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Thursday - Firm and Yoga

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Hi Everyone,

I went a bit lighter again with cardio - this schedule

that DH is on for this week has me all messed up

sleep-wise (He gets in about midnight and although I

am trying to get to bed before then, either he or my

dog wakes me up! GRR!) Also, the lovely spring

allergy season is starting to get me, too. Not as bad

as last year - and I Hope it stays that way.

Anyway, I went with a virgin from the TransFIRMation

system - the " bonus " cardio party workout. In this

one each instructor (, , , Allie,

and Annie) each lead a cardio segment. No weights or

other equipment are needed. The cardio moves are

varied and tailored to the instructor's style - most

of it is pretty athletic stuff - 's segment is

kickboxing inspired - and Allie's segment is more

" Latin " dance inspired. It was a decent workout, but

not a hard one for me. It definately is not like the

old cardio-style FIRMs (like Core Cardio 1 & 2, Cardio

Step Mix, or Super Cardio - which are all really tough

cardio routines!) but it wasn't bad - and would be

one I would choose when I needed something not too


Afterwards, I did 10 Min Solution Yoga - Yoga Basics

(Sun Salutions, mostly) and Yoga for Flexiblity

sections. I'm really tight in my back, hips and

hamstrings! Need to get that loosened up or face dire


Anyway, hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow is

either strength or circuit. I think I'll wait and see

how much time and energy I have tomorrow before

deciding what to do.

Take care,




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Funny you should mention this FIRM workout. A lady in one of my WW classes mentioned she has been using it. She's got a lot to lose but has gone down 35 pounds so far and is incorporating exercise regularly. She can't get through the entire workout yet but she loves it and she's determined to keep working at it. I had (very gently) suggested she start out with something other than Firm videos but she's "committed" to this one so I'm just encouraging her to keep at it and make sure she tells us when she's worked up to doing the entire workout at once. She is quite the inspiration for others in our group! (And she's inspired me to check it out too, your review makes it even more interesting!)

Thursday - Firm and Yoga

Hi Everyone,I went a bit lighter again with cardio - this schedulethat DH is on for this week has me all messed upsleep-wise (He gets in about midnight and although Iam trying to get to bed before then, either he or mydog wakes me up! GRR!) Also, the lovely springallergy season is starting to get me, too. Not as badas last year - and I Hope it stays that way.Anyway, I went with a virgin from the TransFIRMationsystem - the "bonus" cardio party workout. In thisone each instructor (, , , Allie,and Annie) each lead a cardio segment. No weights orother equipment are needed. The cardio moves arevaried and tailored to the instructor's style - mostof it is pretty athletic stuff - 's segment iskickboxing inspired - and Allie's segment is more"Latin" dance inspired. It was a decent workout, butnot a hard one for me. It definately is not like theold cardio-style FIRMs (like Core Cardio 1 & 2, CardioStep Mix, or Super Cardio - which are all really toughcardio routines!) but it wasn't bad - and would beone I would choose when I needed something not toohard.Afterwards, I did 10 Min Solution Yoga - Yoga Basics(Sun Salutions, mostly) and Yoga for Flexiblitysections. I'm really tight in my back, hips andhamstrings! Need to get that loosened up or face direconsequences.Anyway, hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow iseither strength or circuit. I think I'll wait and seehow much time and energy I have tomorrow beforedeciding what to do.Take care,Donna __________________________________________________________Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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