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This n' That

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Greetings Dragon Slayers

It's been awhile since my last post. I do read the majority of e-mails, but

somedays, when there are 150 or more I scan and  delete. Some of this COULD be

managed by e-mailing to each other Privately, instead of using the mailing list

as a central mail room! I'm not certain when we lost control of the mailing

site.....but instead of hitting reply, post to your e-mail friends privately,


Putting someone's name on a reply to the entire group doesn't make it acceptable

practise. I fear that may be someone who really needs our attention, and they

will be missed or passed over because we are having to use the delete key too


I have been in a flare for some weeks now, and with no end in sight. I am

worried about making it to the Conference this year. I saw my Doc yesterday, and

she wants me to see an RD SAP. There are so few in the vicinity it will mean my

making a trip to another  town.....my Doc wont proscribe and DMARDS...she did

agree to let me go back on a low dose of the dreaded  Roids in hopes of

controlling the extreme pain, even a little.

To the newbies, a warm welcome, as usual, we're sorry you have to be here, but

glad that we can be of some assistance to you in your journey with the Dragon.

Here you will find wonderfully warm and supportive people. They will try and

inform and support you.

ON THAT note, I must explain that the information you might get from fellow

members SHOULD NOT, AND CAN NOT take the place of your RD or PCP's directions.

HOME remedies are not to be taken as gospel......this site is for the exchange

of events, support and caring, and NOT for any " actual " medical suggestions. I

would hope that no one tries a home remedy without first discussing it with

their medical professionals.

We need some members to do some work with the Foundation. We need a " Nursing

Director " someone with at least an RN's degree. In the past we have had Kathleen

Brown, and Barbara Gardner. Unfortunately both of them are too unwell to serve

in that position. The position is a little bit like a watch-dog, reading the

e-mails, and keeping topics on the bstright and narrow, as well as answering

some queries from the members.

If there is someone in our membership that would be able and willing to become

involved in assisting us in this area please e-mail me at Cattriller@...

or Cattriller60@...

We are considering revitalising our Newsletter. It's been several years since we

tried to get it going. We'r looking for a few people who might be interested in

getting involved with this. Editor, Writers, Interested people can e-mail me at

the above addresses.

Well dearhearts, guess that's about all the this n that I have for now.

Smilesd and regards


may the dragon miss you and the

angels find you


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