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AD: Hydrosols Are Coming To Town ** Why Testing Is Critical

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*Howdy y'all,**

* *This is an advertisement .. and a post that will educate a lot of folks.

The list owner is not responsible for any claims made in this advertisement

or the outcome of any transactions made as a result of this advertisement,

nor do she profit from it. All product claims and information contained in

this advertisement are factual and made in good faith. I guarantee the

quality and purity of what I sell and for close to 14 years now my word has

been sufficient for those who know me.

All correspondence in reply to this ad must be done off list.* *I can be

contacted at:

ButchOwen @ AV-AT .com .. or .. ButchOwen @ Gmail .com .. of course, you

must close the spaces in those e-mail addresses .. I put them there because

sometimes corrupts e-mail addresses.*


This post contains a Price List and it will explain why it is Very Necessary

to test Hydrosols.

We have been out of stock of ALL Hydrosols for some time now. If I had had

200 gallons of Rose Hydrosol I would have been able to sell it in a few

months because I have Back Orders for way over 150 gallons already. But

high quality Rose Hydrosol has been a tough one to get because it is

produced but one time each year .. from late May through the latter part of

June. I had been unable to get any Rose Hydrosol this year because (as was

the case last year) there is a shortage and Turkish producers are selling

theirs in country to the Retail stores .. Turks use a lot of Rose Hydrosol.

But I will have Rose Hydrosol .. and other Hydrosols in the next 10 days

There are many people on Back Order for all of them.

More important is the question of WHY I was out of Hydrosols. It is not

because there are none to be found. I could have purchased many Hydrosols

from many sources.

So why did I not do that?

Below is a note I sent to a number of Major Hydrosol Producers .. a few of

them replied and we ordered 16 oz bottles of various Hydrosols from those

who did reply and sent the samples to the lab for testing.

The fact that the other producers did NOT respond to my request tells me

that they were not sure of their products and/or they were too greedy to

spend the money needed to test them!

I demand proven quality and I have always sold only proven quality

products. Testing is important for Essential Oils but it is more than

important for Hydrosols because they can become contaminated and if that

happens the Hydrosol can be dangerous!!

See the letter below .. and then below that .. see the results of the lab

tests .. which we just received on 17 November .. and you will realize the

importance of testing Hydrosols.

The letter e-mail I sent to the producers is below:

> Since 1995 I have tested our Hydrosols every 90 days at Superior

> Labs, Inc., Galloway, Ohio ... which is an authorized testing agency

> holding Ohio EPA Water Approval No. 890 and USDA Accreditation

> 3983. The standard for drinking water is a Plate Count of bacteria

> as high as 500 per 100 ml of pure water. Except for 6 occasions in all

> those years, the highest plate count we had on any of our Hydrosols

> was 27, which is FAR MORE PURE than even bottled drinking water.


> In all my time in Turkey, I had my own barrels produced new and

> stamped with my seal .. that effort ensured no contamination. As you

> well know, Hydrosols exit the still Sterile .. the only way they can

> be contaminated prior to reaching an end user is through improper

> storage (old barrels) or improper handling while being stored, or if

> they are cut with water that was not distilled .. or distilled water

> that was not properly stored.


> Three of those 6 occasions mentioned above were in 1996 when I

> purchased three each different Hydrosols from the same foreign

> producer. When they arrived I suspected that they would be

> contaminated because it was obvious that the barrels were NOT

> new barrels .. I was correct .. they were terribly contaminated

> with bacteria.


> Of the other three bad results .. one was a short time ago when I

> purchased a barrel of Lavender Hydrosol from someone .. the test

> results were the worst I have ever seen .. I would have feared even

> putting my hand in that Hydrosol. After some back and forth

> discussion this seller finally, reluctantly, agreed to reimburse me ..

> but they wanted the Hydrosol returned .. I paid the return freight ..

> and .. they sold that contaminated Hydrosol. I will never purchase

> from them again .. not because they had a contaminated Hydrosol ..

> that can happen .. but because they did not care and allowed greed

> to get in the way of safety and logic and good business sense.


> The other two bad results were our fault .. once during a move in

> 1999, we stored our barrels in an area that obviously had some fungal

> spores .. which, of course, were drawn into the barrels via the vacuum

> when they were opened. We dumped all of those Hydrosols.


> I wish to purchase a large amount of the following Hydrosols .. some

> may be from you:


> (List of Hydrosols Clipped)


> What I would want from you is a guarantee that if your Hydrosol tests

> UNSAFE, you will allow me to return it to you and you will reimburse

> me. An alternative would be for you to test your own Hydrosols and

> provide a copy of the test to me.

Later .. after sending this .. I decided to not gamble .. I purchased only

16 oz from those who replied and told them that if the Hydrosol tested well

I would purchase more.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The laboratory test results were returned to us on 17 November 08 ..

they are as follows. Keep in mind the following three points.

1. When a Hydrosol leaves the still it will be sterile. Only improper

handling or storage .. or adulteration with water that was not distilled

can contaminate a Hydrosol.

2. The Ohio State standard for bottled drinking water is Plate Count of

bacteria no higher than 500 parts per million in 100 ml of pure water.

3. All of the Hydrosols below .. except the Sandalwood .. tested as

being More Pure than bottled drinking water.

Sample total plate total yeast mold

count coliform count count

Clary Sage ... 8 ............. <1 .......... 1 ......... 3

Peppermint ... 4 ............. <1 .......... <1 ......... <1

Rosemary ... 1 ............. <1 .......... <1 ......... <1

Lavender Bul ... 7 ............. <1 .......... <1 ......... 1

..... <1 ............. <1 .......... <1 ......... <1

Lavender USA .. 10 ............. <1 .......... <1 ......... <1

Rose ......... 4 ............. <1 .......... <1 ......... <1

Sandalwood 22,000,000 ...... <1 .......... <1 ......... 1

Witch Hazel ...... 5 ............. <1 .......... <1 ......... 1

< means Less than 1*


*Is the Plate Count in the Sandalwood extremely high? FOR SURE IT IS!!

Is such a finding unusual? Sort of .. I have tested many Hydrosols that

were worse. It does not take long for cultures of various bacteria to



*Could use of a preservative prevent Bacterial contamination? NO! It can

only slow it down. The best way is to begin with a sterile product .. then

contamination is not an issue unless the end user contaminates it. Besides

that, use of a preservative WILL change the pH of a Hydrosol .. we conducted

many such tests while in Turkey .. and that is when I decided to NEVER use a

preservative and I have used none to date. If you want Hydrosols that

contain preservatives then you should not purchase from me. *

*If I had not sent these Hydrosols for testing prior to purchasing them I

could have been selling Sandalwood Hydrosol that is HIGHLY Contaminated with

who knows what type(s) of bacteria. I say who knows what type(s)

because it would cost a lot more money to find out what type(s) and since I

would not offer that Hydrosol in any case I don't care what the type(s) of

bacterial contamination are. ;-)

The Hydrosols will be available for sale in approximately 10 days.

Prices will be:

1/2 gal 1


8 oz 16 oz (4 lbs) (8


Clary Sage, USA 7.90 12.90 39.90 66.90

Lavender, Bulgaria 7.90 12.90 38.90 64.90

, USA 11.90 18.90 65.90 99.99 *

Peppermint, USA 7.90 12.90 39.90 66.90

Rose, Turkish 8.90 13.90 48.90 79.90

Rosemary, USA 10.90 17.90 63.90 99.99 *

Witch Hazel, USA 5.90 9.90 35.90 58.90

* Special Price on Gallons of and Rosemary Hydrosol.

Sandalwood, Mysore .. Will NOT be offered now!

Neroli can NOT be offered now! I have tested some and the results were

almost as bad as the Sandalwood. I am still looking for Quality

Sandalwood and Neroli Hydrosols.

There are a large number of people on Back Order for Hydrosols now .. so if

you wish to order you can place an advance order and I will hold it until

the Hydrosols are in our hands.

If your order, do not expect to hear back from me immediately .. it might be

48 hours or more before I contact you because:

1. I have notified all the people on the Back Order list and I am

processing well over 100 of those orders now .. plus .. some of those people

were members of an international News Group and when the word got out on

that one .. I received over 80 more orders. ;-)

2. Tomorrow afternoon I will be going out to zero the scope on my new

Remington Model 770 30.06 Rifle. Muzzle Loading deer season closed here 10

days or so ago .. Rifle season opens Saturday morning so at Zero Light

Thirty on Saturday I will be freezing my butt off in a tree stand. If

things go as they did the two times I went out during Muzzle Loading season,

I'll be back home by noon .. with a nice buck .. then I will work on

processing Hydrosol orders. ;-)

None of us like to play e-mail ping pong .. especially when we are

overwhelmed with work .. so .. when you order .. PLEASE .. I say PLEASE ..

make sure to include the following information:

1. Your Full Name

2. A Complete Shipping Address .. Post Office Boxes are no good. The

weight of almost any Hydrosol order requires it be shipped via the least

costly method .. FedEx Ground.

3. A Telephone Number .. FedEx Ground will not take a shipment without


Recommend you make your orders now .. I will confirm the order and lock you

in for product. I can not know how long these products will be available

... there are MANY orders now.

Have a nice day .. and keep smiling. :-)

Butch ... **http://www.AV-AT.com* <http://www.av-at.com/>

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