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be kind to yourselves

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Hi one and all,


A lot of you may not know me but welcome to Stilligans' Island for those who

don't. You are not alone and you are family here. To all you long timers, hello

- I've been missing you.


I just wanted to make a quick note to all to remind them that just because you

got a diagnosis of something like Stills does not mean  your life is over.

Especially this time of year when people can get depressed over so many things,

take time to look at and remember all the good things you live about life. Find

new things you can do with the limits that Stills puts on you. Find new things

to enjoy. Call people you miss spending time with to say hi and make Stills a

" tabu " topic that is not allowed to be discussed for this specific conversation.

The focus is on friends and family, not illness today. Intentionally focus on

the positive insead of the negative.


Don't spend too much energy on everything for the holidays. Use paper plates

(not the flimsy cheap ones but the the good throw away ones) Use colorful

disposable cups and glasses and silverware to make clean up easier. Enlist help

from guests for the rest of the cleanup and tell jokes or happy memories by

taking turns while you clean up.  For diinner If you are having company, have

them each bring or prepare something for the meal. Make a list. Men can bring

drinks, appetizers, desserts. It's the Stone Soup sort of thing. I'll give the

gist of stone soup below for those who don't know the story.


Stone Soup

A Wise older man goes empty handed into a town but is hungry. The townsfolk are

all in need of money or food and are all grouchy, with their families and each

other. The man sees this and so asks to borrow a kettle to make a huge pot of

stone soup to feed everyone.


Someone lends him a kettle and he puts it in the town square and builds a fire

under it. He asks each family to bring a pan of water for his soup. They all

have water so they willingly agree to bring it to him. He pours it in the pan

and adds his " magic " stone and stirs the kettle frequently while it's getting



Occasionally he says " This tastes okay but it could use a carrot or two. " Eager

for the soup, one family says " I have 2 carrots. That's all the food I have but

I will give it to make the soup taste better. " and he does. A few minutes later

the man says " the carrots made the soup taste a lot better but now it seems to

be needing potatoes. " He didn't ask for potatoes, just made the comment but

someone came back with potatos.  The man keeps working to make the perfect magic

stone soup until each family has willingly donated something for the soup to

feed the town. They all eat, laugh and get full bellies. They learn that by

helping others, you help yourself. Also that there is more happiness in giving

than in receiving.


People will help you but may only be able to donate something small. Combined,

it will make a feast and happy fellowship. Check it out!


Smiles, Caroline the First, Empress of CUS (First Caroline on Stlligans Island,

Chronically Unique Syndromes/ Illnesses)

(Beautiful Southern Oregon, USA)

We may not be able to change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our


May you have enough happiness to make you kind, enough trials to make you

strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.



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Holy cow bat man did you see who just dropped in / the long lost Caroline!

 wow so good to here from ya been wondering whats ya all been up to and I do

hope no good and getting into all kinds of trouble so that the dragon has no

time to bother you!

hugs my friend!


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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I had forgotten the story of Stone Soup. Thank you. You've brought

back some wonderful childhood memories for me and I appreciate it.

This year's Thanksgiving has it's difficulties. It's our first

Thanksgiving without Dad (past away 8 months ago). My Mom and one of

my sisters has come to me here in Florida to be together for this

occasion and for the support of one another. My husband and son have

gone up north to my husband's family so once again, it's a first -

we've never parted company for a holiday before.

As for the rest, the positives vs. the negatives; negatives are not

allowed in my home. One of the reasons I wouldn't have my MIL here

this year, I just can't tolerate her during such a challenging time.

Discomfort and pain are also not welcomed here and I have an arsenal

of medication to prove it. I also have massage therapy, PT and a

wonderful chiropractor to help keep things at bay.

I wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy and wonderous

Thanksgiving. I will also urge you NOT to shop tomorrow (Black

Friday) since you'll probably have to park far away from where you're

going. Computer users now have what's called Cyber Monday - go with

that instead.

Take care and be well and all the good of the world should be sitting

at your door.


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