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Re: The distance of love

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My dear Isabel,

I humbly feel that you are further than you may think, dear.

Many of your fellow brothers and sister are feeling just as you are.

Myself included. I have felt moments of uplifting joy and bliss, like

I am on top of the world, hehe almost literally...and then I feel,

Oh, goodness, I need a good nap! ;) The energies around are being

transformed (not sure which word seems " right " ). Our physical bodies

are going through changes as well as our spiritual bodies.

There are lower vibrations of energy that just seem to sap us

of what we have an abundance of at one moment and the next, we,

sometimes unconsciously allow our energy to be taken in a sense. But

I have read much from the wonderful family here, as you have and I am

new to the group and in understanding whom I AM again..It is a

process very unique to us all. Please keep going for you are

definitely a beautiful soul and you would not have connected

(literally) with us if not. I thank you for the love and light that

you give to me, for your sharing of your heart and thoughts. It means

so much to me, as you are my sister!! It is not always easy. The

Dalai Lama describes himself as just a human being just like

ourselves. He does not feel he is superior, for we all have many,

many special gifts to offer. As for feeling under attack, I suggest

that you find possibly an amulet, may it be a stone you found, a

special necklace, whatever seems to resonate feeling safe, and keep

it with you always..

I also humbly suggest for this is what works for me, it may be

different for you, dear, is imagine your wonderful light surrounding

you like a bubble and that nothing can harm you in this bubble. I

also have said, and it may sound a bit strange, but I say out loud,

and put my hand out to shield myself if I feel negativity, " Please go

in peace, leave me be... " If you feel it is a person, something

stronger, I know there are many in this family/group whom are more

adept at helping if the need is a very strong one. This is NOT to

say I am not willing to help, no, I am just a novice when it comes to

helping others with distance protection at this time...Please feel

free to ask me any questions...I hope this helped you in some way! I

do feel you are a strong empath but it is harnessing that gift and

the feelings of " Are they mine or someone else's? " That would where

I feel you may want to start..Again, I hope this helps, I was unsure

of how to put into words what I am feeling, for it is difficult to


I agree, there are many talented people here, most important

to remember is that YOU are also very talented and special for you

care deeply for others and unfortunately some have not become awaken

to that fact yet...But that is coming and when it does, YOU will be

there to help them understand! :) Namaste and love and light, LUNA


> Hello to everyone


> I am so grateful and feel humble for being part of such a talented

> and kind group.

> The stuff you all write just blows my mind (in a nice way) as I


> the kindness and love in each message.

> I can only aspire to one day become an effective healer and

> contribute more.

> I love you all and your individual gift is so beautiful and helpful

> to others.


> It has been a very slow journey for me and I feel as if I have only

> learnt to walk.

> I have been feeling very low lately, over the last few days I


> a lot of sadness including my own, find it hard to switch off,


> meditate as I cannot relax, have this paranoia of being surrounded


> possible attack, so cannot shut my eyes.Not sure if you have

> experienced this aswell lately?

> Please let me know if you have similar experiences.


> I have been concentrating a lot of my energy to help others. If

> energy does not run out, why do I feel so exausted all the time?


> Please advise how I can protect myself as I seem to get strong for

> short periods but does not last long.


> I send you all my love and light.

> Namaste

> Isabel


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" I have been concentrating a lot of my energy to help others. If

energy does not run out, why do I feel so exausted all the time? "

If I might, I shall enter in here....

I can not speak for others here but I can speak for myself. And I

find that when my focus is on others, the energy is already there.

Whether I think, or write, or simply " cut and paste " ...whether I open

an email and meditate the message underlyin it's content, before

responding, or meditate in a deep stillness to find the " truer "

essense, or " truths " ...I am filled with an energy that I can say only

that it must pour in from the whole.

I know this because, when I am not there, or come out of this state,

I am drained...sometimes numb, as if having been in the mists of the

high winds of a storm, and coming out from that...I enter the void of

no energy...of depletion...of, Being Human, flesh.

We tend to operate from our human level, or always have in our past

times, where many still operte from. We paid no attention to this

level, except that we endured it, survived it, lived it.

It is not that we are so much exhausted in this form of flesh, and we

are, as it is, we have experienced the intense flow of such

incredible loving energy, that everything else is without measure.

This is where we long to be, to stay, to operate from, yet even so,

yet within this body and vibration, our higher self lovingly pushes

us back for a bit, so that we may rest, not our will or our desire,

but rest our bodies, our minds, the vehicle from which we use to

manifest within this level. Else the intensity of the energy would

engulf us completely.

YOU are already effective...you are already healing...it is your very

nature. There is NOTHING to learn, only to ALLOW.

The thing about what is preceived as " a slow walk " gives notice to

the ability to " see more " . You are able to " preceive the essense of a

thing " . Enjoy the slow walk.

And worry not about what seems to be a " presense " ...it can not

attack...it can not be but thought, perhaps of light, perhaps of

dark...but still a thought...and seeking you out, has only come to be

blessed...that is, to be given thought of...and our thoughts are of

love...this is healing.

When feeling low, sad, or exhausted, relax and take a nap. Go to

sleep, get some rest. While your body rest, your higher self is still

at work, making way, watching, healing, empowering...and it works for

you too, it is you.

With Incredible Compassion...


Oh, and my wife says " eat " ....lol


> Hello to everyone


> I am so grateful and feel humble for being part of such a talented

> and kind group.

> The stuff you all write just blows my mind (in a nice way) as I


> the kindness and love in each message.

> I can only aspire to one day become an effective healer and

> contribute more.

> I love you all and your individual gift is so beautiful and helpful

> to others.


> It has been a very slow journey for me and I feel as if I have only

> learnt to walk.

> I have been feeling very low lately, over the last few days I


> a lot of sadness including my own, find it hard to switch off,


> meditate as I cannot relax, have this paranoia of being surrounded


> possible attack, so cannot shut my eyes.Not sure if you have

> experienced this aswell lately?

> Please let me know if you have similar experiences.


> I have been concentrating a lot of my energy to help others. If

> energy does not run out, why do I feel so exausted all the time?


> Please advise how I can protect myself as I seem to get strong for

> short periods but does not last long.


> I send you all my love and light.

> Namaste

> Isabel


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Thank you

I find your insight and thought process really accurate and helpful.

Your kindness and wisdom is well received and appreciated.

Maybe I have to remember the words and healing I give others and use

it on myself more.

Not sleeping well for months has not helped, you're right about

resting and sleeping. Will follow your advice.

Funny thing about your wife saying for me to eat, I have been teasing

my husband last few days about eating less and losing weight.

> >

> > Hello to everyone

> >

> > I am so grateful and feel humble for being part of such a


> > and kind group.

> > The stuff you all write just blows my mind (in a nice way) as I

> feel

> > the kindness and love in each message.

> > I can only aspire to one day become an effective healer and

> > contribute more.

> > I love you all and your individual gift is so beautiful and


> > to others.

> >

> > It has been a very slow journey for me and I feel as if I have


> > learnt to walk.

> > I have been feeling very low lately, over the last few days I

> picked

> > a lot of sadness including my own, find it hard to switch off,

> cannot

> > meditate as I cannot relax, have this paranoia of being


> by

> > possible attack, so cannot shut my eyes.Not sure if you have

> > experienced this aswell lately?

> > Please let me know if you have similar experiences.

> >

> > I have been concentrating a lot of my energy to help others. If

> > energy does not run out, why do I feel so exausted all the time?

> >

> > Please advise how I can protect myself as I seem to get strong


> > short periods but does not last long.

> >

> > I send you all my love and light.

> > Namaste

> > Isabel

> >


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Thank you Luna

Your kind words really comforted me, so nice to know I have so many

brothers and sisters, it fills me with love and light and want to

pass it on.

It makes so much sense when someone tells you straight up.

You too are a beautiful being.

With great insight and valuable gift.

Interesting that you have picked up my feelings or " someone else's " .

Don't know myself at times, perhaps both.

Although never " allowed " myself to manifest until a couple of months

ago, these feelings that I have been blocking since I was four years

old, felt to strong to remain ignored. Decided that helping others

is more important than to deal with fear of the unknown.

I see one's life as a puzzle when looking back is like the journey is

to put all the pieces together.

All the feelings, thoughts, dreams and actions begin to complete the

puzzle, and what was a fizzy image begins to look like a more clear


Took me 34 years to realize what I was, who I was and my purpose of

life, now my task is to allow myself to serve my purpose, so this is

just the begining, I know that now.

Yes, I am at my happiest when I help others for it is was I am here,

what I was meant to be. Even when tired, I " crave " for more to help,

to comfort and to many as many souls smile as I can.

Sorry if the words I use are not appropriate, writing is not my

strongest point.

Will also follow your advice, and will get a stone pendant to

protect. A strong one this time. Everytime I get one, it breaks.

This time, I will replace it if it breaks again.

Lots of hugs

Love and light


> >

> > Hello to everyone

> >

> > I am so grateful and feel humble for being part of such a


> > and kind group.

> > The stuff you all write just blows my mind (in a nice way) as I

> feel

> > the kindness and love in each message.

> > I can only aspire to one day become an effective healer and

> > contribute more.

> > I love you all and your individual gift is so beautiful and


> > to others.

> >

> > It has been a very slow journey for me and I feel as if I have


> > learnt to walk.

> > I have been feeling very low lately, over the last few days I

> picked

> > a lot of sadness including my own, find it hard to switch off,

> cannot

> > meditate as I cannot relax, have this paranoia of being


> by

> > possible attack, so cannot shut my eyes.Not sure if you have

> > experienced this aswell lately?

> > Please let me know if you have similar experiences.

> >

> > I have been concentrating a lot of my energy to help others. If

> > energy does not run out, why do I feel so exausted all the time?

> >

> > Please advise how I can protect myself as I seem to get strong


> > short periods but does not last long.

> >

> > I send you all my love and light.

> > Namaste

> > Isabel

> >


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YOU are already effective...you are already healing...it is your very

nature. There is NOTHING to learn, only to ALLOW.

Yes! Well said and thought out!

Thank you ..

Love ~Karma

> >

> > Hello to everyone

> >

> > I am so grateful and feel humble for being part of such a talented

> > and kind group.

> > The stuff you all write just blows my mind (in a nice way) as I

> feel

> > the kindness and love in each message.

> > I can only aspire to one day become an effective healer and

> > contribute more.

> > I love you all and your individual gift is so beautiful and helpful

> > to others.

> >

> > It has been a very slow journey for me and I feel as if I have only

> > learnt to walk.

> > I have been feeling very low lately, over the last few days I

> picked

> > a lot of sadness including my own, find it hard to switch off,

> cannot

> > meditate as I cannot relax, have this paranoia of being surrounded

> by

> > possible attack, so cannot shut my eyes.Not sure if you have

> > experienced this aswell lately?

> > Please let me know if you have similar experiences.

> >

> > I have been concentrating a lot of my energy to help others. If

> > energy does not run out, why do I feel so exausted all the time?

> >

> > Please advise how I can protect myself as I seem to get strong for

> > short periods but does not last long.

> >

> > I send you all my love and light.

> > Namaste

> > Isabel

> >


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