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Re: Review: T-Tapp Step Away the Inches

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Hi Tess,

Thanks for the EXCELLENT run down on this one!! :)

I'm thinking now, after p90x of doing a T-Tapp

bootcamp and then following her guidelines for working

in my other workouts. I'm just not sure that I'm up

for any structure after p90x. I'm thinking of flying

by the seat of my pants for awhile.

Anyway, I do credit T-Tapp for helping my back

tremendously. Just doing her Primary Back Stretch

twice a day has made a different. I also do her basic

or basic plus series when I have time.

I think I may watch her seminar tonight - I've had the

DVD for a long time (about a year) and I haven't

watched it yet. It may be the thing that motivates me

to focus on her workouts in February...who knows?

Take care!


--- Lethe Loupe wrote:

> The most important and valuable part of this DVD is

> the instructional

> program, imo. explains not only the T-Tapp

> stance, but *why*

> you take each part of the stance, and the effect

> each has on the rest

> of the body. It's neat to see how the Stance is

> adapted for use while

> walking (If you've seen a " regular " T-tapp workout--

> and she has free

> video clips on t-tapp.com-- it was hard for me to

> imagine how one

> could walk that way! :-D) Just in the little while

> I've been using

> it, I can see that the huge calluses I have on the

> outside edges of my

> big toes are getting better. (I'm totally

> flat-footed) I'm not going

> to get into the details much here, because you

> really need to hear her

> full, detailed explanation.


> However, I will say that I have to concentrate most

> on keeping my lats

> engaged, even when I've got my shoulders back. I

> think " pits to hips "

> and also, if you have trouble knowing if you've

> engaged your lats,

> imagine someone running an ice cube down your spine.

> As your shoulder

> blades pull in towards your spine, and down, your

> lats are engaged.

> And I have to be careful to keep my butt tucked

> while lifting my arms.

> Also, when she says " knee to little toe, " think of

> turning your

> thighbone out from the hip, rather than just trying

> to torque your

> knee over. You know you're doing it right when you

> can feel your legs

> engage from your knees up into your hips and butt.


> Your form gremlins may vary!


> She tells how to control the cardiac work by the

> level at which you

> use your arms. The arm movements are very basic,

> but are also

> " t-tapped. " If your hands swell during a walking or

> running workout,

> she tells you why here, and how to prevent it!


> There is no music-- tends to chant her

> instructions and form

> tips in a " Jack and Jill " cadence, which drove me

> bananas the first

> time I previewed her Total Workout disc, but I have

> to eat crow. Once

> I'm actually doing the workouts, I'm so busy trying

> to keep all the

> parts of my body in proper alignment and tension

> that her delivery

> doesn't bother me at all.


> In this one, too, she says that once you learn the

> stance and moves,

> you can mute her and put on your own music. Don't

> be fooled by the

> simplicity of the moves on a preview. Once you're

> in the stance,

> holding the muscles in tension, and concentrating on

> proper form, the

> workout becomes amazingly strenuous. My heart rate

> would hold in the

> low 130's during the " cardio bursts " , which really

> surprised me. And

> my body reacted as if the HR was even higher-- in

> our 72 degree house,

> I had sweat running down my torso. By the time the

> workout ends, I'm

> ready for it to be over! :-)


> No equipment is necessary, other than supportive

> shoes (and I even do

> it barefoot, because I want to work especially on my

> " foot form, "

> keeping my feet rolled to the outside edges, weight

> off my big toe

> joints, making my muscles learn to do this without

> the support of a

> shoe.)


> wears weighted shoes, but they aren't

> necessary and honestly, I

> would consider them an advanced option. My problem

> areas aren't in my

> hips and thighs, though. If yours are, the weighted

> shoes might give

> you more of an advantage in that area, but I can't

> speak from

> experience. She also recommends a pedometer, but at

> the end of the

> workout, she tells you how many steps you've taken,

> so even that's not

> necessary. (1600 steps-- 1.5 miles, and as she

> says, it *feels* more

> like 3 miles!)


> Don't worry if you can't remember all the form

> details when you start

> the actual workout. She gives constant form

> reminders-- and I do mean

> constant!-- there's just not the detailed

> explanation of " why " that's

> in the instructional.


> I have this workout, her Total Workout, and her

> book. If you're only

> going to try one, I'd actually recommend this one.

> It's easier to

> learn than even the Basic Workout+ that's " level 1 "

> of the Total

> Workout, and it's a more complete workout than the

> " Fit and Fabulous

> in 15 Minutes " one that comes with her book. That

> said, I am in NO

> WAY criticizing these other workouts!! They all are

> excellent and

> really, I don't think you can go wrong with any of

> them.


> Step Away the Inches is a fantastic introduction to

> T-tapp, though,

> and it really does translate well into *any*

> movement-based workout

> that you do. I even use her form tips while doing

> Cardio Coach and

> weight training.


> A trivial aside: Any of you who are familiar with

> 's seminar DVD

> or her life story, may be interested to know that

> the armpit lump she

> talks about really shows in this workout-- it's

> about the size of a

> shooter marble. ly, a lump like that would

> have scared the __

> out of me, but she knew her body well enough not to

> panic, apparently,

> and after this many decades, it's obvious she made

> the right decision

> as a young woman when it popped up.


> Instructional: 23:19


> Stepping Workout: 27:04


> Metatrek Info: 3:46


> Production values: Not really applicable for this

> one, as there's no

> music and no camera cuts other than an occasional

> closeup when you

> need it. works out alone, in a very pleasant

> looking living

> room (looks like a real living room too, not a set),

> with plants

> around and a pretty rural view outside.


> This workout is one of the least expensive of her

> workouts, (I got it

> for $19.95, but I think it's normally around $27.00)

> but I think it's

> one of the most valuable. And, as for that, all of

> her workouts that

> I've purchased have been *well* worth the money

> spent!


> Tess


> --

> " The difference between try and triumph is just a

> little umph! "

> ~Marvin ~




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Hearing about how PBS and the other Tapping workouts have helped you,

kept me from selling the set off after my disasterous first couple of

shots at it!

I can understand you wanting something completely different after

P90X. I don't see how some people have done two rotations back to

back-- much as I love him, by about week 7, I'm getting rather sick of

Tony and the Kids. ;-)

Sounds like some Tapping time would be great after all you've done!

I'm really impressed with how you've hung in with P90X-- and you've

inspired me yet again, this time to pull it out and give it another

shot, this spring when I get my workout room back. Maybe the bad luck

gremlin that plagued me with the X last year has moved on!


> Hi Tess,


> Thanks for the EXCELLENT run down on this one!! :)

> I'm thinking now, after p90x of doing a T-Tapp

> bootcamp and then following her guidelines for working

> in my other workouts. I'm just not sure that I'm up

> for any structure after p90x. I'm thinking of flying

> by the seat of my pants for awhile.


> Anyway, I do credit T-Tapp for helping my back

> tremendously. Just doing her Primary Back Stretch

> twice a day has made a different. I also do her basic

> or basic plus series when I have time.


> I think I may watch her seminar tonight - I've had the

> DVD for a long time (about a year) and I haven't

> watched it yet. It may be the thing that motivates me

> to focus on her workouts in February...who knows?


> Take care!


> Donna

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I'm happy to have almost finished with the " X " - I'm

not sure I would ever want to do another 90 days with

it, though! I like the workouts well enough, but

after the first month or so, I'm itching for something

different. The recovery weeks were actually what

brought down my motivation - believe it or not! It

seemed that once I got out of the " X " groove it was

harder to get back to it. I also learned that I " m not

fond of split rotations - it makes it too hard to stay

on track if something else comes up and messes with

your exercise schedule. I think I can handle splits

for a month or 6 week rotation, just not 90 days. I

started week 3 yesterday! WOO HOO! I will have to

give the set back to my friend soon, but I think I

would like to buy it at some point - I would also like

to get P90 Masters and P90X +. What I like about

TOny's approach is that it is all accessible - you

just do what you can - if you can only do one rep,

fine, you build from there.

I may just be motivated to pull out T-Tapp and do a

rotation with her workouts and others in my collection

- but like I said, I think February may just have to

be a very limited in structure month.

Between T-Tapp and the Kundalini yoga I have been

doing my back is really improved. I actually think

T-Tapp and Kundalini compliment each other very well

with the emphasis on de-toxifying.

Take care! You are doing just great!


--- Lethe Loupe wrote:

> Hearing about how PBS and the other Tapping workouts

> have helped you,

> kept me from selling the set off after my

> disasterous first couple of

> shots at it!


> I can understand you wanting something completely

> different after

> P90X. I don't see how some people have done two

> rotations back to

> back-- much as I love him, by about week 7, I'm

> getting rather sick of

> Tony and the Kids. ;-)


> Sounds like some Tapping time would be great after

> all you've done!

> I'm really impressed with how you've hung in with

> P90X-- and you've

> inspired me yet again, this time to pull it out and

> give it another

> shot, this spring when I get my workout room back.

> Maybe the bad luck

> gremlin that plagued me with the X last year has

> moved on!


> Tess





> > Hi Tess,

> >

> > Thanks for the EXCELLENT run down on this one!! :)

> > I'm thinking now, after p90x of doing a T-Tapp

> > bootcamp and then following her guidelines for

> working

> > in my other workouts. I'm just not sure that I'm

> up

> > for any structure after p90x. I'm thinking of

> flying

> > by the seat of my pants for awhile.

> >

> > Anyway, I do credit T-Tapp for helping my back

> > tremendously. Just doing her Primary Back Stretch

> > twice a day has made a different. I also do her

> basic

> > or basic plus series when I have time.

> >

> > I think I may watch her seminar tonight - I've had

> the

> > DVD for a long time (about a year) and I haven't

> > watched it yet. It may be the thing that

> motivates me

> > to focus on her workouts in February...who knows?

> >

> > Take care!

> >

> > Donna




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I know, I'm I awe of Donna and for sticking to their rotations too! I

seem to be good for a week and that's it.

I must say I love love love Slim & Six Pack! I really felt it in my obliques!

My knee just can't do Debbie right now :(

, in awe of the 30 day + rotation folks!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Re: Review: T-Tapp Step Away the Inches

Hearing about how PBS and the other Tapping workouts have helped you,

kept me from selling the set off after my disasterous first couple of

shots at it!

I can understand you wanting something completely different after

P90X. I don't see how some people have done two rotations back to

back-- much as I love him, by about week 7, I'm getting rather sick of

Tony and the Kids. ;-)

Sounds like some Tapping time would be great after all you've done!

I'm really impressed with how you've hung in with P90X-- and you've

inspired me yet again, this time to pull it out and give it another

shot, this spring when I get my workout room back. Maybe the bad luck

gremlin that plagued me with the X last year has moved on!


On 1/19/08, Donna M-P <donna112520@ <mailto:donna112520%40yahoo.com> yahoo.com>


> Hi Tess,


> Thanks for the EXCELLENT run down on this one!! :)

> I'm thinking now, after p90x of doing a T-Tapp

> bootcamp and then following her guidelines for working

> in my other workouts. I'm just not sure that I'm up

> for any structure after p90x. I'm thinking of flying

> by the seat of my pants for awhile.


> Anyway, I do credit T-Tapp for helping my back

> tremendously. Just doing her Primary Back Stretch

> twice a day has made a different. I also do her basic

> or basic plus series when I have time.


> I think I may watch her seminar tonight - I've had the

> DVD for a long time (about a year) and I haven't

> watched it yet. It may be the thing that motivates me

> to focus on her workouts in February...who knows?


> Take care!


> Donna

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I was just looking at P90 Master Series on Amazon (for $90, not sure what it is direct from Beachbody). Looks great... I don't want to spend $90 on it though (not right now anyway). I'm not that dedicated to a ripped body I guess. I like having a program to follow, but I might be able to just do my own program using a mix of videos when I'm done with this. I did decide I like P90 enough though to replace my Circuit 3-4 tape which is in horrible condition (the entire tape runs as double images with a lot of blurring) and spent $3.53 just now for it (includes shipping). I've been making do because the exercises are mostly familiar but I'd really like to actually see the form of Tony and the kids sometimes and can't get a good look at most of it. I think I'll be doing this in February too (but don't hold me to it yet, I'm barely half way through this first month) and it will be worth it to have a clear look.

Re: Review: T-Tapp Step Away the Inches

Hi!I'm happy to have almost finished with the "X" - I'mnot sure I would ever want to do another 90 days withit, though! I like the workouts well enough, butafter the first month or so, I'm itching for somethingdifferent. The recovery weeks were actually whatbrought down my motivation - believe it or not! Itseemed that once I got out of the "X" groove it washarder to get back to it. I also learned that I"m notfond of split rotations - it makes it too hard to stayon track if something else comes up and messes withyour exercise schedule. I think I can handle splitsfor a month or 6 week rotation, just not 90 days. Istarted week 3 yesterday! WOO HOO! I will have togive the set back to my friend soon, but I think Iwould like to buy it at some point - I would also liketo get P90 Masters and P90X +. What I like aboutTOny's approach is that it is all accessible - youjust do what you can - if you can only do one rep,fine, you build from there.I may just be motivated to pull out T-Tapp and do arotation with her workouts and others in my collection- but like I said, I think February may just have tobe a very limited in structure month. Between T-Tapp and the Kundalini yoga I have beendoing my back is really improved. I actually thinkT-Tapp and Kundalini compliment each other very wellwith the emphasis on de-toxifying.Take care! You are doing just great!Donna--- Lethe Loupe <lethe.loupegmail> wrote:> Hearing about how PBS and the other Tapping workouts> have helped you,> kept me from selling the set off after my> disasterous first couple of> shots at it!> > I can understand you wanting something completely> different after> P90X. I don't see how some people have done two> rotations back to> back-- much as I love him, by about week 7, I'm> getting rather sick of> Tony and the Kids. ;-)> > Sounds like some Tapping time would be great after> all you've done!> I'm really impressed with how you've hung in with> P90X-- and you've> inspired me yet again, this time to pull it out and> give it another> shot, this spring when I get my workout room back. > Maybe the bad luck> gremlin that plagued me with the X last year has> moved on!> > Tess> > > > On 1/19/08, Donna M-P <donna112520> wrote:> > Hi Tess,> >> > Thanks for the EXCELLENT run down on this one!! :)> > I'm thinking now, after p90x of doing a T-Tapp> > bootcamp and then following her guidelines for> working> > in my other workouts. I'm just not sure that I'm> up> > for any structure after p90x. I'm thinking of> flying> > by the seat of my pants for awhile.> >> > Anyway, I do credit T-Tapp for helping my back> > tremendously. Just doing her Primary Back Stretch> > twice a day has made a different. I also do her> basic> > or basic plus series when I have time.> >> > I think I may watch her seminar tonight - I've had> the> > DVD for a long time (about a year) and I haven't> > watched it yet. It may be the thing that> motivates me> > to focus on her workouts in February...who knows?> >> > Take care!> >> > Donna> __________________________________________________________Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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What a steal !!!Darcy

I was just looking at P90 Master Series on Amazon (for $90, not sure what it is direct from Beachbody). Looks great... I don't want to spend $90 on it though (not right now anyway). I'm not that dedicated to a ripped body I guess. I like having a program to follow, but I might be able to just do my own program using a mix of videos when I'm done with this. I did decide I like P90 enough though to replace my Circuit 3-4 tape which is in horrible condition (the entire tape runs as double images with a lot of blurring) and spent $3.53 just now for it (includes shipping). I've been making do because the exercises are mostly familiar but I'd really like to actually see the form of Tony and the kids sometimes and can't get a good look at most of it. I think I'll be doing this in February too (but don't hold me to it yet, I'm barely half way through this first month) and it will be worth it to have a clear look.

Re: Review: T-Tapp Step Away the Inches

Hi!I'm happy to have almost finished with the " X " - I'mnot sure I would ever want to do another 90 days withit, though! I like the workouts well enough, butafter the first month or so, I'm itching for somethingdifferent. The recovery weeks were actually whatbrought down my motivation - believe it or not! Itseemed that once I got out of the " X " groove it washarder to get back to it. I also learned that I " m notfond of split rotations - it makes it too hard to stayon track if something else comes up and messes withyour exercise schedule. I think I can handle splitsfor a month or 6 week rotation, just not 90 days. Istarted week 3 yesterday! WOO HOO! I will have togive the set back to my friend soon, but I think Iwould like to buy it at some point - I would also liketo get P90 Masters and P90X +. What I like aboutTOny's approach is that it is all accessible - youjust do what you can - if you can only do one rep,fine, you build from there.I may just be motivated to pull out T-Tapp and do arotation with her workouts and others in my collection- but like I said, I think February may just have tobe a very limited in structure month. Between T-Tapp and the Kundalini yoga I have beendoing my back is really improved. I actually thinkT-Tapp and Kundalini compliment each other very wellwith the emphasis on de-toxifying.Take care! You are doing just great!Donna--- Lethe Loupe wrote:> Hearing about how PBS and the other Tapping workouts> have helped you,> kept me from selling the set off after my> disasterous first couple of> shots at it!> > I can understand you wanting something completely> different after> P90X. I don't see how some people have done two> rotations back to> back-- much as I love him, by about week 7, I'm> getting rather sick of> Tony and the Kids. ;-)> > Sounds like some Tapping time would be great after> all you've done!> I'm really impressed with how you've hung in with> P90X-- and you've> inspired me yet again, this time to pull it out and> give it another> shot, this spring when I get my workout room back. > Maybe the bad luck> gremlin that plagued me with the X last year has> moved on!> > Tess> > > > > > Hi Tess,> >> > Thanks for the EXCELLENT run down on this one!! :)> > I'm thinking now, after p90x of doing a T-Tapp> > bootcamp and then following her guidelines for> working> > in my other workouts. I'm just not sure that I'm> up> > for any structure after p90x. I'm thinking of> flying> > by the seat of my pants for awhile.> >> > Anyway, I do credit T-Tapp for helping my back> > tremendously. Just doing her Primary Back Stretch> > twice a day has made a different. I also do her> basic> > or basic plus series when I have time.> >> > I think I may watch her seminar tonight - I've had> the> > DVD for a long time (about a year) and I haven't> > watched it yet. It may be the thing that> motivates me> > to focus on her workouts in February...who knows?> >> > Take care!> >> > Donna> __________________________________________________________Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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