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Re: julie: How Wheat Harms Your Brain

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Beth, the 1st ones are the antigliadon tests, IGG and IGA, but some people are IGA deficient, meaning you wont show a positive IGA, but I showed IGG. There is also the TTG. Tissue Tans something or another. Some docs will tell you if they are positive then get a stomach biopsy, but I decided not to go that route, after all I have been through, please! And after reading some good books, (Going against the grain" is a great read) that point clearly to the fact, that if you have antibodies to a food, your body is reacting and it is hard on your immunity- Get rid of it! SO what if it hasn’t damaged your intestines at the point, that you are digestively ill? Don’t wait that long! Your blood shows you are reacting, so go without ,and see how you feel.

There are also numerous studies that people who have a negative biopsy, but positive markers on blood, and later will have damage in the intestines, and will test positive on the biopsy. But by that time, a lot more damage may have taken place. Some people it affects digestively, and that is what you think of when you hear Celaic disease or gluten intolerance, but I really didn’t have that part. I have the neurological issues from it. AS well as the endo (thyroid) from it. It really messes up women's hormones as well. When I have cheated, it is amazing, Ill have some tingling in my left foot the following morning or nerve sensations later the next day. When I don’t cheat, I no longer have neuro symptoms at all. Also ,if you have leaky gut , the chances are high you have obtained this food allergy, as the wheat proteins are known to create havoc!

MS is being linked to it, as well as Hashimotos, and diabetes , are the biggest ones linked. A lot of people's disease go into remission once the food trigger is eliminated. in Italy, they screen everyone for it, when you are born. AS one on 6 have it over there. We, in the US, aren't very interested obviously. Perhaps we would lose money, if people were screened for genetic food intolerances and got better simply by diet, not pills for IBS? Changing your diet , if you have a genetic intolerance to gluten proteins, that resemble proteins of living tissues and wreaks havoc in some individuals saves lives and improves them too! We simply are not all intended to eat it. And, it is widely known, that you usually need two main stress triggers to become gluten intolerance, if it is your genes. (Hmm, wonder what mine were?) For that part, many don’t get it fully, until later in life.

I swear on this one thing Beth, I have no Neuro tingling or numbness when I do not eat it all all. None, anymore. But if I do cheat, a day or two later, I see some symptoms come back real small. Like a nerve sensation, or a numb foot in the morning. It is uncanny .Also ,I have always said here, that my thyroid condition will go away, well as head doc at university of Chicago who runs the celiac foundation, sees hashimto's go into remission in about 1/3 of the cases and most go on less meds. Why/ he says "the trigger is gone" Maybe, huh? (smile) Ill send you some links julie: How Wheat Harms Your Brain

,Is there a test for this?hugs,Beth> Great article girls! Read Four paragraphs down, he states that wheat and neurological problems go hand in hand (gluten) and that, once taken out of the diet, the symptoms stop. That's what has happened to me. MS like symptoms gone. > http://www.mercola.com/forms/seminars/2004/dec/wheat_brain.htm<http://wwwmercola.com/forms/seminars/2004/dec/wheat_brain.htm>

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This is really interesting . . . I wonder if Celiac is

caused by the genetic engineering of wheat?

A friend who has Celiac passed out and wouldn't

respond after eating a small amount of a gluten food.

.. . she can't tolerate even the smallest amount of

gluten. Her husband checks on the location of the

nearest ambulance service when they travel.

My daughter-in-law is Italian . . . Her kids are

having a great deal of difficulty maturing . . .

learning problems, etc. . . I wonder????



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I am sure she will.Tell her you want some proof, as it will make being determined easier. You know her whole protocol, for silicone illness includes no gluten or wheat products. its common.

julie: How Wheat Harms Your Brain

wow, do you think Dr Kolb can give me this test? Was it expensive?> > Great article girls! Read Four paragraphs down, he states that > wheat and neurological problems go hand in hand (gluten) and that, > once taken out of the diet, the symptoms stop. That's what has > happened to me. MS like symptoms gone. > > > http://www.mercola.com/forms/seminars/2004/dec/wheat_brain.htm<http:/<http://www.mercola.com/forms/seminars/2004/dec/wheat_brain.htm<http:/>> /wwwmercola.com/forms/seminars/2004/dec/wheat_brain.htm>> > > > > > >

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Rogene, well the way we engineer wheat is not good for us, anyhow. pretty sick, all that bleaching and processing. But it is really, the way we were made. Most of us weren't around areas of wheat and wouldn’t think to eat of raw wheat anyhow. Pretty nasty stuff. We weren't genetically made to break down large amounts of this protein. Its really genetics. Gluten is a wheat protein, that under microscope looks like human tissue, (more than any other food in the world, this is why it is so problematic)) some peoples bodies cannot tolerate it, and attack it as a foreign invader. The harder your life, and physical damage, the more it becomes pronounced. Some people can have full blown celaic disease, I don’t think I do, like the whole you have IBS( I mean what the sense of being told you have IBS? What does that tell you anyhow? Why is your bowels so pissed off? These docs need to look further- its plain ignorance.) I think I have gluten intolerance, the beginning, before it turns into celiac and damages my tummy. I am glad I caught it. I feel awesome with it out of my diet, really!

Another thing, I know about the kid thing. Now, I see so many kids I am sure have this allergy. In children is causes a vast and sometimes very different face than in adults. Cancer sores, stunted growth, discoloration on teeth, pale skin, hard time concentrating, learning disabilities, lack luster in hair, ulcers, excema, upset tummies, the list goes on. You name it. If my own child had a hard time in school, I would have him tested for food allergies Gluten, thyroid and pregnancy, I could go and on, girl! Love you, Re: julie: How Wheat Harms Your Brain

,This is really interesting . . . I wonder if Celiac iscaused by the genetic engineering of wheat? A friend who has Celiac passed out and wouldn'trespond after eating a small amount of a gluten food.. . she can't tolerate even the smallest amount ofgluten. Her husband checks on the location of thenearest ambulance service when they travel.My daughter-in-law is Italian . . . Her kids arehaving a great deal of difficulty maturing . . .learning problems, etc. . I wonder????Hugs,Rogene

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