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This n' That OT hopefully funny

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I got back at 11:30 last night from the Conference..but that's another story

...this is pre Vegas!

I was planning this trip to Vegas for weeks, but the week before I was to leave

I caught a cold..which almost instantly  went to Bronchitis C'il supreese!!!!The

Doc put me on strong..AND expensive anti-biotics...and an inhaler..with guess

what? Prednisone. She told me to rinse my mouth out with water after I used

it..okay...she didn't tell me why....and I was feeling so crappy I didn't ask!

( I found out why!) another story!

Let me preface this with the fact that I haven't shaved my legs for light years

;). I decide to de-fuzz ( not to be mistaken for fuzzY) and I purchased stuff

that you wipe on and wipe off in the shower.....well..it AINT that bloody easy.

I am of course naked ( well now everyone is scarred for life) It says to put the

" cream " on with the soft side of the sponge wait for several minutes, step in

the shower and using the " rough " side of the sponge to remove " unwanted

hair " ...but the stuff has to stay on for several minutes IN the shower,,,I don't

know about y'all but when I shower, the water runs All OVER ME.

I digress.....I put the " cream " on, except it was more like grout, I of course

had to bend over to apply the grout..my nose is running like a sieve..I have a

pounding headache from my bronchitis..and high blood pressure. I wonder if all

this is worth it... " of course " I tell myself, after all, I'm going to the

Conference..I must look my best....my legs must look their best....SO, I am now

using the " rough " side of the sponge..SANDPAPER........so, am I to assume, after

one puts on the grout, you then scraaaaape the crap off with the sandpaper..all

the while practically drowning as you are bent over, removing the hair!!!

So, there I was hairless legs...soft like a baby's butt!

All ready for Vegas...when I leave home it's 10 celcius..when I get to Vegas its

60..VEGAS 60...cold.....and do I wear capri's NOPE nothing but


and y'all thought I was sane???




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Sane...maybe Crazy definately! You do make me laugh. Good thing you didn't try

it on your face! I get the fuzzies on my face now, thanks to age and

prednisone! Wax on wax off! So now I'm dying to know about the mouth rinsing.

Hope you enjoyed the conference. I hope i get to go next year.

in TX

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