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Pathway To Joy

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self :: fulfilling :: prophecy


Pathway to Joy

Gracias*Galactic Consciousness*Autumn Moon Create A SanctuaryCreating sacred space is a powerful way to protect and heal your spirit. A sacred space is one where the vibration is tranquil, grounded and infused with positive and healing energy. To create such a space for you, pick one room or area in your house where no one is ever allowed to argue or even to enter the space in an angry mood and claim it as your sanctuary.Inhale!… Let the Universe support you.Put Live Things in Each Room You can fill your home with loving and positive vibrations by placing something living in each room. This can be potted and flowering plants, or pets such as fish, birds, turtles, hamsters or gerbils. Animals and plants fill a house with unconditional love and light. Both animals and plants have a very high, clear vibration and will help to clear out sadness, grief, anger and depression and help you usher in the lighter higher vibration of happiness and joy!Bless Your House First light a candle, and then walk from room to room, asking Divine Spirit to bless your home. As you bless the living room, ask that Divine Spirit bring you pleasant company and positive memories. As you bless the kitchen, ask that Divine Spirit nurture your body and soul. As you bless the bedroom, ask that Divine Spirit soothe and heal you as you sleep and bring you pleasant dreams. Thank God, in your own way for providing you with safe haven and sanctuary. Ask for continued protection and blessings in your home.(You can also do this whenever you travel and find yourself sleeping in another space.)Beautify Your Surroundings The human spirit thrives on harmony, beauty and balance. My spiritual teachers taught me that this is essential to our soul's happiness and not an option. Bring this energy into your life. Paint your home in tranquil tones. Bring in fresh flowers. Arrange your furniture in pleasant arrangements. Eliminate clutter and disorder. Burn incense. Hang beautiful pictures and mirrors to enhance the light. Open the blinds and shades and let the light in. If your home is naturally dark, hang mirrors and burn full spectrum light bulbs to brighten it up. Light keeps energy moving. Love yourselves enough to care and to create harmony in every room.Rock Star! Did you know that when a person dances and sings, your spirit fully enters the body? To invite your spirit in, and fill you with its loving, and healing energy, turn up the volume on your favorite dance music and sing your heart out until you feel absolutely fabulous!Peace and QuietLoud and dissonant noises are disturbing to your spirit So is music with negative lyrics, talk radio or TV with hateful messages, office or neighborhood malicious gossip, as well as arguing, fighting, and cursing. To the best of your ability keep the level and quality of sound and tone and conversation around you positive and pleasant. This includes the volume of televisions, stereos and voices. Noise pollution and thought pollution steal away our peace of mind, and we must be watchful for these subtle saboteurs of our inner tranquility. Be conscious of how delicate you are, and how your spirit needs a harmonious vibration.The still small voice of God is the most direct personal affirmation of God's love in your life. Your experience will confirm that this is true!Here are other ways to keep the energy clear and your intuitive spirit singing: Avoid emotionally charged situations Wait until you are calm and centered before checking in with your intuition Avoid setting up "tests" when it comes to intuition Be curious, not controlling Allow yourself to explore without censoring yourself. If your intuition is wrong, say "Oh well!" instead of "Oh NO!" When your intuition serves you, celebrate! Trust What You Feel Peace of mind and personal joy come from paying as much attention to the nonphysical dimensions of who you are as you do to the physical dimensions. This means acknowledging your "vibes" as readily as you acknowledge red lights, green lights and stop signs. It comes from noticing whenever anything is "off" on any level, and choosing to listen to your "vibes" so that you can make changes that will bring you back into balance. It's only when you trust your heart, and respond to these signals and act on your instincts that your spirit will remain on course and moving in the right direction.Where in your body do you feel your "intuitive hits?' Your "vibes?"In your chest?In your throat?In your gut?All over your skin?All of the above?Take a Mental Breather One way to remain centered and light hearted is to take what I call daily "mental breathers." Take one or two daily breaks of 5 to 10 minutes to retreat from whatever you are doing and simply relax into a moment of tranquility. These mental breaks can center on having a cup of herbal tea (not coffee--too much caffeine!), a quick stroll around the block, or simply sitting back and looking out the window. Taking mental breaks during the day will strengthen and tone your own vibration and re-balance any minor dissonance you may feel and instantly lift your mood. Mental breaks create an inner oasis for you to retreat into whenever you are agitated, annoyed or worried, and keep your own personal vibration clear and grounded, and light.When your spirit speaks to you throughyour intuition, notice how your body feels.It feels solid, sound, honest. It feels great!Make A Note of It One of the more exciting ways to tune into your Inner voice is and let it heal and guide your life is to carry around a little pocket notebook or tape recorder. Every time you feel any little hint, twinge, vibe or subtle notion, rather than mulling it over and wondering whether or not it is valid, or ignoring it, simply notice the "vibe" and write it down or record it. Writing down or recording these feelings will accomplish several important things. First, it tells your subconscious mind that you now intend to noticeand value your "vibes." Second, it frees you from the temptation to ignore your intuition. Writing down your perceptions clears your mind, and if done regularly, it will provide you with feedback on what disturbs your peace and what ushers it in.



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> Subject: Pathway to Joy Gracias

> *Galactic Consciousness*







> Autumn Moon










> Create A Sanctuary


> Creating sacred space is a powerful way to protect

> and heal your spirit.

> A sacred space is one where the vibration is

> tranquil, grounded and

> infused with positive and healing energy. To create

> such a space for

> you, pick one room or area in your house where no

> one is ever allowed to

> argue or even to enter the space in an angry mood

> and claim it as your

> sanctuary.


> Inhale!… Let the Universe support you.


> Put Live Things in Each Room


> You can fill your home with loving and positive

> vibrations by placing

> something living in each room. This can be potted

> and flowering plants,

> or pets such as fish, birds, turtles, hamsters or

> gerbils. Animals and

> plants fill a house with unconditional love and

> light. Both animals and

> plants have a very high, clear vibration and will

> help to clear out

> sadness, grief, anger and depression and help you

> usher in the lighter

> higher vibration of happiness and joy!


> Bless Your House

> First light a candle, and then walk from room to

> room, asking Divine

> Spirit to bless your home. As you bless the living

> room, ask that Divine

> Spirit bring you pleasant company and positive

> memories. As you bless

> the kitchen, ask that Divine Spirit nurture your

> body and soul. As you

> bless the bedroom, ask that Divine Spirit soothe and

> heal you as you

> sleep and bring you pleasant dreams. Thank God, in

> your own way for

> providing you with safe haven and sanctuary. Ask for

> continued

> protection and blessings in your home.


> (You can also do this whenever you travel and find

> yourself sleeping in

> another space.)


> Beautify Your Surroundings

> The human spirit thrives on harmony, beauty and

> balance. My spiritual

> teachers taught me that this is essential to our

> soul's happiness

> and not an option. Bring this energy into your life.

> Paint your home in

> tranquil tones. Bring in fresh flowers. Arrange your

> furniture in

> pleasant arrangements. Eliminate clutter and

> disorder. Burn incense.

> Hang beautiful pictures and mirrors to enhance the

> light. Open the

> blinds and shades and let the light in. If your home

> is naturally dark,

> hang mirrors and burn full spectrum light bulbs to

> brighten it up. Light

> keeps energy moving. Love yourselves enough to care

> and to create

> harmony in every room.




> Rock Star!

> Did you know that when a person dances and sings,

> your spirit fully

> enters the body? To invite your spirit in, and fill

> you with its loving,

> and healing energy, turn up the volume on your

> favorite dance music and

> sing your heart out until you feel absolutely

> fabulous!




> Peace and Quiet


> Loud and dissonant noises are disturbing to your

> spirit So is music with

> negative lyrics, talk radio or TV with hateful

> messages, office or

> neighborhood malicious gossip, as well as arguing,

> fighting, and

> cursing. To the best of your ability keep the level

> and quality of sound

> and tone and conversation around you positive and

> pleasant. This

> includes the volume of televisions, stereos and

> voices. Noise pollution

> and thought pollution steal away our peace of mind,

> and we must be

> watchful for these subtle saboteurs of our inner

> tranquility. Be

> conscious of how delicate you are, and how your

> spirit needs a

> harmonious vibration.


> The still small voice of God is the most direct

> personal affirmation of

> God's love in your life. Your experience will

> confirm that this is

> true!




> Here are other ways to keep the energy clear and

> your intuitive spirit

> singing:



> Avoid emotionally charged situations

> Wait until you are calm and centered before checking

> in with your

> intuition

> Avoid setting up " tests " when it comes to intuition

> Be curious, not controlling

> Allow yourself to explore without censoring

> yourself. If your intuition

> is wrong, say " Oh well! " instead of " Oh NO! "

> When your intuition serves you, celebrate!



> Trust What You Feel

> Peace of mind and personal joy come from paying as

> much attention to the

> nonphysical dimensions of who you are as you do to

> the physical

> dimensions. This means acknowledging your " vibes " as

> readily as

> you acknowledge red lights, green lights and stop

> signs. It comes from

> noticing whenever anything is " off " on any level,

> and choosing

> to listen to your " vibes " so that you can make

> changes that will

> bring you back into balance. It's only when you

> trust your heart, and

> respond to these signals and act on your instincts

> that your spirit will

> remain on course and moving in the right direction.


> Where in your body do you feel your " intuitive

> hits?' Your

> " vibes? "

> In your chest?

> In your throat?

> In your gut?

> All over your skin?

> All of the above?




> Take a Mental Breather

> One way to remain centered and light hearted is to

> take what I call

> daily " mental breathers. " Take one or two daily

> breaks of 5 to

> 10 minutes to retreat from whatever you are doing

> and simply relax into

> a moment of tranquility. These mental breaks can

> center on having a cup

> of herbal tea (not coffee--too much caffeine!), a

> quick stroll around

> the block, or simply sitting back and looking out

> the window. Taking

> mental breaks during the day will strengthen and

> tone

=== message truncated ===



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