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Hi again my Stilligans family-

As you might of got from my subject line.... I am back on Prednisone. DAM, DAM,

DAM!!! I am sorry about the language. But I am so frustrated about this. I was

off of it for 3 weeks. Doing pretty well the first couple weeks, but on the

third week I wasn't feeling as well as I had been. But I didn't want to listen

to my body. So last night we went out with some friends, I hadn't been feeling

that well and had been laying around alot that week so I wanted to get out of

the house. BIG MISTAKE!!! While we were eating dinner my chest started really

bothering me, I was thinking that when I got home I would take 10mg

of Prednisone until I start feeling better. By the time we were walking to the

car I didn't think I was going to make it. Ever turn, ever bump, made it worse

and worse in the car. I was trying to hold back tears because our son was in the

back seat. But I finally said take me to the ER, I can't breath. My pain was way

over a 10. So my

wonderful Hubby called my Doctor and asked if he could meet us down there or

call the ER and let them know to pump me up with Prednisone. And he said he

can't do that. I would have to be admitted and then he could tell them. WHAT!!!

Now this is where I know that all of you will understand. I told my husband, I

am not going to the ER for them to run all these tests on me and for them to

give me that blank look when I tell them I have Stills Disease. I know that

Prednisone will help, my doctor knows that Prednisone will help, But the ER

doesn't so I am not going unless my Rheumy calls in or meets us. And I am not

getting admitted !!! I am a little stubborn, if you haven't already noticed.

So my Rheumy told my hubby to give me 60mg of Prednisone and if I don't feel

better by the next day that I need to be admitted.

Ok, so hubby gets of the phone and tells me and of course I say. Do you know how

long it is going to take me to get off of 60mg? I'm not taking 60, I know that

20-30 will do it. My hubby yells at me and says " KERI WILL YOU STOP THINKING


really understand how much we hate the " moon face " , the sweats, the weight gain,

etc. I worked so hard to get off Prednisone the last 7 years and lose all the

weight the past 2 years.  Yeah he has heard me complain about it but he doesn't

feel my pain.  So we come to an agreement, with his anger and my crying, I took

40mg. And I woke up this morning feeling 75% better and I know tomorrow I

will feel even better.

I go in for my Remicade on Tuesday so I will have to come clean to him. But

whatever. I am glad that I didn't take the 60. I wouldn't of cared if the

hospital gave me 100mg, I would of had relieve in hours. But since I knew that

it would be days for me to feel better I took what I know I have taken in the

past to get rid of the chest pain.

Of course I don't recommend this to anyone but I wasn't going to be talked out

of it from anyone.  

So there it is. It felt good to tell everyone that I was done with Prenisdone

and I waited thinking just in cause it is short lived I won't have to go back

and tell them what I am typing right now. But this is life of Stills. So here

I go again, I will work for how ever long I have to, to at least get down to the

lowest mg of Prednisone I can. And i will be content and stay there.

Thanks for listening to my sob story and thanks for all your well wishes.

We need to keep our chins up, right??

 Love and Support,

Keri in CA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keri, that so sucks. I hope you are feeling better now, and working your way

back down again. I hate prednisone too. My cheeks feel like they're going to

explode off of my face, and what's even more fun is that they are trying me

out on mtx (so I can wean off the prednisone eventually), and it's making me

bald and not working! So while I have lost over 40lbs since this summer, you

can't tell... I'm a limping, fat-faced, half-bald old broad with a bad

attitude. lol

Please let us know how you are doing, okay? Thinking of you.

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