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Dear Barb,

Your idea for a retreat is wonderful--but it would need a big heap of $$ to

get started.

Put that wish out on the universe!

As for the chicken fat, you can use this, and even use it for cooking, as

long as the chicken was truly free range. But a lot of people don't like the

smell. I notice that my dog will eat the fat from the beef broth but not the

fat from the chicken broth. Sally

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I am also a new member and I must say at the outset that I love Sally and

's book -- incredible. I am a graduate student in nutrition (ADA

controlled) and you wouldn't believe (or perhaps, you would) the crap that's

being taught. They still insist on the food pyramid -- fat phobes to the

core, and yet I've sat in class and watched my fellow students and profs

partake of chips, pastries and even coke. Most of the students are young,

their bodies are still forgiving -- I am a postmenopausal woman and the

pyramid diet (yes I worshipped at the base of the pyramid once for years) was

not good for me -- high Triglycerides, low HDL, weight gain, etc. I'll share

my story one day.

Anyway, I noted that someone mentioned a possible retreat - I just came back

from a retreat in the Matilija Sanctuary and hot Springs in Ojai, CA --

wonderful place. Enveloped by mountains and natural sulfur pools, etc. I

think groups of ten or more can rent it for about $600 a day. Don't know if

that includes food. The retreat I went on was a Yoga retreat and they served

awful vegan stuff -- but I don't think that one has to eat that. Perhaps we

could do our own food. Telephone is 805-646-3535.

Anyway, love the correspondence and recipes. Kudos to Sally and .

PS I'd love to get your advice about another Nutrition course to take -- also

I'd love to work with you one day.


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Thanks for the info on the chicken fat.

Regarding the retreat...I have friends in the mountains of NM with a lot of land

and unrestricted use of 100 acres of government owned land. There is a

naturopath, organic gardener, school and a couple of guys starting a wilderness

guide service (horseback riding, hiking, canoeing, etc). I'm hoping to slip in

with them and start small....straw bale houses with no frills, etc. But I'm

certainly putting the wish out there for a heap of money - as well as good

cooks, massage therapists, natural healers, etc. It will happen, the only

question is when!! Maybe you can come speak to our groups!


Dear Barb,

Your idea for a retreat is wonderful--but it would need a big heap of $$ to

get started.

Put that wish out on the universe!

As for the chicken fat, you can use this, and even use it for cooking, as

long as the chicken was truly free range. But a lot of people don't like the

smell. I notice that my dog will eat the fat from the beef broth but not the

fat from the chicken broth. Sally

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  • 4 weeks later...

No, My Dear,

You don't really want to die, and you can start feeling better, even before

we figure out how to get your breast implants removed.

First, I would suggest you try some of Patti's detoxing remedies, as this

will help you feel better, eventually, with the implants still in. Your

toxic-load for your body is overloaded, so you must lower the toxic level in

your body as much as you can until the implants can come out. Just do

whatever it takes to lower the toxins in your body for now, and do a lot of

walking, for now.

Please send me a copy of your insurance booklet, and a complete (not

detailed) report of what you have been through medically.

Get a copy of all your medical records prior to implantation, and to the

present, and send me a copy, so I can figure out how to help you from here!

OK! Need to know year of implantation and brand of implants.


Martha Murdock, Director

Lawrence, President

National Silicone Implant Foundation

Dallas, TX Headquarters

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I think we all had that experience the fist time we read that intro

your normal, and you neurological probs can get so much better after

explant, but I don't think I would wait for ins if you can scrape up

cash go to Dr Feng and don't look back, she is the best and since

your on the east coast this will be the best thing and easiest thing,

please please don't wait too long, I had the same implants as you and

so did allot of us on this site, they are bad all the way, I think

some of the worse around, so glad your here and found us! I am glad I

could help you too!

I really want to be here for you as will the rest of us on this site,

so let us help, in the meantime honey remember that you need the best

for this job and Feng is it!

Now I have to run to the gym so I will check on you later.,


In @y..., amattoni@a... wrote:

> I received a very comforting email from a member who referred me to

> here. I started to read the beginning of the intro. I couldn't

> finish reading because I bursted into tears. I have all of these

> symptoms and it really scares me now. I had no idea what was wrong

> with me and put the two and two together and it all makes sense.

> This all started after the implant surgery. I want them out now.


> feel like toxins are in my body and constantly feel sick. Can


> help me with the insurance info? I had just been denied and they

> tell me I have to get a referral also from my primary doctor and


> go back to the surgeon. But they told me this before I got


> I am so weak and tired of going through all of this. I got an MRI

> last Friday and am going to call today to get the results. I am

> scared, this was a cat scan of my head due to all the memory loss I

> have had. It is so embarrassing and people make fun of me and have

> no idea what as to what I am going through. I want to die so bad.


> am so sorry but I just broke down when I started to read the intro

> description.

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I received my results today for the cat scan of my head due to all of the memory loss and loss of balance and confusion. I tend to run into things a lot and get migraines frequently. Anyway, my test results came back negative.


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Patty hasn't been around today but I know she had hers paid for by

insurance and maybe she can help you out on this issue if $$$ are a

big problem for you. I don't know how she managed it, but I think she

did so maybe she will advise.

I am curious about your MRI results, I had one and it showed normal

so I don't know if anything really shows up on these tests, I am also

wondering if your symptoms are like ours, do you feel spacey and off

balance and like your high sometimes? THat is how I felt all the

time, really strange, everyone thought I was crazy and no one

believed in me at all, that was why I knew it had to be the implants,

I mean if the Dr's cannot figure out what it is then what else could

it be.

There has been lots of talk on this site about candida(yeast) so you

should check out the silicone protocol that Dr kolb has set up for

people with yeast problems and there are many books about it too, you

can do all these things prior to surgery and then after surgery again

and see if it helps too, go to the files section and I think it is

there or go to www.plastikos.com

I hope someone else here can give you ideas on insurance, I am not

even sure if Feng takes insurance but it is worth a shot I guess.

Good luck and keep us informed!


In @y..., amattoni@a... wrote:

> I received a very comforting email from a member who referred me to

> here. I started to read the beginning of the intro. I couldn't

> finish reading because I bursted into tears. I have all of these

> symptoms and it really scares me now. I had no idea what was wrong

> with me and put the two and two together and it all makes sense.

> This all started after the implant surgery. I want them out now.


> feel like toxins are in my body and constantly feel sick. Can


> help me with the insurance info? I had just been denied and they

> tell me I have to get a referral also from my primary doctor and


> go back to the surgeon. But they told me this before I got


> I am so weak and tired of going through all of this. I got an MRI

> last Friday and am going to call today to get the results. I am

> scared, this was a cat scan of my head due to all the memory loss I

> have had. It is so embarrassing and people make fun of me and have

> no idea what as to what I am going through. I want to die so bad.


> am so sorry but I just broke down when I started to read the intro

> description.

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Hi there,

I am so sorry that you are going though these emotions---know how much I can

sympathize with you and know how it feels to be in this dark pit of despair.

Once I knew it was my implants, they were like poison in my body and I

couldn't wait to be rid of them.

My explanting surgeon, (who was very well versed in the procedure), wrote

the letter that got approval for my explant and I will be forever indebted

to him for his compassion for me. He made less money doing my explant

through insurance, but nevertheless he got it approved. From what I have

come to understand, he was able to accomplish this by writing a letter that

focused on the fact that my breasts were too firm, and suggested that I was

suffering from Baker IV contractures. I don't have any idea if that was

full truth or not, but it took the focus off of the fact that they were

saline implants that had only been placed 8 months before. He did not even

mention those facts. Apparently Baker IV contractures are a concern for the

insurance industry, because they prevent the proper diagnosis of breast

cancer in some cases. I may be all wet on that one, but I believed that to

be the reason. Maybe some of our other experts on this list know more about


I got approval in two weeks.

I also know that Dr. Huang in Denver got approval for explant for a woman in

similar circumstances (saline implants for a short period of time.) I am

really not sure how the HMO's work, (mine have always been PPO), except for

the fact that they do not allow for freedom to find the best care.

If this is your case, I would suggest that you try to go out of network and

go to some of these excellent doctors we have had experience with and know

that they will work with you and take care of you. With your health

situation now, it is of utmost importance that you get proper removal of all

the scar tissue as well as the implant.

You may just want to start emailing some of these doctors and find out how

they can help you. I can suggest Dr. Feng in Ohio (www.drfeng.com) Dr.

Huang in Denver (lindahuang@...), and I actually have a whole list of

doctors that I can refer you to, but I prefer to send that list privately.

Let me know if you want more names.

Stay with us, write often, ask questions, and be patient.....this hellish

nightmare can be over. It just takes some time and effort. We'll be there

to help.



----- Original Message -----

From: <amattoni@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:05 PM

Subject: New Member

> I received a very comforting email from a member who referred me to

> here. I started to read the beginning of the intro. I couldn't

> finish reading because I bursted into tears. I have all of these

> symptoms and it really scares me now. I had no idea what was wrong

> with me and put the two and two together and it all makes sense.

> This all started after the implant surgery. I want them out now. I

> feel like toxins are in my body and constantly feel sick. Can anyone

> help me with the insurance info? I had just been denied and they

> tell me I have to get a referral also from my primary doctor and then

> go back to the surgeon. But they told me this before I got denied.

> I am so weak and tired of going through all of this. I got an MRI

> last Friday and am going to call today to get the results. I am

> scared, this was a cat scan of my head due to all the memory loss I

> have had. It is so embarrassing and people make fun of me and have

> no idea what as to what I am going through. I want to die so bad. I

> am so sorry but I just broke down when I started to read the intro

> description.





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Martha is an insurance expert, so if anyone can help you, Martha can! Her

career was in the insurance industry. Thank you, Martha for being there to

help women through this part of the whole mess!


----- Original Message -----

From: " MARTHA-NSIF " <MAM-NSIF@...>

< >

Cc: <amattoni@...>

Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 8:15 AM

Subject: Re: New Member

> No, My Dear,


> You don't really want to die, and you can start feeling better, even


> we figure out how to get your breast implants removed.


> First, I would suggest you try some of Patti's detoxing remedies, as this

> will help you feel better, eventually, with the implants still in. Your

> toxic-load for your body is overloaded, so you must lower the toxic level


> your body as much as you can until the implants can come out. Just do

> whatever it takes to lower the toxins in your body for now, and do a lot


> walking, for now.


> Please send me a copy of your insurance booklet, and a complete (not

> detailed) report of what you have been through medically.


> Get a copy of all your medical records prior to implantation, and to the

> present, and send me a copy, so I can figure out how to help you from


> OK! Need to know year of implantation and brand of implants.


> Blessings,

> Martha Murdock, Director

> Lawrence, President

> National Silicone Implant Foundation

> Dallas, TX Headquarters







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By all means, you definately want to go to a reputable

doctor who is skilled and knowledgeable in doing the en

bloc removal technique. I had my explantation done by

Dr. Huang in Denver, but I live in Denver, so that made

the geographic part of it easy. However, even though

Dr. Huang wrote a letter of medical necessity to the

insurance company (an HMO) they still denied it. But

they did end up paying for the entire surgery. All I

was responsible for was an outpatient surgery copay of


I am a RN with many yrs experience in dealing with

insurance companies and helping women get surgeries,

procedures, tests, and MD visits authorized. HMO's can

be a little trickier to work with, but overall, if you

can speak their lingo and show them that you are not

going away easily, 9x out of 10, they will authorize

what you want and need. I can tell you why my insurance

company initially denied it in another email.

Please, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may

have. I will help you out in any way I can and provide

you with the resources you may need to get insurance

authorization. I have yet to read your initial email,

as I am working my way backwards through my emails, so

forgive me if I don't have your full story yet.



> Hi there,

> I am so sorry that you are going though these emotions---know how much I can

> sympathize with you and know how it feels to be in this dark pit of despair.

> Once I knew it was my implants, they were like poison in my body and I

> couldn't wait to be rid of them.


> My explanting surgeon, (who was very well versed in the procedure), wrote

> the letter that got approval for my explant and I will be forever indebted

> to him for his compassion for me. He made less money doing my explant

> through insurance, but nevertheless he got it approved. From what I have

> come to understand, he was able to accomplish this by writing a letter that

> focused on the fact that my breasts were too firm, and suggested that I was

> suffering from Baker IV contractures. I don't have any idea if that was

> full truth or not, but it took the focus off of the fact that they were

> saline implants that had only been placed 8 months before. He did not even

> mention those facts. Apparently Baker IV contractures are a concern for the

> insurance industry, because they prevent the proper diagnosis of breast

> cancer in some cases. I may be all wet on that one, but I believed that to

> be the reason. Maybe some of our other experts on this list know more about

> this.


> I got approval in two weeks.


> I also know that Dr. Huang in Denver got approval for explant for a woman in

> similar circumstances (saline implants for a short period of time.) I am

> really not sure how the HMO's work, (mine have always been PPO), except for

> the fact that they do not allow for freedom to find the best care.


> If this is your case, I would suggest that you try to go out of network and

> go to some of these excellent doctors we have had experience with and know

> that they will work with you and take care of you. With your health

> situation now, it is of utmost importance that you get proper removal of all

> the scar tissue as well as the implant.

> You may just want to start emailing some of these doctors and find out how

> they can help you. I can suggest Dr. Feng in Ohio (www.drfeng.com) Dr.

> Huang in Denver (lindahuang@...), and I actually have a whole list of

> doctors that I can refer you to, but I prefer to send that list privately.

> Let me know if you want more names.

> Stay with us, write often, ask questions, and be patient.....this hellish

> nightmare can be over. It just takes some time and effort. We'll be there

> to help.

> Love,

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: <amattoni@...>

> < >

> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:05 PM

> Subject: New Member



> > I received a very comforting email from a member who referred me to

> > here. I started to read the beginning of the intro. I couldn't

> > finish reading because I bursted into tears. I have all of these

> > symptoms and it really scares me now. I had no idea what was wrong

> > with me and put the two and two together and it all makes sense.

> > This all started after the implant surgery. I want them out now. I

> > feel like toxins are in my body and constantly feel sick. Can anyone

> > help me with the insurance info? I had just been denied and they

> > tell me I have to get a referral also from my primary doctor and then

> > go back to the surgeon. But they told me this before I got denied.

> > I am so weak and tired of going through all of this. I got an MRI

> > last Friday and am going to call today to get the results. I am

> > scared, this was a cat scan of my head due to all the memory loss I

> > have had. It is so embarrassing and people make fun of me and have

> > no idea what as to what I am going through. I want to die so bad. I

> > am so sorry but I just broke down when I started to read the intro

> > description.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My MRI came back negative as well. However, my neurological problems have been present for over 3 and a half years, though greatly diminished in recent months. My personal feeling is that this is a chemical imbalance or effect, which won't necessarily show on the images.


----- Original Message -----

From: amattoni@...

Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 4:25 PM

Subject: Re: Re: New Member

I received my results today for the cat scan of my head due to all of the memory loss and loss of balance and confusion. I tend to run into things a lot and get migraines frequently. Anyway, my test results came back negative. Angelika

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My brain MRI also came back negative for anything that

would explain my neurological problems. However, a

little less than a yr later, a FLAIR MRI of my brain

showed I had had a left cerebellar stroke, which had not

shown up on earlier images. Dr. Huang, my rheumy,

neurologist, and neurosurgeon are now questioning

whether free floating silicone had caused it. As

everyone was trying to figure out why a 28 yo woman (my

age at the time) had had a stroke, we found that I had

an ASD (atrial septal defect), which normally closes at

birth, but then the docs started questioning whether

silicone and other toxic material had " eaten " this hole

in my heart, therefore allowing the silicone (or blood

clot) to go to my brain. To this day, when I tell docs

I had a stroke, they don't believe me until I show them

my MRI results and then that smirk is gone real quick!


> Angelika,

> My MRI came back negative as well. However, my neurological problems have


> present for over 3 and a half years, though greatly diminished in recent


> My personal feeling is that this is a chemical imbalance or effect, which


> necessarily show on the images.

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: amattoni@...


> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 4:25 PM

> Subject: Re: Re: New Member



> I received my results today for the cat scan of my head due to all of the

> memory loss and loss of balance and confusion. I tend to run into things a


> and get migraines frequently. Anyway, my test results came back negative.


> Angelika


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Geeze, this is such a scary thought! And I know with textured implants

those silicone particles are gnawed off by macrophages....who knows where

they end up? What happened to you is not a nice picture, e. I am so

saddened by this.

Several years ago I read where a young woman in her twenties died of a

stroke after getting implants. Her mother had gone to testify before some

panel, probably the FDA. She believed her daughter died as a result of the

salines. I am pretty sure it was Dr. Henry 's book that I read this

in, but darned if I can't remember the name of that book! Anyone else know?

He invented the saline implant.


----- Original Message -----

From: <eRene@...>

< >

Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 9:53 PM

Subject: Re: Re: New Member

> My brain MRI also came back negative for anything that

> would explain my neurological problems. However, a

> little less than a yr later, a FLAIR MRI of my brain

> showed I had had a left cerebellar stroke, which had not

> shown up on earlier images. Dr. Huang, my rheumy,

> neurologist, and neurosurgeon are now questioning

> whether free floating silicone had caused it. As

> everyone was trying to figure out why a 28 yo woman (my

> age at the time) had had a stroke, we found that I had

> an ASD (atrial septal defect), which normally closes at

> birth, but then the docs started questioning whether

> silicone and other toxic material had " eaten " this hole

> in my heart, therefore allowing the silicone (or blood

> clot) to go to my brain. To this day, when I tell docs

> I had a stroke, they don't believe me until I show them

> my MRI results and then that smirk is gone real quick!


> e

> > Angelika,

> > My MRI came back negative as well. However, my neurological problems

have been

> > present for over 3 and a half years, though greatly diminished in recent


> > My personal feeling is that this is a chemical imbalance or effect,

which won't

> > necessarily show on the images.

> > Patty

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: amattoni@...

> >

> > Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 4:25 PM

> > Subject: Re: Re: New Member

> >

> >

> > I received my results today for the cat scan of my head due to all of


> > memory loss and loss of balance and confusion. I tend to run into

things a lot

> > and get migraines frequently. Anyway, my test results came back


> >

> > Angelika

> >

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I found the answer to my own question. The book is called " Silicone-gate "

by Dr. Henry , self published in 1994.



----- Original Message -----

From: " Patty " <fdp@...>

< >

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 6:27 AM

Subject: Re: Re: New Member

> Geeze, this is such a scary thought! And I know with textured implants

> those silicone particles are gnawed off by macrophages....who knows where

> they end up? What happened to you is not a nice picture, e. I am


> saddened by this.


> Several years ago I read where a young woman in her twenties died of a

> stroke after getting implants. Her mother had gone to testify before some

> panel, probably the FDA. She believed her daughter died as a result of


> salines. I am pretty sure it was Dr. Henry 's book that I read this

> in, but darned if I can't remember the name of that book! Anyone else


> He invented the saline implant.

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: <eRene@...>

> < >

> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 9:53 PM

> Subject: Re: Re: New Member



> > My brain MRI also came back negative for anything that

> > would explain my neurological problems. However, a

> > little less than a yr later, a FLAIR MRI of my brain

> > showed I had had a left cerebellar stroke, which had not

> > shown up on earlier images. Dr. Huang, my rheumy,

> > neurologist, and neurosurgeon are now questioning

> > whether free floating silicone had caused it. As

> > everyone was trying to figure out why a 28 yo woman (my

> > age at the time) had had a stroke, we found that I had

> > an ASD (atrial septal defect), which normally closes at

> > birth, but then the docs started questioning whether

> > silicone and other toxic material had " eaten " this hole

> > in my heart, therefore allowing the silicone (or blood

> > clot) to go to my brain. To this day, when I tell docs

> > I had a stroke, they don't believe me until I show them

> > my MRI results and then that smirk is gone real quick!

> >

> > e

> > > Angelika,

> > > My MRI came back negative as well. However, my neurological problems

> have been

> > > present for over 3 and a half years, though greatly diminished in


> months.

> > > My personal feeling is that this is a chemical imbalance or effect,

> which won't

> > > necessarily show on the images.

> > > Patty

> > > ----- Original Message -----

> > > From: amattoni@...

> > >

> > > Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 4:25 PM

> > > Subject: Re: Re: New Member

> > >

> > >

> > > I received my results today for the cat scan of my head due to all


> the

> > > memory loss and loss of balance and confusion. I tend to run into

> things a lot

> > > and get migraines frequently. Anyway, my test results came back

> negative.

> > >

> > > Angelika

> > >

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Hi I just had explant in SEP.

I put implant (Saline texture)in saudi arabia and the Dr is saudi Dr.

I had pain and swollen my left breast long time.

The saudi Dr didn't know why i have pain.

and he said " only inside your head "

I found this group.

e told me about Dr huang.

i send my medical record to Dr huang from saudi arabia,She contact

with my insurance.

my insurance coverd my surgery.

I had surgery in SEP 18.

Now i'm living NC,i'm doing great.

i'm running 30 min everymorning.

My breast is falt like wall, but i'm really happy this way.

I want to you recomend Dr huang, she does great job.

She remove my scare tissue and implant from my nipple insecion.

I'm really sorry about your problem.

if you have any question please write to me.


> By all means, you definately want to go to a reputable

> doctor who is skilled and knowledgeable in doing the en

> bloc removal technique. I had my explantation done by

> Dr. Huang in Denver, but I live in Denver, so that made

> the geographic part of it easy. However, even though

> Dr. Huang wrote a letter of medical necessity to the

> insurance company (an HMO) they still denied it. But

> they did end up paying for the entire surgery. All I

> was responsible for was an outpatient surgery copay of

> $150.


> I am a RN with many yrs experience in dealing with

> insurance companies and helping women get surgeries,

> procedures, tests, and MD visits authorized. HMO's can

> be a little trickier to work with, but overall, if you

> can speak their lingo and show them that you are not

> going away easily, 9x out of 10, they will authorize

> what you want and need. I can tell you why my insurance

> company initially denied it in another email.


> Please, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may

> have. I will help you out in any way I can and provide

> you with the resources you may need to get insurance

> authorization. I have yet to read your initial email,

> as I am working my way backwards through my emails, so

> forgive me if I don't have your full story yet.


> Sincerely,

> e, RN, BSN, LNC

> > Hi there,

> > I am so sorry that you are going though these emotions---know how

much I can

> > sympathize with you and know how it feels to be in this dark pit

of despair.

> > Once I knew it was my implants, they were like poison in my body

and I

> > couldn't wait to be rid of them.

> >

> > My explanting surgeon, (who was very well versed in the

procedure), wrote

> > the letter that got approval for my explant and I will be forever


> > to him for his compassion for me. He made less money doing my


> > through insurance, but nevertheless he got it approved. From

what I have

> > come to understand, he was able to accomplish this by writing a

letter that

> > focused on the fact that my breasts were too firm, and suggested

that I was

> > suffering from Baker IV contractures. I don't have any idea if

that was

> > full truth or not, but it took the focus off of the fact that

they were

> > saline implants that had only been placed 8 months before. He

did not even

> > mention those facts. Apparently Baker IV contractures are a

concern for the

> > insurance industry, because they prevent the proper diagnosis of


> > cancer in some cases. I may be all wet on that one, but I

believed that to

> > be the reason. Maybe some of our other experts on this list know

more about

> > this.

> >

> > I got approval in two weeks.

> >

> > I also know that Dr. Huang in Denver got approval for explant for

a woman in

> > similar circumstances (saline implants for a short period of

time.) I am

> > really not sure how the HMO's work, (mine have always been PPO),

except for

> > the fact that they do not allow for freedom to find the best care.

> >

> > If this is your case, I would suggest that you try to go out of

network and

> > go to some of these excellent doctors we have had experience with

and know

> > that they will work with you and take care of you. With your


> > situation now, it is of utmost importance that you get proper

removal of all

> > the scar tissue as well as the implant.

> > You may just want to start emailing some of these doctors and

find out how

> > they can help you. I can suggest Dr. Feng in Ohio

(www.drfeng.com) Dr.

> > Huang in Denver (lindahuang@q...), and I actually have a whole

list of

> > doctors that I can refer you to, but I prefer to send that list


> > Let me know if you want more names.

> > Stay with us, write often, ask questions, and be patient.....this


> > nightmare can be over. It just takes some time and effort.

We'll be there

> > to help.

> > Love,

> > Patty

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: <amattoni@a...>

> > < @y...>

> > Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:05 PM

> > Subject: New Member

> >

> >

> > > I received a very comforting email from a member who referred

me to

> > > here. I started to read the beginning of the intro. I couldn't

> > > finish reading because I bursted into tears. I have all of


> > > symptoms and it really scares me now. I had no idea what was


> > > with me and put the two and two together and it all makes sense.

> > > This all started after the implant surgery. I want them out

now. I

> > > feel like toxins are in my body and constantly feel sick. Can


> > > help me with the insurance info? I had just been denied and


> > > tell me I have to get a referral also from my primary doctor

and then

> > > go back to the surgeon. But they told me this before I got


> > > I am so weak and tired of going through all of this. I got an


> > > last Friday and am going to call today to get the results. I am

> > > scared, this was a cat scan of my head due to all the memory

loss I

> > > have had. It is so embarrassing and people make fun of me and


> > > no idea what as to what I am going through. I want to die so

bad. I

> > > am so sorry but I just broke down when I started to read the


> > > description.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi I just had explant in SEP.

I put implant (Saline texture)in saudi arabia and the Dr is saudi Dr.

I had pain and swollen my left breast long time.

The saudi Dr didn't know why i have pain.

and he said " only inside your head "

I found this group.

e told me about Dr huang.

i send my medical record to Dr huang from saudi arabia,She contact

with my insurance.

my insurance coverd my surgery.

I had surgery in SEP 18.

Now i'm living NC,i'm doing great.

i'm running 30 min everymorning.

My breast is falt like wall, but i'm really happy this way.

I want to you recomend Dr huang, she does great job.

She remove my scare tissue and implant from my nipple insecion.

I'm really sorry about your problem.

if you have any question please write to me.


> By all means, you definately want to go to a reputable

> doctor who is skilled and knowledgeable in doing the en

> bloc removal technique. I had my explantation done by

> Dr. Huang in Denver, but I live in Denver, so that made

> the geographic part of it easy. However, even though

> Dr. Huang wrote a letter of medical necessity to the

> insurance company (an HMO) they still denied it. But

> they did end up paying for the entire surgery. All I

> was responsible for was an outpatient surgery copay of

> $150.


> I am a RN with many yrs experience in dealing with

> insurance companies and helping women get surgeries,

> procedures, tests, and MD visits authorized. HMO's can

> be a little trickier to work with, but overall, if you

> can speak their lingo and show them that you are not

> going away easily, 9x out of 10, they will authorize

> what you want and need. I can tell you why my insurance

> company initially denied it in another email.


> Please, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may

> have. I will help you out in any way I can and provide

> you with the resources you may need to get insurance

> authorization. I have yet to read your initial email,

> as I am working my way backwards through my emails, so

> forgive me if I don't have your full story yet.


> Sincerely,

> e, RN, BSN, LNC

> > Hi there,

> > I am so sorry that you are going though these emotions---know how

much I can

> > sympathize with you and know how it feels to be in this dark pit

of despair.

> > Once I knew it was my implants, they were like poison in my body

and I

> > couldn't wait to be rid of them.

> >

> > My explanting surgeon, (who was very well versed in the

procedure), wrote

> > the letter that got approval for my explant and I will be forever


> > to him for his compassion for me. He made less money doing my


> > through insurance, but nevertheless he got it approved. From

what I have

> > come to understand, he was able to accomplish this by writing a

letter that

> > focused on the fact that my breasts were too firm, and suggested

that I was

> > suffering from Baker IV contractures. I don't have any idea if

that was

> > full truth or not, but it took the focus off of the fact that

they were

> > saline implants that had only been placed 8 months before. He

did not even

> > mention those facts. Apparently Baker IV contractures are a

concern for the

> > insurance industry, because they prevent the proper diagnosis of


> > cancer in some cases. I may be all wet on that one, but I

believed that to

> > be the reason. Maybe some of our other experts on this list know

more about

> > this.

> >

> > I got approval in two weeks.

> >

> > I also know that Dr. Huang in Denver got approval for explant for

a woman in

> > similar circumstances (saline implants for a short period of

time.) I am

> > really not sure how the HMO's work, (mine have always been PPO),

except for

> > the fact that they do not allow for freedom to find the best care.

> >

> > If this is your case, I would suggest that you try to go out of

network and

> > go to some of these excellent doctors we have had experience with

and know

> > that they will work with you and take care of you. With your


> > situation now, it is of utmost importance that you get proper

removal of all

> > the scar tissue as well as the implant.

> > You may just want to start emailing some of these doctors and

find out how

> > they can help you. I can suggest Dr. Feng in Ohio

(www.drfeng.com) Dr.

> > Huang in Denver (lindahuang@q...), and I actually have a whole

list of

> > doctors that I can refer you to, but I prefer to send that list


> > Let me know if you want more names.

> > Stay with us, write often, ask questions, and be patient.....this


> > nightmare can be over. It just takes some time and effort.

We'll be there

> > to help.

> > Love,

> > Patty

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: <amattoni@a...>

> > < @y...>

> > Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:05 PM

> > Subject: New Member

> >

> >

> > > I received a very comforting email from a member who referred

me to

> > > here. I started to read the beginning of the intro. I couldn't

> > > finish reading because I bursted into tears. I have all of


> > > symptoms and it really scares me now. I had no idea what was


> > > with me and put the two and two together and it all makes sense.

> > > This all started after the implant surgery. I want them out

now. I

> > > feel like toxins are in my body and constantly feel sick. Can


> > > help me with the insurance info? I had just been denied and


> > > tell me I have to get a referral also from my primary doctor

and then

> > > go back to the surgeon. But they told me this before I got


> > > I am so weak and tired of going through all of this. I got an


> > > last Friday and am going to call today to get the results. I am

> > > scared, this was a cat scan of my head due to all the memory

loss I

> > > have had. It is so embarrassing and people make fun of me and


> > > no idea what as to what I am going through. I want to die so

bad. I

> > > am so sorry but I just broke down when I started to read the


> > > description.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 2 years later...

bigmuddie2001 wrote:

> I would like to say hello to everyone on the board. My name is

> . I have previously managed and now currently own a health food

> store in Arizona.


Hi ,

Welcome to the group. Glad to see you here. Where at in Arid-zona do you

have your HFS? Phoenix, Tucson, Flag? I was living in Black Canyon City

for about 7 years.

Anyhow, glad your here and hope to be hearing from you and sharing what

knowledge and wisdom we possess. :-)

Peace be with you .


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've tried all three of the drugs you mentioned. Here's what I can tell


Enbrel: This is the one I like best. It didn't actually work, but it's an

injectable once a week and very easy to handle. It didn't give me any side

effects at all that I noticed.

Humira: Also did nothing for me. Every other week injection. It burns and

stings so badly I almost cried, and left my thigh (injection site) so sore I

couldn't walk for an hour after the shot. No other effects.

Remicade: I'm taking this now. Only had two treatments so far so I can't

tell about it's effectiveness. It's an IV infusion requiring a four-hour

outpatient treatment in the hospital every two weeks at first, then every

four weeks, then it settles into every two months.

Since none of the three helped my arthritis unfortunately, I can only rate

them on ease of use and side effects. I'd definitely go with the Enbrel.

All three drugs are pretty similar in how they work, so it's likely (not

necessarily but likely) that if one doesn't work neither will the others,

and the Enbrel (for me) was far and away the least unpleasant. YMMV!


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HI :

I have been on Humira for about a year and a half now. For the most part it has been very helpful in alleviating most of the symptoms. Just this past week I've been increased to once a week. I have been getting steadily worse since about February when I tried to get off Prednisone completely (bad idea). I know the Humira is doing something since I had to be off of it for a while due to insurance problems and I was in a world of pain.

I started out on Enbrel, but after 3 months, my doctor thought I might respond better to something else. The way it was explained to me is that biologics are all TNF-inhibitors. The difference between Humira, Enbrel and Remicade is the solution that delivers it into your system. So even though the active ingredient is the same, the delivery method can be more or less effective depending on your system.

There is a difference between self-injecting the Enbrel and Humira. The Enbrel you had to mix and swirl and then inject. But the injections were very painless. But I did have bruises on my thighs that lasted for months (quite a sight!). The Humira comes premixed, the needles are much thinner and it does really sting when you inject. It usually takes me at least a minute to inject. But usually I don't have any bruises. Or at least just little ones.

Good luck. Let us know what you decide.


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I was on Enbrel more than a year and it controlled RA very well go me.

The only problem was that I kept getting a sinus infection and would have to

stop the Enbrel and get over the infection. I have never tried Remicaid or

Humera so can not comment on them.


----- Original Message -----

From: " " <jewelsnmark@...>

<Rheumatoid Arthritis >

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:37 PM

Subject: new member


> Hi everyone. I am 37 and was diagnosed 2 years ago with RA. Have

> been on methotrexate/folic acid and naproxen. Saw ym rheumy today

> and he wants to start me on a biologcal, so I came home with videos

> on Remicaid, Enbrel, and Humera all in an insulated totebag with

> giant lettering HUMERA on it (ha ha ha).


> He wants me to watch all 3 (I did) and decide which one I want to

> try. Help! Anyone have their choice like this? I can read the

> product inserts and talk to my friend who is a new pharmacist, but I

> wanted to hear from some others with RA. Mine affects mainly my

> hands and feet.


> I really appreciate anything anyone can share about their

> experiences with these drugs.


> in WNY








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An important consideration is likely to be cost and how much your insurance will

pay. All of the biologics are terribly expensive. I think any of them is

likely to be effective. God bless.


> From: " " <jewelsnmark@...>

> Date: 2004/09/15 Wed PM 07:37:44 GMT

> Rheumatoid Arthritis

> Subject: new member



Hi everyone. I am 37 and was diagnosed 2 years ago with RA. Have

been on methotrexate/folic acid and naproxen. Saw ym rheumy today

and he wants to start me on a biologcal, so I came home with videos

on Remicaid, Enbrel, and Humera all in an insulated totebag with

giant lettering HUMERA on it (ha ha ha).

He wants me to watch all 3 (I did) and decide which one I want to

try. Help! Anyone have their choice like this? I can read the

product inserts and talk to my friend who is a new pharmacist, but I

wanted to hear from some others with RA. Mine affects mainly my

hands and feet.

I really appreciate anything anyone can share about their

experiences with these drugs.

in WNY

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  • 1 month later...

Hello and welcome Regina.

My RA is mainly in my hands but I have some off and on (getting more on than off lately)

problems with my toes and my knees.

I take Methotrexate, Naprosyn and Folic Acid.

Mannatech is a company that sells supplements. It isn't a product on its own.

Hugs, Jacy

~I don't approve of political jokes: I've seen too many get elected.


Want a signature like this?

----- Original Message -----

From: hnybny1969@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 13:37

Subject: New Member

Hello! I am a new member to your group. I am 35 and have been recently been diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis. My pain is mostly in my knees, hips and hands. I am currently taking Bextra and Tylenol Arthritis. I am awaiting a referral to a rhumatologist. I look forward to chatting with others who share RA symptoms and possibly getting info on other treatments that work.

Recently two different people have asked me if I have heard of a product called Manatech. Does anyone on this list use this product? I would like to hear your story.


Steeles Tavern, VA

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Hi Regina and welcome to the board. I'm 77 and have had RA for almost three years, mostly in my hands and wrists but sometimes just about anywhere else. Most pain medicines and anti-inflammatories are useful for relief of symptoms but don't slow down or stop the permanent joint damage that often accompanies RA. For that you need a DMARD (Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug), with Methotrexate perhaps being the most common one and there are a lot of others. When you see a rheumatologist you will probably be put on a DMARD, and if not, you should ask about one. Please feel free to ask anything you want to and someone here is most likely going to have some helpful response. God bless.

----- Original Message -----

From: hnybny1969@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 12:37 PM

Subject: New Member

Hello! I am a new member to your group. I am 35 and have been recently been diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis. My pain is mostly in my knees, hips and hands. I am currently taking Bextra and Tylenol Arthritis. I am awaiting a referral to a rhumatologist. I look forward to chatting with others who share RA symptoms and possibly getting info on other treatments that work.

Recently two different people have asked me if I have heard of a product called Manatech. Does anyone on this list use this product? I would like to hear your story.


Steeles Tavern, VA

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Hello Regina,

I am also 35 with RA. Do you find the Tylenol Arthritis does any good?

It only works for me if I am having very mild pain. I don't know

anything about manatech - perhaps someone else here will. I am currently

on sufasalazine, methotrexate, plaqunil and losec (for my stomach) plus

seeking alternative treatments to work in conjunction with my meds.

Glad you found the group

hnybny1969@... wrote:

> Hello! I am a new member to your group. I am 35 and have been

> recently been diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis. My pain is mostly

> in my knees, hips and hands. I am currently taking Bextra and Tylenol

> Arthritis. I am awaiting a referral to a rhumatologist. I look

> forward to chatting with others who share RA symptoms and possibly

> getting info on other treatments that work.


> Recently two different people have asked me if I have heard of a

> product called Manatech. Does anyone on this list use this product?

> I would like to hear your story.


> Regina

> Steeles Tavern, VA


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I have recently heard about Mannatech and manose. Sounds very promising. I agree the entrie healthcare system needs to be redone. We need to stop treating symptoms and get to the root of things. I took something called Nat-Stim from Bulgaria recently when I had a really bad cough and congestion and it was amazing how quickly it cleared it up. Went back to read the box and it contains manose also. So, I do know of the product. I take vitamins and drug free but do have crooked fingers and toes after 8 years of RA.


----- Original Message -----

From: hnybny1969@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 2:37 PM

Subject: New Member

Hello! I am a new member to your group. I am 35 and have been recently been diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis. My pain is mostly in my knees, hips and hands. I am currently taking Bextra and Tylenol Arthritis. I am awaiting a referral to a rhumatologist. I look forward to chatting with others who share RA symptoms and possibly getting info on other treatments that work.

Recently two different people have asked me if I have heard of a product called Manatech. Does anyone on this list use this product? I would like to hear your story.


Steeles Tavern, VA

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