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----- Forwarded Message ----From: Jari Love <newsletter@...

>To: vkciera@...Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 7:03:28 AMSubject: Get Winter Wonderful with Ripped!

Not sure how to incorporate cardio with your Ripped DVD's? Find the solution in

Jari Love's Ripped Rotations!Oh, how time flies! Christmas has come and gone and the cold weather has settled in. Don't get too comfortable though – the snow is no excuse to hibernate! Research shows that people are overall less active during the winter months and find it increasingly difficult to stick to a diet and exercise regime; it just seems easier to hide behind all our warm clothes, right? Wrong! Now is not the time to slack, especially with so many calorie-filled holiday feasts in the winter. Winter offers a chance to get back into all your favorite outdoor sports like skiing, snowshoeing, snowboarding and skating. But, let's be honest: it's really hard to have fun when you're huffing and puffing and agonizing over weak muscles. The focus of this newsletter is all about overcoming the winter rut and how to be successful in winterizing your body. This time of year is always really exciting for me – so far in the past few months I've been featured in " The Fonda Factor " , an article in the New York Times, released my latest DVD and have toured the United States promoting my workout! More recently, Ripped & Chiseled was listed in Fitness Magazines' Top 10 Resistance Workouts and I was featured in the Calgary Heralds' New Years Day feature on the Top 20 Compelling Calgarians of 2007! Here's a look of what's included this time: Don't get left in the cold! We're here to help you stay fit all winter long so that you aren't kicking yourself when summer comes along. It's a lot easier, and healthier, to just stay fit all year long, rather then only put in the effort when it's time to strip down. Have you or someone you know had success with RIPPED? We want you to share your stories with us! If you are interested, please submit your story, initial and final measurements, and a before and after shot of yourself to rippedinquiries@....

I always like to finish off this section by thanking all of my RIPPED supporters, members and colleagues. Giving thanks never gets old and I want you to know that I truly appreciate your support! I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season and a very happy New Year – please send me your New Years Resolutions and Solutions, I'd love to hear your ideas!

Research shows that if you write down what you eat you will eat less – track your progress with

Jari Love's Food & Fitness Tracker!


AFLCA, PFT, Creator of RIPPED! Workout

In the News

2008 is shaping up to be an extremely busy year. Make sure that you stay on top of it all by taking a look at what you can expect from the Ripped! team in the coming year.

Get RIPPED & Chiseled DVD is finally here! You can order online or check out one of the listed retailers for the perfect Christmas gift - just in time for some New Year's Resolutions!

Jari is on tour! She has been on tour promoting her latest DVD, and will continue to do so in the new year. Log on to

http://www.rippedworkout.ca/jari_love/tour-schedule.htm to see when Jari is coming to your city!

Jari is working very hard to produce more cutting-edge workouts that will ensure that you will always look and feel your best. Keep an eye out for new DVDs and programs that will have you shedding those pounds faster than you can believe.

We have a ton of great ideas and innovative ways to shape up in 2008. Stay tuned to

www.jarilove.com for the latest upcoming program details.

If you would like to share your success stories, send them in to rippedinquiries@....

Finally, Jari would like to take this time to thank everyone for the generous support in 2007. She wouldn't be here without her loyal fans and looks forward to a new and fantastic year with you all.

Ripped Videos Q & A

by Saranchuck, BPE, MSc.

As an exercise physiologist, I have received many inquiries asking to compare and contrast the different Ripped Videos. Of particular interest lately are the Ripped 1000 and Ripped and Chiseled videos. Following are a few of the more common questions.

Which video burns more calories?

If the time is constant for each, the video that maintains your heart rate at a higher level will burn more calories. For most people,

Ripped 1000 will burn more calories because of the high intensity cardio work that is incorporated throughout the video. The total number of calories will vary on an individual basis.

Which video burns more carbs? More fat?

This is the most commonly asked question in fitness training, and the underlying principle is the source of a lot of ineffective training. We know that lower intensity activities burn a greater percentage of fat, and conversely, higher intensity activities utilize carbohydrates as their primary fuel source.

So, if we wanted to burn the highest percentage of fat, sleeping or lying around on the couch would be our activity of choice. However, this is obviously not an optimal way to lose weight. In fact, doing high intensity activities which burn primarily carbohydrates is the best way to lose fat. There are several reasons for this, but suffice to say the best real world example of this are sprinters. They do almost no typical " fat burning " exercise, and perform mostly high intensity exercise. Have you ever seen a fat sprinter? So instead of concentrating on the fuel mix being burned, ensure you have 1 or 2 days of higher intensity exercise included in your fitness routine (

i.e. Ripped 1000). Also, ensure you have medical clearance before beginning high intensity exercise if you are new to it.

Is there a different fuel source used in compound exercises than isolation?

No, the fuel source for any muscular contraction is a molecule called ATP. However compound exercises will engage a higher number of muscles, which requires more ATP, and therefore burns more calories than a single-joint isolation exercise.

What type of exercise is most beneficial, or are they both equally good but in their own way?

Isolation exercises are designed to tax individual muscles to cause a large amount of fatigue and thus stimulate muscle growth. They are used primarily in bodybuilding. Full body, or compound exercises will burn more calories, and will help you achieve a body that is strong during movement. Compound exercises are a great way to train because they raise your heart rate which helps to burn calories. They also stimulate muscle growth, but not to the same extent as isolation movements. So if your main focus is an optimal increase in muscle size, then isolation exercises are the way to go. But if your main focus is a larger, all-body training regime, compound exercises may be your best bet. Most find that a combination of the two in their workouts yields the best results.

Can you get a cardio workout from super-setting isolation exercises? In other words, can Ripped & Chiseled count as cardio?


Ripped & Chiseled, your rest periods are short and you are continually moving between exercises to the extent that your heart rate remains elevated, so yes, you are performing basic cardio training.

What are the different effects on metabolism from each type of workout?

Doing high intensity bouts of cardio training, like those in

Ripped 1000, will raise your metabolism while you are performing the activity, but the cardio will also keep your metabolism elevated for several hours afterwards. This type of training will cause changes within the muscle that will make you a better fat burner even when you are not exercising.

In conclusion, both

Ripped 1000 and

Ripped & Chiseled will both help you lose fat by increasing the amount of lean muscle mass you have and by making that muscle better at burning fat even when you're at rest. The difference is that

Ripped 1000 focuses on making you a better fat burner while

Ripped & Chiseled emphasizes increasing lean muscle mass. Therefore, both videos should be used together to help you reach your fitness goals.

Remaining Motivated and Exercising during the Winter

by Jari Love, AFLCA, Creator RIPPED! Workout

Be mindful about the weather. It goes without saying, but exercising outdoors during the winter is completely different from doing so in the summer. Nothing will ruin your motivation to continue to exercise more than a bad experience because you weren't prepared. Dress appropriately, layering clothing to increase your heat retention and decrease bulk. Take note of the windchill, especially when running or cross-country skiing – moving at 30 km/h creates a windchill of approximately -13 C; wear sun screen on sunny days because snow reflects most of the sunlight back up and you can inadvertently burn.

Head into the wind. This is an excellent tip for runners who may find themselves out for longer periods of time: if possible, plan your trip so that you start running into the wind. On your return trip, you should have the wind on your back, which will be much more comfortable as you continue your run and build up a sweat. This way, you're less likely to get a chill while running, avoiding cramps and perhaps even catching a cold.

Plan for shorter days. In the winter, shorter days tend to make sloths out of all of us: less daylight and freezing temperatures just give us an excuse to stay at home, nestled in the warmth (studies show that approximately 30% of people don't exercise during the winter). Finding time to exercise might seem like having to get up early or running in the dark after work. For a successful winter season, plan for the shorter days: incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. For instance, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park a little further from work. Also, think about enrolling in a gym for those exceedingly cold and dismal days; this way, you won't be able to blame the weather for not going on your run. Lastly, pick an activity or sport that can quickly become a regular ritual – you'll be less likely to procrastinate on your schedule when winter arrives.

See winter as an opportunity, not a closed door. Instead of thinking about winter in negative terms, see winter for what it is: a unique time of the year with its own activities and sports that aren't possible anywhere else. Try cross-country skiing or snowshoeing, go ice skating on a frozen pond, or, for the more adventurous, ice climbing is a solid alternative to rock climbing in the winter.

Observe proper warm-up and cool-down procedures. Warming up and cooling down is more important than ever in the cold. During the summer, if you aren't as careful with your warm up and cool down, the hot weather helps you loosen up and warm up naturally. But, in the winter, if you just put on a jacket and start running outside, the temperature shock may cause injury to your muscles and keep you from doing your regular exercise regime. And because during the winter consistency is as important as ever, avoiding injuries or anything else that might sideline you from your regular schedule should be a priority.

Have a long term goal. It is easy to forget what you look like, or what you want to look like, when you are constantly hidden under bulky layers of warm clothing. If you are trying to maintain a certain weight, perhaps post a picture of yourself at that weight in a swimsuit, somewhere where you'll be able to see it every day. If you are planning to use the winter as part of a continuing weight-loss program, make sure you have a clear goal of what you want to achieve by the time spring comes around and the layers begin to fall away.

Avoid sweating whenever possible, especially if exercising outside.

Try using a heart rate monitor, or monitor your heart rate manually with the Perceived Exertion Scale, to keep your intensity up but chance of sweating down. When you sweat while dressed in layers, your innermost layers tend to get damp as the work to wick away sweat from your body – as they should. Unfortunately, cold winds penetrate layers easily, reaching the damp layers of clothing and can cause you to feel chilly at your very core.

Sign-up for an event early in the winter. There are probably many 5K and 10K runs around your city, even in the winter. Sign up for activities like that as early as possible: the impending competition will provide a spark for your motivation and get you out there in the cold to prepare and train. Also, just knowing that the final event will be in the cold will get you motivated to at least acclimatize yourself to the conditions.

Find small tricks to keep you warm. Before you step out the door, throw your running clothes in the dryer for a couple of minutes – by the time the warmth from the dryer wears off, you're already well into your run and feeling warm because of your body heat. Wear a hat and fleece gloves while running: you can lose most of your body heat through both your head and your hands. Wear the right kind of materials to exercise: cotton retains sweat, while synthetic blends wick it away – dress for a successful cold run!

Buy home exercising equipment. If all else fails, there is no reason why you can't do your exercises at home. Perhaps you can just leave the outdoors for the other three seasons and create your own personal gym in your basement. Invest in a treadmill or elliptical trainer, perhaps a stationary bicycle, get a set of weights, or even buy some self-help books or DVDs. You can improvise a pretty decent exercise program in the privacy of your home with little effort and money.

Winterize Yourself

by Dr. J. Carrington, B.Arts.Sc., D.C., D.Ac., C.A.F.C.I.

As the winter season fast approaches, we turn our efforts toward preparing for ice, snow, and colder weather. For most, this involves a tradition of winterizing our vehicles, homes, and gardens – but what about those who want to continue to exercise? Winter also brings on the potential for seasonal injuries and illness that may keep us from enjoying all that the snow and ice can offer. The following are a few things to consider now to ensure a safe and healthy winter season:

Dig out your winter boots. Just as we switch our vehicle over to winter tires, we also need to change our footwear. Many of us rush around without wearing proper winter footwear, only to find ourselves slipping and falling on the icy sidewalks and driveways. You will be amazed to hear how many debilitating injuries occur while on the way to the gym, work, or school. Be sure to wear warm, well-treaded winter boots and keep an eye out for any ice underfoot.

Dress warmly for the colder weather. Again, it's a simple idea that sounds like it comes from a nagging mother. However, muscles do get cold, and this can cause a greater potential for injury. Tense, cold, contracted muscles do not respond quickly on the sidewalk, nor on the ski hill, so dress appropriately for the weather.

Stay active. With less daylight hours at this time of year, many of us drive to and from work in the dark. Few of us feel motivated to maintain the activity level we had in the summer months, instead preferring to sit down in front of the T.V. Although it may seem like a struggle, maintaining a regular routine of exercise will help prevent everything from the winter blues, to those extra pounds, and the potential for weekend ski hill injuries. Winter is a great time to try out a new fitness class, take up a different sport like cross-country skiing or speed skating, and keep our motivation strong.

Eat well. Maintaining good nutrition throughout the winter months is essential to staying active and healthy. Continue to eat a diet full of vegetables, fruits, protein, and whole grains, while limiting foods containing saturated fats and sugar. Instead of candy canes and shortbread, try a piece of fruit or a handful of raw nuts. Being well hydrated in the winter months is also essential for staying healthy: drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day will help to combat everything from dry skin to constipation. Many of us also supplement our diet with a multivitamin at this time of year. For example, research now shows that the average person requires supplementation of 1000 IU of vitamin D3 starting in the autumn to compensate for the lack of sunlight. Consult with your health care practitioner to find out what is best for you.

Keep a positive attitude. The winter months can drag on in Canada, so keeping a fresh and positive attitude goes a long way to preventing illness and injury in the colder months. Giving yourself a winter " time-out " is a great way to stay happy. This includes everything from a winter weekend get-away, to a holiday in the sunny south, to watching a funny movie, meeting a friend, or going for a spa treatment.

Preparing now for the winter months ahead ensures a healthy, safe, and happy winter season. Embrace winter, and have fun!

Dr. Carrington is a chiropractor working with her husband, Dr. Greg , in Black Diamond, Alberta. and Greg work hard at " winterizing " themselves as they have two active, winter-loving kids to keep up with.

Training for Winter Sports

by Saranchuk, BPE, MSc.

As the snow begins to blanket the slopes, the majority of us begin to dust off our winter sports gear in preparation for the upcoming season. Undoubtedly, the zeal of getting back to skiing or snowboarding, cross-country skiing, snow shoeing or skating is usually paired with some deconditioning that has occurred since last season (

i.e. decreases in strength, endurance, and balance) This drop in sport-specific fitness can lead to a few days of soreness or worse an injury as we transition back into winter activities. Taking a few weeks to condition ourselves in the gym before hitting the slopes can go a long way to making your first day back an easier and safer one. The following are some basic guidelines for what to include in a preparatory program for winter sports as well as a 6 week plan on how to incorporate it all. Remember, you aren't trying to train for bodybuilding, but instead, to make you better prepared to handle the demands of your activity. Below are just a few examples of exercises that can be incorporated into your program.


Hip Dominant: Good Mornings, deadlifts.

Knee Dominant: Full Squats, Lunges.

Push: Push ups, Cable Chest Press.

Press: Overhead Dumbbell or Barbell Press.

Pull: Pull Ups, Bent over Row.

Dynamic Balance:

Low amplitude bounds (from one leg to the other) and lateral hops (both feet together) over a 6 inch obstacle: start with 15 seconds, move up to 30 seconds.

Single leg squats

Forward and backward walking lunges

Hops with rotation working on controlled landings (starting with 90 degrees and increasing as needed)


Traditional abdominal exercises: crunches, planks, back extensions.

Rotational Work: Medicine Ball twists and throws, cable rotations.

Interval Training on Bike:

Include a 10 minute Warm-up and Cool-down, start with 5 intervals of 60 seconds hard work and 60 seconds recovery and slowly progress up to 10 intervals by week 5 and 6.

Below is an example of how these separate components can be periodized into a 6 week program. These guidelines will help you increase your strength, balance and endurance to smooth your transition back to your winter activity of choice. Have fun!

Week 1-2:Include 2 days in the gym and one interval day; start with 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions of 5-6 exercises with very light weights because you will be sore (better here than on the slopes). Concentrate on compound, full body movements, not isolated muscle movements. Also include one metabolic conditioning day, working on the intervals listed above.

Week 3-4:Include 2-3 days in the gym and increase the number of sets to 3 and continue to increase the weight you are lifting while performing 8-12 reps. At this point also begin to incorporate 1 or 2 exercises for dynamic balance. Still keep one interval day during the week but increase the number of intervals.

Week 5-6:Include 3 days in the gym. Keep your exercises the same but increase the weight lifted for each one to feel fatigued by the last repetition. Reduce the number of reps down to 5 and perform 4-5 sets of each exercise. Also increase the number of exercises that challenge dynamic balance to 3-4 and/or increase the intensity of each exercise. You should be working at performing 10 intervals on the bike by this point in time.

Final Babes with Babies Results

by McGrath, RN, BN

For those of you who continued to follow Breakfast Television's Getting in Shape after the Baby, with our Babes with Babies program, the final results are in!

The women worked really hard for their final debuts and it really paid off. Our mothers include Carla Abraham and Schultz. The team working with the ladies includes: Leah Crane, Registered Dietician, McGrath, Registered Nurse and of course, Jari Love, personal fitness trainer and creator of the Get Ripped! program.

The mothers worked really hard to get the results and they were very motivated. Carla, mother of two, lost 40 pounds during the Breakfast Television segments and has lost a total of 77 pounds since her last pregnancy! She did have the added challenges of being away quite a bit during the last portion but showed her determination by taking her workouts with her. She ran and took resistance bands with her to do resistance training while away. She also adapted her time at the park with her children and used the benches to do her tricep dips and high steps etc…Carla said on BT that she hasn't finished all of her goals but she is in the best shape she's been in since high school and feels great! Way to go Carla!

, also a mother of two, lost 27 pounds during the Breakfast Television segments. said her biggest challenge wasn't the workouts but it was the diet. She and her hubby, Schultz, are invited out often, and therefore eat out quite a lot. Adapting her diet to what was offered sometimes became challenging, but managed it very well. That being said, worked out most days and is in great shape! also said that she was not finished with completing her goals, but was very close. She really enjoyed the whole process of the program and found it very rewarding. Keep going !

On a personal note, I must say that Jari and I were so proud of the ladies and the huge effort they put forth. It was an absolute pleasure working with them. Their smiles and appreciation were well worth the time and effort. Congratulations Carla and !

The ladies received makeovers on the final segment of BT. Hair was provided by Jami Symons and make-up by , both of Jami Symons salon. Clothing was generously donated by Rob Bunka from the Talisman Centre. The ladies were also given a package of gifts that included gifts from Rocky Mountain Bed and Breakfast, Thermae Advanced Aesthetics, from Hannah Arcega, and from The Bull and Finch, Balakas. A huge thank you to everyone who so generously donated gifts for the ladies.

A RIPPED! Success Story – Interview with Nurse

by McGrath, RN, BN

How much weight did you lose? I have lost 57 pounds so far, I'm still aiming to lose 5 more pounds!

When did you start? I started in January 2007.

What was your diet? To begin with I cut the portions of what I was already eating and then I got tips from various diets, such as not eating after 7 pm, eating protein with meals, and cutting out desserts. But I got stuck at a certain weight and couldn't lose any more. I was on a month long plateau, so I called Jari, since I was doing her DVDs at home. Along with changing my exercise, she gave me a diet plan. I started eating every three hours, with lean protein and either fruit or veggies at every meal and really cut down on all of the carbs I was eating. Unfortunately, I love carbs! I also stopped eating at night and I found with eating every three hours, I didn't have cravings for " junk " food as much.

Talking to Jari about my diet was a real eye opener for me. I realized I was eating far too much food, even if it was good food, and I was eating some foods that just were not going to help me lose weight. Diet is so important when losing weight.

What motivated you? My health and my children were the biggest motivators. I had struggled with being depressed and with working night shifts. I put on about 45 pounds with the combination of the two. I felt so unhealthy. I was tired all of the time and I felt really old. In fact several people, strangers, had commented on me being a grandmother! Also, I want to be around for my children: both of my parents had heart attacks when they were in their late forties and early fifties. I didn't want to put my girls through that.

Finally, I decided that I need to start looking after myself. I think women often think they should be the last one cared for, well I have realized that I can care for others even better when I care for myself first.

How many days per week do you exercise? I try to get some exercise every day, but a minimum of 5 days per week.

Give us an idea of what you do? I try to do Ripped! at least three times a week and I also try to get cardio in on alternate days. Now that I am in better shape I have really increased the intensity of some of my workouts. Other days I do longer low intensity workouts. The key for me is really mixing it up that way I don't get bored and my body doesn't know what to expect. Also, I have some days that I workout with someone else - that way we are able to help challenge each other.

What kind of support have you had? I have had great support. My family, friends and Jari have been my biggest supporters. Most people can't believe that I was as heavy as I was, and I didn't tell them, but now that they know how much I have lost, they are so complimentary. One of the ladies at work said, " It's just so great; we have our own success story right here at work! " My brothers saw me for the first time in a while and just looked in awe - that was a wonderful feeling! Jari has been great at keeping me going, some days are harder than others and she'll be so positive that it keeps me motivated. From the first time that I met her she has made me feel like I can do anything!

How old are you? 42 years young!

What advice would you give others on how to stay motivated?

Don't let fear keep you from achieving your goals!

Write down your specific goals and dates.

Keep track of your exercise on a calendar-that way you can see what you have accomplished.

Write down what you are eating

Measure yourself - not just with the scale and keep track of inches lost.

Take a before photograph, if you don't, you will wish you had!

Hire a trainer - Jari has kept me motivated and told me I can do it - it really helps to have the support.

Give away your " fat " clothes – you don't need them anymore!

What did you think of the VO2 test? Getting this test done was one of the best things I have done. It was so enlightening! I must say I was surprised at how hard it was at first but the results were great and encouraging. I would recommend that anyone who is really interested in pushing themselves physically to take the test.

Did the test motivate you? Yes. I feel even more motivated than ever. It also gave me a much better understanding of heart rate zones and how to use them when exercising. Now when I am exercising especially with a heart rate monitor, I know if I am slacking off or really pushing myself. My workouts have definitely improved and I am in the best shape of my life!

A RIPPED! Recipe

by Jari Love, AFLCA, Creator RIPPED! Workout

Jari Love's Egg Frittata


2 500ml cartons of egg whites

1 c chopped onion

1 c chopped red pepper

1 c chopped green pepper

1 c chopped portabella mushrooms

1 c chopped spinach

Seasoning options:

Sea salt

Ground pepper


Sprinkle into mixture - quantities depend on personal preferences


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Mix all of the above ingredients and pour into a 9 x 6 inch pan

Bake for 45-60 minutes

Top with sliced tomatoes and parmesan cheese (optional)

Use your favorite salsa or mustard to add flavor if you prefer

A RIPPED! Testimonial – 's Story

My name is and I'm 33. In my mid 20's, I began gaining weight. When I weighed myself the day after Thanksgiving 2006, I saw that I was 247 pounds! I knew I had to do something or I would be basically sentencing myself to an early death. On 11/26/06, I began my journey by starting Dr. Ian 's Fatsmash Diet as well as moderate cardio DVDs and walking outdoors. Dr. Ian's plan is basically a diet that teaches one to eat a clean and healthy diet to lose weight on a 4 phase plan. After a month of Fatsmash and exercise, I was pleased to see I had lost over 10 lbs!

At that point, I realized that I would need to incorporate weights to enhance muscle tone and hopefully downplay the loose skin I may get from the weight loss. I wasn't sure what to do about weight training though. I knew I wasn't ready for a gym, and I wasn't sure which DVDs to go with. I visited Collage Video's website and they were featuring Jari Love's Slim & Lean on the front page. After reading the description and reviews, I decided to order it and give a whirl.

I started using the Slim & Lean DVD in January 2007 and boy oh boy did I feel it! I was VERY sore but determined that I would do it 3 times a week, and I did it, no matter what. That February I ordered the other 3 DVDs and started rotating and haven't looked back. I've recently incorporated Ripped and Chiseled and I love it.

Jari's DVDs are great because they use functional fitness, upbeat music, and the people on them are so motivating-especially Jari and her " Jari-isms " : " Turn your scars into stars " from Slim and Lean has become my own personal motto. Plus, almost anyone can do the Ripped! program; sure it's challenging, but the moves are easy to learn and take up very little space.

While I haven't reached my goal yet, I have lost 88 pounds and only have 35 more to go! I know I will reach this goal. Jari mentions in one of the DVDs that when you gain control of your health that you have a better outlook on life. This is so true. Since losing the weight, I feel like I can achieve anything if I put forth the effort. In addition to continuing my ripped rotations, I am starting training for the BolderBoulder (a 10K in Boulder, CO) in May 08. Thanks to Fatsmash and Jari's DVDs, I am motivated every day by the success I've already experienced and am looking to more in the future.

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-- Get Fit! Weight loss will follow

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