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RE: Question

> We give B12 and Folic acid shots, and of course use HBOT with it, I find

> when treating someone with CFS, a Lyme disease type, ( Mycoplasma) the run


> fever usually about a week into treatment, We call this fever therapy, It


> usually the immune system kicking into action. when this happens we give a

> break during the fever and resume.


Hi ,

No, you misunderstood me. The fever isn't a result of the B12 shots. She's

had a fever everyday from the cfids for the lasts 3 years! It was only when

she started taking the injections that the fever has stopped! This puzzles

me???? She has started cutting back on the amount. She's kind of going by

how her body feels. She does take royal jelly also which has multiple B's

in it.

As far as the dosage goes, I once went to a doctor that specialized in

cfids. He said for whatever reason people with cfids are always lacking in

cal and mag. Also we don't absorb B12 and need a very high dosage of it.

He started me out on 5,000 mg. injections twice weekly. I stayed of that

for a few months then went on 1,000 mg. twice weekly. It was the one thing

that stopped me from having relapses. After a few years, I noticed I just

didn't need the injections anymore. Haven't had them in I don't remember

how long. However, I still take a B complex daily. My curiosity was in how

could the B12 actually stop a person from running a fever????? I don't have

a clue, but that's what it has done for her!!!! Exciting, huh!!! She's

been so very sick!


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  • 4 weeks later...




> Does anyone know of a treatment for ceribrial palsey from infancy? I

would appreciate any advise you might have.

> Debbie


In addition to HBOT, which I have read is great for conditions like that,

have you considered a good Feldenkrais pracitioner? Moshe Feldenkrais, the

man who invented this system of extraordinarily gentle movements, once

demonstrated on a boy with CP and the child walked away after the first

session without swaying or wobbling.


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Steady chiro care, CranioSacral Therapy, acupuncture, Reiki, BrainGym,

diet & deficiencies regularly checked---lots of LOVE & happiness.

I have a list (in my sig line for alternative/natural health for sp need

kids) there are alot of autistic & CP kid's parents on the list.

· ´¨)) -:¦:- ~Jolene~

. .·´¨¨)) -:- Born2BHealed@...

((¸¸.· ..·´-:¦:- Heal me, O Lord, & I shall be healed

-:¦:- ((¸¸.´-



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A story worth telling. I met a woman who adopted a 2 yr. old baby with CP.

This child was on 'medication'. On checking that medication responses, she

found it caused 'muscle spasm'. She slowly withdrew the medications to find

the child never had CP after all. It was a symptom of the medication. Rose

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hello and Patty

Thank you for allowing me to be here I make soap just for familyI was

ill for a while so My Soap making was on hold

The Soap I made yesterday, Seems to be sticking to my Plactic molds

I welcome Any Coments or tips as to how to release them

I may just need to leave them alone longer

I have heavey plastic molds I have used before they were clean and dry

before I poured, This soap has Olive oil Coconut soy,one oz of almond

oil ,

Thanks for any tips


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