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Are You Ready For True Love ?

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Awakening Light Int. (Las Vegas NV)

Are You Ready For True Love...

that's the real question? Pt.2 Rev. Israel Malik Esters

So the real Question when considering allowing someone into you life world and affairs, as a romantic partner....one that you will ultimately, share everything with; One that you will have to stand naked before and not be ashamed; The question one needs to ask is "What am I trying to heal by entering into this affair? What am I expecting this person to do for me, that I haven't done for myself? What am I attempting to avoid?" You say that sounds so NOT romantic, and yet it is the most ROMANTIC THING YOU CAN DO FOR YOURSELF! Have you truly loved and valued and honored yourself? In the relationship of your ego and the divine self, have you learned how to love and cherish you? Or are you looking and wanting someone else to do it? You see I find it fascinating that when pressed, people will describe the person they want. "I want someone who will appreciate me, love me, care for me, take care of me, sex me, honor me and hold me tight when I need it. I want someone who won't lie to me." And yet my question to you my friend is how long have you been lying to yourself? How long have you been lying to yourself about the pain YOU ARE REALLY IN? How long have you been lying to yourself about your choices and about your life? How long have you've been lying about who you really are? Yes, my initial question was "Are You READY For True Love? Well? Do you appreciate you? Do you CARE for your OWN heart? If you do then why do you continue to place yourself in the same "heart-breaking" situations? I know this is tight for some of you...if you've been lying to yourself for an extended amount of time, deluding yourself, you certainly won't want to hear this! But you must in order to be totally free to love and be love completely without all of the drama!

You want someone to take care of you, but do you REALLY take care of yourself? Are you addressing your mental health issues? Are you working diligently on your emotional blocks? And are you caring for your body temple?

Now you tell me honestly, DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU'RE READY FOR TRUE LOVE? You see you must understand one of the aspects of true love; True love is also about providing these things mentioned above, for your partner. The very real truth is you cannot provide anything to anyone that you have not or cannot provide for yourself first! So the break-down goes something like this; You have two broken people or one that is more broken than the other, and they get into this relationship based on all of the falsehoods I presented in Chapter One. They come together with the giddy anticipation that their needs are going to be met...."yippy, I found someone, I found someone! Oh this is it! He's perfect, he's the one! She's IT!" It's almost...ALMOST, funny. They're both standing there with a cup in their hands and signs around their necks which say "Fill me up, make me happy!" They're standing there gazing into each others' eyes with those stupid, "I'm in love" grins on their faces...but both cups are empty! Or you have one with a full cup who thinks, "I can give them some of mine." (if I just love them enough they will be all right) So that one (and this is classic) gives and gives and gives and gives and gives.....and gives...and g-i-v-e-s a...n...d...... gg....ii....vv..ees, until they have nothing TO GIVE; And you stand there wondering, why the "perfect" one is not giving back to you? Well, they started off with nothing in their cup and you get closer thinking" but I've been giving....and then you see....THEIR cup is made of paper, and it has a HOLE IN IT! LESSON ONE (GET READY, HERE COMES A FAST BALL OF TRUTH!)

YOU CAN'T FILL OR HEAL THE HOLE IN ANOTHER'S SOUL! For those that get that, I just saved you years of grief, agony, stress and pain. I just gave you a million dollars worth of information right there! If you only KNEW!You see we have looked at relationships ALL WRONG! We have to have a new INTENTION when it comes to relationships. When two complete or fairly complete ego souls come together, the INTENTION is totally different than the Cinderella waiting on the prince....or the prince looking for that perfect Cinderella. Two spiritual souls see that relationship is about knowing and growing more of whom the other IS already! It's about becoming more of whom I AM; More loving, more dynamic, more in tune with the infinite, and loving my partner for motivating me to be and express who I AM already! Good GOD that's good preaching! I'll save that for Part 4.So say the next 22 words aloud please. "So what I need to do right now is check myself. I need to first establish an relationship with and for myself."

Now I'm speaking for those NOT in a relationship. If you are in one, then your work is similar with the added task of taking your mind completely OFF of what my partner is not doing and working with re-knowing and re -creating myself! Everything you say you want in a relationship you need to make sure you are being that to yourself...if not, then YOU ARE NOT READY! Now how does the law of attraction work in this? When you are truly ready and are are loving and honoring yourself, and you have done real spiritual work within, your aura will be that of ecstatic joy. You see it's funny how we are; You hear people whine and moan about how unhappy they are, how lonely they are; If you are sad about being alone....YOU'RE NOT READY. And what you will attract will be another sad person. Just a glob of sadness and unresolved issues. And God help you if you are a heterosexual woman and you attract a sad man? You talk about something sad, there's nothing sadder than a man that's sad. Now when you are having a wonderful affair with SELF, you will attract someone who is having a marvelous time with their -SELF and THAT is TRUE BLISS. THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT. That is when you're ready for true love.Part Three next week: How can you be ready for TRUE LOVE when you won't release the old?


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