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The Place of Non-Judgement & Ability

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Sometimes I just write because it's what I do. I have always been a

writer, although sometimes I have only thought the words through,

without taking them down.

I have learned, even little by little, that I have rarely sat down to

write about what came to mind. I might start out that way, but soon,

the words are gone. From the word on my tongue to the text, change

occurs, as if, as if, somewhere in the night, a beacon has been

activated, the red light blinks, a call to answer, " get ready...take

note " .

And then comes the words, pouring out across the page. I'm not sure

where this is going, I've learned to just let it play.

The Place of Non-Judgement & Ability

When you see a news event, you might normally react with anger, or

with fear.

When you see an injustice, you might normally react with judgement,

or with action.

When you see a movie, you might normally react with laughter, or with


When you see someone sick or ill, you might normally react with

prayer, or with sympathy.

When you see yourself as lost or defeated, you might normally react

with confusion, or without power.


By becoming " living meditation " , you will not react. And reacting is

not normal of living in meditation.

We meditate to quiet the mind, and as we slowly observe the thoughts

that pass through, without engaging them, they subside. And by this,

we have become our higher selves, without judgement, without action,

knowing, loving, compassionate...and in this place, we are soul...

The soul, the place where all souls connect, all as one, no


" Living Meditation " is the place of being we choose to operate from.

To get there we simply practice meditation to quiet the mind and

clear the thoughts by only observing and " letting go " .

As we begin to know what this place of being is...we choose to now

operate from this point in all we do...letting thoughts, and scenes,

and what happens around us, simply pass, observing only.

From this point, we do not react, we do no judge, we do not indulge.

Think of this...our higher self is like the man in the crane high in

the air. By his knowing and understanding, he can direct, with little

effort all that happens on the ground. However, when we operate from

the point of our human self, from the ground, we have to engage, and

extend great effort in the smallest things. Operate from the higher


In this, we can now see, what is happening all around us, without

judgement or reaction to it. We can observe all the possibilites from

this better vantage point. From here, we can, as we see the need,

expend the least effort, exactly where it needs to occur, and with

more loving and compassionate means.

Like Cain, from the old Kung Fu movies...he operated from a place of

constant meditation...Living Meditation...which means...living and

operating from my higher self, as my higher self.

As this crane operator we have decided to be, we can now use our

human/flesh bodies and " ground level " actions to " experience "

with " total power of being " .




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