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Review: T-Tapp Step Away the Inches

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The most important and valuable part of this DVD is the instructional

program, imo. explains not only the T-Tapp stance, but *why*

you take each part of the stance, and the effect each has on the rest

of the body. It's neat to see how the Stance is adapted for use while

walking (If you've seen a " regular " T-tapp workout-- and she has free

video clips on t-tapp.com-- it was hard for me to imagine how one

could walk that way! :-D) Just in the little while I've been using

it, I can see that the huge calluses I have on the outside edges of my

big toes are getting better. (I'm totally flat-footed) I'm not going

to get into the details much here, because you really need to hear her

full, detailed explanation.

However, I will say that I have to concentrate most on keeping my lats

engaged, even when I've got my shoulders back. I think " pits to hips "

and also, if you have trouble knowing if you've engaged your lats,

imagine someone running an ice cube down your spine. As your shoulder

blades pull in towards your spine, and down, your lats are engaged.

And I have to be careful to keep my butt tucked while lifting my arms.

Also, when she says " knee to little toe, " think of turning your

thighbone out from the hip, rather than just trying to torque your

knee over. You know you're doing it right when you can feel your legs

engage from your knees up into your hips and butt.

Your form gremlins may vary!

She tells how to control the cardiac work by the level at which you

use your arms. The arm movements are very basic, but are also

" t-tapped. " If your hands swell during a walking or running workout,

she tells you why here, and how to prevent it!

There is no music-- tends to chant her instructions and form

tips in a " Jack and Jill " cadence, which drove me bananas the first

time I previewed her Total Workout disc, but I have to eat crow. Once

I'm actually doing the workouts, I'm so busy trying to keep all the

parts of my body in proper alignment and tension that her delivery

doesn't bother me at all.

In this one, too, she says that once you learn the stance and moves,

you can mute her and put on your own music. Don't be fooled by the

simplicity of the moves on a preview. Once you're in the stance,

holding the muscles in tension, and concentrating on proper form, the

workout becomes amazingly strenuous. My heart rate would hold in the

low 130's during the " cardio bursts " , which really surprised me. And

my body reacted as if the HR was even higher-- in our 72 degree house,

I had sweat running down my torso. By the time the workout ends, I'm

ready for it to be over! :-)

No equipment is necessary, other than supportive shoes (and I even do

it barefoot, because I want to work especially on my " foot form, "

keeping my feet rolled to the outside edges, weight off my big toe

joints, making my muscles learn to do this without the support of a


wears weighted shoes, but they aren't necessary and honestly, I

would consider them an advanced option. My problem areas aren't in my

hips and thighs, though. If yours are, the weighted shoes might give

you more of an advantage in that area, but I can't speak from

experience. She also recommends a pedometer, but at the end of the

workout, she tells you how many steps you've taken, so even that's not

necessary. (1600 steps-- 1.5 miles, and as she says, it *feels* more

like 3 miles!)

Don't worry if you can't remember all the form details when you start

the actual workout. She gives constant form reminders-- and I do mean

constant!-- there's just not the detailed explanation of " why " that's

in the instructional.

I have this workout, her Total Workout, and her book. If you're only

going to try one, I'd actually recommend this one. It's easier to

learn than even the Basic Workout+ that's " level 1 " of the Total

Workout, and it's a more complete workout than the " Fit and Fabulous

in 15 Minutes " one that comes with her book. That said, I am in NO

WAY criticizing these other workouts!! They all are excellent and

really, I don't think you can go wrong with any of them.

Step Away the Inches is a fantastic introduction to T-tapp, though,

and it really does translate well into *any* movement-based workout

that you do. I even use her form tips while doing Cardio Coach and

weight training.

A trivial aside: Any of you who are familiar with 's seminar DVD

or her life story, may be interested to know that the armpit lump she

talks about really shows in this workout-- it's about the size of a

shooter marble. ly, a lump like that would have scared the __

out of me, but she knew her body well enough not to panic, apparently,

and after this many decades, it's obvious she made the right decision

as a young woman when it popped up.

Instructional: 23:19

Stepping Workout: 27:04

Metatrek Info: 3:46

Production values: Not really applicable for this one, as there's no

music and no camera cuts other than an occasional closeup when you

need it. works out alone, in a very pleasant looking living

room (looks like a real living room too, not a set), with plants

around and a pretty rural view outside.

This workout is one of the least expensive of her workouts, (I got it

for $19.95, but I think it's normally around $27.00) but I think it's

one of the most valuable. And, as for that, all of her workouts that

I've purchased have been *well* worth the money spent!



" The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph! "

~Marvin ~

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