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Thurs - SuperBody Bootcamp Burn it/Tracey Mallett

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I'm glad i saved this one for today - I couldn't have

done this one on no sleep yesterday! This one is a

blend of kickboxing, bootcamp and light weight

training (3's or 5's max, most of the exercises with

weights are done at a fast tempo and often incorporate

balance challenges - a bit Pilates/core inspired since

you have to work your core to balance yourself on one

foot). Tracey does a good job of cueing this athletic

style workout, but she does giggle alot - it isn't

bad, it seems genuine so it is not annoying. There

are four backgrounders, two men, two women - one of

the women shows modifications - but they're hard to

see - from what I can tell she doesn't add weights or

balance challenges to the weighted exercises. The DVD

is well chaptered and the workout can be pretty

intense - I was anaerobic pretty often during some of

her 'blasts' Overall a good one if you like

kickboxing and bootcamp and a bit of Pilates. There

is a bonus at the end - 6 Pack Abs which is

Pilates-inspired ab work, which I had time to do


As usual, I warmed up with T-Tapp Primary Back


Tomorrow the plan is to do this one's companion -

SuperBody Bootcamp Firm It - which is more toning, as

I recall. I'm definately enjoying the change up in my


I do feel as though I'm fighting something off, I keep

taking the airborne and I have my fingers crossed that

it doesn't actually materialize into anything.

Take care!




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Sounds like a great workout, Donna. Well done!

I don't believe I've tried Tracey Mallett before, but I'll keep my eyes open

for her, since she comes up on this list alot.

-----Original Message-----

From: exercisevideos


I'm glad i saved this one for today - I couldn't have

done this one on no sleep yesterday! This one is a

blend of kickboxing, bootcamp and light weight

training (3's or 5's max, most of the exercises with

weights are done at a fast tempo and often incorporate

balance challenges - a bit Pilates/core inspired since

you have to work your core to balance yourself on one

foot). Tracey does a good job of cueing this athletic

style workout, but she does giggle alot - it isn't

bad, it seems genuine so it is not annoying. There

are four backgrounders, two men, two women - one of

the women shows modifications - but they're hard to

see - from what I can tell she doesn't add weights or

balance challenges to the weighted exercises. The DVD

is well chaptered and the workout can be pretty

intense - I was anaerobic pretty often during some of

her 'blasts' Overall a good one if you like

kickboxing and bootcamp and a bit of Pilates. There

is a bonus at the end - 6 Pack Abs which is

Pilates-inspired ab work, which I had time to do


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8:14 PM

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Hi Donna! I've only watched this, but it looks fun and hard! Harder than the Firm It one! Thanks for the review! I do hope you're not coming down with something :/ I still feel crummy but am at work today (on my break at the moment) and not sure I'll get to work out tonite. Wannnnh! The good thing about being sick is that I lose my appetite and I feel lighter.. Hugs! Donna M-P wrote: Hi,I'm glad i

saved this one for today - I couldn't havedone this one on no sleep yesterday! This one is ablend of kickboxing, bootcamp and light weighttraining (3's or 5's max, most of the exercises withweights are done at a fast tempo and often incorporatebalance challenges - a bit Pilates/core inspired sinceyou have to work your core to balance yourself on onefoot). Tracey does a good job of cueing this athleticstyle workout, but she does giggle alot - it isn'tbad, it seems genuine so it is not annoying. Thereare four backgrounders, two men, two women - one ofthe women shows modifications - but they're hard tosee - from what I can tell she doesn't add weights orbalance challenges to the weighted exercises. The DVDis well chaptered and the workout can be prettyintense - I was anaerobic pretty often during some ofher 'blasts' Overall a good one if you likekickboxing and bootcamp and a bit of Pilates. Thereis a

bonus at the end - 6 Pack Abs which isPilates-inspired ab work, which I had time to dotoday.As usual, I warmed up with T-Tapp Primary BackStretch.Tomorrow the plan is to do this one's companion -SuperBody Bootcamp Firm It - which is more toning, asI recall. I'm definately enjoying the change up in myroutine.I do feel as though I'm fighting something off, I keeptaking the airborne and I have my fingers crossed thatit doesn't actually materialize into anything.Take care!Donna__________________________________________________________Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs

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Sorry you are still feeling yucky . Speaking of eating lighter, I am doing an *experiment* and am eating very very lightly for a few days to see what it does to the scale. It was low this morning (my weight), and am curious to see what it reads tomorrow too. I'm sure it was low cause of water weight. I went to bed hungry..grr... I am not starving myself by no means, but am just really being strict for a bit to see what happens.


Hi Donna! I've only watched this, but it looks fun and hard! Harder than the Firm It one! Thanks for the review! I do hope you're not coming down with something :/ I still feel crummy but am at work today (on my break at the moment) and not sure I'll get to work out tonite. Wannnnh! The good thing about being sick is that I lose my appetite and I feel lighter..

Hugs! Donna M-P wrote:

Hi,I'm glad i

saved this one for today - I couldn't havedone this one on no sleep yesterday! This one is ablend of kickboxing, bootcamp and light weighttraining (3's or 5's max, most of the exercises withweights are done at a fast tempo and often incorporate

balance challenges - a bit Pilates/core inspired sinceyou have to work your core to balance yourself on onefoot). Tracey does a good job of cueing this athleticstyle workout, but she does giggle alot - it isn't

bad, it seems genuine so it is not annoying. Thereare four backgrounders, two men, two women - one ofthe women shows modifications - but they're hard tosee - from what I can tell she doesn't add weights or

balance challenges to the weighted exercises. The DVDis well chaptered and the workout can be prettyintense - I was anaerobic pretty often during some ofher 'blasts' Overall a good one if you likekickboxing and bootcamp and a bit of Pilates. There

is a

bonus at the end - 6 Pack Abs which isPilates-inspired ab work, which I had time to dotoday.As usual, I warmed up with T-Tapp Primary BackStretch.Tomorrow the plan is to do this one's companion -

SuperBody Bootcamp Firm It - which is more toning, asI recall. I'm definately enjoying the change up in myroutine.I do feel as though I'm fighting something off, I keeptaking the airborne and I have my fingers crossed that

it doesn't actually materialize into anything.Take care!Donna__________________________________________________________Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs

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Good job Donna! That looks like a great workout. Jen Donna M-P wrote: Hi,I'm glad i saved this one for today - I couldn't havedone this one on no sleep yesterday! This one is ablend of kickboxing, bootcamp and light weighttraining (3's or 5's max, most of the exercises withweights are

done at a fast tempo and often incorporatebalance challenges - a bit Pilates/core inspired sinceyou have to work your core to balance yourself on onefoot). Tracey does a good job of cueing this athleticstyle workout, but she does giggle alot - it isn'tbad, it seems genuine so it is not annoying. Thereare four backgrounders, two men, two women - one ofthe women shows modifications - but they're hard tosee - from what I can tell she doesn't add weights orbalance challenges to the weighted exercises. The DVDis well chaptered and the workout can be prettyintense - I was anaerobic pretty often during some ofher 'blasts' Overall a good one if you likekickboxing and bootcamp and a bit of Pilates. Thereis a bonus at the end - 6 Pack Abs which isPilates-inspired ab work, which I had time to dotoday.As usual, I warmed up with T-Tapp Primary BackStretch.Tomorrow the plan is to do this one's companion

-SuperBody Bootcamp Firm It - which is more toning, asI recall. I'm definately enjoying the change up in myroutine.I do feel as though I'm fighting something off, I keeptaking the airborne and I have my fingers crossed thatit doesn't actually materialize into anything.Take care!Donna__________________________________________________________Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs

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