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States of Awareness (from anither group)

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I thought that you all may enjoy to read this, It came from another group I am part of.




States of Awareness

The resonant frequency of the earth is about 7 cycles per second. The human body moves coherently when the mind is at 7 cycles per second. A person who meditates regularly can simply shift from stress (above 13 cycles per second) to happiness (8-12 cycles per second), to a state of grace (at or below 7 cycles per second). The nervous system and blood pressure all return to normal. The body feels light and free.

To a certain extent, mental states can be measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG). Electrodes placed on the scalp record our brain's electrical activity.

There are also biofeedback machines which teach us to slow down our neural activity. These machines are unnecessary for people who meditate regularly and discover their own natural biofeedback mechanisms. Light meditation (Week 9) is the science of directly seeing and quieting neural firing.


13+ Hz


8-12 Hz


4-7 Hz


1-3 Hz

The five main categories of mental activity are:

1) Beta, 13+ Hz (neural flashes/cycles per second). This is considered the "normal" waking state, if you consider dualistic mental activity of worry, anger, fear, and frustration as normal.

2) Alpha, 8-12 Hz. We reach this state during REM (rapid eye movement) dreaming, when we listen to beautiful music, or are relaxed and happy. This compares to the fifth stage of yoga, pratyâhâra: withdrawing the sensory currents to one point.

3) Theta, 4-7 Hz. We are in this state between the ages of two and five, in deep sleep, and in lucid dream states. This compares to the sixth stage of yoga, dhârana: deep concentration.

We also enter theta when we daydream (Week 42) to solve a problem or escape from dealing with a difficult situation. Our brains rest for a moment in this state in between extreme frustrations and psychopathological states.

When unhealed issues from the past come to the surface, we either react and enter the beta state, or embrace the moment and break through into the ecstasy of an even deeper state than theta: the delta state.

The further away seems your goal,the further within must you go.

4) Delta, 1-3 Hz. This state occurs naturally in early infancy when the veils between spirit and matter are thin. This is also the level of dreamless deep sleep, ecstasy, and creativity. Christian mystics called it quietudo, the ineffable inner silence. Patanjali, 2500 years ago, called it turiya: deep sleep with awareness. In this book it is simply called "deepness."

This delta state compares to the seventh stage of yoga, dhyâna: deep contemplation. We watch in wonderment as our higher self organizes all our physical and psychological needs. The body releases bliss hormones as energy ascends the chakras.

Wizards remain awake in delta sleep and become aware of the universe and the ego simultaneously. This state is known as yoga nidra: witnessing the ego sleep. See Wizard Rest (Week 11) and Waves (Week 50).

Wizards experience awareness independent of the brain and the nervous system (computer hardware). They see that most mental processes are conditioned by society (computer software). In dispassionate perspective they witness the personality and offer solutions to the struggling ego. The more silence, the more the personality becomes connected to the Source (the creator of the computer and the energy supply: the Self).

5) Zero. Time stops: Samadhi (the last stage of yoga). Inner unites with outer. Tat tvam asi ("I am That"). We live in the realm of the miraculous.

Thus, how we experience life and our perception of time is related to our basal brain-wave rate. The faster our neural activity, the less time we seem to have. We lose perspective of what is truly important and embark on unnecessary journeys.

The slower our basal brain-wave rate, the clearerour inner voice and the more time we seem to have.

We use our intellect for the purpose for which it was designed: as a tool to be picked up when we need it, then put down when we are finished with it. We are not slaves to the genie (mind/computer out of control), but keep the genie in the lamp until we need its help to accomplish a complex task.

The further away seems your goal,

the further within must you go.


While sitting at the doorway of light (the third eye), mentally count down from three to zero. Say to yourself, "three-two-one-zero-three-two-one" etc.

Keep mastering effortless awareness (Week 10) to slow down the mind and increase the silence between your thoughts. Each time you get to zero, become more focused than ever and make a shift into brighter light, or a more subtle dimension of mental stillness.

Eventually, you will reach the delta state (Week 4). When you count down from three to two, you can consciously slow your brain activity from three to two cycles (neural impulses) per second. Eventually you will enter the magical state of zero (zero impulses and pure awareness), the zone beyond space-time.

When your mind begins to wander away, use inner vocalization (the tongue of thought) of the next number to focus and limit your mental activity. In other words, when you feel that the mind is about to wander off, use the next number to replace the random thought that you were about to have.

Every time you do this, you strengthen your ability to live in the witness state (Week 18) and draw up the kundalini. Drawing up energy is the gentle path of integrating wisdom as you gather your power. This is opposite to methods which forcefully raise the kundalini without concern for emotional and mental integration.

Wizards are out of their minds.

Quantum Leap

The Bhagavad Gita says that it is easier to control the wind than to control the mind. Some wizards say, "I do not think." How? First, enter Light Meditation (Week 9) and count up (with the tongue of thought): "Zero-one-two- three-four" etc. In this technique you discover some of the benefits of mantra meditation.

When you find yourself daydreaming, begin again at zero. See how high you can count without leaving the third eye. If your mind is very scattered, it may take you fifteen minutes before you can even begin to count. Some ancient texts say that if you remain in pure light for twenty-five minutes, you will enter samadhi.

The more focused you become, the higher will be your standards of what defines daydreaming. Set your standards as high as possible and explore the subtleties of the mind. It is better to count up to three purely than to fool yourself by counting up high and missing the silence between the counting.

The objective is to focus the mind so that the sensory currents can ascend to one point of light. You will lose sensation of your "body" as it transfigures. This feels uncomfortable only if your attention drops below the third eye. If you ignore the kundalini and simply rest in the light of pure awareness, the kundalini ascends the middle path, the shushumna. The world stops as you take a quantum leap beyond the illusions of space-time.

I bow to the Sea of Surrender,

deep silent longing adventure.


Thoughts are waves on the surface of existence. Wisdom is born in the Sea of Serenity. Waves are continuously restless. The Sea simply enjoys the pleasures of pure awareness. Waves are the relative pictures of what life appears to be. The Sea is the transpersonal experience of the Deep.

So dive (Week 26). While your mind may still be in the theta or delta states, your awareness rests in the zero state. You watch your personality move while You rest wide awake in the depths. Even without continuous mental stillness, you enjoy floating freely in the depths. The reason: awareness is silent stillness.

Look up and see that waves are your hopes and illusions, your fears and fantasies; and that the Ocean is your true Home. If you lose this inner perspective, you get carried away by the waves of storm and fate--and take life seriously. The depths can create waves, but the waves cannot shake the depths.

This is the perennial philosophy: ageless metaphors in all cultures reminding you that you are much greater than you can imagine. You are the Ocean of Ecstasy--a reality greater than your wildest dreams. Its tides pump blood into your Heart.

This is the gestalt shift from duality to unity. From inner noise to the Silence of the Deep. From living as a victim conditioned by past and future, to being infinite freedom and grace.

At the top of heaven I wonder again:

is this the beginning or is this the end?


The crown chakra is the mount of transfiguration. When it is open, we see that every stone, flower, animal, and machine is conscious on some mysterious level. For example, our vehicles break down at the perfect time in the perfect place. While our ego complains, our spirit watches the magic unfold.

Look directly at the mirror and see Who is complaining. Energy will effortlessly ascend to the mountaintop. This is not a metaphor, but a practical aspect of light meditation (Week 9).

See that every cell in your body is liquid light, floating in a sea of musical epiphanies. This is the alchemist's inner smile (Week 36): heaven and earth harmonized.

See that the circle is an archetype for the self-aware universe. There is no inside or outside: the universe springs forth from the pleasure of its own being. Complete this circle in your psyche, in your energy body, and then in your "physical" body.

Ascending to the crown can only be effortless. What is gained by struggle develops mental strength. What is gained by silent awareness is eternal wisdom and soul strength (Week 28). The result is pure mental clarity and a pure light body.

As awareness expands to include the "physical,"our bodies transfigure into immortal essence.

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