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Intense Light Healing

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As I sit in silence, I open (further) my heart center. As light flows

in through the top of my head, through the channels of energy, each

chakra " lights up " , as if they were the starting lights at a drag race.

As light energy enters from the top, energy also enters from

the " root " , from the earth...as above, so below.

The energy flows in to the heart, as it increases it's intensity of

light, of over flowing love...getting brighter and brighter, all

consuming, it grows beyond my body...I have " become like the sun(son?) " .

As the energy of love overflows into my body, each and every cell

vibrates in total response and state of being, infused with love,

perfection, light.

As wave after wave, pulse after pulse, like a giant explosion, LOVE

goes out in every direction - forever. In what I call seconds, love has

already returned to me, overlapped, multipled, doubled in strenght and

power, and went out again. The " giving " has brought the " receiving " .

This is being within the flow - " Being - Within The Flow " .

And as get goes out and returns over and over, attracting even more

love to it, becoming more powerful in each moment, it affects

everything, everywhere, because all has been of it's receiving. Light

and Love come to that which isn't seeing Itself as such. And what is

Light and Love, doubles in power and intensity.

Now, I sent it, direct it, to anywhere, everywhere I want. I generally

have had those places and people I have sent it too repeatedly, and

simply double my last sending by the mere act of saying so....then I

send love to what comes to my awareness...

I picture what has come...a person, a place, an ailment...and I direct

a beam of light into " it's heart " ...instantly, the heart opens to

receive, and as it begins to fill with this energy, it starts to infuse

every cell, every chakra, every state surrounding the heart.

As this body fills to overflowing, it spills out into the outer bodies

that exist...each in turn filling with love - imeasurable. This flow

has also " jump started " the heart center from a no, or low flow

condition. The heart leads to the same source of the love I'm sending,

it reconizies Itself. By this, it flows, and expands, and increases the

love flowing.

I increase the light, and the love flowing in it's being, until they

are nothing but this light. Their entire enviroment becomes consumed.

Everyone who comes in contact with, is drawn to them, is affected. It

expands out to their home, family, co-workers, community...ever

increasing, ever expanding, ever becoming....

Totally Consumed In Love !

To heal, or be healed...simply send it love with intensity of light.


" Loving Words Into Being "




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