organisms can also produce harmful peptides, affecting hemoglobin in the blood. It's important to keep in mind that virtually all antibiotic drugs were initially developed from soil organisms and as antibiotics become more potent, they cause more damage to the host, not just in the immediate gut environment, but systematically as well. In the EU the use of soil organisms in animal feed is being stringently controlled and questioned at this time. There are simply too many questions and unknowns to sanction the use of soil organisms for human consumption and one can certainly not qualify them as safe at this time. " This was written in July of 2003. So, after reading the above, you can make your own decisions on what you should do. Take care. Carol at Tahoe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2006 Report Share Posted September 2, 2006 Probiotics are not soil organisms. Primal Defense might add some soil organism it feels are also beneficial. Probiotics are bacteria that come from milk culturing, not soil. As soon as baby gets milk from mother, his own body warmth helps milk to culture probiotics. We take extra to help certain ailments but I don't believe myself massive amounts are necessary. If one or two doses of massive amounts don't work, you have another problem, probably Candida or other bad bacteria in the way. When I had ulcerated throat from too strong an antibotic at age 10 a couple of days of buttermilk cleared it up. It shouldn't take billions per capsuls of special type I don't think. If eating cultures products don't do it, then it's a 'real estate' tract is overrun with bad bacteria or yeast and you need to take something to kill that off and take probiotics at same time to repopulate. If you aren't taking anything to kill off the bad stuff, you could take billions and billions of probiotics every day and never have alot of beneficial bacteria if there is no 'emply real estate' to take hold. --- bobbinsbiomed@... wrote: > > So does this mean that only the brand name of > Primal Defense is made from > soil organisms and other probiotics are not? > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 8, 2007 Report Share Posted March 8, 2007 We do. I put 1/4 tsp in every dose of chelation during rounds. It's the only time I use that particular one (just b/c it's easy and flavors the meds), and it keeps the yeast at bay. Wyndie > > Has anyone tried the new Primal Defense powder? It supposed to have a > banana flavor.78.9 gms for 17.50.Please repy if you have used this or > the capsules. Thanks so much for your help. joyce. Its a new one out > for kids. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Hi ladies, When I was taking primal defense I had these red splottcy tiny red dots come up all over my arms how do you know if your body is just detoxing the bad stuff or you are having an allergic reaction to the pill? Thanks so much, Stacie Hall m: katy mclean <thesuddendeparture@...> >Reply- > >Subject: Re: Re:brain fog >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:22:32 -0400 (EDT) >MIME-Version: 1.0 >X-Originating-IP: >X-Sender: thesuddendeparture@... >Received: from n20a.bullet.sp1. ([]) by > with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Wed, >28 Mar 2007 08:23:39 -0700 >Received: from [] by n20.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 28 >Mar 2007 15:23:37 -0000 >Received: from [] by t2.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 28 Mar >2007 15:23:37 -0000 >Received: from [] by t5.bullet.scd. with NNFMP; 28 Mar >2007 15:23:37 -0000 >Received: (qmail 82119 invoked from network); 28 Mar 2007 15:23:36 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m37a.grp.scd. with QMQP; >28 Mar 2007 15:23:36 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO web58201.mail.re3.) ( >by mta14.grp.scd. with SMTP; 28 Mar 2007 15:23:36 -0000 >Received: (qmail 76002 invoked by uid 60001); 28 Mar 2007 15:22:32 -0000 >Received: from [] by web58201.mail.re3. via HTTP; Wed, >28 Mar 2007 11:22:32 EDT >X-Message-Info: >LsUYwwHHNt0aS2xSHejcj32YdSrWqcyOhOwAYBtvaInssuulXcTznYmZhiwre8n3 >Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam./domainkeys >DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=lima; >d=;b=GajV4eb7B+/xuO6z25xv6KcWm7pjYS80NqHUHUNgnG2htFncuslleZnXgll\ wWUwoYgFLgCUSNF/QLI0iZnyYyLrukj6YTc8Nbz0KQwJ5Z6WUnNEUROWs1QhByEKwImtS; >X--Newman-Id: 2040647-m5749 >X-Apparently- >X-YMail-OSG: 9fL5rBgVM1kSiPHRU.aE3s02YxiCy5UK2HiwD10k >X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:0:0:0 >X--Profile: thesuddendeparture >Mailing-List: list ; contact > -owner >Delivered-mailing list >List-Id: < .> >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto: -unsubscribe > >X--Newman-Property: groups-email-ff >Return-Path: >\ m >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Mar 2007 15:23:39.0249 (UTC) >FILETIME=[0FA8CE10:01C7714D] > >Hi , > > My toes go numb like this too all the time!! I didn't ever think that >could be connected to anything. Thought I was just wearing ill fitting >shoes or something. I learn new things here everyday!! > > So are your toes still numb after explant?? I hate the numbness! > > Katy:) > >toxicsalines@... wrote: > DeDe, > > I have the neuropathy issues to, but not as severe as you do....I think >Dr. Kolb put me on something for it, I am sure she did... My right three >toes go numb..... I don't remember what exactly she gave me for that >issue... I will have to do some checking... I think when you get your >implants removed, the issues regarding skin and numbness will cease a lot >just from the removal.... Maybe others here have suggestions for neuropathy >issues? I will check into the supplement given to me for the >neuropathy.... I will pray you get these implants removed soon, I pray your >heart is ok to do the surgery soon... > > God Bless, > > ~ > > > > >--------------------------------- > AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free >from AOL at > > > > > >--------------------------------- >Make free worldwide PC-to-PC calls. Try the new Canada Messenger >with Voice _________________________________________________________________ MSN is giving away a trip to Vegas to see Elton . Enter to win today. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Could be either one. Lynda At 11:18 AM 4/5/2007, you wrote: >Hi ladies, > >When I was taking primal defense I had these red splottcy tiny red dots come >up all over my arms how do you know if your body is just detoxing the bad >stuff or you are having an allergic reaction to the pill? > >Thanks so much, >Stacie Hall > > > > > > > > >m: katy mclean <thesuddendeparture@...> > >Reply- > > > >Subject: Re: Re:brain fog > >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:22:32 -0400 (EDT) > >MIME-Version: 1.0 > >X-Originating-IP: > >X-Sender: thesuddendeparture@... > >Received: from n20a.bullet.sp1. ([]) by > > with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Wed, > >28 Mar 2007 08:23:39 -0700 > >Received: from [] by n20.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 28 > >Mar 2007 15:23:37 -0000 > >Received: from [] by t2.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 28 Mar > >2007 15:23:37 -0000 > >Received: from [] by t5.bullet.scd. with NNFMP; 28 Mar > >2007 15:23:37 -0000 > >Received: (qmail 82119 invoked from network); 28 Mar 2007 15:23:36 -0000 > >Received: from unknown ( by m37a.grp.scd. with QMQP; > >28 Mar 2007 15:23:36 -0000 > >Received: from unknown (HELO web58201.mail.re3.) ( > >by mta14.grp.scd. with SMTP; 28 Mar 2007 15:23:36 -0000 > >Received: (qmail 76002 invoked by uid 60001); 28 Mar 2007 15:22:32 -0000 > >Received: from [] by web58201.mail.re3. via HTTP; Wed, > >28 Mar 2007 11:22:32 EDT > >X-Message-Info: > >LsUYwwHHNt0aS2xSHejcj32YdSrWqcyOhOwAYBtvaInssuulXcTznYmZhiwre8n3 > >Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam./domainkeys > >DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=lima; > >d=;b=GajV4eb7B+/xuO6z25xv6KcWm7pjYS80NqHUHUNgnG2htFn > cuslleZnXgllwWUwoYgFLgCUSNF/QLI0iZnyYyLrukj6YTc8Nbz0KQwJ5Z6WUnNEUROWs1QhByEKwImt\ S; > >X--Newman-Id: 2040647-m5749 > >X-Apparently- > >X-YMail-OSG: 9fL5rBgVM1kSiPHRU.aE3s02YxiCy5UK2HiwD10k > >X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:0:0:0 > >X--Profile: thesuddendeparture > >Mailing-List: list ; contact > > -owner > >Delivered-mailing list > >List-Id: < .> > >Precedence: bulk > >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto: -unsubscribe > > >X--Newman-Property: groups-email-ff > >Return-Path: > > > ups. > >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Mar 2007 15:23:39.0249 (UTC) > >FILETIME=[0FA8CE10:01C7714D] > > > >Hi , > > > > My toes go numb like this too all the time!! I didn't ever think that > >could be connected to anything. Thought I was just wearing ill fitting > >shoes or something. I learn new things here everyday!! > > > > So are your toes still numb after explant?? I hate the numbness! > > > > Katy:) > > > >toxicsalines@... wrote: > > DeDe, > > > > I have the neuropathy issues to, but not as severe as you do....I think > >Dr. Kolb put me on something for it, I am sure she did... My right three > >toes go numb..... I don't remember what exactly she gave me for that > >issue... I will have to do some checking... I think when you get your > >implants removed, the issues regarding skin and numbness will cease a lot > >just from the removal.... Maybe others here have suggestions for neuropathy > >issues? I will check into the supplement given to me for the > >neuropathy.... I will pray you get these implants removed soon, I pray your > >heart is ok to do the surgery soon... > > > > God Bless, > > > > ~ > > > > > > > > > >--------------------------------- > > AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free > >from AOL at > > > > > > > > > > > >--------------------------------- > >Make free worldwide PC-to-PC calls. Try the new Canada Messenger > >with Voice > >_________________________________________________________________ >MSN is giving away a trip to Vegas to see Elton . Enter to win today. > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Stacie, I've never heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to Primal Defense . . . Doesn't mean it couldn't happen though . . . It does have silicone dioxide in the capsule form . . . You might be reacting to that . . . If so, there is a powder form of Primal Defense that is silicone dioxide-free. I'd suggest that you quit using it for a while . . . use acidopholis, or another type of antifungal and see what happens . . . Watch out that the new one doesn't have silicone dioxide in it. If the splotches are open, clean them with 3% hydrogen peroxide to prevent infection. This may just be toxins trying to escape through the skin. . . Epsom Salt baths would help draw the toxins out. Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 i have the same splotches.are u yeasty right nowOn 4/5/07, Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Stacie, I've never heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to Primal Defense . . . Doesn't mean it couldn't happen though . . . It does have silicone dioxide in the capsule form . . . You might be reacting to that . . . If so, there is a powder form of Primal Defense that is silicone dioxide-free. I'd suggest that you quit using it for a while . . . use acidopholis, or another type of antifungal and see what happens . . . Watch out that the new one doesn't have silicone dioxide in it. If the splotches are open, clean them with 3% hydrogen peroxide to prevent infection. This may just be toxins trying to escape through the skin. . . Epsom Salt baths would help draw the toxins out. Hugs, Rogene -- gretchen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 gretchen, I quit taking the primal defense. The rash did enventually go away I called the company and they said that was very normal. So I dont know. I do feel like Im very irritable when I take it and it seems to constipate me for some reason. I may try it again however I feel like I do better when I just take an acidoliphillus supplement. Stacie >From: " . .Gretchen. . " <gretchenc@...> >Reply- > >Subject: Re: Re: primal defense >Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 10:57:51 -0700 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >X-Originating-IP: >X-Sender: gretchenc@... >Received: from n26b.bullet.sp1. ([]) by > with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Thu, 5 >Apr 2007 10:59:11 -0700 >Received: from [] by n26.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 05 >Apr 2007 17:59:10 -0000 >Received: from [] by t4.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 05 Apr >2007 17:59:10 -0000 >Received: from [] by t6.bullet.scd. with NNFMP; 05 >Apr 2007 17:59:10 -0000 >Received: (qmail 49017 invoked from network); 5 Apr 2007 17:57:56 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m42.grp.scd. with QMQP; >5 Apr 2007 17:57:56 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO ( by >mta8.grp.scd. with SMTP; 5 Apr 2007 17:57:55 -0000 >Received: by with SMTP id w9so989007mue for >< >; Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:57:52 -0700 (PDT) >Received: by with SMTP id v7mr3048135bud.1175795871222; >Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:57:51 -0700 (PDT) >Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 5 Apr 2007 10:57:51 -0700 (PDT) >X-Message-Info: >oG9qAjD2BNHZrZ/JMlJ0VPmJQxY1VIrjqg4SLNOawPh66Pmhkj42cwkFoXWOoQ0K >Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam./domainkeys >DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=lima; >d=;b=PII50dLUwNspkAj+tY7hFUtnniOIHbU3doVrKNw/xkJ0K5Xk23I5UBnePbh\ D4ILG5OmxDi6mgRxLqRPQHqrGBaML6FZ2CVINXZH9m6ax+H1LdwS4YXDMX8z+1oDJQjO2; >X--Newman-Id: 2040647-m7225 >X-Apparently- >DKIM-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=beta; > >h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-repl\ y-to:mime-version:content-type:references; > >b=WWCHFRUN3uNa4f+LuLbO2xgSA4+aF3PgXF5eYoTN/JjUWD+r4EPMInL6AsnfVGSH8ML6hlzdtCRIT\ ykcQIAauINSkwPrWZTkWVdBuwSTcTIBUVLKeAGcUKqDquXrReq/aP98aP+5AL50OxAyAH/S4NC4TtoOl\ 05yyKYbIThuzZM= >References: <20070405174701.90605.qmail@...> >X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:0:0:0 >X--Profile: foxygretchy >Mailing-List: list ; contact > -owner >Delivered-mailing list >List-Id: < .> >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto: -unsubscribe > >X--Newman-Property: groups-email-ff >Return-Path: >\ m >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Apr 2007 17:59:11.0183 (UTC) >FILETIME=[1D3AEDF0:01C777AC] > >i have the same splotches. >are u yeasty right now > >On 4/5/07, Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: >> >> Stacie, >> >>I've never heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to Primal Defense . >>. . Doesn't mean it couldn't happen though . . . >> >>It does have silicone dioxide in the capsule form . . . You might be >>reacting to that . . . If so, there is a powder form of Primal Defense >>that >>is silicone dioxide-free. >> >>I'd suggest that you quit using it for a while . . . use acidopholis, or >>another type of antifungal and see what happens . . . >> >>Watch out that the new one doesn't have silicone dioxide in it. >> >>If the splotches are open, clean them with 3% hydrogen peroxide to prevent >>infection. >> >>This may just be toxins trying to escape through the skin. . . Epsom Salt >>baths would help draw the toxins out. >> >>Hugs, >> >>Rogene >> >> >> > > > >-- >gretchen _________________________________________________________________ Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Stacie, My ND told me that many of his patients who take Primal Defense feel worse when taking it and thus discontinue its use. He doesn't prescribe it for that very reason. Kenda > > I quit taking the primal defense. The rash did enventually go away I called > the company and they said that was very normal. So I dont know. I do feel > like Im very irritable when I take it and it seems to constipate me for some > reason. I may try it again however I feel like I do better when I just take > an acidoliphillus supplement. > > Stacie > > >> From: " . .Gretchen. . " <gretchenc@...> >> Reply- >> >> Subject: Re: Re: primal defense >> Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 10:57:51 -0700 >> MIME-Version: 1.0 >> X-Originating-IP: >> X-Sender: gretchenc@... >> Received: from n26b.bullet.sp1. ([]) by >> with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Thu, 5 >> Apr 2007 10:59:11 -0700 >> Received: from [] by n26.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 05 >> Apr 2007 17:59:10 -0000 >> Received: from [] by t4.bullet.sp1. with NNFMP; 05 Apr >> 2007 17:59:10 -0000 >> Received: from [] by t6.bullet.scd. with NNFMP; 05 >> Apr 2007 17:59:10 -0000 >> Received: (qmail 49017 invoked from network); 5 Apr 2007 17:57:56 -0000 >> Received: from unknown ( by m42.grp.scd. with QMQP; >> 5 Apr 2007 17:57:56 -0000 >> Received: from unknown (HELO ( by >> mta8.grp.scd. with SMTP; 5 Apr 2007 17:57:55 -0000 >> Received: by with SMTP id w9so989007mue for >> < >; Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:57:52 -0700 (PDT) >> Received: by with SMTP id v7mr3048135bud.1175795871222; >> Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:57:51 -0700 (PDT) >> Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 5 Apr 2007 10:57:51 -0700 (PDT) >> X-Message-Info: >> oG9qAjD2BNHZrZ/JMlJ0VPmJQxY1VIrjqg4SLNOawPh66Pmhkj42cwkFoXWOoQ0K >> Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam./domainkeys >> DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=lima; >> d=;b=PII50dLUwNspkAj+tY7hFUtnniOIHbU3doVrKNw/xkJ0K5Xk23I5UBneP >> bhD4ILG5OmxDi6mgRxLqRPQHqrGBaML6FZ2CVINXZH9m6ax+H1LdwS4YXDMX8z+1oDJQjO2; >> X--Newman-Id: 2040647-m7225 >> X-Apparently- >> DKIM-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=beta; >> >> h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-re >> ply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; >> >> b=WWCHFRUN3uNa4f+LuLbO2xgSA4+aF3PgXF5eYoTN/JjUWD+r4EPMInL6AsnfVGSH8ML6hlzdtCR >> ITykcQIAauINSkwPrWZTkWVdBuwSTcTIBUVLKeAGcUKqDquXrReq/aP98aP+5AL50OxAyAH/S4NC4 >> TtoOl05yyKYbIThuzZM= >> References: <20070405174701.90605.qmail@...> >> X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:0:0:0 >> X--Profile: foxygretchy >> Mailing-List: list ; contact >> -owner >> Delivered-mailing list >> List-Id: < .> >> Precedence: bulk >> List-Unsubscribe: <mailto: -unsubscribe > >> X--Newman-Property: groups-email-ff >> Return-Path: >> >> com >> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Apr 2007 17:59:11.0183 (UTC) >> FILETIME=[1D3AEDF0:01C777AC] >> >> i have the same splotches. >> are u yeasty right now >> >> On 4/5/07, Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: >>> >>> Stacie, >>> >>> I've never heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to Primal Defense . >>> . . Doesn't mean it couldn't happen though . . . >>> >>> It does have silicone dioxide in the capsule form . . . You might be >>> reacting to that . . . If so, there is a powder form of Primal Defense >>> that >>> is silicone dioxide-free. >>> >>> I'd suggest that you quit using it for a while . . . use acidopholis, or >>> another type of antifungal and see what happens . . . >>> >>> Watch out that the new one doesn't have silicone dioxide in it. >>> >>> If the splotches are open, clean them with 3% hydrogen peroxide to prevent >>> infection. >>> >>> This may just be toxins trying to escape through the skin. . . Epsom Salt >>> baths would help draw the toxins out. >>> >>> Hugs, >>> >>> Rogene >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> -- >> gretchen > > _________________________________________________________________ > Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon. > > 07 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Sis, The problem with Culturelle is that it contains only one strain of probiotic . . . Multiple strains are more likely to colonize the gut so you can move on. There are no synthetic probiotics of any value. . . Garden of Life Primal Defense is made of REAL organisms taken from the soil. The kind of organism you would get with your food if it wasn't grown in land where herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers were used - and if your food wasn't sterilized, pasturized, and processed with chemical additives and preservatives added. My only reservation about Primal Defense is the capsule form for those sensitive to silicone dioxide . . . Even then, a powder form is available. Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 That was great ! ! Love DSee what's free at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Bindi, Here's how I understand it . . . you'll see this isn't "scientifically" correct. When you start treating fungal issues, it's like declaring a war on the nasty little organisms. . . They're everywhere! . . . You're sending in an army (the good organisms) to do battle with the bad guys. . .. You can expect a fierce battle going on as the bad guys fight to keep the space they've come to occupy . . . Then, when they start getting killed off, their dead bodies are littering the battlefield. . . . These dead bodies rot, turning toxic . . . Now you have to flush these guys out . . . The liver removes them from the bloodstream . .. but, if the liver gets overloaded by too many at once, you can get into trouble - hence the medical profession's reluctance to prescribe antifungals willy-nilly. The idea is to introduce anti-fungals at a rate the liver can process the toxins out . . . if you start feeling too bad, it's time to back off and let your body catch up. . . . Drinking a lot of water will help move the toxins along. Moderate exercise will also help. After the major part of the war is over, beneficial organisms must be introduced. . . There are numerous types of organisms . .. the greater the variety, the better. Some organisms will never recolonize . . . so . . . it's necessary to continually supplement those present. I can hear you asking "Why do we want these organisms anyway?" . . . They're part of being human . . . necessary to our very existence . . . from digesting food to fighting off viruses. . . We have to have them to live a healthy life! . . . Just be glad we don't recommend a natural remedy used in Europe for centuries (and I've heard, in tough cases, in this country) . . . Feces transfer! . . . passing ones **** along from a healthy person, to a sick one! . . . UGH! Enough said! Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Rogene, I am home from my footbath, OMG I knew it would be bad but geez it was like some witches brew. Bubbling red with green and brown and slimy, and white spewing out at a little at a time. It was a toxic stew for sure. I am exhausted, I am going back next week. She also gave me vitamins to drink before and during and gogi berri mixture after. Terri P > > Bindi, > > Here's how I understand it . . . you'll see this isn't " scientifically " correct. > > When you start treating fungal issues, it's like declaring a war on the nasty little organisms. . . They're everywhere! . . . > > You're sending in an army (the good organisms) to do battle with the bad guys. . .. > > You can expect a fierce battle going on as the bad guys fight to keep the space they've come to occupy . . . > > Then, when they start getting killed off, their dead bodies are littering the battlefield. . . . > > These dead bodies rot, turning toxic . . . > > Now you have to flush these guys out . . . The liver removes them from the bloodstream . .. but, if the liver gets overloaded by too many at once, you can get into trouble - hence the medical profession's reluctance to prescribe antifungals willy-nilly. > > The idea is to introduce anti-fungals at a rate the liver can process the toxins out . . . if you start feeling too bad, it's time to back off and let your body catch up. . . . Drinking a lot of water will help move the toxins along. Moderate exercise will also help. > > After the major part of the war is over, beneficial organisms must be introduced. . . There are numerous types of organisms . .. the greater the variety, the better. Some organisms will never recolonize . . . so . . . it's necessary to continually supplement those present. > > I can hear you asking " Why do we want these organisms anyway? " . . . They're part of being human . . . necessary to our very existence . . . from digesting food to fighting off viruses. . . We have to have them to live a healthy life! . . . > > Just be glad we don't recommend a natural remedy used in Europe for centuries (and I've heard, in tough cases, in this country) . . . Feces transfer! . . . passing ones **** along from a healthy person, to a sick one! . . . UGH! > > Enough said! > > Rogene > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Incredible, isn't it, Terri? . . . I never would have believed that such a mess could come out of my feet! . . . Each bath has been a little better though! Be sure to drink as much water as possible during the next 48 hours! . . . That junk is stirred up and needs to be flushed ASAP! Keep taking those minerals too! Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 Rogene, Thanks, I have purchased Primal Defense and have been putting off trying it because I was working and didn't know how it would effect me. Since I'm once again out of work, it's probably a good time to give it a try. I also want to get that foot bath you've mentioned. I definitely haven't done much in the way of detoxing and need to. Sis > > Sis, > > The problem with Culturelle is that it contains only one strain of probiotic . . . Multiple strains are more likely to colonize the gut so you can move on. > > There are no synthetic probiotics of any value. . . Garden of Life Primal Defense is made of REAL organisms taken from the soil. The kind of organism you would get with your food if it wasn't grown in land where herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers were used - and if your food wasn't sterilized, pasturized, and processed with chemical additives and preservatives added. > > My only reservation about Primal Defense is the capsule form for those sensitive to silicone dioxide . . . Even then, a powder form is available. > > Hugs, > > Rogene > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2007 Report Share Posted April 5, 2007 I take primal defense.Been taking for almost 8 years. I have to say the powder is so much better.I dont detox fast like i did with the pills.It took me 1 year to get past 1 pill .As soon as i would increase the pills i would get pain on my left side. But i know what i was eating affected me to. They tell you to really restrict sugars,white flour products .That can make you detox fast to.Now that i take the powder.Here how i take mine.I put water in my mouth leave the water in your mouth then put the primal defense in my mouth.I then drink my 8 oz of water.Then i dont waste it. before my surgery i started taking alot of it.I feel it help so much. Dr kolb said i has a bad breast infection before surgery.But when i got the surgery no infection.Just lots of scar tissue.I so know when i need detoxing my left arm pit and breast hurt. One thing i seem to have a problems with is im gaining weight after surgery.Im a bit frustrated about that.I also get frustrated at time that even natural products give me brain fog. We bought earth friendly laundry soap the other day.Then all the sudden my brain feel fuzzy and my lips get numb.ugh.I know we all have bad days.But i keep pressing on.I refuse to let this get me down.My thing is i just want to feel normal.So tommorow im cutting everything out.Starting fresh again. YOu know this may sound funny but sometime this is a blessing.I wouldnt know what i know now about health.It has really made me see things in a different light.So im going to be positive and thank God everyday for what he does for me.I love listen to joyce meyer . right now see talking about the power of simple prayer. I love i can listen on my computer. God bless michele > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2007 Report Share Posted April 6, 2007 Bindi, I experienced the same reaction. The primal defense made me queasy, and I felt pretty yucky, which I attribute to yeast die-off. Rogene told me that its best to take the Fungal Defense first and then introduce Primal Defense later. Eventhough I didn't feel good, I was glad to know it was working! Katy:)freebindi <bindi@...> wrote: I started taking it recently, and have been feeling nauseated, and also have had a pretty bad flare of all my symptoms-- aches and pains, vertigo,vision probs, fatigue, brain issues-- which I haven't had for a long while. Could this be a herx reaction? Sorry is this question has been answered already countless times. I no longer read every message to the group-- I couldn't keep up. Thanks~ Bindi Make free worldwide PC-to-PC calls. Try the new Canada Messenger with Voice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2007 Report Share Posted April 6, 2007 Hi , That's interesting because I gained weight after explant, too. Before implants I remained the same weight (usually gained 5 lbs each winter and lost those same 5 lbs each summer), then I got implants and during the 6 months I had them I dropped 10 lbs (I was too thin). I got explanted and gained the 10 lbs back plus another 5 to 10, and no matter what I do I can't get rid of it. I've been going to the gym for the past couple of months, 3 times a week, I go for walks, nothing. Eating less makes no difference. I know muscle weighs more than fat but I thought the increase in activity would speed up my metabolism. Anyway, I'm thankful that I am physically able to work out at the gym and walk - that wasn't the case when I had implants. For the past few months I have also struggled with some returning symptoms, and I need to be proactive about that - like trying Primal Defense and doing the Ionic Foot Baths. Sis > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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