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Prayers Needed

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Dearest Gayle, your bother is in my thoughts and in my prayers, healing light, a candle I have lit tonight 4 you and for him,Love to u both,Laurie Pates <kplus4@...> wrote: Beloved Gayle, I'm so sorry to hear of your brother hun and I will be sure and hold him high in my thoughts and prayers today, as well as keep you held high as that you may be strong and supportive to him and the family but not to the point

of neglecting yourself. Please keep myself and the group informed on how he continues to progress and please take some time out for you during your vigil for your blessed brother. Sending you lots of love and light my friend ~ ~ From: packardplace Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 03:21:47 +0000Subject: [] PRAYERS NEEDED ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=67355919 & MyToken=9297afb4-f899-44aa-bea1-2f03ccdc7d5b'>Gayle - a spark in dark</a>Date: May 29, 2007 3:16 AMThis bulletin is for all my MySpace friends who pray or believe in prayer. I got a call from Deaconess hospital late tonight. My brother had a heat stroke earlier this evening and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. His temperature was over 103 degrees and hestarted having a grand mal seizure in the emergency room. The seizure lasted 8 minutes and he stopped breathing and they had to put him on a ventilator to breathe for him. He is unable to move his left side from his toes to his head. He is only 44 years old. They are keeping him sedated for the time being. He will be in the intensive care unit for some time and when he is realeased, he will have to

enter a reahabilitation hospital if he survives this heat stroke. They said it was very serious. His name is Tony and I am asking you to please include him in your prayers as I will be too. Thank you in advance to all of those who will say a prayer for him. I do appreciate it. He is a kind and gentle soul. Hugs to you all, Gayle Change is good. See what’s different about Windows Live Hotmail. Check it out! To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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  • 2 months later...
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Dear Humanity Healing Friends,I wanted to come and ask all of you to please pray for our beautiful Haunted Soul Sherlyn and her family. Sherlyns father passed away a couple of days ago. Many here on our Humanity Healing group and on my space had at one point prayed for him when he was critical in the hospital. The hospital had said he would not be going home. He was given that extra time with his family.

I pray that he is finally at peace. May God speed him on his journey home. I know what it feels like to lose your dad and my heart so goes out to this family. I ask that you would all extend that loving hand to her once again during her time of sorrow by praying for her and her family. Let's give her the love and care she so desperately needs from all of us. Please please pray that God would comfort our Sherlyn and her family during this difficult painful time.Thank you!

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My prayers will be lifted up today for Sherlyns, her family and you as well. My the Grace of our Lord wrap his loving arms around all of you and comfort you in this time of need and may her dads spirit touch hers so she knows he is well.

Greatest Blessings of Love & Light,

Debbie>> > > > > Dear Humanity Healing Friends,> > I wanted to come and ask all of you to please pray for our beautiful Haunted Soul Sherlyn and her family. Sherlyns father passed away a couple of days ago. Many here on our Humanity Healing group and on my space had at one point prayed for him when he was critical in the hospital. The hospital had said he would not be going home. He was given that extra time with his family. I pray that he is finally at peace. May God speed him on his journey home. > > I know what it feels like to lose your dad and my heart so goes out to this family. I ask that you would all extend that loving hand to her once again during her time of sorrow by praying for her and her family. Let's give her the love and care she so desperately needs from all of us. Please please pray that God would comfort our Sherlyn and her family during this difficult painful time.> Thank you!> >

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Oh, dear sister Sherlyn,

I am here for you dear, and I will keep you in my thoughts and

prayers as well as your family. I also lost my father, as did

and as said, it is not easy. My Dad was a wonderful man and I

know your father was too and I humbly feel that your Dad is at peace

and is finding his place again amongst the love eternal.. May you

find some peace in the coming days but also allow yourself to grieve

in your own way for that is the only way.. A friend once told

me, " The pain of death never goes away, it just gets more

tolerable.. " Again, I am here for you and will keep you in my

thoughts, dear. Love and light, LUNA






> Dear Humanity Healing Friends,


> I wanted to come and ask all of you to please pray for our

beautiful Haunted Soul Sherlyn and her family. Sherlyns father passed

away a couple of days ago. Many here on our Humanity Healing

group and on my space had at one point prayed for him when he was

critical in the hospital. The hospital had said he would not be going

home. He was given that extra time with his family. I pray that he is

finally at peace. May God speed him on his journey home.


> I know what it feels like to lose your dad and my heart so goes out

to this family. I ask that you would all extend that loving hand to

her once again during her time of sorrow by praying for her and her

family. Let's give her the love and care she so desperately needs

from all of us. Please please pray that God would comfort our Sherlyn

and her family during this difficult painful time.

> Thank you!



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Dear Sherlyn, My thoughts and prayers r with u as well. I too lost my father to pacreotic cancer in 2000.I do know the only freedom from the effects of the loss ,comes with time. Though there is peace in knowing that he is no longer suffering or in pain.This is what I learned to be my greatest releif and got me though the rough time following my dads passing.yours like mine, is in a better place now, happy and healthy and free of pain.U will renite with him one day, untill then he will watch over u and yours . this is what I beleve to be true.I felt my fathers presence during my back surgey last sept. I asked 4 him to look over me. A book that helped me deal with alot having to do with the subject of loss and understanding thre journey was "Journey of Souls ,case studies of lives between lives," by Newton,P.H.D. Love and light to u big hugs Laurieladymoonwhispers

<ladymoonwhispers@...> wrote: Oh, dear sister Sherlyn,I am here for you dear, and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well as your family. I also lost my father, as did and as said, it is not easy. My Dad was a wonderful man and I know your father was too and I humbly feel that your Dad is at peace and is finding his place again amongst the love eternal.. May you find some peace in the coming days but also allow yourself to grieve in your own way for that is the only way.. A

friend once told me, "The pain of death never goes away, it just gets more tolerable.." Again, I am here for you and will keep you in my thoughts, dear. Love and light, LUNA>> > > > > Dear Humanity Healing Friends,> > I wanted to come and ask all of you to please pray for our beautiful Haunted Soul Sherlyn and her family. Sherlyns father passed away a couple of days ago. Many here on our Humanity Healing group and on my space had at one point prayed for him when he was critical in the hospital. The hospital had said he would not be going home. He was given that extra time with his family. I pray that he is finally at peace. May God speed him on his journey home. > > I know what it feels like to lose your dad and

my heart so goes out to this family. I ask that you would all extend that loving hand to her once again during her time of sorrow by praying for her and her family. Let's give her the love and care she so desperately needs from all of us. Please please pray that God would comfort our Sherlyn and her family during this difficult painful time.> Thank you!> > To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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I want to extend my gratitude to everyone

who prayed for Sherlyn! You are all awesome!

I will send a copy to her of those who sent

her messages of condolence. I think they will

mean alot to her!

Blessings and light,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Humanity Healing Friends,

> >

> > I wanted to come and ask all of you to please pray for our

> beautiful Haunted Soul Sherlyn and her family. Sherlyns father


> away a couple of days ago. Many here on our Humanity Healing

> group and on my space had at one point prayed for him when he was

> critical in the hospital. The hospital had said he would not be


> home. He was given that extra time with his family. I pray that he


> finally at peace. May God speed him on his journey home.

> >

> > I know what it feels like to lose your dad and my heart so goes


> to this family. I ask that you would all extend that loving hand


> her once again during her time of sorrow by praying for her and


> family. Let's give her the love and care she so desperately needs

> from all of us. Please please pray that God would comfort our


> and her family during this difficult painful time.

> > Thank you!

> >

> >







> To worry, is like wishing for

> something you don't want !


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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Cheryl!!

I pray to our angels to visit your sister and for them to lay there hands on her and ease her pain, to confort her while going thru this treatment, to feel there presents so she wont feel alone and to give her all the strength and support she may need. I also ask for them to give you the strenght and confort that you also need. Know that you are never alone. I know what she will go thru, I used to be a nurse and lots of my patients used to be in that treatment. My love and blessings to both of you. Ms. Gypsy, Wanda.>> Family, > > My sister begins her chemo on Monday and I would just like to ask for > prayers for her as she deals with the day after shots that will cause her pain > and the loss of her hair as they have said that will happen in 3-6 weeks. > Also prayers for me that I am strong enough to help her but still able to > take care of myself. They say the cancer is gone and this is just > precautionary. So that is a real blessing.> > At any rate cancer sucks and I am feeling pretty angry that she is having > to go through this so soon after my brother death from cancer. Please also > pray that we can all be released from our fear.> > Love, Light, Peace and Joy,> Cheryl> Visit me at: _http://www.myspace.com/senegalady_ > (http://www.myspace.com/senegalady) > > **************Shop Inspiron, Studio and XPS Laptops at Dell.com > (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100126575x1222616459x1201464730/aol?redir=http:%2F%2Fad.d> oubleclick.net%2Fclk%3B215218145%3B37264238%3Bd)>

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