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Re: Crawling Question

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Our daughter Meredith Anne did the exact same thing. She would always use

her right leg to crawl and drag her left. This was after she was diagnosed

with scoliosis but before she was casted. Her PT and I tried for months to

get her up on all fours to crawl or even to just use both sides symmetrically.

Suddenly one day she got up on all fours and started to crawl. Even after

that though, she would drag her left leg when she would do her " army " crawl.

We too went to a neurologist for that and the fact that she was toewalking

at the time, which she has since stopped. The neurologist thought she was

fine especially since she was up and walking after a couple of months.

Meredith Anne is now two years old. She was casted from Feb. 2007 to Dec.

2007 and is now in a brace. She walks fine, runs around and never stops. I

think it just took her a little longer because she had to compensate for her


Hope this helps!


In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:15:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

b_dolley@... writes:

Yeah, it's not even so much that he's not crawling that has me concerned as

it is the only using one leg to army crawl. He does have some low tone issues

(maybe due to prematurity or maybe due to something else) and he still can't

get into and out of sitting positions or standing positions on his own, but

is making progress. So I'm not bothered too much by the not crawling. But I

was just wondering if the using one leg to army crawl was a symptom of the

scoliosis or if it could be a symptom of something else. I plan on bringing it

up with Dr. Sturm and with the neurologist we are seeing in a few weeks, but

just wanted to see if any other kids with scoliosis have done similar things.

Re: [infantile_


never really " crawled " ......... ..he rolled or scooted where he wanted

to go. He was not in a cast at the time. Like others have said some babies

never crawl and go straight to walking. was 4 weeks early. He started

walking a month after the boys' first bday.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, but as a mom will always do. I did.

Take care,


Mommy of twin boys- and 33 months

Fort Worth, Texas

Dolley <b_dolleyyahoo (DOT) com> wrote: My son is 15 months old (12

months adjusted for prematurity) and is not crawling. Our PT has decided to not

focus on crawling very much anymore, because she feels that the cast might be

hindering the progress there. He is starting to cruise along furniture now, so

she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's child not want to crawl in

cast? He does an army crawl, but we have started to notice that he seems to

mostly drag his right leg and primarily uses his left leg to propel himself

forward. I pointed this out to the PT and she didn't have any good answers for

us. She said he seems to have the strength and she doesn't notice a tone

difference and he seems to have the ability to use that leg to crawl if we


him to use it by flexing that leg forward. She thought it might be due to the

scoliosis or the cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?

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That's exactly how Evan crawled...he did it for a while, and would either do

that " crawl " or roll to get where he needed. He walked on his first b'day,

w/assistance/cruising. He didn't really " walk " for a while after that, it took a

lot of PT and exercised. I think its " normal " for some kids to even skip

crawling and walk first. Don't worry. He's adapted to so much... Evan was a

premie by 8 weeks as well...


and Evan

Dolley wrote:

My son is 15 months old (12 months adjusted for prematurity) and is

not crawling. Our PT has decided to not focus on crawling very much anymore,

because she feels that the cast might be hindering the progress there. He is

starting to cruise along furniture now, so she is focusing on walking. Does

anyone else's child not want to crawl in cast? He does an army crawl, but we

have started to notice that he seems to mostly drag his right leg and primarily

uses his left leg to propel himself forward. I pointed this out to the PT and

she didn't have any good answers for us. She said he seems to have the strength

and she doesn't notice a tone difference and he seems to have the ability to use

that leg to crawl if we force him to use it by flexing that leg forward. She

thought it might be due to the scoliosis or the cast. Has anyone noticed

anything similar?


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You know, if he is cruising, perhaps he won't crawl. My daughter (who had no

scoliosis or anything) only crawled for about 2 weeks before she walked. I

don't think bypassing that stage is necessarily a bad thing.

Noelle (12-2-01)

Ian (8-15-04)

Crawling Question

My son is 15 months old (12 months adjusted for prematurity) and is not

crawling. Our PT has decided to not focus on crawling very much anymore, because

she feels that the cast might be hindering the progress there. He is starting to

cruise along furniture now, so she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's

child not want to crawl in cast? He does an army crawl, but we have started to

notice that he seems to mostly drag his right leg and primarily uses his left

leg to propel himself forward. I pointed this out to the PT and she didn't have

any good answers for us. She said he seems to have the strength and she doesn't

notice a tone difference and he seems to have the ability to use that leg to

crawl if we force him to use it by flexing that leg forward. She thought it

might be due to the scoliosis or the cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?


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never really " crawled " ...........he rolled or scooted where he wanted to go.

He was not in a cast at the time. Like others have said some babies never crawl

and go straight to walking. was 4 weeks early. He started walking a month

after the boys' first bday.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, but as a mom will always do. I did.

Take care,


Mommy of twin boys- and 33 months

Fort Worth, Texas

Dolley wrote: My son

is 15 months old (12 months adjusted for prematurity) and is not crawling. Our

PT has decided to not focus on crawling very much anymore, because she feels

that the cast might be hindering the progress there. He is starting to cruise

along furniture now, so she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's child

not want to crawl in cast? He does an army crawl, but we have started to notice

that he seems to mostly drag his right leg and primarily uses his left leg to

propel himself forward. I pointed this out to the PT and she didn't have any

good answers for us. She said he seems to have the strength and she doesn't

notice a tone difference and he seems to have the ability to use that leg to

crawl if we force him to use it by flexing that leg forward. She thought it

might be due to the scoliosis or the cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?


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Yeah, it's not even so much that he's not crawling that has me concerned as it

is the only using one leg to army crawl. He does have some low tone issues

(maybe due to prematurity or maybe due to something else) and he still can't get

into and out of sitting positions or standing positions on his own, but is

making progress. So I'm not bothered too much by the not crawling. But I was

just wondering if the using one leg to army crawl was a symptom of the scoliosis

or if it could be a symptom of something else. I plan on bringing it up with

Dr. Sturm and with the neurologist we are seeing in a few weeks, but just wanted

to see if any other kids with scoliosis have done similar things.

Re: Crawling Question


never really " crawled " ......... ..he rolled or scooted where he wanted to

go. He was not in a cast at the time. Like others have said some babies never

crawl and go straight to walking. was 4 weeks early. He started walking a

month after the boys' first bday.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, but as a mom will always do. I did.

Take care,


Mommy of twin boys- and 33 months

Fort Worth, Texas

Dolley <b_dolleyyahoo (DOT) com> wrote: My son is 15 months old (12 months

adjusted for prematurity) and is not crawling. Our PT has decided to not focus

on crawling very much anymore, because she feels that the cast might be

hindering the progress there. He is starting to cruise along furniture now, so

she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's child not want to crawl in cast?

He does an army crawl, but we have started to notice that he seems to mostly

drag his right leg and primarily uses his left leg to propel himself forward. I

pointed this out to the PT and she didn't have any good answers for us. She said

he seems to have the strength and she doesn't notice a tone difference and he

seems to have the ability to use that leg to crawl if we force him to use it by

flexing that leg forward. She thought it might be due to the scoliosis or the

cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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My daughter Sophia did the same thing. Past her 1st bday (and she was full

term), she was not able to get herself into a sitting position from her back or

tummy without help. She also was not crawling on all fours or pulling up. She

did this one sided army crawl. Her left side is weaker and she has lower muscle

tone (although much improved in the last 6 months with PT). She really only used

her right leg though with her army crawl. She used both arms, but the right more

so than the left. We have been working with PT since May (she went into her fist

cast in June at 8 months old).

Then, as if someone flipped a switch she figured out one day how to sit up by

getting to her tummy then walking her hands around. Within days, she was

crawling on all fours and pulling up on furniture. Within two weeks, she was

cruising on furniture and now at 15 months is walking. Out PT and doctors all

said it would just take her more time to do some things because she has to find

her own way to do them because of her spine and because of the cast

restrictions. They said they may be factors to her delay, but they could not say

for sure exact cause and effect.

Please keep us posted on his progress!


--------- Re: Crawling Question


never really " crawled " ......... ..he rolled or scooted where he wanted to

go. He was not in a cast at the time. Like others have said some babies never

crawl and go straight to walking. was 4 weeks early. He started walking a

month after the boys' first bday.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, but as a mom will always do. I did.

Take care,


Mommy of twin boys- and 33 months

Fort Worth, Texas

Dolley <b_dolleyyahoo (DOT) com> wrote: My son is 15 months old (12 months

adjusted for prematurity) and is not crawling. Our PT has decided to not focus

on crawling very much anymore, because she feels that the cast might be

hindering the progress there. He is starting to cruise along furniture now, so

she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's child not want to crawl in cast?

He does an army crawl, but we have started to notice that he seems to mostly

drag his right leg and primarily uses his left leg to propel himself forward. I

pointed this out to the PT and she didn't have any good answers for us. She said

he seems to have the strength and she doesn't notice a tone difference and he

seems to have the ability to use that leg to crawl if we force him to use it by

flexing that leg forward. She thought it might be due to the scoliosis or the

cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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My daughter, Isabella did the exact same thing. She did not crawl,

she did the whole army type crawl/drag with the one arm and one leg

doing most of the work. She could not bear weight on her legs

either. I couldn't get her to stand up. It wasn't until she got the

cast that her mobility improved drastically. She was first casted on

June 12, 2007 and got around via army crawl/drag. Shortly

thereafter, she began to pull herself up and was able to bear weight

on her legs. She began to " cruise " the furniture and eventually

learned to crawl. She didn't stay in the crawling stage for very

long as she was already learning to walk. We bought her a ride

on/walker toy and soon enough she was using that to get around. She

took her very first unassisted steps in her 2nd cast on September 5,

2007 at the age of exactly 17 months. Within a week or two from

that, she could almost run. We think the cast gave her the support

and balance she needed to learn to walk. I can't imagine having a 51

degree curve and not feeling off balance. I am convinced that her

delay in walking was due to the scoliosis.



> My son is 15 months old (12 months adjusted for prematurity) and

is not crawling. Our PT has decided to not focus on crawling very

much anymore, because she feels that the cast might be hindering the

progress there. He is starting to cruise along furniture now, so

she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's child not want to

crawl in cast? He does an army crawl, but we have started to notice

that he seems to mostly drag his right leg and primarily uses his

left leg to propel himself forward. I pointed this out to the PT

and she didn't have any good answers for us. She said he seems to

have the strength and she doesn't notice a tone difference and he

seems to have the ability to use that leg to crawl if we force him

to use it by flexing that leg forward. She thought it might be due

to the scoliosis or the cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?






> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.





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My son Finn army crawled from 8 months till 15 months. He would push off of his

left big toe and pull with his right arm. He has lower muscle tone in his left

side(but not much less) and he has torticollis. At 15 months he just got up on

all fours and started crawling normally. It always made me question why and if

it was related to the scoliosis, not no one I asked seemed to think so.

Dolley wrote:

Yeah, it's not even so much that he's not crawling that has me

concerned as it is the only using one leg to army crawl. He does have some low

tone issues (maybe due to prematurity or maybe due to something else) and he

still can't get into and out of sitting positions or standing positions on his

own, but is making progress. So I'm not bothered too much by the not crawling.

But I was just wondering if the using one leg to army crawl was a symptom of the

scoliosis or if it could be a symptom of something else. I plan on bringing it

up with Dr. Sturm and with the neurologist we are seeing in a few weeks, but

just wanted to see if any other kids with scoliosis have done similar things.

Re: Crawling Question


never really " crawled " ......... ..he rolled or scooted where he wanted to

go. He was not in a cast at the time. Like others have said some babies never

crawl and go straight to walking. was 4 weeks early. He started walking a

month after the boys' first bday.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, but as a mom will always do. I did.

Take care,


Mommy of twin boys- and 33 months

Fort Worth, Texas

Dolley <b_dolleyyahoo (DOT) com> wrote: My son is 15 months old (12 months

adjusted for prematurity) and is not crawling. Our PT has decided to not focus

on crawling very much anymore, because she feels that the cast might be

hindering the progress there. He is starting to cruise along furniture now, so

she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's child not want to crawl in cast?

He does an army crawl, but we have started to notice that he seems to mostly

drag his right leg and primarily uses his left leg to propel himself forward. I

pointed this out to the PT and she didn't have any good answers for us. She said

he seems to have the strength and she doesn't notice a tone difference and he

seems to have the ability to use that leg to crawl if we force him to use it by

flexing that leg forward. She thought it might be due to the scoliosis or the

cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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My bets are that when I ask the doctors they will all say it is not related, but

after reading about 5 responses with parents of children with scoliosis seeing

the asymmetry when crawling or a delay in crawling, I'm thinking that there is

some sort of relationship there. That is encouraging to hear that they all

seemed to eventually get there though. We are in a place now where we are

trying to figure out if Dylan has some sort of underlying neuromuscular or

connective tissue disorder, etc. that has caused the gross motor delays, low

tone, torticollis, and scoliosis. Or if it is just related to his prematurity

some how, or if they are all just some other sort of fluke.

Re: [infantile_scoliosi s] Crawling Question


never really " crawled " ......... ..he rolled or scooted where he wanted to

go. He was not in a cast at the time. Like others have said some babies never

crawl and go straight to walking. was 4 weeks early. He started walking a

month after the boys' first bday.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, but as a mom will always do. I did.

Take care,


Mommy of twin boys- and 33 months

Fort Worth, Texas

Dolley <b_dolleyyahoo (DOT) com> wrote: My son is 15 months old (12 months

adjusted for prematurity) and is not crawling. Our PT has decided to not focus

on crawling very much anymore, because she feels that the cast might be

hindering the progress there. He is starting to cruise along furniture now, so

she is focusing on walking. Does anyone else's child not want to crawl in cast?

He does an army crawl, but we have started to notice that he seems to mostly

drag his right leg and primarily uses his left leg to propel himself forward. I

pointed this out to the PT and she didn't have any good answers for us. She said

he seems to have the strength and she doesn't notice a tone difference and he

seems to have the ability to use that leg to crawl if we force him to use it by

flexing that leg forward. She thought it might be due to the scoliosis or the

cast. Has anyone noticed anything similar?

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. yahoo.com/

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