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~ Gratitude ~

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I remember abundance. I remember who I Am. I am grateful.

One of the most powerful ingredients you can sprinkle into your recipe

for abundance is gratitude. Frequently forgotten, especially when you

are in poverty consciousness, gratitude is powerful and uplifting.

Generous people thank. Those who feel abundant thank. Those who feel

grateful thank. Those who receive gifts and goodies thank. Those who

achieve goals thank. You can step more easily into the consciousness

of abundance with a grateful heart and " thank you " on our lips and

finger tips. Fill your mind and words and feelings with the energy of

abundance, remembering the depth of who you are and evoking the

often-forgotten creative power within.

Today is a day to FEEL gratitude. By all means, if you feel like

acting out your thanks, that's fine. You can begin this powerful flow

of energy by remembering all those good things of the past that have

come to you, all those good things that are in your life right now,

and all those good things that will come into your life. Remember

things like your home, the streets on which you drive your car or ride

the bus, computers and modems, electricity, trees, and grocery stores.

Then go deeper than " things " and feel gratitude for your talents and

skills, your wonderful relationships, creativity of humanity, spirit

acting in your life, healing, love, peace, wisdom. If you find your

attention turn to what you do not have or might not get, you are off

the assignment. Return to remembering gratitude and reflecting with a

grateful heart.

-- Jeanie Marshall


" Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun is

setting and it will be over so fast. "

-- Ken Pierpont


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Beautiful, ! Thank you!! And...how true as I myself have personally discovered. When we choose to see and sincerely appreciate what we DO have and choose not to focus upon that which we do NOT have (or even that which we perceive as having "lost"), I discovered on my journey that this seemingly small act of sincere gratitude honestly does open the floodgates for the abundant and gracious flow of the Universe to shower us with that which we do seek; not bringing to us more sorrows, struggles and losses. Thanks again, Soul Sister! Much love to you!! ~Ali~ <ASundayInJune@...> wrote: I remember abundance. I remember who I Am. I am grateful. One of the most powerful ingredients you can sprinkle into your recipe for abundance is gratitude. Frequently forgotten, especially when you are in poverty consciousness, gratitude is powerful and uplifting. Generous people thank. Those who feel abundant thank. Those who feel grateful thank. Those who receive gifts and

goodies thank. Those who achieve goals thank. You can step more easily into the consciousness of abundance with a grateful heart and "thank you" on our lips and finger tips. Fill your mind and words and feelings with the energy of abundance, remembering the depth of who you are and evoking the often-forgotten creative power within. Today is a day to FEEL gratitude. By all means, if you feel like acting out your thanks, that's fine. You can begin this powerful flow of energy by remembering all those good things of the past that have come to you, all those good things that are in your life right now, and all those good things that will come into your life. Remember things like your home, the streets on which you drive your car or ride the bus, computers and modems, electricity, trees, and grocery stores. Then go deeper than "things" and feel gratitude for your talents and skills, your wonderful relationships,

creativity of humanity, spirit acting in your life, healing, love, peace, wisdom. If you find your attention turn to what you do not have or might not get, you are off the assignment. Return to remembering gratitude and reflecting with a grateful heart. -- Jeanie Marshall *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun is setting and it will be over so fast." -- Ken Pierpont Blessings,

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Thank You! And I am in Gratidue of this!

So special



--- In , " " <ASundayInJune@...>



> I remember abundance. I remember who I Am. I am grateful.


> One of the most powerful ingredients you can sprinkle into your recipe

> for abundance is gratitude. Frequently forgotten, especially when you

> are in poverty consciousness, gratitude is powerful and uplifting.

> Generous people thank. Those who feel abundant thank. Those who feel

> grateful thank. Those who receive gifts and goodies thank. Those who

> achieve goals thank. You can step more easily into the consciousness

> of abundance with a grateful heart and " thank you " on our lips and

> finger tips. Fill your mind and words and feelings with the energy of

> abundance, remembering the depth of who you are and evoking the

> often-forgotten creative power within.


> Today is a day to FEEL gratitude. By all means, if you feel like

> acting out your thanks, that's fine. You can begin this powerful flow

> of energy by remembering all those good things of the past that have

> come to you, all those good things that are in your life right now,

> and all those good things that will come into your life. Remember

> things like your home, the streets on which you drive your car or ride

> the bus, computers and modems, electricity, trees, and grocery stores.

> Then go deeper than " things " and feel gratitude for your talents and

> skills, your wonderful relationships, creativity of humanity, spirit

> acting in your life, healing, love, peace, wisdom. If you find your

> attention turn to what you do not have or might not get, you are off

> the assignment. Return to remembering gratitude and reflecting with a

> grateful heart.


> -- Jeanie Marshall


> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

> " Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun is

> setting and it will be over so fast. "

> -- Ken Pierpont


> Blessings,



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Hi there ,

So nice to meet you, thank you for this wonderful post on gratitude.

Love & Light


----- Original Message ----From: <ASundayInJune@...> Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 11:10:51 PMSubject: [] ~ Gratitude ~

I remember abundance. I remember who I Am. I am grateful. One of the most powerful ingredients you can sprinkle into your recipefor abundance is gratitude. Frequently forgotten, especially when youare in poverty consciousness, gratitude is powerful and uplifting.Generous people thank. Those who feel abundant thank. Those who feelgrateful thank. Those who receive gifts and goodies thank. Those whoachieve goals thank. You can step more easily into the consciousnessof abundance with a grateful heart and "thank you" on our lips andfinger tips. Fill your mind and words and feelings with the energy ofabundance, remembering the depth of who you are and evoking theoften-forgotten creative power within. Today is a day to FEEL gratitude. By all means, if you feel likeacting out your thanks, that's fine. You can begin this powerful flowof energy by remembering all those good things of the past that

havecome to you, all those good things that are in your life right now,and all those good things that will come into your life. Rememberthings like your home, the streets on which you drive your car or ridethe bus, computers and modems, electricity, trees, and grocery stores.Then go deeper than "things" and feel gratitude for your talents andskills, your wonderful relationships, creativity of humanity, spiritacting in your life, healing, love, peace, wisdom. If you find yourattention turn to what you do not have or might not get, you are offthe assignment. Return to remembering gratitude and reflecting with agrateful heart. -- Jeanie Marshall*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~"Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun issetting and it will be over so fast." -- Ken PierpontBlessings,

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