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How Many Times...

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How many times have you wondered the following ?

How many times have you wondered the following ?Why have you changed ? Why aren't you the same person I met ?Spiritually speaking, men vibrate at lower, more Earthy levels and frequencies, and women vibrate at higher, more Ethereal frequencies (generally). The color of some Earthy frequencies would be dark blue, dark green and brown, and some Ethereal frequencies would be white, gold, yellow, pink and aqua.When two people meet for the first time (we will use a man and a woman as an example), their energy patterns change significantly. When a man is vibrating at his normal frequency, he is comfortable in his own skin and feels alert and at peace. The same is true for a woman who is vibrating at her normal frequency, but when they meet for the first time, and there is some sexual tension between them, everything changes.Out of our animal instincts, fear kicks in when we feel sexual energies awaken within us, and we are not sure whether those feelings will be reciprocated. We don't want the other person to realize that we are afraid, so we try and mask the symptoms by attempting to make the other person more comfortable around us.The man will naturally raise his vibratory rate (and frequency) higher to try and achieve a similar level to the woman, this takes him out of his "Comfort Zone". The woman will actually lower her rate to try and achieve a commonality with him, and this also takes her out of her "Comfort Zone". Now "Jill" is no longer Jill. She is now behaving like "Relationship Jill", who tends to try and make it work, even at the expense of feeling as though she is losing her identity in the process, and the same goes for Jack.We are subconsciously programmed to believe that a healthy communication can not exist unless we are on the same frequency. After the relationship is well under-way, the two become more relaxed in the knowing that they are now a couple, and therefore a level of safety is felt. The safer the two feel in the relationship, the more likely it is for them to revert back to their real comfort zones, and begin to re-establish their true energy levels once again.As they begin to settle back into their knowingness and personal vibrations, the difference between what they were projecting, and who they really are, becomes more evident. This behavioral difference comes across as a "Lie". "You are not who I thought you were"! This is usually the couple's first real fight, and major turning point in their relationship, the "Honeymoon Phase" is over.If the couple can survive the reality that they are now themselves, for the first time since they met, and that this new stage is merely the beginning of another, and possibly deeper level of honesty between them, then they are in good shape. It is usually at this point however, when the two split-up because each feels deceived by the other, and for some, the trust issues are just too great.There are people out there who we will call the "Honeymooners" because they only stay in a relationship as long as the Honeymoon stage is still exciting, and then they move on. They are "Commitment-Phobic". They are adrenaline junkies, and only enjoy themselves as long as everything is moving at break-neck speeds. As soon as the relationship becomes deeper, they lose interest, and move on.Part of the excitement of a new relationship during the Honeymoon Stage is that it is a sort of role playing. It can be exciting to vibrate at a new, and different level than you are used to, but it is much better to be yourself all of the time, and that way when you meet someone else, they can experience the real you.The fact of the matter is that most people do not really know themselves. That is the source of their fear in the first place. They are not projecting another personality because they wish to deceive anyone, but rather because they themselves do not recognize their own truth yet. The Spiritual Path is an internal journey into self-truth. The highest consciousness is to "Know Thy-Self".


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