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Re: Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

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L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do you need?????On a physical level start drinking carrot juice.A little to start then get up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur@...> wrote: Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterday after realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up my thighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not only was there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members and told that I

must look into to this right away ,which I had planed to do on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew I should be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then I looked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tap because I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last night and this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .As some of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend who was diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trials type of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of the finances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owe him in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before I had Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hes realizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but he cant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move

into the backhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses this house. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get me wrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have to look 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling so helpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn't ready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. I cannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will take care of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause I feel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctional relationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has been helping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second, its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have this what does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move with me and that might be the only way I

can keep my children but I know I would probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cant seem to let him go. Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my health will inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat up and clueless witch direction to go. By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and they don't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bed now u must lie in it" Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, pain has a way of bringing u too your knees. Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center.

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Oh Laurie, my heart really goes out to you. I'm so sorry to hear you are in this predicament. Is there a Women's Resource Centre nearby or any free services you can access? You really need support right now and if your family aren't willing to be here for you, then you need to try and find your support elsewhere, this group is absolutely fantastic, but is there anyone or any free services near you that can help find you a place to live, or even if you could find the support of women who have left codependent relationships, that could help with finding the strength to make independent choices and you might find support from finding people who are going through the same things physically?

I am sending lots of love, light and healing your way (and your flatmates') and pray for positive changes to your situation as quickly as possible.

Love, Light and big hugs,

Rhondie xxxx

----- Original Message ----From: LAURIE <wexlaur@...> Sent: Monday, June 4, 2007 2:43:39 PMSubject: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money

except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent,

The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light


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, this is the most beautiful "advice" I've read in a long time. Thanks.

----- Original Message -----

From: Caulfield

Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 2:47 AM

Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do you need?????On a physical level start drinking carrot juice.A little to start then get up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur > wrote:

Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center.

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thank u melissa, i have a lot of work to do.i have started today, Caulfield <ladybutterfly108@...> wrote: L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do you need?????On a physical level start drinking

carrot juice.A little to start then get up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur > wrote: Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up

mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He

cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like

because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center. To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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THANK U, IVE GOT SOME MONEY THAT COMES IN FROM THE GOVERNMENT MONTHLY, I F I DO STAY WITH SETH I CAN KEEP THE ANIMALS AND FIND SOMEWHERE TO LIVE MORE EASILY BECAUSE HE HAS INCOME AND CAN HELP ME, EVEN IF ITS TEMPORY.THIS IS AN IF, A MAYBE ONLY,IF WE CAN GET ALONG COME TO AN UNDERSTANDING ILL SEE WHERE THE ROAD LEADS I KNOW I WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO., MY HEAD IS SCREAMING TODAY ALONG WITH THE REST OF ME. I HAD TO TELL SETH LAST NIGHT, HE SAID HE KNEW IT WAS COMING I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORKING ON SOMEWHERE TO GO. AS OF LATE MY FIRST CONCERN IS FINDING OUT WHATS WRONG WITH ME.I HAVE A FEW MONTHS TO LEAVE HERE SO IM TRYINGT TO TACLKE THAT FIRST.IM SO WORN OUT AND FEEL ALL MESSED UP IN SIDE .I KNOW I JUST NEED TO RELAX,IM TRYING, ITS HARD WITH ALL THIS GOING ON.WITH LOVE LAURIERhonda Rance <rhonda_rance@...> wrote: Oh Laurie, my heart really goes out to you. I'm so sorry to hear you are in this predicament. Is there a Women's Resource Centre nearby or any free services you can access? You really need support right now and if your family aren't willing to be here for you, then you need to try and find your support elsewhere, this group is absolutely fantastic, but is there anyone or any free services near you that can help find you a place to live, or even if you could find the support of women who

have left codependent relationships, that could help with finding the strength to make independent choices and you might find support from finding people who are going through the same things physically? I am sending lots of love, light and healing your way (and your flatmates') and pray for positive changes to your situation as quickly as possible. Love, Light and big hugs, Rhondie xxxx ----- Original Message ----From: LAURIE <wexlaur > Sent:

Monday, June 4, 2007 2:43:39 PMSubject: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon

cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and

this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger

than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase. To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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My thoughts and prayers are with you. I don't know what to say.


Domestic Violence is a Crime! Be silent NO more! Be safe & Blessed! ~A~

----- Original Message ----From: LAURIE WEXLER <wexlaur@...> Sent: Monday, June 4, 2007 9:59:02 AMSubject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love


Oh Laurie, my heart really goes out to you. I'm so sorry to hear you are in this predicament. Is there a Women's Resource Centre nearby or any free services you can access? You really need support right now and if your family aren't willing to be here for you, then you need to try and find your support elsewhere, this group is absolutely fantastic, but is there anyone or any free services near you that can help find you a place to live, or even if you could find the support of women who have left codependent relationships, that could help with finding the strength to make independent choices and you might find support from finding people who are going through the same things physically?

I am sending lots of love, light and healing your way (and your flatmates') and pray for positive changes to your situation as quickly as possible.

Love, Light and big hugs,

Rhondie xxxx

----- Original Message ----From: LAURIE <wexlaur (DOT) com>Sent: Monday, June 4, 2007 2:43:39 PMSubject: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money

except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent,

The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase.

To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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thank u, ive been trying to eat carots. stomachs all messed up. pacreatitus is active proably cuz i got myself so worked up.over all this,loveto ulaurieEVELYN BELL <beleve2005@...> wrote: , this is the most beautiful "advice" I've read in a long time. Thanks. ----- Original Message ----- From: Caulfield Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 2:47 AM Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do you need?????On a physical level start drinking carrot juice.A little to start then get up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is

there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur > wrote: Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at

city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and

this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center. To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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Hi everyone, things have really

become overwhelming for me, Yesterday

> after realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up my

> thighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not


> was there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members and

> told that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed to

> do on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew I

> should be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then I

> looked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tap

> because I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last night

> and this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .As

> some of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend


> was diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trials

> type of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of the

> finances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I


> him in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before I

> had Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hes

> realizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but


> cant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into the

> backhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses this

> house. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get me

> wrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have to

> look 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling so

> helpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just


> ready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. I

> cannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will take

> care of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause I

> feel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctional

> relationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has


> helping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,

> its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have


> what does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move


> me and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know


> would probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cant

> seem to let him go.

> Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my


> will inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat up

> and clueless witch direction to go.

> By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and they

> don't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, " it's your


> now u must lie in it "

> Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, pain

> has a way of bringing u too your knees.

> Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out.

> Love and Light

> Laurie




> Hi Laurie.... Please do not feel alone. You are loved, and cared

for... When there is so much negativity around us, our bodies react

to it, with pain, and illness. Knowing you are loved, and not

abandoned is important. Getting the medical attention you need is

most important. Bless you today, and know there is a power much

greater than yourself at work.... Much love to you....


> ---------------------------------

> Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative


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> To worry, is like wishing for

> something you don't want !


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Not eat carrots drink them. You can drink about 10 times as many as you could eat and get all the goodness, eating would take to long to break down. Juice goes to work right away, no chewing needed. It is a proven cure.I can send you more info if you like. Remember it is a dis-ease that is whats is affecting you not some disease that you have to find out about.You are what you think you are, Feel better, feel health. Take deep inhales and deeper exhales, be grateful for that which you do have.Heal your thoughts and the body will follow, I promiseYou are Divine .You are safe.Love LAURIE WEXLER <wexlaur@...> wrote: thank u, ive been trying to eat carots. stomachs all messed up. pacreatitus is active proably cuz i got myself so worked up.over all this,loveto ulaurieEVELYN BELL <beleve2005peoplepc> wrote: , this is the most beautiful "advice" I've read in a long time. Thanks. ----- Original Message ----- From: Caulfield Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007

2:47 AM Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do you need?????On a physical level start drinking carrot juice.A little to start then get

up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That

which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur > wrote: Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things

were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to

keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but

doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center. To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

Get the free toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection.

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Lovely, . (Read with our without the comma.)

How do I get me one of those little red roses??

What a lovely way to appear in a room. Bearing roses. One for each. Damn, that's fun!


----- Original Message -----

From: Caulfield

Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:47 AM

Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

Not eat carrots drink them. You can drink about 10 times as many as you could eat and get all the goodness, eating would take to long to break down. Juice goes to work right away, no chewing needed. It is a proven cure.I can send you more info if you like. Remember it is a dis-ease that is whats is affecting you not some disease that you have to find out about.You are what you think you are, Feel better, feel health. Take deep inhales and deeper exhales, be grateful for that which you do have.Heal your thoughts and the body will follow, I promiseYou are Divine .You are safe.Love LAURIE WEXLER <wexlaur > wrote:

thank u, ive been trying to eat carots. stomachs all messed up. pacreatitus is active proably cuz i got myself so worked up.over all this,loveto ulaurieEVELYN BELL <beleve2005peoplepc> wrote:

, this is the most beautiful "advice" I've read in a long time. Thanks.

----- Original Message -----

From: Caulfield

Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 2:47 AM

Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do you need?????On a physical level start drinking carrot juice.A little to start then get up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur > wrote:

Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center.

To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

Get the free toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection.

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GOT TO GET SOME, NO WAY TO GET TO STORE TILL FRIDAY.THANK U,LAUR, Caulfield <ladybutterfly108@...> wrote: Not eat carrots drink them. You can drink about 10 times as many as you could eat and get all the goodness, eating would take to long to break down. Juice goes to work right away, no chewing needed. It is a proven cure.I can send you more info if you like. Remember it is a dis-ease that is whats is affecting you not

some disease that you have to find out about.You are what you think you are, Feel better, feel health. Take deep inhales and deeper exhales, be grateful for that which you do have.Heal your thoughts and the body will follow, I promiseYou are Divine .You are safe.Love LAURIE WEXLER <wexlaur > wrote: thank u, ive been trying to eat carots. stomachs all messed up. pacreatitus is active proably cuz i got myself so worked up.over all this,loveto ulaurieEVELYN BELL <beleve2005peoplepc> wrote: , this is the most beautiful "advice" I've read in a long time. Thanks. ----- Original Message ----- From: Caulfield Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 2:47 AM Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do

you need?????On a physical level start drinking carrot juice.A little to start then get up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur > wrote: Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and

theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center. To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want ! Get the free toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection. To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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I just finished off my first carrot juice in months. It was delicious -- going to the store tomorrow. With extra dry eyes a problem, I'm really hoping to get more relief!

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:54 PM

Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

GOT TO GET SOME, NO WAY TO GET TO STORE TILL FRIDAY.THANK U,LAUR, Caulfield <ladybutterfly108 > wrote:

Not eat carrots drink them. You can drink about 10 times as many as you could eat and get all the goodness, eating would take to long to break down. Juice goes to work right away, no chewing needed. It is a proven cure.I can send you more info if you like. Remember it is a dis-ease that is whats is affecting you not some disease that you have to find out about.You are what you think you are, Feel better, feel health. Take deep inhales and deeper exhales, be grateful for that which you do have.Heal your thoughts and the body will follow, I promiseYou are Divine .You are safe.Love LAURIE WEXLER <wexlaur > wrote:

thank u, ive been trying to eat carots. stomachs all messed up. pacreatitus is active proably cuz i got myself so worked up.over all this,loveto ulaurieEVELYN BELL <beleve2005peoplepc> wrote:

, this is the most beautiful "advice" I've read in a long time. Thanks.

----- Original Message -----

From: Caulfield

Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 2:47 AM

Subject: Re: [] Things have really started to tear me up,could use some help, advise,love

L,I send angels to keep you.You know what you have to do, now you must do it. You must jump into the darkness, leap and the net will appear.Don't waste another minute...If you believe it will be so, believe that you are free and well.The pain is in your thoughts. Keep them pure. Start now, please.You know everything and you know it is time. What more of a sign do you need?????On a physical level start drinking carrot juice.A little to start then get up to a pint a day- you will be well. You are well.Your soul is perfect and beautiful. There is no dis-ease there, it rests only in your mind.You are Divine.I am not worried- you know that will not help- so don't you worry.Go N O W, do what is there in your heart and be grateful you have this beautiful chance in your life to save yourself.You are safe.That which is yours by Divine right is coming to you right now.LOVE and Peace and soft white light within.I pray for youLAURIE <wexlaur > wrote:

Hi everyone, things have really become overwhelming for me, Yesterdayafter realizing that the pain in my feet had gone up my calves up mythighs in my hips and into my back, things were progressing, not onlywas there pain but burn. I was comforted by fellow group members andtold that I must look into to this right away ,which I had planed todo on Monday .I was also told that I show systems 4 MS. Now I knew Ishould be tested for RSD again but this really through me, then Ilooked it up and she was right on. So now I must have a spinal tapbecause I cannot have an MRI. Now that had me crying all last nightand this morning cause the pain was unbearable and moved again., .Assome of u might know the house I am staying in belongs to a friend whowas diagnosed with colon cancer and liver cancer, he is in a trialstype of chemo at city of hope. His depression and the state of thefinances because I am unable to pay him any money except 4 what I owehim in joint credit cards for the animals and doctor bills before Ihad Medicare, is not enough to keep him going .He cannot work ,hesrealizing hes slowing down,,he had been giving flying lessions but hecant anymore..He feels he must sell this house and move into thebackhouse where his sister lives that he owns before he looses thishouse. Plus he of course is worried about his fate,. Don't get mewrong, Im very concerned about him and knew in time I might have tolook 4 somewhere else to live but he hit me today and I'm feeling sohelpless because I don't know what's wrong with me, and I just wasn'tready to handle that. I have 1 dog and 3 cats that r my children. Icannot imaging my life without them. I know the universe will takecare of me and this is my destiny but Im so scared, mostly cause Ifeel weak and broken. I also have been in a very dysfunctionalrelationship 4 6 years and I am a codependent, The boyfriend has beenhelping me with everything but doesn't let me forget it 4 a second,its like I owe him, and now he's acting like because I might have thiswhat does he have to look forward to. I beleave he wants to move withme and that might be the only way I can keep my children but I know Iwould probably still be very unhappy staying with him, yet II cantseem to let him go.Part of me beleaves if I get away from this living situation my healthwill inprove,.My gut tells me this, either way I'm worn out, beat upand clueless witch direction to go.By the way ,my family doesn't exist, I am the black sheep and theydon't care about me. As I have been told by my mother, "it's your bednow u must lie in it"Very sad, very scared, I know tI need to be stonger than this, painhas a way of bringing u too your knees.Thank u all so much 4 hearing me out. Love and Light Laurie

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center.

To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

Get the free toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection.

To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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