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Re: Prayers needed

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Thank u, my roommate and dear friend has liver and colon cancer,he is in a trials program at City of Hope,Every other week he wears the chemo home from his infusion Thursday afternoon till Saturday when he goes back and they take it off.he had been doing extremely well handling the chemo till this last infusion. We have no idea how its working yet, probably wont know till infusion # 6, 2 more to go,I would really appreciate prayer and healing 4 him ,he is being so brave,Love and Light,Prayers r with u and yours,Laurie <marerob_2000@...> wrote: From: WindfeatherDate: May 19, 2007 11:03 PMHello my friends, I have a request from a friendand would like to ask for prayers love & lightto be sent to BETTY for lung cancer & her family(she has fast growing lung cancer that has alreadyspread to the chest wall. The doctors are not giving her very long at all to live. They still wanted to do chemo, but Betty has chosen not to go that course, as it will not really stop the cancer)I want to add my energy and love to all those whoare having issues with cancer it is hard on everybody involved and seems that no family is exemptfyifor the 3 fires pow wow we are makingpink prayer

shawls to honor all those who have hador do have this problemwe will do a special dance the 2nd weekend in June along the Awashtanong (grand river)where the odawa ojibway n potawattomi have gatheredfor hundreds of yearsbless you all ~Windfeather To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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What is his name? Sorry to hear he has this! I will say a prayer for him. LAURIE WEXLER <wexlaur@...> wrote: Thank u, my roommate and dear friend has liver and colon cancer,he is in a trials program at City of Hope,Every other week he wears the chemo home from his infusion Thursday afternoon till Saturday when he goes back and they take it off.he had been doing extremely well handling the chemo till this last infusion. We have no idea how its working

yet, probably wont know till infusion # 6, 2 more to go,I would really appreciate prayer and healing 4 him ,he is being so brave,Love and Light,Prayers r with u and yours,Laurie <marerob_2000 > wrote: From: WindfeatherDate: May 19, 2007 11:03 PMHello my friends, I have a request from a friendand would like to ask for prayers love & lightto be sent to BETTY for lung cancer & her family(she has fast growing lung cancer that has alreadyspread to the chest wall. The doctors are not giving her very long at all to live.

They still wanted to do chemo, but Betty has chosen not to go that course, as it will not really stop the cancer)I want to add my energy and love to all those whoare having issues with cancer it is hard on everybody involved and seems that no family is exemptfyifor the 3 fires pow wow we are makingpink prayer shawls to honor all those who have hador do have this problemwe will do a special dance the 2nd weekend in June along the Awashtanong (grand river)where the odawa ojibway n potawattomi have gatheredfor hundreds of yearsbless you all ~Windfeather To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Gayle,

Thank you for the opportunity to do prayer and

visualization for Tony. He is blessed to have you as

his sister. Angels are surrounding and soothing him,




--- packardplace <packardplace@...> wrote:



> ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

> From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?


fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=67355919 & MyToken=9297afb4-f899-

> 44aa-bea1-2f03ccdc7d5b'>Gayle - a spark in dark</a>

> Date: May 29, 2007 3:16 AM



> This bulletin is for all my MySpace friends who pray

> or believe in

> prayer.

> I got a call from Deaconess hospital late tonight.

> My brother had a

> heat stroke earlier this evening and was taken to

> the hospital by

> ambulance. His temperature was over 103 degrees and

> he

> started having a grand mal seizure in the emergency

> room. The seizure

> lasted 8 minutes and he stopped breathing and they

> had to put him on

> a ventilator to breathe for him. He is unable to

> move his left side

> from his toes to his head. He is only 44 years old.

> They are keeping

> him sedated for the time being. He will be in the

> intensive care unit

> for some time and when he is realeased, he will have

> to enter a

> reahabilitation hospital if he survives this heat

> stroke. They said

> it was very serious. His name is Tony and I am

> asking you to please

> include him in your prayers as I will be too. Thank

> you in advance

> to all of those who will say a prayer for him. I do

> appreciate it. He

> is a kind and gentle soul.

> Hugs to you all, Gayle



Hold an image of the life you want, and that image will become fact.

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Beloved Gayle,

I'm so sorry to hear of your brother hun and I will be sure and hold him high in my thoughts and prayers today, as well as keep you held high as that you may be strong and supportive to him and the family but not to the point of neglecting yourself. Please keep myself and the group informed on how he continues to progress and please take some time out for you during your vigil for your blessed brother.

Sending you lots of love and light my friend ~


From: packardplace@...Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 03:21:47 +0000Subject: [] PRAYERS NEEDED

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=67355919 & MyToken=9297afb4-f899-44aa-bea1-2f03ccdc7d5b'>Gayle - a spark in dark</a>Date: May 29, 2007 3:16 AMThis bulletin is for all my MySpace friends who pray or believe in prayer. I got a call from Deaconess hospital late tonight. My brother had a heat stroke earlier this evening and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. His temperature was over 103 degrees and hestarted having a grand mal seizure in the emergency room. The seizure lasted 8 minutes and he stopped breathing and they had to put him on a ventilator to breathe for him. He is unable to move his left side from his toes to his head. He is only 44 years old. They are keeping him sedated for the time being. He will be in the intensive care unit for some time and when he is realeased, he will have to enter a reahabilitation hospital if he survives this heat stroke. They said it was very serious. His name is Tony and I am asking you to please include him in your prayers as I will be too. Thank you in advance to all of those who will say a prayer for him. I do appreciate it. He is a kind and gentle soul. Hugs to you all, Gayle Change is good. See what’s different about Windows Live Hotmail. Check it out!

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Dear Gayle

I send some healing love to your brother Toni, hope he gets well soon.

Stay positive and lots of hugs.

Angel of Love

--- In , Pates <kplus4@...>



> Beloved Gayle,


> I'm so sorry to hear of your brother hun and I will be sure and

hold him high in my thoughts and prayers today, as well as keep you

held high as that you may be strong and supportive to him and the

family but not to the point of neglecting yourself. Please keep

myself and the group informed on how he continues to progress and

please take some time out for you during your vigil for your blessed



> Sending you lots of love and light my friend ~

> ~



> @...: packardplace@...: Wed, 30 May 2007

03:21:47 +0000Subject: [] PRAYERS NEEDED





> ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: <a


fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=67355919 & MyToken=9297afb4-f899-

44aa-bea1-2f03ccdc7d5b'>Gayle - a spark in dark</a>Date: May 29, 2007

3:16 AMThis bulletin is for all my MySpace friends who pray or

believe in prayer. I got a call from Deaconess hospital late tonight.

My brother had a heat stroke earlier this evening and was taken to

the hospital by ambulance. His temperature was over 103 degrees and

hestarted having a grand mal seizure in the emergency room. The

seizure lasted 8 minutes and he stopped breathing and they had to put

him on a ventilator to breathe for him. He is unable to move his left

side from his toes to his head. He is only 44 years old. They are

keeping him sedated for the time being. He will be in the intensive

care unit for some time and when he is realeased, he will have to

enter a reahabilitation hospital if he survives this heat stroke.

They said it was very serious. His name is Tony and I am asking you

to please include him in your prayers as I will be too. Thank you in

advance to all of those who will say a prayer for him. I do

appreciate it. He is a kind and gentle soul. Hugs to you all, Gayle



> _________________________________________________________________

> Change is good. See what's different about Windows Live Hotmail.

> http://www.windowslive-hotmail.com/learnmore/default.html?locale=en-

us & ocid=RMT_TAGLM_HMWL_reten_changegood_0507


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