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Nannette and all my family here( yes that long winded redneck struck back again ) Re: intro

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Nannette and all my family here;

 Hi again and as before welcome back again. Now this is only some thing I heard

or read some were along the way so being I have no back up facts it is only here

say but it fits in my life. 1st I was dx with stills in 2000. But after 8 years

of this and looking backwards talking with my mother and also remembering what

life was like as a kid. I was sick on and off a lot. My parents used to think I

was playing sick a lot. I would be sick in the am and or in the afternoon. I

would have the school call mom to come and get me. most of the time it was on a

Friday or Thursday come Saturday or Sunday I was fine and even some times by

Friday night. Now this did not stop after I got out of school this has been a

life long deal. In my working life same thing but now it was I would stay sick

some times tell Monday or Tuesday morning. I was always in trouble at work for

missing days and yes again they felt I was playing because it was always around

weekends. Now

when at work I worked extra hours and pushed my self hard to make up for missed

time both in money and in the trouble I made for the company. well in 2000 I

could not do it any more but this time I had a boss who had gone threw cancer

two time he knew some thing was up and gave me a chouse I could go on medical

leave and get to a doctor and find out what¢s going on or he would fire me so I

started to see a doctor and found out I had stills.

 Now the only time I really had seen a doctor for my problem besides the right

then problem was when I was little. 6 months old almost died from lung problems

then 4 years old (my 4th birthday in fact) I was hospitalized for high fevers

pain in my legs weakness so bad I could not walk and joint pain sweating and

more. They said I had romatic fever but no test agreed with it. For the next 6

months I was one sick kid and could not walk play any thing. I would go threw

time like that about every 5 to 6 years after that but never hospitalized

because of the belittling from my parents growing up poor and medical bills were

very very expensive and my family most of the time had no medical coverage at

all. So I learned to fight it and rest a lot and not say any thing to any one I

suffered in silence!

 Well after my DX I was one sick puppy for about 3 and a 1/2 years and I do mean

sick. Then I started to get a bit better and for the next 5 years lived almost a

normal life with only little problems now and then. small flairs is what I now

called them and yes I still fought the pain alone and again poor as heck and no

medical cowage so my early training came into play see at the end of my last

real bad run my wife divorced me also just when all my money ran out and 9

months before I received SSDI. This is after 26 years with her. All I will say

is it was over me having stills and not able to work any more. Yes stills

finally ended my working.

 any hoot back to the start I had read or heard as I started with that it is a

possibility it could run in cycles and for me it has very much done so with a

year or two plus or minus or each side between good times and bad and right now

it is headed back for bad .now as far as I can remember there are only two times

I got super sick bad and that was when I turned 4 years old and then again back

in 2000. With every roughly 5 years a very bad run of 3 to 4 years in between a

good run. now good is not every thing free it can be some pain or joint problems

/pain but it is not all at one time this is also why I have only been seen for

what was going on then but now at 50 years old looking back and being blessed

with a very good mind and memory and my mom and her calendars were she writes

every thing down and keeps them for years and years the parts are falling into

place for my life and it is a cycle thing for me. that dose not mean it is for

every one and

it is also some thing I can not prove it just looks that way to me with my

history . So if it is a possibility maybe you two are lucky in that the cycles

are long we can hope that be the case. but then again this is my opinion and

nothing more and I am nothing but a simple minded redneck with no medical

training and with way to much time on my hands and because of that my mind tends

to wonder and some thing that little should never be out alone like that and for

that long so when I find it again I will try to put it on a leash to control it

some what. so every thing I said here take it with a grain of salt and then

throw some of that away because none of it may fit you or any one other here

Hugs all and the best to ya all


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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 Man o man talk about tonsils! Mine were so bad for so many years but no one

removed them tell I was 21 and so darn sick . now it was almost a year before

they just removed them sick or not as every time it was planed I was sick it was

like 2 weeks sick 2 weeks okay and so one. at the time I was under 21 less then

100 pounds and 5'6 " after they were removed in  that year I went to 5'11 " and

165 pounds! never felt better well okay for a few months at lest but after that

I got even sicker from then on when I did get sick it was like they were my

filters or the weak link but when they were gone I was in and out of doctors

offices and so darn sick I was sick of being sick! any way that is one thing i

will never forget . I know why they say you can have all the ice cream and stuff

you want because you do not want any believe me it hurt! okay so I was a big

baby and that did not help its true LOL.



the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government

 and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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