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Re: Re: SHIFT HAPPENS - It's REALLY happening

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Hello all, ONE, and all.... I Just signed up to this group two days ago, and am overwhelmed with the goodness of your words and intentions. ahhhhhh! So, I feel compelled to send a gift to each of you dear ones. Would like you each to have a song that came in a dream during vision quest (the date was 9/11/01 - found out after I came down from my solitary prayer hill that the great disaster I had visioned had actually occurred ! - so I feel it is also true that

the "White Buffalo Peace Song" I tried to attach in mp3 format, needs to be shared at this time of shift as I was also shown.) The mp3 file was too big for and my message was returned undeliverable. So - plan B - if anyone on THIS group would like a free copy of the song, please send an email to bunny@... with HUMANITY HEALING GRP - PEACE SONG in the subject line, and I will send the song to you via Outlook Express. Until now, few have heard this song, CD sales have been nil to none - perhaps the time is not right yet - the "resonance" needs to harmonize with hearts before folks can truly "hear" and perhaps appreciate and sing along with this music that came to me from the organic world. Perhaps Liane you may one day put some moving photos with it - please call one day to discuss? I will wait. In the meantime, I am grateful and happy to have found this group through Liane's beautiful video work. Perfect timing, as usual, but still fills my buffalo heart with waves of awe and gratitude for this grand abundance during the shift happening

now, and yes, as my heart and dreams and visions, as I feel sure you have "seen" also - say yes, there is so much more to come! What a gloriously wonderful day to be ALIVE! Blessings to all I send with great love (and hopefully - a song - if you wish it) Mitakuye Oyasin (Lakota- we are all related) Peaceable You may find lyrics and photos for this song at www.bunnysingswolf.com on the "White Haired Sunrise" lyrics page. Yes, I'm giving this song away to all of you on this group, so please do email me as per above, and I will send it as an attachment.ladymoonwhispers <ladymoonwhispers@...> wrote: Dear Liane,I love you so much, my sister for posting this! I also want to say I LOVE THIS FAMILY TOO!! We cannot give up on this new world we are creating!! This video was amazing, just filled me with such joy and I see so many others making changes and it just makes me so happy, it is indescribable!! Love and Blessings to my Sweet Family! LUNAAnd also a HUGE HUG to Liane for posting The Shift, thank you! :)--- In , "lianeqrz_legey" <butterflygris@...>

wrote:>> > > > <http://theshiftmovie.com/index2.html> This is a wonderful movie ,> filled with hope and love!> Shift Happens <http://theshiftmovie.com/index2.html> Many Blessings> and respect Liane>

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