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Hi Janet

My son has a physical therapist that comes to the house 1 to 2

times a month. Devyn has Scoliosis and Chiari malformation. We work

mainly on strengthening his right leg and foot. When he walks the foot

turns in pigeon toed and he uses his left leg to hold all the weight.

They have also found he is very flat footed so they are trying to get

him orthotics. When he was in his cast we worked on his trunk muscles

along with his leg. Hope this helps.

Rochelle mom to Devyn 2yrs


> How many of you have your children in Physical Therapy? Of those, how

> many have a condition other than Scoliosis and what is that condition?


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My son Finn has been in Physical Therapy since he was around 8 weeks old. He has

torticollis and he is still in PT twice a week. Finn is now 21 months old.

janet wrote:

How many of you have your children in Physical Therapy? Of those, how

many have a condition other than Scoliosis and what is that condition?


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Hi Janet,

My son , in cast at 18 months, has PT twice a week. His feet

are pronated and flat. His right leg (right-sided scoliosis) seems

weaker, seems longer, and so he pulls it along. We are working on

core exercises/trunk control, sitting to stand, walking (trying

different walkers), have orthotics, and a lift under his left foot.

He may have some weakness from his hx of chemotherapy, but we're

primarily working with the scoliosis, kyphosis, and casting.


> >

> > How many of you have your children in Physical Therapy? Of those, how

> > many have a condition other than Scoliosis and what is that condition?

> >


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