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Thurs - Chest&Back, Legs

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Hi Everyone,

I had a rough start this morning - DD was up in the

night - bad dream (I swear, I can ring my DH's neck,

he has no discretion whatsoever about what is on TV

when she is in the room with him - and he was watching

some scary movie when I got home from work w/ her

sitting right there! GRR...) So I slept in her bed

for awhile - DH woke up at 5 and was looking for me

(probably to let the dog out!) so I was up by 5:30 and

got my fuzzy-headed workout in.

Started with T-Tapp's Primary Back Stretch - Twice. I

am really kinked up from sleeping in general, let

alone cramming into a twin bed full of stuffed

animals, books and DD! (Carolyn - I know you have

neck issues and that you got some new pillows - do you

have any recommendations? I think T-Tapp is really

helping with my alignment but I'm also messing it up

again when I sleep!)

Then, I did half of Chest & Back - all push-ups, some

pull-ups and some weighted back work (rows, heavy

pants, back flys). You know, in a weird way I really

like this one and I don't find it as awful as I

thought I would. I do end up dropping to my knees to

finish up all the push-ups in the alloted time

(usually one or one-and-a-half minutes) - and

sometimes I start on my knees if he is doing a

particularly nasty variation (dive bomber, diamond) -

but I have to admit, I like the challenge and it goes

by fast. I almost think I could stand to do the full

length workout at some point (which repeats the first

eleven exercises, but in reverse order), but today I

had planned to do legs from legs & back.

I have said it before, but I really enjoy this leg

workout - not just the same old, same old and it

really hits everything and makes me sore and you only

use weights for a few of the exercises. I'm

definately going to write down the exercises on this

DVD so I can have it for future reference when I

return the " X " to its rightful owner!

Tomorrow is kickboxing and core work, just haven't

completely decided on what to pick yet. I probably

should do Core Synergistics since I'm winding down

this rotation - next week I plan to do all P90X

workouts- no subs -(since it will be my last week) so

maybe I should pick something different for tomorrow.

I really liked the Danskin Stability Ball workout I

picked up at Ross -(the one Gin leads). It may

be the winner for tomorrow along with some kickboxing.

Anyway, gotta run - DD is finally up!

Take care,




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