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Carolyn - friday walk

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Hi Carolyn!

I hear you loud and clear on everything you're saying!


On the coffee thing, my HR and BP is quite a bit

elevated after caffeine - for example, when I had my

physical in August - I had no caffeine prior to the

exam and HR was low, BP was normal. When I went in

b/c my ear was bothering me, my appointment was right

after a b-day party I was at where I had cake and

coffee and both my HR and BP were elevated. I'm sure

it is the caffeine. Now, here is a funny thing, in

the morning before I workout I don't have any coffee,

but I have it afterwards and I don't feel my heart

racing at all. However, on my rest mornings, when I

don't workout first thing and just go straight for the

coffee I can definately feel a jump in my HR. I used

to be a major coffee addict, I've actually cut way

back to just one large cup in the mornings and maybe a

cup of tea at work in the mid-morning. I only have

soda out (and only with pizza or Mcs..)

I definately hear you on eating, I haven't really

reigned in as much as I would have liked. Honestly,

even though it is the new year and a fresh start and

all I'm really not mentally up for making any big

changes right now and I'm struggling, too. Maybe it

is the winter and the need for " comfort " foods and the

comfort of our old habits - but I'm definately having

trouble sticking with any of the " resolutions " I made

right now. For instance, I should be cleaning out

files as I type but I just don't want to! LOL! Last

night, I should have done yoga - but I didn't want to

I wanted to cuddle up on the couch with a book and a

blanket. I guess motivation will come and I just need

to be patient with myself and maybe focus on one

" habit " at a time that I want to establish. Gosh,

after my ranting about soda a few weeks ago - I took

DD out for pizza today and I had a real coke! Just

tasted good. *SIGH*

Take care,


--- Festival City Concrete/ & Carolyn Visser


> hey! i forgot to post yesterday.... all i did was

> a 60 minute

> walk with chinook, but it was interesting because my

> heart rate was

> very high! i had a coffee right before leaving, so

> i suppose that

> was the culprit, but honestly i didnt think that

> would have driven

> my heart rate up so much. when i put on my HRM, it

> was already

> showing 70% of max hr! the calorie burn after the

> walk was 420

> calories, when normally, it is around 300 cals.

> hmmmm, im not sure

> what to think of that.

> unfortunately i did not get a video workout done

> yesterday :( too

> many other things going on and i ran out of time.


> as for today, saturday, ive been taking down xmas

> decos, running

> into the city to get a new microwave as ours

> mysteriously died last

> night, and trying to get the house back into some

> sort of order

> (cant wait for these kids to go back to school so

> the house stays

> cleaner!). i have not walked the dog or done any

> formal

> workout.... might have to make today a 'rest' day if

> i dont manage

> to get on the elliptical, or something, later.

> chinook seems

> peeved. ::sigh::


> also, the food intake has been BAD! i must get a

> handle on eating

> properly... it is the hardest thing that ive ever

> tried to do!

> :*carolyn.




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Just a quick note from me... your idea to pick one habit at a time is excellent. There's so much distracting us at this time of year, calling to us to do (new year, new start... to everything it seems). It is absolutely overwhelming sometimes! If you can pick just one thing and gain some success in it, then you can pick another thing and so on. Babysteps win the race!

(who used to always take giant steps, fall down and end up taking babysteps afterwards... now I'm TRYING to do babysteps first instead and when I do, it really works much better!)

Carolyn - friday walk

Hi Carolyn!I hear you loud and clear on everything you're saying!:)On the coffee thing, my HR and BP is quite a bitelevated after caffeine - for example, when I had myphysical in August - I had no caffeine prior to theexam and HR was low, BP was normal. When I went inb/c my ear was bothering me, my appointment was rightafter a b-day party I was at where I had cake andcoffee and both my HR and BP were elevated. I'm sureit is the caffeine. Now, here is a funny thing, inthe morning before I workout I don't have any coffee,but I have it afterwards and I don't feel my heartracing at all. However, on my rest mornings, when Idon't workout first thing and just go straight for thecoffee I can definately feel a jump in my HR. I usedto be a major coffee addict, I've actually cut wayback to just one large cup in the mornings and maybe acup of tea at work in the mid-morning. I only havesoda out (and only with pizza or Mcs..)I definately hear you on eating, I haven't reallyreigned in as much as I would have liked. Honestly,even though it is the new year and a fresh start andall I'm really not mentally up for making any bigchanges right now and I'm struggling, too. Maybe itis the winter and the need for "comfort" foods and thecomfort of our old habits - but I'm definately havingtrouble sticking with any of the "resolutions" I maderight now. For instance, I should be cleaning outfiles as I type but I just don't want to! LOL! Lastnight, I should have done yoga - but I didn't want toI wanted to cuddle up on the couch with a book and ablanket. I guess motivation will come and I just needto be patient with myself and maybe focus on one"habit" at a time that I want to establish. Gosh,after my ranting about soda a few weeks ago - I tookDD out for pizza today and I had a real coke! Justtasted good. *SIGH*Take care,Donna--- Festival City Concrete/ & Carolyn Visser<pvissercyg (DOT) net> wrote:> hey! i forgot to post yesterday.... all i did was> a 60 minute > walk with chinook, but it was interesting because my> heart rate was > very high! i had a coffee right before leaving, so> i suppose that > was the culprit, but honestly i didnt think that> would have driven > my heart rate up so much. when i put on my HRM, it> was already > showing 70% of max hr! the calorie burn after the> walk was 420 > calories, when normally, it is around 300 cals. > hmmmm, im not sure > what to think of that.> unfortunately i did not get a video workout done> yesterday :( too > many other things going on and i ran out of time.> > as for today, saturday, ive been taking down xmas> decos, running > into the city to get a new microwave as ours> mysteriously died last > night, and trying to get the house back into some> sort of order > (cant wait for these kids to go back to school so> the house stays > cleaner!). i have not walked the dog or done any> formal > workout.... might have to make today a 'rest' day if> i dont manage > to get on the elliptical, or something, later. > chinook seems > peeved. ::sigh::> > also, the food intake has been BAD! i must get a> handle on eating > properly... it is the hardest thing that ive ever> tried to do!> :*carolyn.> __________________________________________________________Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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