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Re: Re: Jeninne

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Wow, that is really mean. I am trying my best with what money I have to make a decision with my life wether to replace, remove and lift. Why the cruelty? Elainejeanine buchanan <neenie502002@...> wrote:

Elaine, just having capsular contractures is sick from the damn implants.. What do you want? Just messing with all of us that have many illnesses. Go ask your surgeon that put your implants in, in the beginning; any surgeon will be happy to accomadate you on new implants!JOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote:

Attacking you? please

JULIE> > > > > I am unsubscribing from this group you are a very angry bitter woman! > that is very obvious. It is also sad you are very unsupportive to > anyone who choses to think for themselves. If you have an opinion > here, that does not jive with the opinions of the group, your not

on > the up and up, your a trouble maker! it is sad and very disturbing > that all this group has is what 10 members who seem to post over and > over again about what they KNOW well you don't have anything but > opnions. Because you are sick, I am sorry about that, but that does > not mean everyone with implants is sick. You have all named one or > two people you know with some mysterious problem when in fact many > people have health problems that do not have implants. Search the web > and you will find groups for everything arthritis, FMS, Nerve > problems, MS etc on and on and on.> You are very rude to me just because I have a different viewpoint > than you. I don't need to be a member of the sheep heard here on this > site.

I have a brain and can make my own opinions with it.> I came here for unbiased information and if you visit > explantation.com or implant facts you will get very different > information than you do here. This is a very militant site. You all > have to have it your way, your word is the final word. I am surprised > your not running the country you know so much about EVERYTHING!> I have never met a woman who knows more about everything in the world > than you .> Your posts are full of yourself. I tried to be nice, but you had the > odacity to say I am trying to stir up trouble because I dare to > challenge you.CHALLENGE JULIE NOT STIR UP TROUBLE YOUR POSTS TO ME > WERE MEAN NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND LOOK AT IT! I EVEN SAID I WAS NOT

> GETTING IMPLANTS! why was that not enough for you! YOU want me to > just believe you when you are not showing me any facts at all!> then you blame it on things like the FDA and other nonsense. If all > women with implants were sick FACE IT JULIE THERE WOULD BE A HUGE > PUBLIC OUTCRY. It is because you have if your even lucky about 25 > women on here that have some kind of illnesses and you cannot prove > it is your implants. Where are the 1,000's of women you all talk > about WHERE ARE THEY ??????????> I still don't want implants, but not because I really think i will > get ill, NO I DON'T think so. I know about 20 girls in Florida where > I am originally from who all have implants, my sister, my aunt, my > best friends from High

school, nurses, I mean professional women and > they are all FINE, but I am not foolish enough to just assume that > means I will have luck with implants. I don't want to risk it or deal > with replacements.> you are also wrong about these SURGEONS BUT YOU DON"T WANT TO FACE IT > BECAUSE AGAIN IT GOES AGAINST YOUR OPINIOn your right always aren't > you?> your surgeon questionable, she puts them in and takes them out as > fast as she can and makes money off them. But in all honesty it is > probably because she knows the truth too, not all women get sick! > > Your not a Dr, you give out all this medical information like your > some thyroid specialist, it is extremely scary and dangerous.> When you get your medical license then

maybe you can give out medical > advice, when someone gets sick from your crazy ideas and advice and > sues you maybe you will stop.> Until then I will stay clear of this site and not recomend it to > anyone.> > To say that ALL WOMEN GET SICK IS THE MOST REDICULOUS INCEDIBLY > IRRESPONSIBLE THING I HAVE EVER HEARD.> there is a small number of you that have problems I do agree that is > the case and I feel bad for you. I really do for those who are sick > but by acting like this you just chase away others It sounds like you > need some therapy to deal with your extreme anger issues.> If it were as bad as you claim it would be an epidemic. Like aids and > other diseases. Why would Dr's turn there back on this if EVERYONE

> WAS SICK WHY ISN"T YOUR DR OUT THERE FIGHTING THIS INSTEAD OF > IMPLANTING WOMEN< WHY ARE THEY NOT TELLING THE TRUTH! EVERYONE WITH > IMPLANTS IS SICK! god that is sad to lie like that.> > In the future you might want to nicer to new members if they disagree > with you, that does not make them wrong.> > Usubscribe please> > > > > > > >

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