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Lazy snow day

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Today was an unplanned, and may I add, wonderful rest day (not that I've been working out so hard this week but it has been a very stressful week). DH's alarm went off at 5 and I called the school hotline to find out that yes, school was called off. We were expecting up to 10" but probably got 4 or 5. At 5 in the morning though it was coming down super hard with terrible visibility and since they were expecting it to last all day like that it made sense they'd call of school. DH also (thankfully) decided to work from home instead of try and drive through it. We both went back to sleep and didn't get up again until after 8.

I had planned to do P90 Cardio 3-4 but just didn't feel like it. I was so happy to not have to drive anyone anywhere or worse, have to pick up anyone during the school day like I had to do twice this week with DS who might be over the stomach thing now but we'll know for sure if he has two good days in a row, tomorrow will be day 2. I was so happy that I just decided spontaneously this was my day to do nothing. I did only things I wanted to do and I just didn't want to play with Tony and the kids. I didn't want to go into my very cold basement wearing shorts and a jogging bra especially. I wanted to take a shower without getting sweaty first and I wanted to just play on my computer and that's pretty much what I did. The kids played with each other (DD did start getting in my face late in the day when I was really into my relaxation though, I felt bad for being short with her about it and will try to make it up to her with extra attention tomorrow, she didn't know mommy had declared herself as having a day off and daddy was working so he was no fun either) and DH sat on the other side of the couch with his laptop doing work. I have not had a do nothing day at home in so long I can't even remember when I had one last. I did some of my normal chores (laundry, dishes, etc.) but those felt good to do. I just didn't clean house even though it needs it, declutter stuff or anything else on my long "projects" list. I just was totally irresponsible and loving it.

DH could not believe I did not want to work out though. Most days I get really tense and frustrated if I can't get my workout in until late or especially not at all. Today I voluntarily gave it up and felt good about it. Definitely weird, I agree. It also evens out the week that I've missed on P90 so now I'll do an entire extra week for this first 30 days. I like things when they come out "even" but it would have been fine if this didn't either. Anyway, tomorrow is (really) P90 Circuit 3-4. I really am liking that but need heavier weights. Will hopefully get some later this month. I like weights better than cardio too so I think that's why it was also kind of a relief to let myself out of today's workout (P90 cardio 3-4)! It felt like something on my to do list instead of something I looked forward to doing. I don't want my workouts to be that way so I think today's mental recuperation from the insanity of this week will help me get back into P90, including cardio, next week. I didn't do any cardio this week because Monday I ran errands, Wednesday DS was sick and today was lazy day. I think that will also help me get back into the cardio stuff next week even though I wouldn't want to do a cardio-free week on a regular, intentional basis. Next week will be the end of my first month with P90 (with the missing week made up) so I'll do measurements and photos at the end of the week. Not sure I'll see much of a difference but I definitely feel it strength-wise and can see it in the weights I can handle plus the progress in dips and pushups. I think I'm getting better at cardio too endurance-wise because 3-4 cardio isn't knocking me out anymore (of course, after a week off, it might on Monday). Am actually looking forward to seeing what will happen after the next 30 days and can't believe I'm actually going to do another 30 days with the same workouts!

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I was suppose to teach Jeanne sign language at Madonna University today from 11 to 1pm but the school was closed because of the snow. I was thrilled and went back to bed...but I'm not telling how late I slept! I did manage to get in a workout (actually two) but that will be in my next post. It's nice to have a rest day though but I'm afraid to have too many of them and not be able to get back into the groove of exercising again. I'm glad you enjoyed your day , Jen p.s. we got about 4 or 5 inches, I think....not much nancydewolf wrote: Today was an unplanned, and may I add, wonderful rest day (not that I've been working out so hard this week but it has been a very stressful week). DH's alarm went off at 5 and I called the school hotline to find out that yes, school was called off. We were expecting up to 10" but probably got 4 or 5. At 5 in the morning though it was coming down super hard with terrible

visibility and since they were expecting it to last all day like that it made sense they'd call of school. DH also (thankfully) decided to work from home instead of try and drive through it. We both went back to sleep and didn't get up again until after 8. I had planned to do P90 Cardio 3-4 but just didn't feel like it. I was so happy to not have to drive anyone anywhere or worse, have to pick up anyone during the school day like I had to do twice this week with DS who might be over the stomach thing now but we'll know for sure if he has two good days in a row, tomorrow will be day 2. I was so happy that I just decided spontaneously this was my day to do nothing. I did only things I wanted to do and I just didn't want to play with Tony and the kids. I didn't want to go into my very cold basement wearing shorts and a jogging bra especially. I wanted to take a shower

without getting sweaty first and I wanted to just play on my computer and that's pretty much what I did. The kids played with each other (DD did start getting in my face late in the day when I was really into my relaxation though, I felt bad for being short with her about it and will try to make it up to her with extra attention tomorrow, she didn't know mommy had declared herself as having a day off and daddy was working so he was no fun either) and DH sat on the other side of the couch with his laptop doing work. I have not had a do nothing day at home in so long I can't even remember when I had one last. I did some of my normal chores (laundry, dishes, etc.) but those felt good to do. I just didn't clean house even though it needs it, declutter stuff or anything else on my long "projects" list. I just was totally irresponsible and loving it. DH could not believe I did not want

to work out though. Most days I get really tense and frustrated if I can't get my workout in until late or especially not at all. Today I voluntarily gave it up and felt good about it. Definitely weird, I agree. It also evens out the week that I've missed on P90 so now I'll do an entire extra week for this first 30 days. I like things when they come out "even" but it would have been fine if this didn't either. Anyway, tomorrow is (really) P90 Circuit 3-4. I really am liking that but need heavier weights. Will hopefully get some later this month. I like weights better than cardio too so I think that's why it was also kind of a relief to let myself out of today's workout (P90 cardio 3-4)! It felt like something on my to do list instead of something I looked forward to doing. I don't want my workouts to be that way so I think today's mental recuperation from the insanity of this week will help me get back into P90, including cardio, next week. I didn't do any cardio this week

because Monday I ran errands, Wednesday DS was sick and today was lazy day. I think that will also help me get back into the cardio stuff next week even though I wouldn't want to do a cardio-free week on a regular, intentional basis. Next week will be the end of my first month with P90 (with the missing week made up) so I'll do measurements and photos at the end of the week. Not sure I'll see much of a difference but I definitely feel it strength-wise and can see it in the weights I can handle plus the progress in dips and pushups. I think I'm getting better at cardio too endurance-wise because 3-4 cardio isn't knocking me out anymore (of course, after a week off, it might on Monday). Am actually looking forward to seeing what will happen after the next 30 days and can't believe I'm actually going to do another 30 days with the same workouts!

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