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Re: P90X: Yoga X

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Sounds like a great overall body workout. If I didn't dislike Tony so much I'd get this one. :)

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Hi !

Thanks for the run down, this is one P90X workout that

I haven't done. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. I wasn't

sure what to do for yoga - I love my Kundalini lately,

but maybe in honor of my last week of P90X I'll do

this one! I guess I can always hit the " skip " button

if something gets too hard for me.

Take care!


--- Pink Pussycat


> Tonite I decided to strengthen and lengthen with

> Yoga X. Tony lead the " kids " , Audra, Shauna,

> Hoss and Adam (a delciously handsome black man who

> is a professional dancer) through a vigorous 90

> minute power yoga practice.


> It wasn't as hard as I remembered it, but it was

> very challenging and advanced all the same. I

> didn't do every single chatarunga but I did a lot of

> them, and I didn't do crane (crow) or wheel this

> time, but I did everything else, sometimes with

> modifications. This is what you do from what I

> recall:


> You commence with standing stretches, which was very

> nice, and after around 10 minutes you move to what

> seems like unending vinyasa sequences but is really

> around 30 minutes, including the usual sun

> salutations, reverse warriors, warrior 1 2 and 3,

> triangle and reverse triangle, side angle stretch,

> (and even bound side angle stretch which was nice to

> see in a video, usually I only see this at the gym).



> After that you do 15 minutes of chair, chair with

> prayer twists, crescent lunges with prayer twists,

> half moon, and reverse half moon. My glutes were on

> fire for both half moon poses. Nice! Can't have

> too much booty work!


> Next are balancing poses - tree, dancers' pose, and

> crow. I am terrible at all of these and this is

> where I always seem to lose my yoga cool and start

> cursing like a sailor.. Tony is kind here though and

> says he sometimes tumbles too, and you just get up

> and try again. I felt myself actually liking him

> here.


> After that are some nice spinal twists, frog pose (I

> think I've only seen this in one other video and I

> love it, you are on the floor with frog legs wide

> out so you stretch your inner thighs, and lean

> forward with your butt back), cat stretch (I was

> lucky enough to do this with my cat Rowan who was my

> gentle and loving coach throughout the practice)


> Next are seated stretches - cobblers pose, head to

> knee pose, two leg forward bend hamstring stretch.


> After that are 7 abdominal poses that had me shaking

> (nice!) and lastly, shavasana with some OMs at the

> end (also very nice and unexpected coming from Tony)


> My usual gripes: Tony doesn't mirror his cueing,

> which I find unprofessional and unacceptable for an

> expensive workout video. Tony has his usual full of

> himself dumb lines, for example while in downdog

> pose, " look at these kids! They should be on the

> cover of downdog magazine! " or when in cobblers'

> pose as you're leaning over, " this is the time to

> maybe use some foot spray " . I dunno, he's less

> annoying in this one than in Shoulders and Arms

> which I previewed yesterday, so I should be grateful

> :)


> I feel very good after doing this practice, and I

> know I will be sore from this. I plan on doing this

> next Monday too.


> Namaste, Everyone!







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