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Re: Kathumi...something to ponder

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This is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing Kathumi's words. Much love,Stefanie>> [Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com] > <http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005729383262412869>> > > > > " . . . I say these things to you so you may realize, beloved ones, that> it is not just your immediate environment that is being blessed by your> Call to the Presence; but your Call is releasing Its far-reaching> Powers. You have been told a number of times, that It is reaching into> the mental and feeling world of mankind, but do you realize how far? Do> you realize it is the most natural magnificent thing in the world? All> is the Presence and Activity of your Life. You are a part of the One> Great Life. True you are individualized; but still you are a part of> that One Great Life; and to the degree that you keep harmonious, do you> bless and add to the Freedom of the world. To the degree that you are> out of harmony, do you add to the downpull of mankind into greater> chains.> > "Beloved ones, to see unhappy individuals who try to spread discord> among humanity is the most pitiful thing in all the whole world, that We> are compelled to look upon. Those individuals do not understand that> their viciousness is their own destruction. All reason is gone, because> they have become so enmeshed in their viciousness. They think only of> destruction and feel only that! The pity is that they must meet and reap> it all, but it cannot affect blessed mankind! It does not! A few> individuals, who might be temporarily disturbed, soon right themselves> and go on in the Light.> > "Dear people, it is not a matter of human personalities. It is not a> matter of individualities; it is not a matter of the requirement of> human conditions, but the Light has said: 'I shall take command of My> own'! Look at your bodies! Look at this floor upon which you move! Look> upon the earth upon which these buildings rest! All belongs to God! All> belongs to that Light! Mankind are custodians of certain substance,> certain activity, certain requirements. If they do not fulfill their> trust and responsibility; no law in Heaven or earth can prevent them> reaping the consequences of the misuse of that Life and Energy which> flows through them! You are not responsible for anything else, except> what flows through you.> > "Do you realize, beloved ones, what is in this Light which flows through> your human form? I am speaking now without your Call. That Life contains> all good things. Then, to think that the ignorance and unwilling> obedience of mankind is permitted to go on, and on, and on, so long;> imposing discord upon that Perfect Light; which would of Its own> volition make them Perfect and hold in the body beauty of form and Its> Perfection. Yet because of unwilling obedience, they do not have It.> When We look into the faces of the beloved Students of the I AM, who> have come under Saint Germain's Radiation, We see such a transformation> in those bodies; in those faces; in the atmosphere of their feeling> world around them, that words fail utterly to convey to you Our> rejoicing at your Victory. . . . "> > Beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi> through the Messenger, Godfre> <http://www.ascension-research.org/godfre.html> , December 19, 1937 > Los Angeles, California U.S.A. 2> <http://www.ascension-research.org/kuthumi.html#2>>

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Dear friend Kathumi,

You have definitely inspired me to continue to see people whom

are doing destructive things with words or hands that they are

unfortunately only harming themselves which in turn harms all...Thank

you for this message, it is one I feel that will benefit all that read

it and you are very kind to post this!! Love and Light! LUNA

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