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Thanks Diane! I needed to hear that today - feeling kind of down.


[ ] Choice

> From: Diane Naasz <dianelnl@...>


> Just had this quote sent to me. Seems appropriate for the list today for

> some reason?


> Diane



> >There are only two emotions: love, our natural inheritance, and fear,

> >an invention of our minds which is illusory. Each instant of the day we

> >choose between these two, and our choice determines the kind of day we

> >have and how we will perceive the world.

> >

> >Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD, Teach Only Love

> >

> >


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Welcome. Sometimes down is O.K. Makes me appreciate the ups so much more,

and also that I can feel all emotions.

Sending you bunches of good enery!



At 01:18 PM 11/2/99 -0500, you wrote:

>From: " K_Ingham " <K_Ingham@...>


>Thanks Diane! I needed to hear that today - feeling kind of down.



> [ ] Choice



>> From: Diane Naasz <dianelnl@...>


>> Just had this quote sent to me. Seems appropriate for the list today for

>> some reason?


>> Diane



>> >There are only two emotions: love, our natural inheritance, and fear,

>> >an invention of our minds which is illusory. Each instant of the day we

>> >choose between these two, and our choice determines the kind of day we

>> >have and how we will perceive the world.

>> >

>> >Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD, Teach Only Love

>> >

>> >


>> > -List Archives:

>> /archives.cgi/

>> Web Sites:

>> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/cancerpage.html

>> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/

>> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158


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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Aileen

I have always been amazed, as I go forward in my esoteric-healing

studies, of the fantastic mythologies that crop up to limit the power

of choice. Sometimes I believe this happens because as we begin to

apply our knowledge, coincidental happenings occur and get attached

to the original intent. This engenders fear and excessive caution in

any further applications. A little caution is OK. It is much like

going out to dinner and at about the same time you come down with

a 'stomach' virus that makes you ill --- this creates an aversion to

the food you believe to be responsible. Also. there is a great

tendency to devise elaborate rituals and complicate what is a simple

healing process. Many religions go this route by restricting

interventions to only a selected few performing only 'authorized'

procedures. Each of us has the power to choose to intervene where we

want to based upon an essentially pure (unselfish) and loving intent

(motive). We never have a comprehensive knowledge of any situation.

We, therefor, must always proceed on insufficient information. This

is where intuition comes in to enable us to see the 'right' as we are

given to see that right. We are merely instruments of a Higher Source

and we are called, consciously or unconsciously, to serve Its

purposes. So, all(?) things considered, " Ain you harm no one, do what

you will. " (A. Crowley)


Ken Triplett


> Greetings all,

> Thank you Ken for bringing to light that " we can change nothing " .

My studies have brought me to this awareness, in this third

dimensional reality of ours we have free will and free choice. Most

choose not to observe that and give their power away to just about

everything. Our power lies in the fact that each and every one of us

has the ability to choose. The reason why any healing

modality " works " is because the individual whom it is being applied

to makes to the choice to heal and then attracts those to help them

carry out this choice. Making this choice may or may not be a

conscious thing. It can be an unconscious or a subconscious thing.

This realm of the unconscious and subconscious is a very interesting



> As for the 7-7 date, I am aware of a workshop that is attempting to

shift humanity's consciousness from fear/control based to the full

realization of free choice.



> Aileen


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest


Daily Power Word: Choice

Choice:Today's word reminds us that our free will is what gives us power.Every day we are presented with numerous choices, each one affects usand those around us.The wise recognize the immense responsibility involved in decisionmaking and choose carefully. They weigh the outcome of theirdecisions based on how it affects everyone ultimately. Use yourimmense personal power to make the best choices. At any given momentone wise decision might bless many others.Recognize that choice also brings about challenge as well. When wemake decisions to act in haste without careful consideration, or whenwe choose not to act at all and be passive, or when we knowingly makechoices that are harmful to ourselves or others our personal power ismade destructive, by our own hands.Choices are what determine whether our personal power is used forgrowth or for destruction. Choose wisely; take note of the effect ofyour decisions. Your decisions may carry more weight than you realize.

Today's Exercise:Be aware of the power to choose wisely. Be careful to weigh theoutcomes of all choices you make, even the seemingly small. Arethere any decisions you have been putting off? Work through these,what is causing you to delay action?Are your choices healthy ones? How have your choices affected bothyourself and those around you? Reflect on the above in yourjournaling.

By Daily Power Words Group

In perfect love and Perfect Trust



¢¾¢¾¢¾Love & Gratitude for this go to¢¾ RaK ¢¾

forwarded with love¢¾



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