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A Spiritual Sheilding Technique - Psychic Self Defense

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A Spiritual Sheilding Technique - Psychic Self Defense

By Jeffry PalmerThe physical body is surrounded with spiritual energy, the aura. Theaura is a dynamic living entity, part of the physical self, yetseparate to the extent in which it interacts invisibly with oursurroundings and other energy forms. The aura is the energeticembodiment of the soul or spiritual self.The physical mind can be taught to reshape spiritual energy form intoa psychic shield, a protective bubble which does not allow harmfulenergy to reach the inner core of the soul where it can do the mostdamage.The process is quite simple and is strengthened through practice.Begin with the simple meditation routine .

During the course of your meditation visualize your aura as avibrating field of light energy. The field of energy extends outward afew inches from the surface of your skin.Your life energy vibrates and swirls around you at all times, cominginto contact with all manner of other life energies, both positive andnegative.

Now imagine the energy of your aura forming the shape of aprotective globe of brilliant light. Negative thought and intentionsin the form of red light as well as dark energy attempt to corruptyour spiritual existence.

Within the protection of your light energyglobe, negative influences bounce off, are deflected and returned totheir original source.Make a practice of visualizing the creation of your protective energyshield at the start of every meditation session. With repetition thestrength of your psychic shield is increased and can eventually becalled up at will. Rely on your shield at any time that you feel underthe influence of psychic assault. This technique for calling up aprotective barrier against even the strongest of negative energieswhenever it is needed, involves connecting the mind, body and spiritinstantly to create a powerful protective energy barrier.Once you have familiarized your self with the meditative technique ofvisualizing a protective bubble you should be able to summon thisshield without the assistance of meditation. Simply focus your mind onthe act of creating the shield. While your mind is focused on creatingthe shield, use your hands to close the energy conduit of your aura.In a very real sense, you and every other living creature are both asource and a conductor of energy. You are in constant and directconnection with the energy of all things.The physical act of closing the hands has the effect of closing acircuit. You are closing the circuit of your life energy while stillremaining connected to the energy of the universe. The combination ofclosing the life energy circuit and creating a protective aura shieldis the most powerful tool available for combating a psychic attack.This maneuver not only defends the spiritual self, it sends thenegative energy of an attack directly back to its origin. The attackersees his own negative energy returned only with more momentum andforce than was originally created. Practice visualizing the instantcreation of an aura shield; imagine with as much detail as possiblethe protective energy of your spirit blossoming outward to form animpenetrable barrier.Now combine this visualization with the act of closing the hands. Holdyour hands a few inches apart, as if you were about to clap or begin aprayer. Try to feel the energy of your aura between your hands. Manypeople report feeing a slightly warm sensation when performing thisprocedure.

Pay attention to whatever sensations you may be feeling atthis moment. Now, press your hands together, and as you do visualizethe energy of your aura being compressed between your hands. As youcompress the aura it forms a globe which surrounds your entire body.The physical act of clasping the hands to temporarily close your lifeenergy circuit and visualizing the protective aura are instantaneous.Practice this technique until it feels completely natural. One of thegreatest advantages of this psychic defense technique is that it canbe used discretely. This seemingly simple hand gesture can be used inalmost any public situation without drawing attention to the fact thatyou are combating negative psychic energy.

When confronted with anyform of threatening energy, this technique offers an incrediblypowerful and stealthy defense.Don't forget to turn off your protective shield when it is no longerneeded, use it when feeling confronted or overwhelmed by negativeenergy and rely on the strength of your spirit for day to day protection.

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i am taking a few days off from myspace and really heal me this is a typical day and why i need to learn to shield a lot! and this can help others with money problems, it is a post from myspace, my last for a few days. nan

I just went out to water my garden and had two nieghbors verbally attack me within 5 mintues of each other, it is why i seldom leave my house or go out into the light of day, of course they were spoiled white people from this culture my ethinic nieghbors are great. arghhh i am going to go meditate after i cool off (it is embarrassing but the one guy came up to me while i am watering my garden to complain that my blind, deaf, and crippled dog is not on a leash! he would not go away so i hosed him off and he stayed there yelling at me i am crazy over and over again. the one before him i managed to keep cool about even though she got to call me all kinds of names while i just took it and gave her no provication. how am i suppose to live in a world like this, if it were not for my trees and garden and everything i do being so damn complicated i would sell this house and move to the country surrounded by nature and say good bye cruel world of spoiled angry people with an attitude! then the grizzly man did that and a bear ate him, oh well! thanks so much at least i am not making this public on myspace. Hope you will repost the following message for me far and wide, i need to help people and help myself if i am going to be a house prisoner! i have checked this My Shopping Mall out very carefully and it is a GOoD thing, Dave is a Rieki Master and we just got off the phone. nan

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: <a href='

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=70949766 & MyToken=1892ae08-0d07-40ff-be42-91bac6f6c00b'>Dave</a>Date: May 16, 2007 10:54 AMwonderful job my friend!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: <a href='

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=120295405 & MyToken=927781ae-b1e1-498b-a66d-2dbe936bb543'>SEELOVEverywhere~ Start Global Cooling ~ SAVE ZEKE</a>Date: May 16, 2007 10:14 AM

<center><br>..<br><center><br><font face= " pristina " ><font size=5> <font color=pink><br><a href= " http://tinypic.com

" target= " _blank " ><img src= " http://i7.tinypic.com/4m9r5sx.jpg " border= " 0 " alt= " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " ></a>

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" -Mahatma Gandhi <a href= " http://tinypic.com " target= " _blank " ><img src= "

http://i11.tinypic.com/53oq9l4.jpg " border= " 0 " alt= " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " ></a><H1>UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS</H1>

Preamble:Considering that Life is one, all living beings having a common origin and having diversified in the course of the evolution of the species, – Considering that all living beings possess natural rights, and that any animal with a nervous system has specific rights,

Considering that the contempt for, and even the simple ignorance of, these natural rights, cause serious damage to Nature and lead men to commit crimes against animals,Considering that the coexistence of species implies a recognition by the human species of the right of other animal species to live,

Considering that the respect of animals by humans is inseparable from the respect of men for each other,<a href= " http://tinypic.com " target= " _blank " ><img src= "

http://i15.tinypic.com/61ydphe.jpg " border= " 0 " alt= " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " ></a>It is hereby proclaimed that : * Article 1

All animals have equal rights to exist within the context of biological equilibrium. This equality of rights does not overshadow the diversity of species and of individuals. * Article 2 All animal life has the right to be respected.

* Article 3 1°- Animals must not be subjected to bad treatments or to cruel acts. 2°- If it is necessary to kill an animal, it must be instantaneous, painless and cause no apprehension. 3°- A dead animal must be treated with decency.

* Article 4 1°- Wild animals have the right to live and to reproduce in freedom in their own natural environment. 2°- The prolonged deprivation of the freedom of wild animals, hunting and fishing practised as a pastime, as well as any use of wild animals for reasons that are not vital, are contrary to this fundamental right.

* Article 5 1°- Any animal which is dependent on man has the right to proper sustenance and care. 2°- It must under no circumstances be abandoned or killed unjustifiably. 3°- All forms of breeding and uses of the animal must respect the physiology and behaviour specific to the species.

4°- Exhibitions, shows and films involving animals must also respect their dignity and must not include any violence whatsoever. * Article 6 1°- Experiments on animals entailing physical or psychological suffering violate the rights of animals.

2°-Replacement methods must be developed and systematically implemented. * Article 7 Any act unnecessary involving the death of an animal, and any decision leading to such an act, constitute a crime against life.

* Article 8 1°- Any act compromising the survival of a wild species and any decision leading to such an act are tantamount to genocide, that is to say, a crime against the species. 2°- The massacre of wild animals, and the pollution and destruction of biotopes are acts of genocide.

* Article 9 1°- The specific legal status of animals and their rights must be recognised by law. 2°- The protection and safety of animals must be represented at the level of Governmental organizations.

* Article 10 Educational and schooling authorities must ensure that citizens learn from childhood to observe, understand and respect animals.<a href= " http://tinypic.com

" target= " _blank " ><img src= " http://i12.tinypic.com/6gaslxh.jpg " border= " 0 " alt= " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " ></a>


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<param name= " allowScriptAccess " value= " never " /> <param name= " allowNetworking " value= " internal " /> <param name= " movie " value= "

http://media.../m/X40yyRxPlP " />..</font></td><br> </tr><br> </table>On 5/16/07,

lianeqrz_legey <butterflygris@...> wrote:

A Spiritual Sheilding Technique - Psychic Self Defense

By Jeffry PalmerThe physical body is surrounded with spiritual energy, the aura. Theaura is a dynamic living entity, part of the physical self, yet

separate to the extent in which it interacts invisibly with oursurroundings and other energy forms. The aura is the energeticembodiment of the soul or spiritual self.The physical mind can be taught to reshape spiritual energy form into

a psychic shield, a protective bubble which does not allow harmfulenergy to reach the inner core of the soul where it can do the mostdamage.The process is quite simple and is strengthened through practice.

Begin with the simple meditation routine .

During the course of your meditation visualize your aura as avibrating field of light energy. The field of energy extends outward afew inches from the surface of your skin.

Your life energy vibrates and swirls around you at all times, cominginto contact with all manner of other life energies, both positive andnegative.

Now imagine the energy of your aura forming the shape of aprotective globe of brilliant light. Negative thought and intentionsin the form of red light as well as dark energy attempt to corrupt

your spiritual existence.

Within the protection of your light energyglobe, negative influences bounce off, are deflected and returned totheir original source.

Make a practice of visualizing the creation of your protective energyshield at the start of every meditation session. With repetition thestrength of your psychic shield is increased and can eventually becalled up at will. Rely on your shield at any time that you feel under

the influence of psychic assault. This technique for calling up aprotective barrier against even the strongest of negative energieswhenever it is needed, involves connecting the mind, body and spiritinstantly to create a powerful protective energy barrier.

Once you have familiarized your self with the meditative technique ofvisualizing a protective bubble you should be able to summon thisshield without the assistance of meditation. Simply focus your mind on

the act of creating the shield. While your mind is focused on creatingthe shield, use your hands to close the energy conduit of your aura.In a very real sense, you and every other living creature are both asource and a conductor of energy. You are in constant and direct

connection with the energy of all things.The physical act of closing the hands has the effect of closing acircuit. You are closing the circuit of your life energy while stillremaining connected to the energy of the universe. The combination of

closing the life energy circuit and creating a protective aura shieldis the most powerful tool available for combating a psychic attack.This maneuver not only defends the spiritual self, it sends thenegative energy of an attack directly back to its origin. The attacker

sees his own negative energy returned only with more momentum andforce than was originally created. Practice visualizing the instantcreation of an aura shield; imagine with as much detail as possiblethe protective energy of your spirit blossoming outward to form an

impenetrable barrier.Now combine this visualization with the act of closing the hands. Holdyour hands a few inches apart, as if you were about to clap or begin aprayer. Try to feel the energy of your aura between your hands. Many

people report feeing a slightly warm sensation when performing thisprocedure.

Pay attention to whatever sensations you may be feeling atthis moment. Now, press your hands together, and as you do visualizethe energy of your aura being compressed between your hands. As you

compress the aura it forms a globe which surrounds your entire body.The physical act of clasping the hands to temporarily close your lifeenergy circuit and visualizing the protective aura are instantaneous.

Practice this technique until it feels completely natural. One of thegreatest advantages of this psychic defense technique is that it canbe used discretely. This seemingly simple hand gesture can be used in

almost any public situation without drawing attention to the fact thatyou are combating negative psychic energy.

When confronted with anyform of threatening energy, this technique offers an incrediblypowerful and stealthy defense.Don't forget to turn off your protective shield when it is no longer

needed, use it when feeling confronted or overwhelmed by negativeenergy and rely on the strength of your spirit for day to day protection.

-- Reverend nan SEA LOVEhttp:www.YOURkindnessMatters.orghttp:www.myspace.com/SeeLOVEverywhere


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