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Re: Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

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it has been said that grass feeding is all about the genetics of the cow/steer and the grass quality. some one also said that the consumer needs to be patient with the farmer. It takes time to breed back the genetics for grazing: 2 years for the first calf to be marketable!

It also depends on the quality of your grass. that too takes time to develop. and unless you have a money tree in the back yard or a sugar daddy living with you to help pay for it, it also take cash.

Does the farmer own or rent the land he grazes? if owns, he can do what he wants. If rents, what he can do may be dictated by the landlord.

So you see, the idea of feeding grain in the winter to keep the cows in condition and keep them from losing weight, may indeed be a NEED for some producers. So until you know WHAT type of situation that producer is in, don't slam them for what they MAY NEED TO DO!!!!!

I also am not sure what is wrong with alfalfa hay. cows need good quality hay/grass for producing milk. When they get closer to calving back off to a less richer hay. Conventional wisdom by a conventional vet? Maybe. But ya know what? we haven't had milk fever so far this spring.

Sorry if i sound POed, but i get tired of hearing certain people slam one person for saying they feed grain or do something different. You know who you are. If it's not your way it's the highway. Or that they enroll in federal programs to GET HELP to put in good quality pasture, or accept pell grants or subsidized loans to go to college. Etc, Etc. It gets really tiresome.

And you know what if you don't like this post - hit your delete key. , sorry if the last part is objectionable and you wish to kick me off you go right ahead. but sometimes things just have to be said.


Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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People are concerned the phytoestrogens in the legumes will pass into the

milk. Soy is a legume too.

Debbie Chikousky

Manitoba, Canada

" Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't

pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,

protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our

sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was

once like in the United States where men were free. " - Reagan

supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle



>> > Many farmers are having to make a transistion to pure grass feeding

>> > that could take years.

>> > Livestock breeding practices have created animals that can't survive

>> > without

>> > added feeds, and reversing those mistakes can't happen overnight.

>> >

>> > As customers, if we insist upon pure grass fed meat NOW and do not

>> > grant these farmers time to do what they must, we will likely create a

>> > situation where animals will suffer. You dont want to encourage

>> > farmers to starve their animals...

>> >

>> > I would want to verify that this farmer is genuine. Ask if he is

> actively

>> > pursuing breeding goals that will lead to pure grass-fed stock.

>> >

>> > I agree I would not want anything part of the soybeans, however.

>> > The sprouted grain idea is wonderful - what a nice compromise! Not

>> > quite grain, and not quite grass.. a perfect middle ground to carry us

>> > through the transition.

>> >

>> > Regards,

>> > Merry

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Posted by: " Dady " shawn@... chicsingr2

>> >

>> > (Snipped)

>> >

>> > Hey friends,

>> > I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding

>> > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this

>> > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the

>> > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the

>> > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets...

>> >

>> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't

>> > really seem like pure grass feeding....

>> > D.

>> > moderator

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >


>> > Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!

>> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/

>> >

>> > Archive search: http://onibasu.com

>> >

>> >

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People are concerned the phytoestrogens in the legumes will pass into the

milk. Soy is a legume too.

Debbie Chikousky

Manitoba, Canada

" Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't

pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,

protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our

sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was

once like in the United States where men were free. " - Reagan

supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle



>> > Many farmers are having to make a transistion to pure grass feeding

>> > that could take years.

>> > Livestock breeding practices have created animals that can't survive

>> > without

>> > added feeds, and reversing those mistakes can't happen overnight.

>> >

>> > As customers, if we insist upon pure grass fed meat NOW and do not

>> > grant these farmers time to do what they must, we will likely create a

>> > situation where animals will suffer. You dont want to encourage

>> > farmers to starve their animals...

>> >

>> > I would want to verify that this farmer is genuine. Ask if he is

> actively

>> > pursuing breeding goals that will lead to pure grass-fed stock.

>> >

>> > I agree I would not want anything part of the soybeans, however.

>> > The sprouted grain idea is wonderful - what a nice compromise! Not

>> > quite grain, and not quite grass.. a perfect middle ground to carry us

>> > through the transition.

>> >

>> > Regards,

>> > Merry

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Posted by: " Dady " shawn@... chicsingr2

>> >

>> > (Snipped)

>> >

>> > Hey friends,

>> > I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding

>> > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this

>> > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the

>> > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the

>> > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets...

>> >

>> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't

>> > really seem like pure grass feeding....

>> > D.

>> > moderator

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >


>> > Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!

>> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/

>> >

>> > Archive search: http://onibasu.com

>> >

>> >

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The reason that people are trying to change their feeding to get away from being grain dependant is usually two fold.

1. Grain supplementation is very expensive right now with the biofuel issues.

2. Grain decreases the amount of CLA that is available in the meat and milk of the producing animal.

Now I agree that there are times you need to supplement energy but I am willing to see if there are ways I can do that without it costing me a fortune and keeping the CLA in our product. If you don't have a problem with the amount of money you spend on feed then I can understand your reaction to this post and if so great.

Cheyenne has been great at info on growing Turnips as fodder for example. One thing I was thinking today was how many pounds of turnips would replace a pound of grain for our Jerseys? Anyone know or where there is research about this?

Debbie ChikouskyManitoba, Canada“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”- Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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The best people that I can think of to talk to about things like turnips and sugar beets would be the old farmers that are in their 70's and 80's.

Grandpa passed away many years ago, but I know from stories that the family has passed down, that grandpa planted part of his farm in sugar beets, and that is what he fed the milk cows in the winter along with hay.

They lived in North Dakota.

Deb Ferrell

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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The best people that I can think of to talk to about things like turnips and sugar beets would be the old farmers that are in their 70's and 80's.

Grandpa passed away many years ago, but I know from stories that the family has passed down, that grandpa planted part of his farm in sugar beets, and that is what he fed the milk cows in the winter along with hay.

They lived in North Dakota.

Deb Ferrell

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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The best people that I can think of to talk to about things like turnips and sugar beets would be the old farmers that are in their 70's and 80's.

Grandpa passed away many years ago, but I know from stories that the family has passed down, that grandpa planted part of his farm in sugar beets, and that is what he fed the milk cows in the winter along with hay.

They lived in North Dakota.

Deb Ferrell

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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See they would have the same temps as I have here. Now where do you find an abundance supply of older farmers?

Debbie ChikouskyManitoba, Canada“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”- Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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See they would have the same temps as I have here. Now where do you find an abundance supply of older farmers?

Debbie ChikouskyManitoba, Canada“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”- Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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See they would have the same temps as I have here. Now where do you find an abundance supply of older farmers?

Debbie ChikouskyManitoba, Canada“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”- Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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What about nursing homes or retirement homes?

Deb Ferrell

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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What about nursing homes or retirement homes?

Deb Ferrell

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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What about nursing homes or retirement homes?

Deb Ferrell

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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We don't grain, don't feed alfalfa in any form, but have HIGH brix grass,long fiber hay,and work withindigenous forages. GET SOIL TESTED, read Logsdon and Walters, get minerals right and fertility high, Don't overstock, Dont anthropomorphize your animals(cull), and your trouble will go away.


we've not had milk fever,mastitis etc. in years. Also read "Graze" and "Stockmans Grass Farmer"

any Acres publication. Count your dung beetles/plop. Finally, you don't have to do "it" like anyone

else, ESP. ME

--- Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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We don't grain, don't feed alfalfa in any form, but have HIGH brix grass,long fiber hay,and work withindigenous forages. GET SOIL TESTED, read Logsdon and Walters, get minerals right and fertility high, Don't overstock, Dont anthropomorphize your animals(cull), and your trouble will go away.


we've not had milk fever,mastitis etc. in years. Also read "Graze" and "Stockmans Grass Farmer"

any Acres publication. Count your dung beetles/plop. Finally, you don't have to do "it" like anyone

else, ESP. ME

--- Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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Here is one old farmer.


who hates to type, therefore a call would be better

www.bluestemfarms.com an old website

--- Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.0/1462 - Release Date: 5/23/2008 7:20 AM

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Here is one old farmer.


who hates to type, therefore a call would be better

www.bluestemfarms.com an old website

--- Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

I think the feeding comes more from the farmer's belief that he MUSTfeed something in the winter, not that he NEEDS to feed anything buthay. Our boys and girls do just fine on hay through the winter months.There isn't as much weight gain in the winter, that's why we butcherin the late fall/early winter. Have no idea about soybean hull pellets being good or bad. Guess I'dwant to know how much crap had been sprayed on the stuff and theground it's grown on.Belinda's two cents>> Hey friends,> I just got a call from a friend who believes strongly in grass feeding > and WAPF. He has a deal with a cattle farmer close to him where this > farmer will raise the cattle and my friend markets it. However, the > farmer was wondering about possibly supplementing the cattle in the > winter with feed--and not just any feed, but SOYBEAN hull pellets.> > Two problems with this. One would be the fact that this doesn't > really seem like pure grass feeding. And the other would be the > question of whether soybeans hulls are detrimental in the way that > regular soybean feed is. I guess a third problem would be that about > 90% of his customers are WAPF'ers and absolutely hate the word > "soybean" and wouldn't want any part of it in their beef.> > So....I guess the reason I am sending a quick note to this group is to > see if anyone could give suggestions about what this farmer could do > in this situation. Are there any other feeds that he could use in > winter when grass is scarce to keep his cattle gaining weight and > doing well? Is soybean hull just as harmful as regular soybean? I > really am not sure. I thought some of you farmers might know.> D.> moderator> = > = > = > = > = > = > = > ========================================================================> *This is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his > wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast > of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he > understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, > justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. > 9:23-24>

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From what we are learning here the momma cow teaches her calf to eat things

like potatoe peels etc. If they don't start as calves we have had a hard

time convincing them as adults that new foods are ok.

Debbie Chikousky

Manitoba, Canada

" Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't

pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,

protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our

sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was

once like in the United States where men were free. " - Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

> Hi all,

> just wanted to let everyone know that I have been really enjoying the

> didactic learning from all these points of view. I remember reading

> in " Farmer Boy " that here in upstate NY, they used to use pumpkins to

> supplement the cows for the winter. I think turnips were also

> mentioned. My neighbors have one of those big pumpkin farms and I know

> they feed their cows all winter on the leftovers, but our dairy cows

> mostly won't eat it. They do like the pomace from cider pressing (our

> own apples), and the beefers will eat pumpkin. I was wondering if the

> pumpkin would also give you yellow cream in winter....

> The pomace seems to give us richer milk.

> We are a very small, more like a sustenance farm, place. I don't know

> how this would work on a large scale.




> ------------------------------------



> Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/


> Archive search: http://onibasu.com



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Guest guest

From what we are learning here the momma cow teaches her calf to eat things

like potatoe peels etc. If they don't start as calves we have had a hard

time convincing them as adults that new foods are ok.

Debbie Chikousky

Manitoba, Canada

" Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't

pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,

protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our

sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was

once like in the United States where men were free. " - Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

> Hi all,

> just wanted to let everyone know that I have been really enjoying the

> didactic learning from all these points of view. I remember reading

> in " Farmer Boy " that here in upstate NY, they used to use pumpkins to

> supplement the cows for the winter. I think turnips were also

> mentioned. My neighbors have one of those big pumpkin farms and I know

> they feed their cows all winter on the leftovers, but our dairy cows

> mostly won't eat it. They do like the pomace from cider pressing (our

> own apples), and the beefers will eat pumpkin. I was wondering if the

> pumpkin would also give you yellow cream in winter....

> The pomace seems to give us richer milk.

> We are a very small, more like a sustenance farm, place. I don't know

> how this would work on a large scale.




> ------------------------------------



> Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/


> Archive search: http://onibasu.com



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Guest guest

From what we are learning here the momma cow teaches her calf to eat things

like potatoe peels etc. If they don't start as calves we have had a hard

time convincing them as adults that new foods are ok.

Debbie Chikousky

Manitoba, Canada

" Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't

pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,

protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our

sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was

once like in the United States where men were free. " - Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle

> Hi all,

> just wanted to let everyone know that I have been really enjoying the

> didactic learning from all these points of view. I remember reading

> in " Farmer Boy " that here in upstate NY, they used to use pumpkins to

> supplement the cows for the winter. I think turnips were also

> mentioned. My neighbors have one of those big pumpkin farms and I know

> they feed their cows all winter on the leftovers, but our dairy cows

> mostly won't eat it. They do like the pomace from cider pressing (our

> own apples), and the beefers will eat pumpkin. I was wondering if the

> pumpkin would also give you yellow cream in winter....

> The pomace seems to give us richer milk.

> We are a very small, more like a sustenance farm, place. I don't know

> how this would work on a large scale.




> ------------------------------------



> Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/


> Archive search: http://onibasu.com



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Given the choice ours don't go for seeded out grasses. They will eat the

seed heads of oats when they start heading out quite willingly though.

Debbie Chikousky

Manitoba, Canada

" Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't

pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,

protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our

sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was

once like in the United States where men were free. " - Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle



>> We feed no grain to beef animals winter or summer and they do fine.

> It is a matter of genetics.


> I have a question:


> Grain is derived/evolved from grass. If you let your lawn grow long

> enough, eventually it will go to grain-like seed. In the summer, it

> only takes a growing lawn of grass a few weeks to get long enough to

> produce seed.


> So, my question is, in the wild, wouldn't the ancestors of the modern

> cow have eaten this grass with grain/grass seed on top?



> ------------------------------------



> Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/


> Archive search: http://onibasu.com



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Given the choice ours don't go for seeded out grasses. They will eat the

seed heads of oats when they start heading out quite willingly though.

Debbie Chikousky

Manitoba, Canada

" Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't

pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,

protected, and handed onto them to do the same, or one day we will spend our

sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was

once like in the United States where men were free. " - Reagan

Re: supplemental feeds for grass fed cattle



>> We feed no grain to beef animals winter or summer and they do fine.

> It is a matter of genetics.


> I have a question:


> Grain is derived/evolved from grass. If you let your lawn grow long

> enough, eventually it will go to grain-like seed. In the summer, it

> only takes a growing lawn of grass a few weeks to get long enough to

> produce seed.


> So, my question is, in the wild, wouldn't the ancestors of the modern

> cow have eaten this grass with grain/grass seed on top?



> ------------------------------------



> Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/


> Archive search: http://onibasu.com



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Hi everyone! I have not posted for ages it seems. I am living in Nebraska now, and really working hard at raising pastured poultry, eggs, organic gardens and herbals, still with the herd of dairy goats too. I have 60 acres and want to learn all I can about bringing my soil/land back to life. It is not horrible now, but has never had any love-grazed by cattle and thats about it.

I really want to find a list(s) that focus on small farms that use Salatin-style farming practices. Does anyone have any recommendations? I will never leave this beloved list, I just want to talk about OT topics and think another list might be the answer.


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Hi everyone! I have not posted for ages it seems. I am living in Nebraska now, and really working hard at raising pastured poultry, eggs, organic gardens and herbals, still with the herd of dairy goats too. I have 60 acres and want to learn all I can about bringing my soil/land back to life. It is not horrible now, but has never had any love-grazed by cattle and thats about it.

I really want to find a list(s) that focus on small farms that use Salatin-style farming practices. Does anyone have any recommendations? I will never leave this beloved list, I just want to talk about OT topics and think another list might be the answer.


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Speaking of using plants of ol', up in Snohomish County (Washington

State) there was a workshop called " Alternative Livestock Feeds " that

spoke at length about this. It was very cool. That county extension

does some very cool workshops. I blogged about it on our website...



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