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Monday - Jari's Ripped 1000

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Hi Everyone,

I took Sunday off - I needed a break (actually, I

really like 's idea of taking a full weekend

off once a month - I think it is good for the mind and

body - keeps the body guessing, anyway!) So for this

week I'm going to do one circuit, 2 strength and 2

cardios and also fit in flexibility training.

For today I went with a virgin - Jari Love's Ripped

1000. I think Kathy said this was one to be sure you

" ate your wheaties " before beginning - and she is

right! It is a pretty tough endurance/circuit.

Oddly, the parts that got me weren't the cardio

sections, rather it was some of the weight training

sections particularly the ones that contained compound


After a weighted warm-up (Jari uses 5's) you alternate

cardio segments with weight training segments. The

cardio segments are all extremely basic and athletic

in style. All are high impact. One backgrounder

always shows the cardio move done without a step. The

cardio could easily be modified to the floor, a

rebounder or even a BOSU. The cardio is short, basic

and intense (but not as hard for me as some of the

compound weighted exercises!)

Here's the run down of the weight work - I used the

same weight as Jari, which when I started felt like it

would be too light, but by the time I finished it

mostly seemed just right.

Squats/Lunges off the step w/ Front Raise - 10 (2 5's)

- this one was really hard for me, especially when she

added the front raise. Seemed to go on forever and

eventually I just alternated the front raise.

Deadlift/Fly - 24 (2 12's) and 5's for flies

Squat/Lunge - 6 (2 3's) - I thought this would be

ridiculously easy at this weight - but not so much -

it was pretty tough there. Jari doesn't use weights

but added a riser to her step. I followed the female

backgrounder (Laurie is the other backgrounder and she

followed Jari) for weights.

Push-Ups - 70 of them! yes, 70! She does them in

sets of 16, 14, 12, 10, etc. I did the first 16 and

14 on my toes, the rest I did on my knees. I thought

I'd be able to do more on my toes when it got towards

the end and the sets were shorter, but she also

shortened the rest periods.

Clean and Press w/ Squats - I used 8's and 5's and

this was about right.

Squat/Bicep Curl - 8's

Tricep/Leg Extensions - I followed Jari and used 5's

here, but I could go heavier - either 8's or 10's.

Chest Press/Fly - I followed Jari and used 8's, but I

could probably have used 10's

Ab Work - this was a short section but did have some

different exercises - like the first one where you lay

down on your step holding a weight and then get up to

a standing position. It reminded me of something one

would see in P90X's core synergistics. The rest was

fairly standard stuff.

Stretch was pretty short, but she did stretch a bit

after each cardio and weight section.

All in all this was a good one! Jari is really

emaciated looking though - at one point during the

stretch you see her entire rib cage. Laurie looks

awesome. There is one man in the background and

another woman. I didn't catch their names.

Set was typical Jari.

I do like that the workout contained a listing of

every exercise - it really helped me to put together

my sheet before I started! Lots of good features like

this on this DVD. There is one chapter which I

believe shows all the cardio modifications. It really

is nice to see these types of features on a DVD that

sells for $14.95 (I got it at Ross for $4.99 - a

bargain - I wish Ripped & Chisled would show up at

Ross already! GRR!! I keep seeing it at Borders and

passing it up since I want the Ross price!)

I didn't get much time to add on any extra stretching,

but I hope to do that tonight with the KV Sleek DVD I

picked up. I'll just do the stretch segment on it

which is 20 minutes and save teh cardio/strength for

another time. DH is working late this week, so if I

can get DD off to bed at a decent hour I should be

able to fit this in.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day!

Take care,




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