Guest guest Posted June 28, 2007 Report Share Posted June 28, 2007 12 keys to abundanceB Y A N D R E W F E R G U S O N,1. There is never enough money or prosperity tocreate abundanceWestern society is addicted to money. It confusesstandard of living withreal quality of life. And in its constant struggleto achieve growth andaccumulate more, it shuts itself off from theabundance of resources weactually have. As long as you're focused on money,your capacity to enterabundance is limited.2. Money has no importance in itself, only in termsof our reactions to itMoney does have a role to play, but not as a measureof success or an end initself. It is a gloriously rich andhilarity-provoking tool for working withtrust and self-esteem. Your attitude to money,whether you love it, hate it,resist it, treat it with disdain or discomfort,hoard it, use it to makeinsidious comparisons ... Or let it flow freelythrough your life speaksvolumes about your level of trust, self-esteem andhuman maturity.3. Worry blocks energyWorry is the most monumental waste of time andenergy ever invented. Itcreates nothing except ulcers and other things toworry about. And it takesthe joy out of everything. Stop worrying! It opensup a channel in youthrough which abundance can flow.4. Money is only of value if you value nothing elseWhat really matters in life is coming intorelationship with your self andwith others, sharing, learning and growing, steppinginto your potential andfeeling wonderful whatever your own context. Thesethings are worth valuing.Money is just a distraction. A certain amount is ofcourse useful, butobtaining that assumes a wholly disproportionateplace in our lives.5. The old laws affirm lack and separation: the newlaws affirm connectionwith abundanceThe old laws said that unless you work hard, get tothe top and make a lotof money, life will be difficult. They constantlystress that there is notenough to go around and that you have to fightagainst others. What a wasteof a life! How much better to connect with theenormous potential that liveswithin you and allow it to flow abundantly, likereleasing the energytrapped in a lump of coal.6. The discomfort of undergoing change is nothingcompared to the pain ofresisting it!Even when you know change is overdue, you mayresist, reluctant to get itwrong, attached to what seems secure. This holds youback. The conflictbetween how you really want to be and what you'reused to can be agoniz-ing.Once you decide to change and open yourself topossibility, once you stepoff the apparent cliff, the pain of resistance cangradually be reduced. Itis still scary, and part of you hankers after the'fur-lined mousetrap', butslowly fear gives way to excitement.7. We create our own reality, because we controlwhere we direct ourconsciousnessIf I am not running my life and creating itsreality, who is? And why dothey have this power and I don't? We always have achoice - what we believe,how we react, how we perceive things. And we have100% responsibility forall this and the consequences. Setting a goal thatresults in disappointmentis just one of the choices you make. We always getwhat we put out for, or alesson about what we put out for ... And our escapemechanisms are notalways perfect!8. Right energy means committing yourself and thenletting goIt is not enough just to be open to the forces ofthe universe or naturallaw. Nor is it enough just to put everything you'vegot into it and exhibitpowerful commitment. You need both. You needinspiring vision matched to theneed of your environment, clearly stated with totalcommitment. At the sametime, you must release all attachment to the result.Attachment is ego,seeking validation from outside to repair itsinsecurity inside. It takesmassive energy to achieve an ego goal and there islittle joy in it. Whenthe energy in you is right, abundance flows throughyou. Let go. Let God.9. Abundance contains lackIt can be very difficult to discover abundance whenyou're surrounded bythings! Debt and deprivation is a much easier placebecause there are fewersuperficial distractions. The main lessons areacceptance, gratitude,release, openness. Lack is at least as good a placeas any other to learnthese lessons and discover the meaning of abundance- feeling wonderfulregardless of outer circumstances.10. The measure of success is not money, butlearningFulfillment is a journey towards wholeness,acknowledging what we alreadyhave and not stopping at that but pressing on toexplore all of ourselves.How much we accumulate says nothing about how muchwe have learnt or whetherwe have grown and realised our potential. It is adistraction, a gameinvented by people who live in fear of self.11. Work is a place we each create in order to growThe main place we can do this learning and growingis our work. This is whatit is for. This is why we have created it. So ifyour work is not a place ofpersonal growth, leave! Life is for living.12. Wherever you are is a good place to startIt's all too easy to say "Well, okay, next year ...when I've moved home ...when the children are older ...when I'm earningĀ£30,000 ... when I've got mydegree ... when pigs fly ... when I'm dead." Here,now, with whoever isthere, without delay is the best place to startbeing you and being abundantPlease don't waste any more time. Compassion To All, Randy Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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