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Re: Time for me to pay this site a visit

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, of course your message would be directed towards me. You have always had a problem with me. You say I made you feel like your story meant nothing? No, is does mean a lot. I always said it did. Truth is, its sad you feel that way. No one here made you feel that way. Just yourself.

You have been here 5 years, and me only 2 and a half. You are a 100% better, "other than a few things" and we, or I should say-I am not. So, what does that make you? Better? Ok. You win. Your better. You were the co moderator. Ok again. But, as I said- Patty has and always will be the only LEADER of this group.

I am happy and ecstatic this week, as my years of "quackery " (natural means of getting well) as you state on your site- has paid off. Just had some tests-My tin and barium levels are at a normal range, my liver counts are the healthiest they have ever been, my rheumatoid arthritis is gone, and has shown no signs now for over a year and a half. No inflammation points, and Infection titers are gone. My thyroid is improving, my hair is great, and I have lost 10 pounds! No more neuro symptoms. Boy- am I glad I did all that stuff. Because when I didn’t, I felt sick. And blood work didn’t budge. I am now healthy and pregnant. A dream I thought I had sadly lost when I was so ill from the implants.

I feel awesome. I have my health back, have incredible energy, and am deliriously happy. I could care less who is "better." I am not and never have been in a competition with you, or over this or that, over who was better ,who had the best doc....

I wont waste another minute on yet another post made directly to me ,when it shouldn’t have been. I'm not the only one saying how they feel. I merely responded to Stacey's post. And before you tell me to sit back and think before I hit a button, you need to think long and hard girl. You hit buttons. Always have.

, I don’t care anymore. Post whatever, it wont affect me. This is not good for THIS group and I wont fill up anymore space on this crap. We have sick or confused girls here , looking for help. I have responded to you, as it was directly mostly at me, and this is now over. You won't have to take any "action" or make anymore threats.

I am having too good of a week to waste another second of the happiness I am now feeling. Goodbye,

Time for me to pay this site a visit

I just returned from Boise from my step sons College hockey games and I am tired from a long drive, almost 4 hours. But I have been in touch with Marie and read the disgusting lies that have been being told on this site particularly once again, lies from and King. first of all i do not agree or think was particularly right in her attitude with you. However, you were no better in your response to her. You need to sit back, and think before you hit that send button, and I have told the same thing.It is a sad that you don't know the whole story or apparently you have forgotten it, so I am here to remind you and everyone else on this site that I was not only a co-moderator up until the time I left this group (which Patty had asked me to be with her many years ago) but there was a long period in which I was pretty much the only moderator with Patty backing me up. She will back this up because i know she is an honest person. I resent that you tell lies about me , but it is nothing new, it is why I left here or at least a big part of why I stopped posting months ago. I was tired of my story not counting because i did not do all this detox and alternative therapy. I got better without it and for some reason that made my story less important, or that was how it was percieved. The fact is that many many members, esp former members in the archives were brought to this site by me through my contacts, as I have been in this ugly breast implant world for over 5 years. Look at the very beginning I was there. I have been here longer than you. That is the truth and it was only common sense and common knowledge that I invited people from this site who were MY FRIENDS AND MY CONTACTS to join the new group I formed at . Patty wished me well and thought I would do a good job. I have a small group and it takes time to build a large site. While I was a member of this site I had tons of contacts, naturally i invited them. I never came here to steal away anyone. That to me is the most pathetic and immature thing I have every heard. I used the names of people i had invited before and people who were my friends as well as Patty's to invite to my group. To give them another implant site option. Not much different than Kacey coming here to give people her sites address is it? People can and do have a right to chose what they want to do, if they want to belong to this site, to my site, to explantation.com to whatever other site is out there it is their choice and it is a personal preferance. I don't care if they want to belong to 10 sites because that is the right of the individual. King you have no right talking about things you don't know anything about, imparticulary to spout off vile and rude and cruel things about me and lisa-marie as you know nothing of the many years of hard work I put into this site. ASK PATTY! I built the photo gallery, just about all of it anyway. And I did allot to help this site get as big as it is. It is not wrong for me to do the same for my group now. HOw do you think this site got built ladies? It was through contacts that Patty and I sent invites to. That is how are started. Through invitation. People have the right to delete that invite or to accept it.Please ladies stop blaming me if there are women that don't appreciate the one sidedness of this group. The fact is that I do not like implants either, but I have seen many women over the years, known them too, that are not sick. I know that in Sun Vally with the other members this was talked about and esp Patty and I had agreed that there are some that don't get sick. I do not have numbers, or stats, none of us really do. I cannot say for sure who will get sick. I decided that now that I am healed and at peace with my body, my breasts, that the hardliner, militant attitude hurts this site and would hurt mine over time. That is why I do not tell women what to do with their bodies and then tell them to leave because they are considering implants. It causes strife within the group. It is a waste of time.Patty can run her group the way she wants and I have the right to run my own group the way i want. I don't want to be militant. I have seen Jeena on explantation.com run a very succesful site while still always being polite to women seeking implants, there is no ABSOLUTLEY NO WAY OF SAYING EVERYONE WILL GET SICK so why bother. I believe in educating women. End of story.What they do with their bodies is in the end going to be their decision. I know this site would not have changed my mind, maybe you all feel it would have. i was dead set on implants, and when your healthy and feeling good your not going to listen unless maybe your given other options.I give women other options, like breast lifts, reconstruction with ones own tissues instead of implants. I tell the truth about my experience because that is rightfully the only one I can talk about.In the end the women on my site lately have been opting for lifts mostly, but if they choose implants I will not ban then from my site like a piece of dirt or yell and berate them.What good does that do? I choose to believe in legitimate medical treatment, and that also does not jive over here, that is fine, that is also my right as an individual. I don't believe that detoxing and alternative medicine is always what works and I also know it is expensive and I could not nor can allot of women afford to spend their life savings on questionable treatments.If you ladies can afford this that is your right to go to them, I will stick to those my insurance approves of.It may take some time to find a good one but they are out there, Dr's such as and Vasey I hear so much talk about no one getting 100% better, but I beg to differ with that. I am 100% cured of implant illness. I have a few health woes, but I don't blame my tendonitis or other things on my implants. ly I think it is my right to decide what is what. i know my own body well and feel I have the right to say if I am cured of the illness I had from implants and I feel I am.I don't tell women that my way is the only way or hit the road. But I also am cautious to tell women to do medically unproven alternative therapies that are questionable at best.-Marie also was treated like garbage on this site, she was thrown away , when she talked about how she was almost killed from alternative medicine (2x once by thryoid pop culture medicine and once by HGH somatropin injections yes, this is something that I have to be concerned about)She and I hooked up after i had started my own site and we decided that we had some common ground and some common beliefs. We don't agree 100% on every single thing, so what. Does that mean we cannot be friends? that is absolutely single minded thought process that is immature and valueless. If we all agree on everything the world would be pretty boring.I got better 100% better and I am on my way to a new and fullfilling career so I don't agree that we cannot get better. I did, I could not afford all the things that were being told to do so I went my own route and found health.For this I am being talked about over here like I am some terrible person.What is wrong with two sites.What is wrong with speaking our opinions.I leave this site alone, I had many contacts when I left here, and yes I used them and will continue to, I have been involved in this issue for a long time, granted not as long as Rogene but longer than and Longer than King who is talking about me like I am some thief stealing members. I have a post that was sent to me by one of my members and i plan on posting it in my next post so the truth about your actions can be shown. Not because I want revenge but that I want to show that your no different than what you claim me to be. you came on my site, or your friend uh hum, and sent an email to one of my members telling her to come to saline support it is a christian site and other things that make me wonder how you of all people can be such a hypocrit to post on this site that it is me stealing members.Again as I have stated here for all to read, I have every right to invite my implant contacts to my group.Period. END OF SUBJECT!Once more I don't waste my time sending people to this site to post to you or anyone else, if you have problems with people it is probably due to your attitude which others see as a problem. I have other things to do with my precious time.If this gossip is not under control soon I will take action to make sure it is. i never ever talked crap about anyone on my site. I may have said that I don't believe in the questionable treatment on this site and that I don't agree that all women with implants will get sick. I don't think implants are safe I don't think it worth the gamble. But in the end i don't want to be known as a crazy militant woman that is unreasonable.The fact is that not all women get sick from implants, some do some don't, if all got ill there is no way they would be on the market still.I am mature and reasonable to see that while the numbers of complications are extremely high, the cases of illness are growing too, NOT ALL WILL GET SICK, not all will listent to warnings and some will get implants. I won't turn these women away they need support too.if you want to run an all anti implant site that is your business but mine and -Maries site will not be run that way!

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I only mentioned your name because you seemed to be the one who

said I was stealing members from this site and also defamed me in

several posts, as did King.

I am posting this to say that I am happy your better , that is

wonderful. I got pregnant too when i was still ill, so getting

pregnant to me is not proof that your not sick, but I really hope

that for you it works out better than it did for me, as i was still

very sick and was told not to keep that pregnancy.

Anyhow that is not why i came here. The fact is that Dr Vasey

says that most women from implant illness heal within 2 to 3 years,

to me your statements about all that you did cured you are

anectdotal, they may have helped and they may not have. Time may have

been the thing that cured you. There is no proof either way for

either of us to say how or why we got better only that we both

apparently are and that is good news.

The bad news is that you felt the need to point things out that I

never stated in my post. I never said that I was better than you in

anyway. I said that I was the moderator of this site, ask Kathy who

wrote to me privately and even agreed that was true. Maybe you were

not here at that time, that is possible.

Again I don't have time for this, but I do wish you well with

your pregnancy I just had to come back on here and say that things

you state in this post are not correct. I never ever said I was

better than you I SAID I WAS BETTER refering to my health. I am at

the lowest my body fat has ever been at 16.2% very healthy, since

toxins store in body fat that is possibly why I am better. Also I too

feel wonderful have energy to burn, am training to be a fitness

trainer and look the best I ever have at 40 years old, so your not

the only one who has gotten better and feels great. If I have

arthritis in my pinky finger or my knee I am sorry but I don't

believe that I can say after 4 years this is from my implants. It is

true I had chronic problems with my feet and that too I never fully

believed was implant related. Thank good ness that is not a problem

for me anymore. I still will not be a runner but I work out doing

other things and they work fine for me.

To say things like you did in this post was silly, my post was well

thought and mature, I want our groups to co-exist peacefully and that

is my intention. I do not need to send people here to mess with you

, if you rub someone the wrong way that is your own issue.

I won't be back unless you once again twist my post then I will

contine to come back until you just let it go.

I was the leader of this group for awhile, it was in 2002 and that is

fact, I am better that is fact, You say you are too, that is great I

am happy for you.

I wish you the best with your pregnancy. I know pregnancy can often

bring on things so I hope you take extra care of yourself now so that

does not happen to you. Angelika got full blown lupus so that always

made me afraid to have another child and I just felt that since we

have 5 kids I don't need to risk it, but your young and have only one

child so I certainly see why you would want to try to have another

baby. I have nothing but happiness for you about that.

please just don't talk about me, and I never ever talk about you on

my site either.

I do have the right to send invitations to anyone I want and i will

continue to do so as that is how groups are established.

I never meant to imply I am better than you, I have no reason or

desire to compete with you at all. there is no need as i am copletey

happy and satisfied with my life, I love my life, I run a wonderful

peaceful loving and caring site, I am in the best shape of my life, I

look fabulous, heck even my step sons friends think i am a HOTTIE so

I have no reason to be jealous of you.

I am at my lowest body fat ever and love it. It feels fabulous!

good luck with your pregnancy and please don't waste anymore time on

this issue, it is silly.

I agree with you on one thing absolutley, Dr Kolb is probably not as

bad as I always said she was afterall, I agree with her, that not all

women will get ill from implants.


BE ABLE TO CO EXIST PEACEFULLY only one method of healing is not the

way to go there needs to be options.


Good bye to all of you here at SS I wish you well, please just stop

the cruel and mean posts about me and lisa-marie that is all I ask.

In , " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>


> , of course your message would be directed towards me. You

have always had a problem with me. You say I made you feel like your

story meant nothing? No, is does mean a lot. I always said it

did. Truth is, its sad you feel that way. No one here made you feel

that way. Just yourself.


> You have been here 5 years, and me only 2 and a half. You are a

100% better, " other than a few things " and we, or I should say-I am

not. So, what does that make you? Better? Ok. You win. Your better.

You were the co moderator. Ok again. But, as I said- Patty has and

always will be the only LEADER of this group.


> I am happy and ecstatic this week, as my years of " quackery "

(natural means of getting well) as you state on your site- has paid

off. Just had some tests-My tin and barium levels are at a normal

range, my liver counts are the healthiest they have ever been, my

rheumatoid arthritis is gone, and has shown no signs now for over a

year and a half. No inflammation points, and Infection titers are

gone. My thyroid is improving, my hair is great, and I have lost 10

pounds! No more neuro symptoms. Boy- am I glad I did all that stuff.

Because when I didn't, I felt sick. And blood work didn't budge. I am

now healthy and pregnant. A dream I thought I had sadly lost when I

was so ill from the implants.


> I feel awesome. I have my health back, have incredible energy, and

am deliriously happy. I could care less who is " better. " I am not and

never have been in a competition with you, or over this or that, over

who was better ,who had the best doc....


> I wont waste another minute on yet another post made directly to

me ,when it shouldn't have been. I'm not the only one saying how they

feel. I merely responded to Stacey's post. And before you tell me to

sit back and think before I hit a button, you need to think long and

hard girl. You hit buttons. Always have.


> , I don't care anymore. Post whatever, it wont affect me.

This is not good for THIS group and I wont fill up anymore space on

this crap. We have sick or confused girls here , looking for help. I

have responded to you, as it was directly mostly at me, and this is

now over. You won't have to take any " action " or make anymore threats.

> I am having too good of a week to waste another second of the

happiness I am now feeling. Goodbye,

> Time for me to pay this site a visit





> I just returned from Boise from my step sons College hockey games


> I am tired from a long drive, almost 4 hours. But I have been in

> touch with Marie and read the disgusting lies that have been

> being told on this site particularly once again, lies from


> King.

> first of all i do not agree or think was particularly

> right in her attitude with you. However, you were no better in


> response to her. You need to sit back, and think before you hit


> send button, and I have told the same thing.

> It is a sad that you don't know the whole story or apparently you

> have forgotten it, so I am here to remind you and everyone else


> this site that I was not only a co-moderator up until the time I


> this group (which Patty had asked me to be with her many years


> but there was a long period in which I was pretty much the only

> moderator with Patty backing me up. She will back this up because


> know she is an honest person. I resent that you tell lies about


> , but it is nothing new, it is why I left here or at least a


> part of why I stopped posting months ago. I was tired of my story


> counting because i did not do all this detox and alternative


> I got better without it and for some reason that made my


> less important, or that was how it was percieved.

> The fact is that many many members, esp former members in the

> archives were brought to this site by me through my contacts, as


> have been in this ugly breast implant world for over 5 years.

Look at

> the very beginning I was there. I have been here longer


> you. That is the truth and it was only common sense and common

> knowledge that I invited people from this site who were MY


> AND MY CONTACTS to join the new group I formed at . Patty


> me well and thought I would do a good job. I have a small group


> it takes time to build a large site. While I was a member of this

> site I had tons of contacts, naturally i invited them. I never


> here to steal away anyone. That to me is the most pathetic and

> immature thing I have every heard. I used the names of people i


> invited before and people who were my friends as well as Patty's


> invite to my group. To give them another implant site option. Not

> much different than Kacey coming here to give people her sites

> address is it? People can and do have a right to chose what they


> to do, if they want to belong to this site, to my site, to

> explantation.com to whatever other site is out there it is their

> choice and it is a personal preferance. I don't care if they want


> belong to 10 sites because that is the right of the individual.

> King you have no right talking about things you don't


> anything about, imparticulary to spout off vile and rude and


> things about me and lisa-marie as you know nothing of the many


> of hard work I put into this site. ASK PATTY! I built the photo

> gallery, just about all of it anyway. And I did allot to help


> site get as big as it is. It is not wrong for me to do the same


> my group now. HOw do you think this site got built ladies? It was

> through contacts that Patty and I sent invites to. That is how

> groups are started. Through invitation. People have the right to

> delete that invite or to accept it.

> Please ladies stop blaming me if there are women that don't

> appreciate the one sidedness of this group. The fact is that I do


> like implants either, but I have seen many women over the years,

> known them too, that are not sick. I know that in Sun Vally with


> other members this was talked about and esp Patty and I had


> that there are some that don't get sick. I do not have numbers,


> stats, none of us really do. I cannot say for sure who will get


> I decided that now that I am healed and at peace with my body, my

> breasts, that the hardliner, militant attitude hurts this site


> would hurt mine over time. That is why I do not tell women what

to do

> with their bodies and then tell them to leave because they are

> considering implants. It causes strife within the group. It is a

> waste of time.

> Patty can run her group the way she wants and I have the right to


> my own group the way i want. I don't want to be militant. I have


> Jeena on explantation.com run a very succesful site while still

> always being polite to women seeking implants, there is no


> NO WAY OF SAYING EVERYONE WILL GET SICK so why bother. I believe


> educating women. End of story.

> What they do with their bodies is in the end going to be their

> decision. I know this site would not have changed my mind, maybe


> all feel it would have. i was dead set on implants, and when your

> healthy and feeling good your not going to listen unless maybe


> given other options.

> I give women other options, like breast lifts, reconstruction


> ones own tissues instead of implants. I tell the truth about my

> experience because that is rightfully the only one I can talk


> In the end the women on my site lately have been opting for lifts

> mostly, but if they choose implants I will not ban then from my


> like a piece of dirt or yell and berate them.

> What good does that do? I choose to believe in legitimate medical

> treatment, and that also does not jive over here, that is fine,


> is also my right as an individual. I don't believe that detoxing


> alternative medicine is always what works and I also know it is

> expensive and I could not nor can allot of women afford to spend

> their life savings on questionable treatments.

> If you ladies can afford this that is your right to go to them, I

> will stick to those my insurance approves of.It may take some

time to

> find a good one but they are out there, Dr's such as


> Vasey .

> I hear so much talk about no one getting 100% better, but I beg


> differ with that. I am 100% cured of implant illness. I have a


> health woes, but I don't blame my tendonitis or other things on


> implants. ly I think it is my right to decide what is what.


> know my own body well and feel I have the right to say if I am


> of the illness I had from implants and I feel I am.

> I don't tell women that my way is the only way or hit the road.

But I

> also am cautious to tell women to do medically unproven


> therapies that are questionable at best.

> -Marie also was treated like garbage on this site, she was


> away , when she talked about how she was almost killed from

> alternative medicine (2x once by thryoid pop culture medicine and

> once by HGH somatropin injections yes, this is something that I


> to be concerned about)

> She and I hooked up after i had started my own site and we


> that we had some common ground and some common beliefs. We don't

> agree 100% on every single thing, so what. Does that mean we


> be friends? that is absolutely single minded thought process that


> immature and valueless. If we all agree on everything the world


> be pretty boring.

> I got better 100% better and I am on my way to a new and


> career so I don't agree that we cannot get better. I did, I could


> afford all the things that were being told to do so I went my own

> route and found health.

> For this I am being talked about over here like I am some


> person.

> What is wrong with two sites.

> What is wrong with speaking our opinions.

> I leave this site alone, I had many contacts when I left here,


> yes I used them and will continue to, I have been involved in


> issue for a long time, granted not as long as Rogene but longer


> and Longer than King who is talking about me like

I am

> some thief stealing members.

> I have a post that was sent to me by one of my members

and i

> plan on posting it in my next post so the truth about your


> can be shown. Not because I want revenge but that I want to show


> your no different than what you claim me to be. you came on my


> or your friend uh hum, and sent an email to one of my members


> her to come to saline support it is a christian site and other


> that make me wonder how you of all people can be such a hypocrit


> post on this site that it is me stealing members.

> Again as I have stated here for all to read, I have every right


> invite my implant contacts to my group.


> Once more I don't waste my time sending people to this site


> post to you or anyone else, if you have problems with people it


> probably due to your attitude which others see as a problem. I


> other things to do with my precious time.

> If this gossip is not under control soon I will take action to


> sure it is. i never ever talked crap about anyone on my site. I


> have said that I don't believe in the questionable treatment on


> site and that I don't agree that all women with implants will get

> sick. I don't think implants are safe I don't think it worth the

> gamble. But in the end i don't want to be known as a crazy


> woman that is unreasonable.

> The fact is that not all women get sick from implants, some do


> don't, if all got ill there is no way they would be on the market

> still.

> I am mature and reasonable to see that while the numbers of

> complications are extremely high, the cases of illness are


> too, NOT ALL WILL GET SICK, not all will listent to warnings and


> will get implants. I won't turn these women away they need


> too.

> if you want to run an all anti implant site that is your business


> mine and -Maries site will not be run that way!











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