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Re: redneck thoughts on support for spuses and others

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Thanks Marty -- your input is a great help for those who want to

understand. Lulu

> Hi all I also believe a support group for the none stills people be

> there spouses, friends or other family members would be a very good

> idea. Some times us with stills do talk in some ways that can and

> may scare newbie¢s and or people that are just starting or trying

> to get there heads around all the stills things we deal with. .I

> also know that it is also important that they also hear form people

> with stills as in what they are feeling or dealing with as with any

> illness it is an all encompassing thing and not a part here or

> there and to get a real good feeling, read or grasp on it I believe

> you need all of it. Support as needed and also information and some

> good fun all mixed in.

> I do know it can be overwhelming and I felt that same way at the

> start. I was almost afraid to read almost any thing on this sight

> for a long time after the lose of a friend who was one of the first

> people to reach out to me and then during my hardest time even

> offered me more hope then some of my own personal family. It hurt

> me deep and hard and also scared me badly as I starting thinking

> that that is also what I had to look forward to. I now know that is

> not true. There are as many complications and success stories here

> are they from medications that worked to how a remission came and

> lasted or stills never came back. All of it gives hope to me now

> days but then again as I always say I am not looking for a cure or

> a remission at all. Now I will take either one if handed one

> believe me but I do not look for them but try to live each day be

> it a bad day or a good one as best as I can because none of us know

> what tomorrow brings . We do know what

> yesterday was and we only know what to day is as it unfolds and at

> the end we know if we wasted it enjoyed it or did the best we could

> manage with it and in the end that is what we all have most likely

> strived to do every day of our life¢s sick or not just do the best

> with it we can.

> I also read some wear today about men not really talking much

> about feelings and this is all so true and sad. There are a few of

> us here that are open and willing to talk and some like me that may

> do it way to much LOL. Most men grow up and are told emotions and

> sharing them is not a man thing at all and deep emotions are never

> shown ever and that is why most men do not cry and will not show a

> tear to any one. Around here I am a teary sap and I do cry and I do

> feel and share emotions and in fact I would some times be better to

> learn to keep them to my self a bit better

> Well that¢s my 2 cents so take care all and hugs



> the rednecks

> Marty & G.

> the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58


> Stills ; An illness I know to well!

> To learn about Stills http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

> If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.


> In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a

> wonder. ~Author Unknown







> " Taking my gun away because I might shoot someone is like cutting

> my tongue out because I might yell `Fire!' in a crowded theater. "

> -- Venetoklis


> A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it

> cannot survive treason from within.

> -- Cicero






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