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- your DD

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Hi ,

I love the saying that you put in one of your messages

" if you keep saying it is hard, it will be " or

something like that - that is sooo true!

I can identify with the emotional eating - I guess we

all can to some extent. There are times when I have

much better control over it than others. I can go in

one of two directions - I can overeat when I'm

stressed out/upset or I can undereat, it depends on

what the " issue " is.

YOu are right, you can't change your DD - she has to

want to (REALLY want to, not just say it with words..)

change, and all you can do is be there for her and

support her. You're a great mom and role model, that's

for sure.

My SIL is extremely overweight and has health problems

as a result - she has Type 2 diabetes that she

developed when she was in her late 30's. She is a

Physical Therapist and " knows " better with her mind,

but her emotions continue to allow herself to be in

denial about her health and what she is doing/not

doing about it. It is one thing to know w/ your mind,

another to know w/ your heart. She talks about

exercising and eating healthy, but it is all talk, no

action. When we visited her last summer, while we were

waiting for our food at a local take out place she

actually ordered and consumed an ice cream sundae!

And mind you, we weren't waiting for health food - it

was burger & fries type stuff. Her answer seems to be

to take more insulin - which is absolutely crazy and I

think she knows it from an intellectual level, but not

on an emotional level. She has a lot of other

problems, too and she is, unfortunately one of those

people who " knows best " so it is very hard to talk to

her about anything. What can you do?

Sorry to ramble on!




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