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the wordy rendneck strikes again so its long LOL Re: Re: Being real

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and every oen

 I also have never been to Vegas and I live less then 400 miles from there . I

find I can say I love you after  some time never out front . I believe if a

person is honest with who they are ( posting here that is ) then you do really

get to know them . let me say this

 when I was dating I did the new in thing the on-line thing. well many and I do

mean many I met were not what they said they were or who they said they were

fact is looking back out of 15 I met face to face only about two were fully as

they had said some close and some so far out that if they had been nukes we

would still be safe LOL any hoot the most honest was my wife now . so any

hoot we met and now i will share a secret with every one . she came to my house

as I could not afford to go any were tell my ssdi check in a week. well she came

we met and 4 days later she left . now mind you she did not leave at first

Saturday night as when i walked her out I saw her tier was really bad cords

showing and all so went to change it and her spare was also flat. banks were

closed on Sunday so she had no money to get a tire .I also did not have it to

loan her so Monday we did that then Monday  and by the time it was done it was

late again and well after

all we both did not want the weekend to leave . we made plans for me to drive

down to see her two days later and so I did . that day we also made plans that i

was going to move now this scared every one in my family as I had borrowed money

to get my utility's and even the apartment i had so giving it up also meant i

was screwed if things did not work now again I moved and we also at the same

time planned to marry well two years later we did get married only because for

the two years we thought we would lose money if we did being her on ssi and me

on ssdi. so you could say being honest lead to a week dating and marriage . yes

it was fast and here it is over 4 years later and I am still happy and would do

it again with her and not even think about it . now why am I saying this it is

because we both were very honest about what we said on line about our self's (

not easy to do when ya are trying to sell used broken goods and a bad boy

personality) but we

were and in fact we still talk about it . now mind you not every thing in my

life is that fast LOL fact nothing has even been but also I had also never felt

that some one was being that honest with me either.. so honesty is how you can

know and end up loving some one before you ever see them face to face and I

believe here on the stills sight almost all of us are honest when we post we all

have lost so much and when we piss and mon the other know what were saying or if

we BS-ing. when were up bet it is because were being honest with our self that

it is what we have needed at times also when we vent same thing . for me I can

vent with  but not always. now she understands better then most

people. She has some arthritis her self . she grew up with a disabled father

,poorer then we are now, sexual abuse, physical abuse and so much more , now not

all by her father but some was some was other family to her and then her kids

father to her son . so

she had a hard life. some times she is  a person who shows no emotions because

of it, but let me tell you she feels them. she had to do this  just to survive.

She  had to learn to control them not show them ext. but in writing she was and

is very honest same when she talks even if it is not with emotion .  I did fall

in love with her because of that okay I fell in love fore a lot more but it was

what started it all. now again I can be to trusting and I get hurt from that a

lot. but i believe you can only love when your ready to be hurt as bad in not

more then before. I also believe i have to trust if i want to be trusted and so

I want to be trusted here I want to have friends here and some day I want to met

some from her but to do that I have to trust I have to be a friend and I have to

go to Vegas some day. so be honest with your self and be honest with others and

you will get the same in return from most not all but most as no matter what


people are like dippers always on your ass and full of shit no matter what ya

do .LOL


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

 Stills ; An illness I know to well!

To learn about Stills  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

  and Hancock:

We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus! [April 18, 1775]


" The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the

general principals of Christianity... I will avow that I believed and now

believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and

immutable as the existence and attributes of God. "

• " [July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts

of devotion to God Almighty. "

– in a letter written to Abigail on the day the Declaration was

approved by Congress


God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be

thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the

minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not

to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I

reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever. " (excerpts

are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital)


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