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you are well come Isabelle

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And thank you for beeing such a light in other people's life ...

you are doing exactly what the Uni-verse need ...

blessed be all ways


nous sommes tous maître de notre vie ....

----- Message d'origine ----De : isabel4229 <isabel.robson@...>À : Envoyé le : Mardi, 10 Juillet 2007, 15h59mn 47sObjet : [] Re: love and light

Thank you Your poem is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the love.Isabel >> Because the time is shifting .... BEcause at time we do feel lonely, > because I love to love you and I cherih your Happiness> I focus today on the brighter things ... For my uprising will uprise you> So It IS ...> > LOVE IS THE KEY> > > Life is like a butterfly > shine of colours or rather dark ...> Do not be afraid nor shy> and if you choose to look back ..> Take your experiences as a lesson> this will make your life a lot easier> WE ARE NOT ALONE> 'cause everything can be given to us BY US> Like the quest of the Graal, we are all looking for everlasting life> The only

door is easy to open> the key IS Love> Pure Love> the One of Unity and Freedom> for peace and harmony of Our souls> For them to rest in overstanding over everything ...> LOVE ONE ANOTHER> > J.A>

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