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Becoming An Elegant Spirit

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Becoming An Elegant Spirit

~ Thank you ~RoseOneHeart

"The Creation of Health" by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. and Caroline M. Myss, M.A.Becoming an aware human being is a full-time job. At times, you might regret your ever having stepped foot on this path because awareness does not necessarily make your life easier. In fact, it will most certainly bring you challenges that seem to be monumental. To see clearly, to have the inner vision clear enough to penetrate the illusions other people still maintain can be very dangerous. Spiritual power is not earned casually. Regardless of what information you may pour into your brain, and how well you may intellectually understand Buddhism, Zen or the Christian mystical traditions, the intellect is no match for the soul. Your life will most certainly change if you direct it toward spiritual awakening. The wisdom of your soul will take over the driver's seat of your life, and your lesser needs, those coming from fear or illusion, will ride along like hitchhikers until you are ready to drop them off. Once you accept the journey to become whole, to become an elegant spirit, you can not go backwards. You cannot become "unaware" ever again. You can take a detour or two, but you cannot release awareness once it is your own. It is yours for all eternity. As the Course in Miracles so beautifully says, "It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when." We offer the following suggestions for those on the path to becomingELEGANT SPIRITS. Personal values must be based upon the truth of your origin. YOU ARE SPIRIT. You command energy to take form according to your thoughts, feelings and words, and you are responsible for the quality of that which you contribute to the creation of life. It is, therefore, in your own best interest as well as that of others to create with love and wisdom. Keep your words, thoughts and emotions clear and honest. Universal Principles serve as guidelines for creation: cause and effect, what is in one is in the whole, manifestation is the result of intention. These, and all other Universal Principles, are your power tools. The more you know and understand Universal Principles, the more empowered you become. Each person who enters into your life is a reflection of some aspect of your own being. Likewise, you are a reflection for each person also. Whether you are drawn to their positive qualities, or repelled by their negative traits, you are only seeing yourself. This reflection is often difficult to see clearly because the depth of the reflection is usually disguised by the personality of the individual. If you can look beyond the personality traits, you will see yourself in the depths of a person's motivations, fears, strengths and compassion. Blaming others, therefore, serves no purpose. All artificial barriers that separate the essential oneness of life should be disregarded. Boundaries between nations which maintain that certain people are different than others are obsolete, meaningless and serve only to separate people from one another. Allegiance belongs to life itself. Life has no boundaries. It thrives anywhere there is love. Likewise, the boundaries that are now present among all of the other kingdoms of life - animal, mineral and plant - - are also artificial barriers that prevent respect, inter-species communication and emotional bonding. All life has consciousness. What is in one is in the whole. Apply this reaching to your life and all that you create, realizing that every positive and negative action you put into motion affects the whole of time. Time and space are nonexistent in the dimension of thought. Thoughts travel in an instant. Therefore, learn to think in terms of your thoughts as a multi-level communications system in which such activity as healing at a distance can be accomplished. Because thoughts are power, develop a quality-control checkup on yourself on a regular basis. When you feel that too much negativity is present in your system, do something to heal yourself immediately. Pay attention to the law of cause and effect, and study the consequences of your actions, words and thoughts, realizing at all times that YOU are the creator behind that which you are studying. Heal your own addiction to violence in any and every form; actions, attitudes, words, habits and thoughts. Our violent natures create our violent politics, weapons, and all violent human actions and interactions. We all have violence in us. Our world is a violent world, and these proclivities have entered into us through the very air that we breathe. Remember that violence breeds disease and destroys the human emotional system. Study those desires in your life that control you, and strive to release yourself from anything artificial that exerts power over you: drugs, alcohol, negative habits, fears -- anything that causes you to lose power. Remember at all times that you are constantly healing. The process of healing is a VERB and not a NOUN. Your body is reacting every second to your thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences. Health is not a permanent condition unless you create it so each day. When you must take time to heal, do it gently. Healing through force of will alone, through determination without self-compassion, is a form of self-inflicted violence. Don't resent your body for breaking down; learn from the experience so that it does not have to be repeated. Trust the process of healing. It has an intelligence of its own. Learn to listen to what your body needs and to what your spirit needs. Above all, value your health and your well-being as your first priority. Honor THYSELF. Clearly define in your heart your spiritual principles. Know and be clear about what you believe. Do not accept beliefs without question. Keep your focus on yourself and not on others. Set time aside each day for your spiritual practice. Meditation and prayer are essential. Learn to be still and hear the inner voice of your soul.Above all, practice loving. Unconditional love requires the ultimate of efforts and it reaps the ultimate of rewards.Teilhard de Chardin said that when we discover how to be truly loving, we will have discovered the power of fire for the second time.May we all discover the power of fire for the second time and, in doing so, heal ourselves, heal our planet and enter into the twenty-first century as a global community of ELEGANT SPIRITS.



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