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Re: Istvan Javorek Complexes

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Colin Chung:

<There is an interesting exercise in there called a Squat Jump Push Press

using dumbells. Basicly you squat down to parallel with two dumbells in

the shoulder press position with palms facing each other.

Then you jump up pressing the dumbells up, like a vertical jump.

Land and lower back to the squat posiiton.

The set should be smooth and continous.>

**Coach Davies discusses some of complexes in his recent article at:


[There are several different definitions of the different ways in which


may be combined. What are referred to here as " complexes " are

called " hybrids " in " Supertraining " . Ch 7.1 and Ch 8.4. I doubt if there

is anyone who has used " complexes " as widely and creatively as Istvan Javorek,

who has a compendium of several thousand " complexes " that he has used with

his athletes since his early days in Romania, where he even trained Dragomir

Cioroslan (now US National Weightlifting coach) and other prominent athletes.

I also wrote an article on this subject for PTonTheNet quite recently, so


of that group will have read it. Mel Siff]

Christian Thibaudeau

Quebec, Canada

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You can find this article on Javorek's web page at


" Javorek's Millenium Elite Athletes " Tremendous Pleasure "

Conditioning Program

Copyright @ 2000 Istvan " Steve " Javorek

After the unexpected flow of interest about my full version of

the " Big Fun " Program, I decided to further develop my concept of a

revolutionary approach to " Body Building " especially after receiving

several encouraging letters from competitive body builders and from

the general public involved in exercising.

Back at my club in Romania, I used to coach - next to my main

function as a weightlifting head coach - an average of 30-40 body

builders, designing their daily programs and organizing competitions.

In that period of time the name of the Romanian Weightlifting

Federation was combined with Body-Building. Its name was Romanian

Federation of Weightlifting and Culturism.

I remember my first bodybuilders had disproportionately developed

musculature with a lack of general athletic abilities(sprint, jump,

etc). I personally was a very multilaterally prepared and developed

athlete, so I felt it was necessary to develop special rules of

competition, which beside the physical presentation, an athlete must

compete in : standing long jump; behind the head straight knees pull

ups(touching the bar with the second vertebrate); medium grip bench

press; (deep, weightlifting style) back squat(because there is a

front squat also!!). I developed a point system giving 50% for

presentation and equally dividing the rest of the points between the

four exercises(bench press, squat , pull ups and standing long jump).

This rule made a huge impact on my bodybuilders and was the turning

point toward their harmonious muscular and athletic development.

This makes me feel confident that my approach will bring more

enthusiasts to try and achieve satisfaction and successes with my


When " Muscle & Fitness " asked me again to write a new program for the

magazine, I was happy to accept with just one request: let me

continue with my - (I would call- revolutionary) approach - and let

the American bodybuilders and athletes learn a new, very healthy

method to gaining strong, big and harmonious musculature.

This new program unlike the six weeks six times a week " Javorek's

Big Fun # 1 " program (the full version I provide upon request) is a

12 weeks, three times a week program. I call it " Javorek's Big Fun

#2 " or " Javorek's Millenium Elite Athletes Tremendous Pleasure

Program " . Because of the high load, it may be performed in two

different sessions daily, and performed three times a week for 12

weeks, or dividing into two separate workouts and performed for 24

weeks. Of course the neuro-muscular and hormonal stimulation will be

very different, achieving the best result with the original version.

As everyone can see in my programs, I finish each day with abdominal

and general explosive drills. The reason is that in my forty years of

coaching experience I have come to the conclusion that it is much

more beneficial to do explosive drills at the end of a daily program

for a shorter period of time instead of performing a full hour

separate workout.

I was born with the East-European plyometrics movement (which we just

called " explosive drills " ). I have helped athletes achieve great

performance applying my philosophy to my hundreds of programs, which

develop quick, fast and explosive musculature. Just three example who

support the benefits of this kind of preparation: Dragomir Cioroslan,

1984 LA Summer Olympic Games bronze medalist , who is the head coach

at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for US

Weightlifting Residence Program was able to perform a straight back

flip after a 440 lb. clean and jerk. By utilizing my programs,

Dragomir developed from a 15 years old 77 lb. kid - who suffered from

rheumatic heart disease and rickets - into a European record holder

and one of the most harmoniously developed athlete I have ever seen.

He became a multiple national record holder and champion in

weightlifting, but he also won the Romanian National Body Building


My second example, Istvan Tasnadi, a modern Hercules, and 1984 LA

Summer Olympic Games silver medalist in weightlifting, was able to

jump up 20 times consecutively on a 42 inch high box. He was also

able to jump 8 stairs up on a stairway, and to run 7.1 sec. in the 60

m dash at a 246 lb. body weight.

Finally, Wesley Barnett, multiple US National Champion and record

holder in two weight classes, (100 kg and 110 kg) 6-th at the 1996

Atlanta Summer Olympic Games, and the 1997 Weightlifting World

Championship silver medalist, was my student between 1988-1991.

During that time he recorded a 10.4 foot standing long jump, a 3.98

sec. 30 m sprint, a 36 inch standing vertical jump, and 64 feet on

the overhead backward 10 lb. medicine ball throw.

A major feature of my programs is the very different approach to

using shorter breaks between the sets of exercises. This must be

modified for anyone who does not fit into an elite athlete's physical

shape by increasing and adjusting the break times to a trainee's

individual adaptation level!

Decreasing the break times between the sets has been a long

experiment. During my own, and later my athletes' athletic

preparation, I realized that by shortening the breaks and increasing

the intensity I can achieve higher quality muscular fitness and

strength improvement. I have had very positive feed back from other

coaches and athletes. From the many positive comments, I have come to

the conclusion that a greater variation of exercises will stimulate

the cardio-vascular and hormonal system. The human body (after a

period of " fighting " ) will adapt to the increased demand, and new

doors will open in a clean, drug free athletic preparation.

One of the most important points what I realized in program design is

that of exercise technique. Everyone must feel comfortable with all

of the exercises within a program and must posses the correct

technique for all of them. During my years of publishing articles in

different journals and magazines, I realized that several exercises

from my programs are not familiar to the general public. My dumbbell

and barbell exercise video tapes show " in detail " information and

descriptions of the exercises I utilize.

I feel it necessary to share with the readers several pieces of

general information about the exercises from this program.

In the " Tremendous Pleasure " program there are dumbbell, barbell and

general fitness exercises, including box jumps, step ups, lunges,

walk lunges, pull ups on high bar, dips on parallel bar, abdominal

programs and up-stairs activities.

Exercises with dumbbells always involve more active minor, major and

balance muscles at the same time, using a wide range of motion.

Dumbbell exercises are very dynamic and stimulatory.

Exercises with barbells are another group from the free weights

family. In most of the cases with barbells, an athlete can isolate

more effectively a muscle or muscle group, because the barbell itself

eliminates some of the balance muscles' involvement, or changes the

order, the biomechanics and number of balance muscles participation.

Alternating and mixing up dumbbell and barbell exercises makes the

program more enjoyable and it produces great stimulation on the whole

vital body function.

Both the dumbbell and the barbell exercise groups produce a

continuous stimulation on the muscular-skeletal (bones, ligaments,

tendons, muscles) the cardio-vascular and the morfo-functional

system. My personal experiences confirm the quasi general knowledge

that weight bearing exercises can help to prevent injury, and

osteoporosis. Research proves that weight training is not just

preventive, but also very beneficial in recovering damaged joints due

to arthritis, or after serious injuries.

Bodybuilding editors and several body builders are questioning why a

bodybuilder should perform a program like this. As a general

conclusion in favor of doing this kind of preparation, I would like

to present my philosophy of a new concept of athletics, body building

and general fitness:

a) Avoid monotony in your workouts - doing year round almost the same

routines make the neuro-muscular system tired which drives the body

to burn out or " over-train " . Give your body a chance to enjoy your

hard work. This program has a great number of exercise variations

which makes it more enjoyable and stimulatory. Everyone who performs

this program, (of course this includes only those who are physically

and mentally ready to do it) will become, strong, vigorous, healthy

and with perfectly balanced musculature.

B) At least after every six months take time off from your general

exercise routines. Changing from a general routine will " shock " your

body. At first, the change will act as active rest and later as a new

form of stimulation to your body.

c) If you are a beginner, then start with basic exercises - one or

two exercises per muscle group. Build up your program and exercise

groups gradually; (For example, I have designed six different

increasingly difficult 12 weeks conditioning programs including

Javorek's " Big Fun " # 1 and now Javorek's Tremendous Pleasure "

Program). Each exercise must be performed with perfect technique!

d) Athletes of different sports, body builders and general fitness

enthusiasts should benefit from this program

e) So, give your body an opportunity to take off from your year-round

routine. Enjoy the hard work, and refresh your body's improvement!!!

Special Instruction to the program: Javorek's Barbell and Dumbbell

Complex Exercises. Take the intensity always from the most difficult

exercise of a respective complex, avoiding the chance of choosing too

heavy weights and not being able of performing correctly.

Javorek's Barbell Complex I Exercise:

Barbell Upright Row X 6

Barbell High Pull Snatch X 6

Barbell Behind The Head Squat Push Press X 6

Barbell Behind The Head Good Morning X 6

Barbell Bent Over Row X 6

Perform In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order As Listed Above :

- 5 Exercises X 6 Repetitions = 30 Repetitions/Set.

The Number Of Repetitions Can Be Changed In Order To Satisfy

Different Goals. Long Distance Runners, Skiers, Bikers, Wrestlers

Could Gradually Increase The Number Of Repetitions And The Weight, To

Achieve A Higher Quality Specific Endurance And Power In Domain Of

Endurance. On The Beginning Should Be Practiced Just Partial Or The

Integral Complex I, But With Less Repetitions. Is Up To The Coaches

Decision To Practice The Full Exercise And To Increase The Weight

Also. If Low Ceiling, Certain Exercises Perform Seated.

Javorek's Barbell Complex II. Exercise:

Barbell Upright Row X 3

Barbell High Pull Snatch X 3

Barbell Behind The Head Squat Push Press X 3

Barbell Behind The Head Good Morning X 3

Barbell Bent Over Row X 3

These Five Exercises Executed In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order By

Three Repetitions Constitutes A Cycle. Perform In A Non-Stop,

Continuous Order As Listed Above.

Go Through The Exercises Once For Beginners, Then Gradually Increase

The Number Of Cycles To Two, To Three, And For Different Endurance

Sports Could Be The Coach Decision To Increase To Four Cycles In One

Set. Also For A Prominent Cardio-Vascular Stimulation Of This

Exercise, The Number Of Repetition For Each Exercise Could Be

Increased Gradually. For Example : First Just For The Third Cycle,

Then For Third, And Second, And Finally For All Three Cycles In One

Set. Never Hurry In Increasing The Number Of Repetitions. Always To

Keep In Mind The Perfect Technique Of Execution, Wide And Full Range

Of Motion. If Low Ceiling, Certain Exercises Perform Seated.

Javorek's Barbell Complex III. Exercise:

Barbell Regular(Supinated) Curls X 6

Barbell Upright Row X 6

Barbell High Pull Snatch From Hip X 6

Barbell Behind The Head Press X 6

Barbell Bent Over Row X 8

Barbell Behind The Head Squat Push Press Or X 6

Barbell Behind The Head Seated Press X 6

Barbell Behind The Head Good Morning X 10

Barbell Behind The Head Quarter Squat X 10

Barbell In Front Of Thighs Special Good Morning X 10

Perform In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order As Listed Above. If Low

Ceiling, Certain Exercises Perform Seated.

Five Exercises X 6 Reps = 30 Reps/Set + 1 Exercise Of 8 Reps +

3 Exercises Of 10 Reps = 68 Reps.

Javorek's Barbell Complex IV. Exercise:

Barbell Regular(Supinated) Curls X 3

Barbell Upright Row X 3

Barbell High Pull Snatch From Hip X 3

Barbell Behind The Head Press X 3

Barbell Bent Over Row X 3

Barbell Behind The Head Squat Push Press Or X 3

Barbell Behind The Head Seated Press X 3

Barbell Behind The Head Good Morning X 5

Barbell Behind The Head Quarter Squat X 5

Barbell In Front Of Thighs Special Good Morning X 5

Perform In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order As Listed Above. Go Through

The Exercises Twice For Beginner, Three Times For More Advanced

Athletes. For Different Sport The Number Of Repetitions For Each

Exercise And The Number Of Cycles (The 9 Exercises In A Non-Stop,

Continuous Order Is Equal With One Cycle) Could Vary, determined By

The Coach Or Personal Trainer. For A Remarkable Cardio-Vascular

Stimulation Of This Exercise, The Number Of Repetition For Each

Exercise Could Be Gradually Increased.

For Example : First Just The Third Cycle From Three To Four Reps, Then

The Third And Second Cycles From Three To Four Reps, And Finally All

Three Cycles' Repetitions To Be Increased Up To Four. But Every Coach

Could Find Out Which Is The Best Combination For Every Individual Athlete

At A Given Time. But Never Hurry In Increasing The Number Of Repetitions,

And Always Keep In Mind The Perfect Execution. If Low Ceiling, Certain

Exercises Perform Seated.

Javorek's Dumbbell Complex I. Exercise:

Dumbbell Upright Row X 6

Dumbbell High Pull Snatch X 6

Dumbbell Squat Push Press X 6

Dumbbell Bent Over Row X 6

Dumbbell High Pull Snatch X 6

Perform In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order As Listed Above. If Low

Ceiling, Certain Exercises Perform Seated.

Five Exercise X 6 Reps = 30 Reps/Set

Javorek's Dumbbell Complex II. Exercise:

Dumbbell Upright Row X 3

Dumbbell High Pull Snatch X 3

Dumbbell Squat Push Press X 3

Dumbbell Bent Over Row X 3

Dumbbell High Pull Snatch X 3

Perform In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order As Listed Above. Go Through

The Exercises (A Cycle) Once For Beginners, Then Gradually Increase

The Number Of Cycles To Two, To Three, Or As Much The Sports

Conditioning Coach Or Other Specialist Considers Necessary And

Adequate. Also For A Remarkable Cardio-Vascular Stimulation Of This

Exercise, The Number Of Repetition For Each Exercise Could Be

Gradually Increased. For Example : First Just The Third Cycle From

Three To Four Reps, Then The Third And Second Cycles From Three To

Four Reps, And Finally All Three Cycles' Repetitions To Be Increased

Up To Four. But Every Coach Could Find Out Which Is The Best

Combination For Every Individual Athlete At A Given Time. But Never

Hurry In Increasing The Number Of Repetitions, And Always Keep In

Mind The Perfect Execution. If Low Ceiling, Certain Exercises Perform


Javorek's Dumbbell Complex III. Exercise:

Dumbbell Regular(Supinated) Curls X 6

Dumbbell Upright Row X 6

Dumbbell High Pull Snatch Regular Or From Hip X 6

Dumbbell Parallel Press X 6

Dumbbell Bent Over Row X 6

Dumbbell Squat Push Press X 6

Dumbbell Bent Over Kick Back X 6

Dumbbell Squat Upright Row X 6

Dumbbell In Front Of Thighs Special Good Morning X 10

Perform In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order As Listed Above. If Low

Ceiling, Certain Exercises Perform Seated.

Eight Exercises X 6 Reps = 48 Reps/Set. + 1 Exercise X 10 Reps Total

58 Reps/Set

Javorek's Dumbbell Complex IV. Exercise:

Dumbbell Regular(Supinated) Curls X 3

Dumbbell Upright Row X 3

Dumbbell High Pull Snatch Regular Or From Hip X 3

Dumbbell Parallel Press X 3

Dumbbell Bent Over Row X 3

Dumbbell Squat Push Press X 3

Dumbbell Bent Over Kick Back X 3

Dumbbell Squat Upright Row X 3

Dumbbell In Front Of Thighs Special Good Morning X 3

Perform In A Non-Stop, Continuous Order As Listed Above. Go Through

The Exercises Twice For Beginner, Three Times For More Advanced

Athletes. For Different Sport The Number Of Repetitions For Each

Exercise And The Number Of Cycles (The Nine Exercises In A Non-Stop,

Continuous Order Is Equal With One Cycle) Could Vary, Determined By

The Coach Or Personal Trainer. For A Remarkable Cardio-Vascular

Stimulation Of This Exercise, The Number Of Repetition For Each

Exercise Could Be Gradually Increased. For Example : First Just The

Third Cycle From Three To Four Reps, Then The Third And Second Cycles

From Three To Four Reps, And Finally All Three Cycles' Repetitions To

Be Increased Up To Four. But Every Coach Could Find Out Which Is The

Best Combination For Every Individual Athlete At A Given Time. But

Never Hurry In Increasing The Number Of Repetitions, And Always Keep

In Mind The Perfect Execution. If Low Ceiling, Certain Exercises

Perform Seated

Javorek's General Abdominal Program.

* For Advanced Performance Athletes Only

Motto: There are no dangerous abdominal exercises, just bad

technique. The best conditioned athlete can be hurt by poor execution!!!

1. Lying Down, Arms Overhead, Simultaneous Knee

Hugs....................................... X 15

2. Crunches Regular Or In Four Sequences(Two Up + Two

Down).......................... X 20

3. Parallel Leg Raise, Arms Under

Hip ........................................... X 20

4. Lying Down, Hands Bent To Head, Alternate Knee Touch,

Bicycle .................... X 20+20

5. Lying Down, Straight Legs Up, Half Jack

Knifes................................................... X 20

6. Seated, Hands Behind, Pointed Toes, Legs Raised To 30° Up & Down

Scissors ... X 30+30

7. Alternate Knee Bend, Twisted Sit

Ups ..................................................................

........... X 10+10

8. Lying With Both Shoulders On The Floor, Arms Bent To Shoulders,

Hip Twisted To

Left Or Right Side With The Top Foot Crossed Over, Crunches.........

........................... X 20+20

9. Jack Knifes ............................... X 15

10. Seated, Hands Behind, Pointed Toes, Legs Raised To 30° Side To

Side Cross Scissors.. X 30+30

11. Crunches Regular Or In Four Sequences(Two Up + Two

Down).................................... X 20

12. Lying Down, Bent Knees, Hands Bent To Head, Alternate Leg Cross -

Over............. ..... X 20+20

13. Lying Down, Arms Bent To Head, Bent Knees Feet Hooked Under Heavy

Dumbbells Or

Someone Stepping On Them, Half & Half Sit -Ups...................... X 15+15

14. Jack Knifes ................................................ X 10

15. Lying Down, Bent Knees, Feet On The Floor, Hold Up In Crunch Up

Position............... 4 X 15 Sec.

16. Lying Down, Straight Legs Up, Half Jack


X 20

17. Seated, Hands Behind, Pointed Straight Legs, Simultaneous Knee

Pull To Chest, Kick

Out 30° From The Floor ........................... X 15

18. Lying On Right Or Left Side, Bent Knees, Top Hand Bent To Head,

Bottom Hand Cross

On Side, (Left-Right) Side Crunches In Four Sequences(Two Up + Two

Down)............ X 20+20

19. Jack Knifes ......................... X 15

20. Seated, Hands Behind, Pointed Straight Legs, Simultaneous 30° Leg

Raise, Pull Knees

To Chest, Kick Out Close To Floor ................................... X 15

21. Jack Knifes ................... X 15

22. Straight Legs Up, Hands On Thighs, Crunches............. X 20

23. Lying Down, Arms Bent To Head, Bent Knees & Straddled Feet,

Twisted Sit - Ups....... X 10+10

24. Bent Knees Feet Hooked Under Heavy Dumbbells Or Someone

Stepping On Them, Different Size Dumbbells On Chest, Sit -

Ups..................................... X 20

25. Bent Knees, Feet On The Floor, Hold Up In Crunch Up

Position ..................................... 4 X 15 Sec.

26. Lying on stomach, arms close to the body, bent at chest level.

Holding the hip on the floor,

gradually straighten the elbows, looking up on the ceiling, and

hyper - extending the back.

Hold this position for..15 sec. .then raise to hands & knees, curve

(round) & arch back for .20 sec.

Then with straight elbows sit back on heels for...20 sec.

Before starting this program, every individual athlete must be

capable of performing with perfect body posture each of these

exercises with at least 20 repetitions. Depending on individual

goals, or the coach's prescription, repeat the program as many times

is prescribed. On individual basis, other abdominal exercises could

be added to the abdominal program, just never try to perform any sit -

ups exercise with high repetition which you do not master perfectly.

Do not take longer break than 10-15 seconds between exercises. Do it

slowly but with a dynamic and continuous rhythm.

Remember: never raise your butt off from the ground while doing sit -

ups; always hold your back curved, chin in your chest, head off from

the ground, and try touching the ground with each vertebrate during a

sit-up movement.

Javorek's (Special) Half & Half Abdominal Program # 1

* For Advanced Performance Athletes Only

1. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Sit - Ups X 10

2. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Up & Up + Half Down & Down

Sit - Ups X 10

3. Half Jack Knives X 20

4. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Up & Down Sit - Ups X 10

5. Half Jack Knives X 20

6. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Down & Up Sit - Ups X 10

7. Jack Knives X 10

Obs: If The Routine Becomes Very Comfortable And " Easy-To-Perform "

Add Weight(Dumbbell On Chest) For The Hooked Feet Part Of The Program.

Javorek's (Special) Medicine Ball Abdominal Program # 2

* For Advanced Performance Athletes Only

1. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Sit - Ups X 10

2. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Up & Up + Half Down & Down

Sit - Ups X 10

3. Hooked Feet Medicine Ball Overhead Pass & Sit - Ups X 10

4. Half Jack Knives X 10

5. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Up & Down Sit - Ups X 10

6. Hooked Feet Medicine Ball Chest Pass & Sit - Ups X 10

7. Half Jack Knives X 10

8. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Down & Up Sit - Ups X 10

9. Hooked Feet Medicine Ball Overhead Pass & Sit - Ups X 10

10. Hooked Feet Medicine Ball Chest Pass & Sit - Ups X 10

11. Jack Knives X 10

Javorek's (Special) Abdominal Program # 3

* For Advanced Performance Athletes Only

1. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Sit - Ups X 10

2. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Up & Up + Half Down & Down

Sit - Ups X 10

3. Jack Knives X 10

4. Half Jack Knives X 10

5. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Up & Down Sit - Ups X 10

6. Jack Knives X 10

7. Half Jack Knives X 10

8. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Down & Up Sit - Ups X 10

9. Jack Knives X 10

10. Hooked Feet Arms Cross On Chest Half Up & Up + Half Down & Down

Sit - Ups X 10

11. Jack Knives X 10

Week I. Day I

Dumbbell Upright Row 30s Break between the sets

60% 10, 10 65% 10, 10 70% 10, 10 75% 8, 8 80% 8

Dumbbell Pronated Curls 25s Break between the sets

55%14 60%12 65%12 70%10, 10 75%8 80%6

Barbell Wide Grip Bent Over Row 30s Break between the sets

55%10,10 60%10 65%10 70%10 75%8 80%6

Dumbbell Overhead, From Parallel To Linear, Rotational Press 30s

Break between the sets

55%14 65%10 70%10,10 75%8,8 80%6

Dumbbell Parallel Squat Push Press 35s Break between the sets

60%10 70%10 65%10 75%8 80%6 65%10


Dumbbell Alternate Leg Lunges - Double Steps Count 40s Break between

the sets

50%16+16 60%16+16 65%(16+16)2 70%14+14 75%14+14

Javorek's Dumbbell Complex III 60s Break between the sets

40%1 45%1 50%2 55%2

Barbell Back Squat 60s Break between the sets

60%10,10 70%10, 10 80%6 65%10 80%6

Double Leg Up-Stairs Bounding - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights)30s

Break between the sets

3 Sets Of 3 Length

One Leg(Right) Up-Stairs Bounding - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights)

30s Break between the sets

3 Sets Of 3 Length

One Leg(Left) Up-Stairs Bounding - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights)

30s Break between the sets

3 Sets Of 3 Length

Up-Stairs Sprint - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights) 30s Break between

the sets

3 Sets Of 3 Length

Javorek's General Abdominal Program 1 Set

Week I. Day II

Barbell Narrow Grip Upright Row 40s Break between the sets

50%12 55%12 60%10 65%10 70%10 60%12 75%8

Barbell Supinated (Regular) Curls 35s Break between the sets

40%14 45%12 50%12 60%10 55%12 70%10

Barbell Overhead Triceps Curls 35s Break between the sets

50%12,12 60%10,10 65%10 70%10,10

Barbell Incline Bench Press 40s Break between the sets

50%10 55%10 65%10 60%10 70%10 75%8

Barbell (Comfortable Width Grip) Behind The Head From Half Squat

Press 35s Break between the sets

40%14 45%14 50%12 50%12 55%10

High Bar Pronated Grip Behind The Head Pull Ups Or Regular Chin-Ups

Pull (With Weight Or Without Weight) 60s Break between the sets

10%10 15%10 15%10 15%10 20%8 25%6 0r

6 Set As Many You Can Perform With Correct Form

Dumbbell Walk Lunges - Double Steps Count. 45s Break between the sets

40%(20+20)2 45%(20+20)2 50%20+20 55%20+20

Barbell Wave Squat (4 Wave + 1 Jump) 45s Break between the sets

40%40 45%40 50%35 60%30 65%30

Javorek's Barbell Complex IV 60s Break between the sets

40%1 45%1 50%2 55%2

Barbell Back Squat 30s Break between the sets

40%14 50%12 60%10 50%12 70%10 80%6, 6

Box Jump (The Height Must Be Individually Chosen) 60s Break between

the sets

6 Sets X 10 Jumps Or

6 Sets X 10 Tuck Jump

Double Leg Up-Stairs Zig-Zag Bounding - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2

Flights) 30s Break between the sets

6 Sets Of 3 Length

Run-Jump & Sprint - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights)30s Break between

the sets

6 Sets Of 3 Length

Up-Stairs Sprint - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights) 30s Break between

the sets

6 Sets Of 3 Length

Javorek's Half & Half Abdominal Program # 1

1 Set

Week I. Day III

Dumbbell Lying On Back On Bench Fly 45s Break between the sets

40%16 50%14 60%12 65%10 70%10 75%8


Dumbbell Parallel Bench Press 45s Break between the sets

60%10 65%10 70%8, 8 75%8 80%6 85%5

Dumbbell Bent Over Row Kick Back Triceps Curls 40s Break between the


40%16 50%16 60%12 70%10 80%6, 6 85%5

Dumbbell Lying On Bench Pull Over 35s Break between the sets

60%10 65%10 70%10 75%8, 8 80%6 85%5

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 45s Break between the sets

60%10 70%10 75%8 65%10 85%4, 4

Dumbbell Regular Curls X 10 + Upright Row X 8 + Press X 6 + Bent Over

Row X 8 + Squat Push Press X 6 60s Break between the sets

40%1 45%1 50%1 55%1 60%1

Dumbbell Upright Row X 8 + Press X 6 + Regular Curls X 6 + Push Press

X 6 + Upright Row X 8 + Squat Push Press X 6 + Squat Jump X 6 + Split

Jump X 10 60s Break between the sets

45%1 50%1 55%1 60%1

Barbell Front Squat 45s Break between the sets

50%10 60%10, 10 65%10 70%10 75%6, 8

Double Leg Up-Stairs Bounding - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights) 30s

Break between the sets

6 Sets Of 3 Length

One Leg(Right) Up-Stairs Bounding - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights)

30s Break between the sets

6 Sets Of 3 Length

One Leg(Left) Up-Stairs Bounding - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights)

30s Break between the sets

6 Sets Of 3 Length

Up-Stairs Sprint - Minimum 22-24 Stairs (2 Flights) 30 sec Break between

the sets

6 Sets Of 3 Length

Javorek's Medicine Ball Abdominal Program # 2 30s Break between the

sets ... 3 Sets "


Christian Thibaudeau

Quebec, Canada

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> You can find this article on Javorek's web page at


> http://old.jccc.net/~ijavorek/mf.htm

Yes the M & F article has a modified version of this program

This one linked here is was called Power Thrash when it was

first published in Muscle and Fitness.

He considers Power Thrash II to be a prequel to this

one, it has more bodybuilding exercises in it,

but still largely composed of explosive hybrids.

Colin Chung

Sydney, Australia

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Guest guest

> You can find this article on Javorek's web page at


> http://old.jccc.net/~ijavorek/mf.htm

Yes the M & F article has a modified version of this program

This one linked here is was called Power Thrash when it was

first published in Muscle and Fitness.

He considers Power Thrash II to be a prequel to this

one, it has more bodybuilding exercises in it,

but still largely composed of explosive hybrids.

Colin Chung

Sydney, Australia

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