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Re: detox or die

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---Dear Beth --

Thanks for letting me know that the rest of this book is also great --

I am about ½way through the book and have so far been very impressed

by both her program of recommended supplements (which is so much

easier a regimen to follow than some of those with lengthy lists of

things to take) and the infrared sauna -- so much so that I already

intend to scope out which gym near me has one for me to go to after

my surgery.

I also urge others to read this book -- she certainly outlines a plan

that does not strip your wallet of essential dollars.



In , " bethlakey " <bethlakey@y...> wrote:


> Have any of you read Dr. Sherry 's, M.D., " Detox or Die " I

> just finished it. I actually had to reread it twice because it was

> so full of information. I was really impressed with her; she is an

> environmental doctor. Anyway, I thought I would share some key

> essentials in the plan.


> She recommends a detox cocktail every day, Vitamin C Powder, 300-


> mg of Lipoic Acid, 400-800 mg of glutathione. Doing this will keep

> your body from accumulating so many chemicals. To make it even


> potent, add Glycine 500mg, one or two capsules to the mix. It


> the body make even more glutathione, which drags chemicals out of

> the blood into the stool. The Glycine pulls them out of the blood

> into the urine. It's also an important part of phase II

> detoxification. There many other things you can add to this mix,


> those are some of the essentials. We all know why we shouldn't eat

> foods that are bad for us, but an important reason is that our

> bodies can't make glutathione from processed or bad foods.


> Kyolic Garlic was very highly recommended to kill fungi

> (Aspergillus) and is antibacterial, and it has a lot of rewarding

> studies done with this supplement. Yay, I love studies to back up

> claims!! It also helps detoxify heavy metals. She also


> a good probiotic to go with this.


> She spent several chapters talking about infrared saunas. While


> detox cocktail is great, there are some chemicals that will only

> come out through sweat. Did you know the Mayo clinic is using the

> infrared now for chemically ill people? Basically, all saunas are

> probably pretty good. Some people, especially those who are very

> ill or have heart conditions can't take the stress of the high heat

> saunas (160 degrees). That's why the infrared is so wonderful,


> can control the heat, around 100-150 degrees. Also, it seems that

> the infrared produces more sweat because the high heat saunas are


> hot, and they only heat the skin surface. The infrared is supposed

> to heat underneath the skin.


> She also talked about how exercise is important, but it's difficult

> to produce that much sweat as needed to detox environmental

> chemicals. All in all, it made a great deal of sense to me. You

> see, I sweat very little, even when I have a good work out. I have

> low body fat and always am a little cold.


> I estimated that the Hubbard plan uses 70 hours of detox time in


> sauna, 5 hours a day for 2 weeks. If you look at accomplishing


> with the infrared, you are looking at 1 hour every day for roughly


> months, or 1 hour every other day = 4 months. You get the idea and

> can see how this takes time, so you can't expect to sit in the


> once a week and get these results.


> All in all, when I finished the book, I was more resolved than ever

> to get my hands on a good sauna. I just found out today that a

> healthclub down the street from my office is getting an infrared

> unit in for its members. That's a very viable option. Of course,


> would love to have my own home unit, but we'll see how that goes.

> Dr said she didn't like recommending expensive treatments


> her patients, but over time the sauna has so impressed her.

> Thinking over this, I have thought about and how she shared

> that exercise made her well. I thought about how does


> long sweaty workouts, the kind that would make me pass out, lol.

> It's pretty much the same theory I think.


> I hope this is helpful to someone who has hit a plateau in detoxing.


> hugs,

> Beth

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  • 3 years later...

Is this the book by Dr ? is it good?????

the ingredients in silicone used in implants are:

1)Methyl Ethyl Ketone


3)Isopropyl Alcohol

4)Denatured Alcohol



7)Poly vinyl Chloride

8)Lacquer Thinner

9)Ethyl Acetate

10)Epoxy Resin

11)Epoxy Hardener


13)Printing Ink






]19)Chlorplatinic Acid

20)Metal Cleaning Acid


22)Talcum Powder

23)Color Pigmentation (Printers Ink)



26)Ethylene Oxide

27)Carob Black




31)Hexanone 2



34)Acid Stearic

35)Zinc Oxide



38)Methylene Chloride

39)Platinum Salt

and they are all Neuro-Toxins ! ! ! !

God Bless ~

DedeSee AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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Hey ladies,

I just got through reading detox or die and if silicone is so good for us then why did it make us so sick??

Or is this a different kind of silicone?

Thanks Ladies,


detox or d

From: amy-weaver4@...Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:09:03 +0000Subject: My hospital stay

I have just been in the hospital for the past 6 days and have been tested for so many things. My doctor suggested that I might have silicone poisoning. Since I have come home, I have been surfing the internet and I have most of the symptoms. It is getting worse monthly. My joints and muscles feel like they are 80 years old. I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. Does anyone know of any surgeons in this area that you would recommend. I need an explant soon and don't know where to turn. Thank you! Amy The best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on an Xbox 360 Console. Get it now!

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Silicone or silica? Big difference.


At 12:22 PM 12/23/2007, you wrote:

>Hey ladies,


>I just got through reading detox or die and if silicone is so good

>for us then why did it make us so sick??

>Or is this a different kind of silicone?


>Thanks Ladies,




>detox or d




>From: amy-weaver4@...

>Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:09:03 +0000

>Subject: My hospital stay


>I have just been in the hospital for the past 6 days and have been

>tested for so many things. My doctor suggested that I might have

>silicone poisoning. Since I have come home, I have been surfing the

>internet and I have most of the symptoms. It is getting worse

>monthly. My joints and muscles feel like they are 80 years old. I

>live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. Does anyone know of any

>surgeons in this area that you would recommend. I need an explant soon

>and don't know where to turn. Thank you! Amy






>The best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on an

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she states in the book silicon

From: coss@...Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:46:04 -0700Subject: Re: RE: detox or die

Silicone or silica? Big difference.LyndaAt 12:22 PM 12/23/2007, you wrote:>Hey ladies,>>I just got through reading detox or die and if silicone is so good >for us then why did it make us so sick??>Or is this a different kind of silicone?>>Thanks Ladies,>Stacie>>>detox or d>>----------> >From: amy-weaver4sbcglobal (DOT) net>Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:09:03 +0000>Subject: My hospital stay>>I have just been in the hospital for the past 6 days and have been>tested for so many things. My doctor suggested that I might have>silicone poisoning. Since I have come home, I have been surfing the>internet and I have most of the symptoms. It is getting worse>monthly. My joints and muscles feel like they are 80 years old. I>live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. Does anyone know of any>surgeons in this area that you would recommend. I need an explant soon>and don't know where to turn. Thank you! Amy>>>>>---------->The best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on an >Xbox 360 Console. <http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/wheretobuy/>Get it now!> Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play Chicktionary! Check it out!

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Silicon is also different than silicone. This is the definition of

silicon: A nonmetallic element occurring extensively in the earth's

crust in silica and silicates, having both an amorphous and a

crystalline allotrope, and used doped or in combination with other

materials in glass, semiconducting devices, concrete, brick,

refractories, pottery, and silicones.

Silicone is a mixture of many chemicals that make it into a cohesive

gel. This is the definition of silicone: Any of a group of

semi-inorganic polymers based on the structural unit R2SiO, where R

is an organic group, characterized by wide-range thermal stability,

high lubricity, extreme water repellence, and physiological inertness

and used in adhesives, lubricants, protective coatings, paints,

electrical insulation, synthetic rubber, and prosthetic replacements

for body parts.


At 12:56 PM 12/23/2007, you wrote:

>she states in the book silicon





>From: coss@...

>Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:46:04 -0700

>Subject: Re: RE: detox or die


>Silicone or silica? Big difference.




>At 12:22 PM 12/23/2007, you wrote:


> >Hey ladies,

> >

> >I just got through reading detox or die and if silicone is so good

> >for us then why did it make us so sick??

> >Or is this a different kind of silicone?

> >

> >Thanks Ladies,

> >Stacie

> >

> >

> >detox or d

> >

> >----------

> ><mailto: >

> >From: <mailto:amy-weaver4@...>amy-weaver4@...

> >Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:09:03 +0000

> >Subject: My hospital stay

> >

> >I have just been in the hospital for the past 6 days and have been

> >tested for so many things. My doctor suggested that I might have

> >silicone poisoning. Since I have come home, I have been surfing the

> >internet and I have most of the symptoms. It is getting worse

> >monthly. My joints and muscles feel like they are 80 years old. I

> >live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. Does anyone know of any

> >surgeons in this area that you would recommend. I need an explant soon

> >and don't know where to turn. Thank you! Amy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >----------

> >The best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on an

> >Xbox 360 Console.




> it now!

> >






>Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play Chicktionary!


>it out!


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Yes this is the book by Dr. I really enjoyed it! I am not much of a reader and I read it in three days of course its hard to put it down when its something your so intrested in.

From: DGRAHAMA@...Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 15:11:14 -0500Subject: Re: RE: detox or die

Is this the book by Dr ? is it good?????

the ingredients in silicone used in implants are:

1)Methyl Ethyl Ketone


3)Isopropyl Alcohol

4)Denatured Alcohol



7)Poly vinyl Chloride

8)Lacquer Thinner

9)Ethyl Acetate

10)Epoxy Resin

11)Epoxy Hardener


13)Printing Ink






]19)Chlorplatinic Acid

20)Metal Cleaning Acid


22)Talcum Powder

23)Color Pigmentation (Printers Ink)



26)Ethylene Oxide

27)Carob Black




31)Hexanone 2



34)Acid Stearic

35)Zinc Oxide



38)Methylene Chloride

39)Platinum Salt

and they are all Neuro-Toxins ! ! ! !

God Bless ~


See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play Chicktionary! Check it out!

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I doubt if silicone is so good for us! Silicone is a man-made

invention, a tweaking of something that was natural in the first

place. You know that when man tweaks something, he screws it up.

Take hormones for instance. There are the natural hormones that our

bodies produce, and then there are the fake, synthetic hormones that

man makes in a lab. Our bodies know the difference between the two,

and they don't like the fake ones. That's when you get all the side


Same thing with silicone. The natural form is called silicon. It is

on the periodic table of elements, and is found in plant foods that

we eat, and our bodies really do need the natural form of silicon for

health. It helps build strong collagen, among other things. I am

sure that is what your book is referring to.

When you tweak it and get silicone, you've got something different.

It is no longer on the periodic table of elements, and no longer good

for us.


--- In , Stacie Hall <staciehall40@...>




> Hey ladies,


> I just got through reading detox or die and if silicone is so good

for us then why did it make us so sick??

> Or is this a different kind of silicone?


> Thanks Ladies,

> Stacie

> detox or d


> @...: amy-weaver4@...: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:09:03

+0000Subject: My hospital stay





> I have just been in the hospital for the past 6 days and have been

tested for so many things. My doctor suggested that I might have

silicone poisoning. Since I have come home, I have been surfing the

internet and I have most of the symptoms. It is getting worse

monthly. My joints and muscles feel like they are 80 years old. I

live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. Does anyone know of any

surgeons in this area that you would recommend. I need an explant

soon and don't know where to turn. Thank you! Amy







> _________________________________________________________________

> The best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on

an Xbox 360 Console.

> http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/wheretobuy/


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